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PSAE Region IV – Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials I-1

Farm Electification

Delfin C. Suministrado Omar F. Zubia

Professor Assistant Professor
Agricultural Machinery Division
Institute of Agricultural Engineering
College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology
College, Laguna


Electricity is one of the most versatile and widely used forms of energy. It is an
important component of the country’s economy. Most agricultural operations are becoming
more dependent on electricity.

This text is designed to assist the reader in attaining basic understanding of the
nature of electricity and in developing skills in solving the problems associated with applying
electricity to agriculture.


a. Friction between moving objects. Clouds driven by strong winds can gather
huge electrostatic charges which are released to the earth in the form of lightning.
b. Pressure (Piezoelectricity). Certain types of crystals produce a voltage when
subjected to pressure.
c. Heat (Thermoelectricity). Voltage is produced when the junction of two unlike
metals is heated. Thermocouples use the principle of thermoelectricity.
d. Chemical action. Batteries and fuel cells rely on chemical reaction to produce
e. Light (Photoelectricity). Solar or photo cells convert radiant energy to electrical
f. Magnetism. Magnetism produces a voltage by operating on the principle of
electromagnetic induction.


A. Electrical units

Ratio of
mks and SI magnitude
Quantity Symbol Equation cgs unit
unit of SI to
cgs unit
Ampere (A)
E E q Andre Marie
Current I I  ;I  ;I  Abampere
R Z t
Coulomb (C)
Quantity q q = it; q = CE Abcoulomb Augustin 10-1
Volt (V)
Electromotive W Alessandro
E E = IR; E  Abvolt
Ohm (Ω)
E l Georg Simon
Resistance R R ; R Abohm
RA Ohm-cm
Resistivity ρ  Abohm-cm

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Electrical units continued…

Ratio of
mks and SI magnitude
Quantity Symbol Equation cgs unit
unit of SI to
cgs unit
Mho, siemens
A (S)
Conductance G G Abmho Werner von 10-9
l Siemens
l l
Conductivity γ    Abmho per cm Mho per cm 10-11
 RA
Farad (F)
q Michael
Capacitance C C Abfarad
Self-inductance L L  N Abhenry Henry (H) 109
Henry (H)
inductance M M  K L1 L2 Abhenry Joseph Henry 109
Joule (J)
James Prescott
W W = EIt Erg
Energy W
Wh Wh  Watthour (Wh) 36 x 109
Wh Kilowatthour
kWh kWh  (kWh)
36 x 1012
Watt (W)
P P = EI Abwatt James Watt 107
P  EI ;
Active power P dt Abwatt Watt (W) 107
P  EI cos 
Var (means
Reactive power jq q=EIsinθ abvar volt-ampere- 107
Power factor pf pf   1
EI P  Q2

1 Cycles per sec, Cycles per sec,

Frequency f f  Hz Hz
Period T T  Sec Sec (s) 1
Angular   2f Radians per Radians per
ω sec sec

XL X L  2fL Abohm Ohm (Ω) 109

Reactance, 1
XC XC  Abohm Ohm (Ω) 109
capacitive 2fC
Impedance Z Z   R2   X L  X C 2 Abohm Ohm (Ω) 109
Conductance G G 2
Abmho Siemens (S) 10-9
Susceptance B B Abmho Siemens (S) 10-9
Admittance Y Y  G2  B2 Abmho Siemens (S) 10-9

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B. Units for magnetic properties

Multiplier to
SI and rationalized
Quantity Symbol Equation Gaussian & cgs unit convert cgs
to SI
Gilbert (Gb) 10
force (mmf)
F F  0.4NI William Gilbert ampere-turns (At)
(1540-1603) 4
weber (Wb), volt-
F maxwell (Mx), G-cm2 second (V-s)
Magnetic flux Φ   James Clerk Maxwell 10-8 Wilhelm Eduard
 (1831-1879) Weber
Magnetic field F Oersted (Oe), Gb/cm
strength H H  Hans Christian Ørsted
10 3 At/m
(intensity) l (1777-1851) 4
Magnetic flux  Gauss (G) tesla (T), Wb/m2
B B Karl Friedrich Gauss 10-4 Nikola Tesla
A (1777-1855) (1856-1943)
Reluctance   Gb/Mx At/Wb
Permeability μ  G/Oe T-m/At


A. Atom

 The smallest portion into which an element

can be subdivided without losing its
physical and chemical properties
 The nucleus contains protons (+) and
neutrons; electrons (-) are distributed in
the shells of the atom
 The number of electrons and protons are Lithium atom
equal, thereby producing an overall
 Valence electrons are outermost electrons (farthest from the nucleus)
- control the chemical and electrical properties of an atom
- move randomly from one atom to nearby atoms
- random movement of electrons does not produce any permanent change
- an outside force disturbs this balance ( i.e., battery, application of heat), the
electrons will tend to move in one direction
 Negatively charged – if an object contains more number of total electrons than the
total protons
 Positively charged – if an atom contains fewer number of total electrons than the
total protons

B. Units of charge

 Elementary charge unit (ECU) – the amount of electrical charge on a single electron
 Coulomb (C) – used to measure quantity of electric charge; approximately equal to
6.24 x 1018 ECU.

C. Current

 The result of non-random movement of electrons

 Defined as the rate at which electrical charge flows

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charge (q)
current (I) 
time (s) Flow of
Flow of electrons
where: I = current in ampere, A current that carry
q = charge in coulomb, C the
t = time in second, s charges
+ Battery –
 Measured in amperes (A)
 One ampere is equal to one coulomb per
second Current flow

D. Electromotive force (emf) and potential difference

 Not a force, despite its name

 Causes electric charge to flow in an electrical system having potential difference
joule (J)
 Measured in volts, volt (V) 
coulomb (C)
 May be generated by means of mechanical, magnetic, pressure, thermal, radiation or
chemical effects

E. Electrical Resistance

 The ability of a material to resist the flow of electrical charge when subjected to a
given potential difference
 Electrical resistance is measured in ohm
 Resistivity is a property of a material to
oppose the flow of electric current
where: R = resistance in ohm, Ω Resistance of a piece of wire
L = length of wire in meter, m
A = cross-section area of wire in square meter, m2
ρ = resistivity in ohm-meter, Ω·m

Table 1. Electric resistivity of some metals.

