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Good morning Sunday. This and the images that will follow tomorrow and next
day will feature many photos given to me by Jan Alan Henderson. I'll sum up
some of these images.
No. 1, I had posted this image at TAC's website. A short number of years I
received an email from a gentleman named Antonio who stated the man in the
picture, on the left is