Temperature coefficient
Resistivity at 20°C
Material of resistance at 20°C
(per °C)
Aluminum 2.83 x 10-8 4.03 x 10-3
Copper 1.72 x 10-8 3.93 x 10-3
Gold 2.24 x 10-8 3.4 x 10-3
Iron 9.71 x 10-8 6.4 x 10-3
Lead 22 x 10-8 3.87 x 10-3
Mercury 98 x 10-8 8.9 x 10-4
Nichrome 100 x 10-8 4 x 10-4
Platinum 10.6 x 10-8 3 x 10-3
Silver 1.63 x 10-8 3.8 x 10-3
Tungsten 5.51 x 10-8 5 x 10-3
Carbon (graphite) 1.5 x 10-5
Germanium (pure) 5 x 10-1
Silicon (pure) 3 x 103
Glass 107 – 1010
Quartz 7.5 x 1017

 The lower the resistivity of the material, the better conductor it is

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 Conductors are materials which has low resistance to electron flow

 Insulators are materials which has high resistance to electron flow
 Semiconductors are materials having an intermediate resistance to electron flow;
usually used in construction of solid state electronic devices such as diodes and
 Most conductors increase its electrical resistance with an increase in temperature

Rt  Ri 1  T 
where: Rt = resistance at specified temperature in ohm, Ω
Ri = resistance at reference temperature in ohm, Ω
α = temperature coefficient of resistance, per °C
T = temperature diffenrence between specified ad reference, °C

Example 1: A piece of copper wire has a cross section area of 2.0 mm 2 and a length of 5
meters. What is the electrical resistance at 20°C?
L 1.72 10-8   m  5 m   1000 mm 

R     0.043  or 43 m
A 2 mm 2  m 

Example 2: What will be the resistance of the wire in example 1 at 75°C?

  3.93  10 3 
Rt  Ri 1  T   0.0431    55C    0.0523  or 52.3 m
  C 

 Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance ( G  ), measured in mhos.
 Conductivity is the ability of material to conduct electricity; reciprocal of resistivity.
 Superconductivity is a phenomenon when conductors lose their resistance in extreme

F. Fundamental Laws

1. Ohm’s law

 States that the current flowing in a circuit varies directly with the electrical pressure
and inversely with the opposition
 This relationship maybe express as:
E  IR or I or
where: R = resistance in ohm, Ω
E = voltage in volts, V
I = current in ampere, A

Example 3: A 40-W electric lamp draws a current of 0.25 ampere at 120 volts. What is
the resistance of the lamp?
E 120 V
R   480 
I 0.25 A

Example 4. What is the current drawn by a 600-Ω resistor when a potential difference of
25 volts is maintained across it?
E 25 V
I   0.0417 A or 41.7 mA
R 600 

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2. Kirchhoff’s current law

 Because charge cannot be created but must be conserved, the sum of the current in
a node must be equal to zero

3. Kirchhoff’s voltage law

 The net voltage around a close circuit is zero

G. Power Calculations (Joule’s Law)

 The power dissipated by an electrical circuit is given by:

 The common unit of electric power is watt.
 An instrument called a wattmeter measures power. The wattmeter gives a reading of
the product of the current and voltage in a circuit.
P  IE or P or P  I 2R
where: P = power in watt, W
R = resistance in ohm, Ω
E = voltage in volts, V
I = current in ampere, A

 coulomb  joule  joule

watt   ampere volt    
 second  coulomb  second

 Actual formula: P  IE  power factor

 The value of the power factor depends on the kind of opposition offered. It is never
greater than 1.
 Power factor is equal to one (1) for heaters, electric ranges and incandescent lamps.
The opposition is pure resistance.
 Power factor is between 0.6 to 0.8 for electric motors.

Example 5. A piece of wire has a resistance of 50 Ω. How much power is dissipated in the
wire if it carries a current of 0.50 A?
P  I 2 R   0.50 A   50    12.5 W

Example 6. What is the current drawn by a 1000-W electric flat iron operated at 220 V?
P 1000 W
P  IE  I    4.54 A
E 220 V

H. Energy Calculations

 Energy is the power expended or used over a period of time

E 2t
W  IEt or W  or W  I 2 Rt
where: W = energy in watt, W I = current in ampere, A
R = resistance in ohm, Ω t = time in second, s
E = voltage in volts, V

1 Wh  3600 watt - seconds  3600 joules

 The common unit of electric energy consumption is watt-hour (Wh)

 A kilowatt-hour is the energy consumed when a power of one kilowatt is used
steadily for one hour.
 Total energy use over a period is measured by a watt-hour meter or kilowatt-hour
meter. This type of meter is used for billing customers for electric usage.
 Kh factor is printed on the nameplate of the kilowatt-hour meter. Range = 1.5-5.0
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K h  no. of disk revolutions

Power usage (watthours) 

Example 7. A 60 Ω lamp is left connected to a 220-V source for 3 hours. How much
energy is taken from the source?
E 2 t  220 V   3 hours
W    2,420 Wh or 2.42 kWh or 8.712 MJ
R 60 

Example 8. All electrical equipment is off except an electric motor. The kilowatthour-
meter-disk revolutions are counted for a period of 6 minutes. The disk makes 20
revolutions and the Kh factor of the meter is 2.5. Determine the energy that would be
used by this motor if it were operated for 1 hour. What is the power input to the motor?

Energy (Wh)  K h  no. of disk revolutions  2 .5  20  50 Wh

60 minutes
in 6 minutes : Power  50 Wh  hour
 500 W
6 minutes
Energy consumed by the motor in an hour  500 Wh or 0.5 kWh
Power input to the motor  500 W

I. Network Configurations and Transformations.

1. Resistive circuits

 The equivalent resistance connected in series: RS  R1  R2  R3  ...  Rn

1 1 1 1 1
 The equivalent resistance connected in parallel:     ... 
RP R1 R2 R3 Rn

2. Capacitors in combination

 Capacitance is measured in farad (F):

1 1 1 1 1
 The equivalent resistance connected in series:     ... 
C S C1 C 2 C 3 Cn
 The equivalent capacitance connected in parallel: C P  C1  C 2  C 3  ...  C n

3. Voltage divider

 the concept is closely related to resistors connected in series

 the voltage across each resistor is directly proportional to the ratio of its resistance to
the total series resistance of the circuit

4. Current divider

 the concept is closely related to resistors in parallel

 the current divides in inverse proportion to the resistances of the individual parallel

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5. Δ-Y transformation

Rb Rc R1 R2  R2 R3  R3 R1
R1  Ra 
Ra  Rb  Rc R1
Ra Rc R1 R2  R2 R3  R3 R1
R2  Rb 
Ra  Rb  Rc R21
Ra Rb R1 R2  R2 R3  R3 R1
R3  Rc 
Ra  Rb  Rc R3

6. Equivalent circuits

 it is always possible to view a very complicated circuit in terms of much simpler

equivalent source and load circuits

a. Thevinin’s theorem

From the point of the view of the load, any network composed of ideal voltage and
current sources, and of linear resistors, may be represented by an equivalent circuit
consisting of an ideal voltage source in series with an equivalent resistance.

b. Norton’s theorem

From the point of view of the load, any network composed of ideal voltage and current
sources, and of linear resistors, may be represented by an equivalent circuit consisting of
an ideal current source in parallel with an equivalent resistance.

J. Two Categories of Electrical Systems

Direct Current (DC) Alternating Current (AC)

 Characterized by non-variant current flow  Characterized by an alternating flow of
in one direction at all times in two directions
 Common source are batteries,  Most common variation is of a sine wave
thermocouples, solar cells, and rotating
dc generators

1. Advantages of AC over DC.

 Easily produced
 Cheaper to maintain
 Can be distributed to farther distance with low voltage drop than DC
 AC voltage can easily be transformed from lower to higher and then to lower and/or
desired voltage level as it passes the distribution line

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2. Phase relations and power in AC circuits

P  EI cos 

where: P = power in watt, W

E = voltage in volts, V (rms)
I = current in ampere, A (rms)
 = phase-shift angle

True power Watts

cos   power factor  
Apparent power Volt  Ampere

True power  EI cos  Watts

Apparent power  EI  volt - ampere (VA)

 When voltage and current are in phase, all the power is positive.
 When circuit contains elements with other than pure resistance (capacitance or
inductance), phase shift will occur between voltage and current waves.
 Reactive power, in VAR units, is the power below the axis. It is “ watt-less” and does
no useful work. VAR means volt-ampere-reactive.

Example 9. Determine the true power output of an AC circuit with a voltage of 120 volts,
a current of 10 amperes and a phase shift of 20o between voltage and current.

True power  EI cos   120 V 10 A  cos 20  1128 W

Example 10. Determine the power factor and phase shift angle for a circuit where the
true power is found to be 3840 watts, the voltage is 240 volts and the current is 20

True power 3840 W

cos    0.8
Apparent power 240 V  20 A

  cos 1  0.8  36.87

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 For AC, Ohm’s law is expressed as:

I where Z = impedance
where: I = current in ampere, A
E = voltage in volts, V
Z = impedance, Ω

3. Inductance and inductive reactance

 Coils of wire such as those found in transformers, relays, and motors have inductive
 Inductance is the property to oppose current change.
 The following formula is used to calculate the inductive reactance:

X L  2fL
where: XL = inductive reactance in ohm, Ω
f = frequency in hertz, Hz
L = inductance in henry, H

Example 11. If a coil known to have an inductance

of 0.1 henry is connected to a 60 Hz source, what
is the inductive reactance?

X L  2fL  2  60 Hz  0.1 H  37.7

 Current in AC circuit with pure inductance will

lag the voltage by 90o.
 Inductors in series: LT  L1  L2  ...  Ln
1 1 1 1
 Inductors in parallel:    ... 
LT L1 L2 Ln

4. Capacitance and capacitive reactance

 The amount of electric charge that a capacitor receives for each volt of applied
potential is called its capacitance.
 Capacitance is measured in farads but practical devices are rated in terms of

1 microfarad = 1μf = 10-6 farad = ( 1 f / 1,000,000 )

 The following formula is used to calculate the capacitive reactance:

XC 

where: XC = inductive reactance in ohm, Ω

f = frequency in hertz, Hz
C = inductance in farad, F

 basic electrical elements found in controls, motors and welder circuits

 when placed across a source,
- an electric charge will build up on the plates of the capacitor.
- this charge buildup represents a storage of energy.
- the plates of the capacitor will be charged with the polarity of the source
connected to each plate.

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- electrons cannot cross the dielectric

- when capacitor is fully charged, no
current will flow in the circuit

Example 12. Find the capacitive reactance of a 13

μf capacitor connected to a 60 hertz source.

1 1
XC    204Ω
2fL 2  60 Hz  13 F

 In an AC circuit with pure capacitance

loading, the current will lead the voltage by
 Capacitors in series:
1 1 1 1
   ... 
C T C1 C 2 Cn
 Capacitors in parallel: C T  C1  C 2  ...  C n

5. Series and parallel RLC networks.

 In a series RLC circuit, the magnitude of the total impedance Z is:

Z  R2   X C  X L 

 The angle between the pure resistance, R, and the total impedance, Z, is the phase
shift angle, .
 The magnitude of the sum
of the voltages is:

ET  E R   E C  E L 
2 2

 In a parallel RLC circuit, the

magnitude of the current is:

I S  I R   IC  I L 
2 2

 The angle between current

due to pure resistance IR
and the total current IS is
the phase shift angle, , of
the circuit.

Example 13. Determine the total impedance, current flow, true power and apparent
power in a circuit with an 80 ohm resistance, 90 ohm inductive reactance and 30 ohm
capacitive reactance connected in series. The voltage is 100 V.

Z  R2   XC  X L    80 Ω  2   30 Ω  90 Ω  2
 100 Ω

power factor  cos   0.8

E 100 V
current flow  I    1A
Z 100 Ω

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true power  EI cos   100 V  1 A  0.8  80 W

apparent power  EI  100 V  1 A  100 VA

Example 14. A 30 ohm resistance, 20 ohm inductive reactance, and a 30 ohm capacitive
reactance are connected in parallel. The total voltage is 120 V. Determine the current
flow in each element, the source current, the true power and the apparent power.

E R 120 V
IR    4A
R 30 Ω

E L 120 V
IL    6A
XL 20 Ω

E L 120 V
IC    4A
XC 30 Ω

I S  I R   IC  I L    4 A  2   4 A  6 A  2  4.47 A
2 2

power factor  cos    0.89

true power  EI cos   120 V  4.47 A  0.89  480 W

apparent power  EI  120 V  4.47 A  536.65 VA

 The optimum situation for transmission of power exists when the power factor of the
load equals unit, that is, when the phase shift angle is zero,  = 0o.
 In practice, majority of electrical circuits contain devices that create inductive loads.
Therefore, capacitors are needed to improve the power factor.
 Power factor improvement can be accomplished either by addition of series or
parallel-connected capacitors.

Example 14. Given a 220 V, single phase, 60 Hz inductive motor which draws 7.6 A at a
power factor of 0.787, calculate the size of a parallel-connected capacitor required to
obtain a power factor of unity (1).

phase factor    cos 1  0.787  38.09

I L  7.6 A  sin  38.09   4.69 A

To have a pf = 1: IC = I L = 4.69 A

EC 220 V
XC    46.92 Ω
IC 4.69 A

1 1
C    56.53 F
2fX C 2  60 Hz  46.92 Ω

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Example 15. Given the same motor, calculate the parallel connected capacitance required
to obtain the power factor to 0.95.

With the power factor of 0.95, phase shift angle is:

phase angle shift    cos 1  0.95  18.19

the current through the motor does not change:

I R  I M cos   7.6 A  cos 38.09  5.98 A

IR 5.98 A
IS    6. 3 A
cos  cos18.19

new IL: I L  6.3 A  sin  18.19   2.0 A

I C   old I L    new I L   4.69 A  2.0 A  2.72 A

EC 220 V
XC    80.8 Ω
IC 2.72 A

1 1
C   32.83 F
2fX C 2  60 Hz  80.8 Ω

K. Magnetism

 First magnets were known as magnetite or

“lodestones” (Fe3O4). Ancient Greeks observed
that this material had the ability to attract bits of
 Like poles repel (N-N, S-S), unlike poles attract A magnetic dipole showing
(N-S, S-N). the magnetic fields B and its
 When electrons flow through a conductor, a direction as represented by
magnetic field will be produced around that the lines.
 Magnetic fields are lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving
charged particle.
 The forces between magnets are caused by the forces that moving electric charges in
atoms exert on each other.
 Magnetomotive force (mmf) is the quantity of magnetic field force or "push"; also
known as magnetic potential difference; analogous to electric voltage (emf).
 Magnetic flux is the quantity of total field effect or "substance" of the field; analogous
to electric current.
 Magnetic field strength (intensity) is the amount of field force (mmf) distributed over
the length of the electromagnet.
 Magnetic flux density is the amount of magnetic field flux concentrated in a given
 Reluctance is the opposition to magnetic field flux through a given volume of space
or material; analogous to electrical resistance.

Farm Electrification
PSAE Region IV – Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials I-15

 Permeability is the specific measure of a material's acceptance of magnetic flux,

analogous to the specific resistance of a conductive material (ρ), except inverse
(greater permeability means easier passage of magnetic flux, whereas greater
specific resistance means more difficult passage of electric current).
 The magnetic field force produced by a current-carrying wire can be greatly
increased by shaping the wire into a coil instead of a straight line.

1. Comparison of concepts for electric and magnetic circuits:

Electrical Circuit Magnetic Circuit

E  IR F (mmf)  

l l
R 
A A

2. Right-hand rule

The thumb of the right hand points in

the direction of conventional current I,
the fingers curl around the wire in the
direction of the magnetic field.

The orientation of the

magnetic dipole moment μ of
a current loop is the same as
The direction of the magnetic the direction in which the
force F on a current-carrying thumb points if the fingers
wire is perpendicular to both are curled in the direction of
the current I and magnetic the positive current.
field B.

3. Maxwell’s Equations

Completely describes the laws of electromagnetism and its effect based on four equations
or theories developed by Gauss, Ampere and Faraday.

i. Gauss’s law for electricity describes that the electric field due to electric charges
can be derived by Coulomb’s Law.
ii. Gauss’ law for magnetism states that the net magnetic flux through any (real or
imaginary) closed surface is zero. Magnetic field lines do not start or stop at any
point in space, but form a close loop thus any magnetic field line entering a closed
surface must also leave that surface, so the net flux is zero.
iii. Ampere’s law describes the production of magnetic fields not only by electric
currents but by changing electric field as well.
iv. Faraday’s law of induction describes the production of electric fields as a result of
changing magnetic fields.

L. Electromagnetism

Farm Electrification
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 the set of phenomena associated with electricity and magnetism

 electromagnetic field exerts a force on particles that possess the property of electric
charge, and is in turn affected by the presence and motion of the charged particles
 the voltage (emf) induced in a loop of wire is proportional to the rate of change of
magnetic flux through the coil. (see faraday’s law of induction)
 induced emf – voltage induced by a changing magnetic flux
 induced current – current produced during electromagnetic induction
 common applications: generator, motor, transformers, and ignition system in ICEs

M. Electric generator

In generators, voltage is induced through the wire as the wire is made to cut through a
magnetic field.

1. Factors which control the magnitude of the induced voltage

a. the strength of the magnetic field

b. the length of the conductor within the field
c. the speed at which the conductor passes through the field
d. the angle at which the conductor passes through the field

2. Main classification of electric generators

a. DC generator - produces unidirectional current

b. AC generator - also called alternator, produces alternating current

3. Physics in electricity generation

 The induced emf in a generator (or motor) is

60P 108
where: E = induced emf, V
 = flux in maxwell entering the armature fro one north pole, Mx
Z = total number of conductors on the armature
N = speed in revolution per minute, rpm
P = number of poles
P’ = number of parallel path through the armature

In SI system  is in weber (Wb) and the 10 8 is omitted. Since with given generator, Z,
P, and P’ are fixed, the emf induced becomes:

E  KN where K is a constant.

 When the armature delivers current, the terminal voltage is

V  E  I a Ra
where: V = terminal voltage in volt, V
E = induced emf in volt, V
Ia = armature current in ampere, A
Ra = armature resistance including contact resistance in ohm, Ω

4. Principle of operation of a DC generator

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In DC generators, the emf induced in the individual conductor is alternating but this is
rectified by the commutator and brushes, so that the current to the external circuit is
unidirectional, hence direct current.

 There are three standard types of DC generators: (a) shunt generator; (b) series
generator; and (c) compound generator

5. Principle of operation of an AC generator

Notice how the polarity of the voltage across the coils of wire reverses as the opposite
poles of the rotating magnet pass by. Connected to a load, this reversing voltage polarity
will create a reversing current direction in the circuit. The faster the alternator's shaft is
turned, the faster the magnet will spin, resulting in an alternating voltage and current
that switches directions more often in a given amount of time.

 There are three general classes of synchronous generators: (a) slow-speed engine-
driven type (75-90 rpm, though runs as high as 150 rpm); (b) moderate-speed
waterwheel-driven type (80-900 rpm and sometimes higher); and (c) high-speed
turbine-driven type (720-3600 rpm).
 The frequency of a synchronous machine is:
f 
where: f = frequency in hertz, Hz
P = number of poles
N = speed of rotation in revolution per minute, rpm

Example 16. Determine the number of poles on a rotor of a single-phase generator, if the
frequency of 60 Hz is generated at a rotor speed of 3600 rpm.

PN 120 f 120  60 Hz
f  P   2 poles
120 N 3600 rpm

 When large quantities of electrical power are being transmitted, 3-phase AC power
systems are used.
 The power is
P  3EI cos 
where: P = power in watt, W
E = voltage in volt, V
I = current in ampere, A
cos = power factor

In a 3-phase delta (∆) phase voltage = line voltage

Line current, I C  3 I P

In a 3-phase wye (Y) phase current = line current

Eline-to-line, E line  to line  3 E P

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 The main reason for the use of 3-phase systems is that for the same voltage and
current, a 3-wire, 3-phase system will deliver 1.73 times as much power as a 2-wire,
single-phase system.
 The total power output for a 3-phase system is a constant value.

N. Electric Motor

 The principle of electromagnetism as applied in generators is also used in the design

and operation of motors, but reversed.

1. Classification based on type of electrical service

 Direct current
 Alternating current (Single-phase or three-phase)

2. The theoretical speed of motors

frequency of source  60 min

120  frequency
N rpm  
number of poles  0.5 number of poles

 Single-phase motors are the most common in the home, on the farm and in light
industry. All single-phase motors require some type of starting mechanism.

3. Seven general types of single-phase, AC motors found in the farm:

a. Split phase
b. Capacitor  Capacitor-start, induction-run
 Capacitor-start, capacitor-run
 Permanent split capacitor
c. Wound rotor  Repulsion-start
 Repulsion-induction
 Repulsion
d. Shaded pole
e. Universal or series
f. Synchronous
g. Soft start

 Three-phase motors are inherently self-starting. They are common in ratings from ½
hp to 400 hp.

4. General rules for determining motor sizes for equipment:

 Consult the manufacturer of the equipment.

 If the equipment can be successfully operated by hand, a ¼ hp motor will do.
 If an electric motor is to replace a gasoline engine, provided that the speed and other
load factors remain the same, select a size equal or slightly greater than ( 3 ×
engine hp).

Example 17: To replace a 2-hp engine:

3 × 2 hp = 1.333 hp. Select one 1 12 hp motor

5. Motor ratings and selection

a. Determine load characteristics

By examining motor performance curves, we can determine if a motor has enough torque
to start the load, accelerate to full speed and handle the maximum overload which may

Farm Electrification
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Locked-rotor torque is the motor torque at zero speed. It is the maximum torque
available to start the load.
Motor code letters applied full
Example 18. Calculate the locked-motor current for ½ voltage starting
hp, 240 V motor with an H code. Locked rotor
Code letter
KVA /hp
H : 6.3 – 7.1 KVA/hp F 5.0 - 5.6
G 5.6 – 6.3
(6,300 VA/hp) × ½ hp × (1/240 V) = 13.1 A H 6.3 – 7.1
J 7.1 – 8.0
(7,100 VA/hp) × ½ hp × (1/240 V) = 14.8 A
K 8.0 – 9.0
L 9.0 – 10.0
Locked-rotor current would be between 13.1 A and
14.8 A.

b. Determine insulation system Four common insulations

systems of motors
Motor temperature must be maintained at safe Maximum hot
levels. Nameplate data most often give the permissible Class type spot continuous
temperature rise above the ambient air or the maximum temperature
ambient temperature that will keep hot spot temperature Class A 105oC (221oF)
within specified limits. Class B 130oC (266oF)
Class F 155oC (311oF)
Class H 180oC (356oF)
c. Common motor enclosure types

i. drip proof
ii. splash-proof
iii. totally enclosed

Other types are available which will protect against corrosive environments, allow motor
to be submerged in liquid, or protect against ignition of explosive gases.

d. Over current protection

Overcurrent protection rating as % full-load current Recommended Maximum

Motors with service factor of 1.15 125% 140%
Motors with a marked temperature rise not over 40oC 125% 140%
All other motors 115% 130%

e. Wiring for motor branch circuits

Example 19. What size copper conductor would be required for a ½ hp, 120 V,
single-phase motor located 20 meters from the service entrance?

From table, full load current = 9.8 A

Allowable voltage drop = 2%×120V=2.4V

Allowable resistance = E/I = 2.4 V / (1.25 × 9.8 A) = 0.20 ohm

Resistance1000m=[0.20ohm/(2×20 m)]×1000
= 5.00 ohms/1000 m. Select no. 10.

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Full-load currents for single-phase motors

Hp 115 V 230 V
1 4.4 A 2.2 A

1 5.8 A 2.9 A

1 7.2 A 3.6 A

1 9.8 A 4.9 A

3 13.8 A 6.9 A

1 16 A 8A

1 12 20 A 10 A

2 24 A 12 A
3 34 A 17 A
5 56 A 28 A

7 12 80 A 40 A

10 100 A 50 A

O. Transformer

 A device that transfers energy from one electric circuit to another without change in
frequency and usually (but not always) with a change in voltage.
 The energy is transferred through the medium of a magnetic field through the
primary windings and is delivered by means of the secondary windings.
 Transformers only work with changing voltages, not steady voltages. Thus, they may
be classified as an AC device and not a DC device.
 A simple transformer contains a primary and a secondary coil.

1. Transformer theory.

The primary coil has an alternating current in it that creates a varying magnetic field.
Part of the magnetic field links the primary coil to the secondary coil. The varying
magnetic field induces a voltage in the secondary coil.

 Step-up transformer: The primary winding has more turns than the secondary.
 Step-down transformer: The primary winding has fewer turns than the secondary.

2. The Lenz’s law

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States that the induced voltage in a coil is always in a direction so as to oppose the effect
which is producing it.

 Transformers enable efficient long distance high voltage transmission of electric


 Associated losses due to transfer of power in a transformer

a. Copper loss
b. Eddy-current loss
c. Hysteresis loss

3. Transformer voltage change

E primary N primary

E sec ondary N sec ondary
where: E = voltage in volt, V
N = number of turns of wire in the coil

Example 20. What is the primary voltage of a transformer with a secondary voltage of
120 and ratio of 20 primary turns to one secondary turn?

EP N P 20
  E P  120 V   2400 V
ES N S 1

 In isolation transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary is the same as the
voltage applied to the primary. Isolation transformer provides physical separation
between a load circuit and power source.

4. Transformer current and power relations

Powerprimary = Powersecondary,


5. Transformer current by turns relations



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A. Some useful symbols

Ceiling light fixture R R ange outlet S3 Three-wa y switch

Wall mounted light fixture F Fan outlet S 4 Four-way switch
Fluorescent light fixture J Junction box S K Key-ope rated switch
Duplex receptac le outlet S Single -pole wall switc h Distribution panel

B. Branch circuit

Branch circuit refers to the portion of electric conductors that extends from the service
entrance to an outlet or a certain group of outlets. It connects the loads to the final
overcurrent protection device.

1. Types of branch circuits:

a. Lighting and general-purpose circuits, e. g. table lamps, radios, television and

other portable appliances.
b. Small appliance circuits, e. g. portable appliances in the kitchen, dining area and
c. Special purpose circuits, e. g. ranges, air conditioners, water heaters, water
pumps, furnaces, dishwashers.

2. General guidelines

a. No point along the floor line in any wall space should be more than 1.8 m (6 ft) from
a receptacle outlet. Any wall space greater than 0.6 m (2 ft) shall have an outlet.
b. At least one wall switch controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable
c. Lighting controls shall be located to be able to light the path ahead and turn off lights
without retracing steps.
d. Provide one 20 A circuit for each 46 m 2 (500 ft2) or one 15 A circuit for each 35 m 2
(375 ft2) floor area.
e. Allow 8 to 10 outlets for each 15 A circuit and 10 to 12 for each 20 A circuit.
f. A factor of 32 watts/m 2 (3 watts/ft2) is used for all floor area excluding open porches,
garages, basements or unused or unfinished spaces not adaptable for future use.

Example 21. A residence is determined to need 70 lighting and convenience outlets, not
including those to be supplied by small appliance circuits. What type and how many
branch circuits are needed?

Alt. 1 (All 15-A circuits): 70 outlets/10 outlets per circuit = 7 circuits minimum
Alt. 2 (All 20-A circuits): 70 outlets/12 outlets per circuit = 5.8 (6) circuits minimum
Alt. 3 (Combination of 15- and 20-A circuits): Five 20 A circuits 60 outlets
One 15 A circuits 10 outlets
Total 70 outlets

g. A load of 1,500 watts is assumed for each small appliance circuit in residence.

General light and small appliance demand system for residence

Portion of load to which demand factor applies Demand factor (%)
First 3,000 or less 100
Next 3,001 to 120,000 35
Remainder over 120,000 25

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Example 22. A two-storey house with a full basement has an outside dimension of 7.3
m(24 f) by 9.1 m (30 ft). Assuming three appliance circuits, determine the total load and
the total demand load.

General lighting load = 7.3 m × 9.1 m × 3 floors × 32 W/m2 = 6,377 W

Three small appliance circuits × 1,500 W/circuit = 4,500 W
Total 10,877 W

Total demand load = (3,000 W × 100%) + (10,877-3,000) W × 35% = 5,757 W

h. If 4 or more fixed appliances are included, a demand factor of 75% can be used on
the total of the fixed appliances.
i. Electric ranges up to 12 kW have a demand load of 8 kW. For each one kW over 12
kW, 0.2 kW is added to 8 kW to get the demand load.
j. Service entrance must have ampacity rating equal to or greater than the calculated
value. Common sizes are 60 A, 100 A, 150 A, and 200 A. A 60-A service is minimum.

Example 23. Select service entrance sizes for total demand loads of (a) 22,000 W, (b)
30,000 W, and (c) 13,000 W.

(a) 22,000 W/240 V = 91.8 A Select 100 A service.

(b) 30,000 W/240 V = 125 A Select 150 A service.
(c) 13,000 W/240 V = 54.2 A Select 60 A service.

C. Conductors

 Wires are those electrical conductors which are 8 mm2 (AWG

No. 8) or smaller in size.
 Cables are those which are larger than the wires. Wires and
cables are either stranded or solid.
 Prior to the adoption of the metric system, all sizes are given
in terms of AWG (American Wire Gauge).
 Circular mil is a unit area equal to that of a circle whose
diameter is 1 mil (0.001 in). A circular mil is not the true
cross sectional area of a wire, and therefore is useless for
many actual calculations involving true area.

 
1 circular mil (1 cmil) = square mils = square inches
4 4,000,000

Wire sizes, areas and allowable ampacity.

Size Temperature ratings / types
mm2 AWG number 60oC (140oF) 75oC (167oF) 90OC (194OF)
(Area in T, TW RHW, THW, SA, RHH, THHN,
circular mils) THWN, XHHW XHHW
2.0 14(4,110) 15 15 25
3.5 12(6,530) 20 20 30
5.5 10(10,380) 30 30 40
8.8 8(16,510) 40 45 50

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Characteristics of selected insulated conductors for general writing

Trade name Operating
Type code Application provisions
temperature, oC
Moisture and heat resistant
RHW 75 Dry and wet location
Thermoplastic T 60 Dry location
Moisture resistant thermoplastic TW 60 Dry and wet location
Thermoplastic heat resistant THHN 90 Dry location
Moisture and heat resistant
THW 75 Dry and wet location
Moisture and heat resistant
THWN 75 Dry and wet location
Moisture and heat resistant cross
XHHW 90 Dry location
linked thermosetting
Polyetheylene 75 Wet location
Silicon asbestos SA 90 Dry location
Asbestos and varnish cambric AVA 110 Dry location

D. Grounding
 The purpose of grounding is for safety. Two categories:

1. System grounding – is grounding of current-carrying portions of a system. The

principal reason is to limit the voltage between any conductor and ground from rising
above a safe level due to some fault outside a building.

2. Equipment grounding – is grounding of equipment not intended to be at a voltage

potential different from the earth. It is necessary to prevent electric shock to persons
coming into contact with metallic objects which, either intentionally or accidentally,
form part of the electric system.

Note: The resistance of the human body varies from about 500,000 Ω when dry to about
300 Ω when wet (including the effects of perspiration). Therefore, voltages as low as 30
V can cause sufficient current to be fatal (I = voltage / wet resistance = 30 V/ 300 Ω =
100 mA).

E. Polarity and switching

 Polarizing – the use of colors of conductor covers in the wiring connections

a. White wire is always the ‘neutral wire’.

b. Red or black wires are ‘hot’ conductors.
c. Green wire is the grounding wire.
d. White wires are to be connected to silver-colored terminals, and red or black wires,
to brass-colored terminals.
e. All switches are in the ‘hot’ conductors.

 Grounded neutral is never to be interrupted by a fuse, circuit breaker, switch or any

other device.

F. Short circuit and overcurrent protection

 Electrical systems need safeguards to assure that safe levels of current are not
 When a short circuit occurs, damage can be prevented by cutting the flow of
extremely large amount of current.
 Two basic classes of devices are fuses and circuit breakers.

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 Fuses are overcurrent devices of which a portion is destroyed when interrupting the
circuit. They are made with a low melting point metal link which is calibrated to melt
when a specific current rating is reached. All fuses have an inverse time

 A circuit breaker is a device designed to open a circuit automatically on a

predetermined overload current without damage to itself. Most circuit breakers have
a bimetallic strip connected in series with the contacts.


The electric load of a particular building refers to the number of watts required by the
electrical equipment in use in the building.

A. Electrical Load Design Values

Electrical Load Design Values

Building Minimum Design values
1. Farm shop 4,600 3 watts/ft2 floor area + 3,000 watts if no welder
3 watts/ft2 floor area + 7,000 watts if having a welder
2. Poultry brooding 1,150 4 watts/chick, small flock; 3 watts/chick, large flock
(1,000 or more); 4 watts/chick for any size with infrared
3. Poultry laying 2,300 5 watts/bird + 1,320 watts/hp of automatic feeder
4. Dairy barn 3,450 200 watts/cow for 1st 20 cows; 60 watts/cow for those
in excess of 20 + 1,320 watts/hp of gutter cleaner
5. Milking room 2,300 900 watts/stall
6. Milk house 4,600 250 watts/cow for 1st 20 cows; 100 watts/cow for those
in excess of 20
7. General purpose 3,450 3 watts/ft2 + 1,320 watts/hp motor
8. Pig farrowing 2,300 500 watts/pen

Example 24. A proposed brooder house is planned for 1,200 baby chicks. Electric
underheat brooders will be used. What will be the value of the electrical load of this

3 watts/chick × 1,200 = 3,600 watts

B. Distribution center

If two or more buildings are to receive energy, each will have an entrance switch, and it
then becomes necessary to select a main distribution center, or main point of supply.

Types of distribution centers: (a) Indoors (b) Outdoor (c) Pole

C. Electrical-load center

The best location for indoor type distribution center is the position closest to the
equipment having the largest wattage rating. The outdoor type should be nearest to the
electrical load center. The pole type should be located at the electrical load center of the

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Example 25. Calculate the location of load center:

Residence------- 12,000 W
Poultry------------6,000 W
Pump house------2,000 W

Unit Load Left axis Lower axis

Residence 12 12 kW ×10 m = 120 12 kW×10 m
kW kW-m = 120 kW-m
Poultry 6 kW 6 kW ×30 m = 180 6 kW×40 m
kW-m = 240 kW-m
Pump 2 kW 2 kW ×40 m = 80 2 kW×20 m
house kw-m = 40 kW-m
Total 20 380 kW-m 400 kW-m

Distance from left axis = 380 kW-m/20 kW = 19 meters

Distance from lower axis = 400 kW-m/20 kW = 20 meters

D. Selection of wires for feeder lines

Three criteria to consider: (a) size to carry current; (b) size of wire to prevent excessive
voltage drop (Allowable voltage drop = 2%); (c) type and location adapted to

Properties of annealed copper wire

AWG number Diameter Resistance, Ω/1000ft at Resistance, Ω /1000m at
(Area, cir. mils) 25oC (77oF) 25oC (77oF)
mils cm
16(2,580) 50.8 0.129 4.020 13.18
14(4,109) 64.1 0.163 2.525 8.28
12(6,530) 80.8 0.205 1.588 5.21
10(10,380) 101.9 0.259 1.000 3.28
8(16,510) 128.5 0.326 0.628 2.06

Example 26. A conductor carries 4.8 A at 240 V. If the allowable voltage drop is 2% and
the load is 80 m from the source, what size copper wire will be needed?

Resistance = (0.02 × 240 V)/4.8 A = 1.0 Ω

Resistance1000 m = [1.0 ohm / (2 × 80 m)] × 1000 m= 6.25 Ω /1000m

Select no. 12 wire with 5.21 ohms/1000 m to maintain less than 2% voltage drop.

VII. Lighting

Light is defined as visually evaluated radiant energy. It constitutes only a small

portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

A. Common types of light sources

1. Incandescent lamps.
 Cheap; instant start and re-start; simple inexpensive dimming; simple and
compact installation; high power factor; focusable; life is independent of number
of start; good color.
 Low efficacy; short life; sensitive and critical on voltage changes; high
maintenance cost; more heat is produced than light.
2. Fluorescent lamps
 Efficacy is higher than incandescent lamp. 20% of input energy is converted to
light, 80% to heat.
Farm Electrification
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 Long life but life span is affected by number of times lamp is switched on and off.
3. Mercury lamp
4. Metal halide lamp
5. High pressure sodium lamp
6. Low pressure sodium lamp
7. Tungsten-halogen lamp

 Intensity of light is measured in footcandles (fc) in English system, and lux (lx) in the
SI system.

B. Lighting calculations for interior areas.

The zonal cavity method involves the procedure of dividing the room into zones.

Maintained illumination = ( Lamp lumens per luminaire × CU × LLF ) / Area per luminaire

where: CU = coefficient of illumination

LLF = light loss factor

Coefficient of utilization
Fixture description CU
Efficient fixture, large unit colored room 0.45
Average fixture, medium size room 0.35
Inefficient fixture, small or dark room 0.25

Light loss or maintenance factor

Room and fixture description LLF
Enclosed fixture, clean room 0.80
Average conditions 0.70
Open fixture or dirty room 0.60

Example 27. An 8 m × 20 m poultry handling area is to be lighted at an average

maintained footcandle of 50 fc (See table below). How many 3-lamp fixtures of 120 cm
long F 40 T12 WW start fluorescent lamps are required assuming the CU is 0.38 and the
LLF is 0.75?

Lamp lumens = ( maintained fc × area ) / ( CU × LLF )

= [ 50 fc × ( 8 m × 20 m ) ] / ( 0.38 × 0.75 ) = 28,070 lumens

Each 40 watt fluorescent lamp has an output of 3200 lumen. Therefore, the number
of lamps will be:

Number of lamps = 28,070 / 3,200 = 8.77 lamps

Since there are 3 lamps for each fixture, 3 fixtures (8.77/3 = 2.93) are necessary.

Typical data of incandescent lamp

Watts Ave. rated life, hrs Initial lumens Lumens/watt
60 1,100 855 14.2
75 750 1180 15.7
100 750 1750 17.5
150 750 2760 18.4

Farm Electrification
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Fluorescent lamp data

Lamp code Watts Lamp Initial output,
life, hrs lumens
Preheat lamp
F15 T8 CW 15 7,500 870
F20 T12 CW 20 9,000 1,300
Rapid start-preheat lamps
F40 T12 CW 40 1,800 3,150
F40 T12 WW 40 1,800 3,200
F40 T12 CWX 40 1,800 2,200
F40 T12 D 40 1,800 2,600

Some recommended illumination (IES Lighting Handbook, 1972)

Footcandles Lux
General lighting
Conversation, relaxation, entertainment 10 110
Passage areas for safety 10 110
Areas involving visual tasks, other than 30 320
Kitchen 50 540
Special visual tasks
Dining 15 160
Study 70 750

Some recommended illumination for dairy and poultry farms (AE

Handbook, 1977).
Footcandles Lux
Milking operation area
General lighting 20 220
Cow’s udder 50 540
Milk handling equipment and storage
General lighting 20 220
Washing area 100 1080
Feeding area 20 220
Feed processing area 10 110
Feeding, inspection and cleaning 20 220
Hatcheries, general area and loading platform 20 220
Egg handling, packing and shipping
General cleanliness 50 540
Egg processing, general lighting 70 750
Machine storage, garage and machine shed 5 50
Farm shop
General shop 30 320
Rough bench machine work 50 540
Medium bench machine 100 1080
Farm office 70 750
Restroom 30 320
Pumphouse 20 220

Farm Electrification
PSAE Region IV – Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials I-30


1. AENG 70 (Farm Electrification) Lecture Notes.

2. Baumeister, Theodore, Eugene A. Avallone, and Theodore Baumeister III. 1978. Mark’s
Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers. 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
New York, USA.

3. Brown, Robert H. 1956. Farm Electrification. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York, USA.

4. Gustafson, Robert J. 1988. Fundamentals of electricity for Agriculture. 2 nd Edition.

American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Michigan, USA.

5. Hambley, Allan R. 2005. Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications. Prentice-Hall

International, Ltd. New Jersey, USA.

6. IIEE. 2002. Philippine Electrical Code Part 1. 2000 Edition. Volume 1. Bookman Inc.
Quezon City, Philippines.

7. Jones, Edwin R. and Richard L. Childers. 1990. Contemporary College Physics. Addison-
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8. Richey, C. B., Paul Jacobson, and Carl W. Hall. 1961. Agricultural Engineers’ Handbook.
McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York, USA.

9. Weber, Robert L., Kenneth V. Manning, and Marsh W. White. 1959. College Physics. 4 th
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Farm Electrification

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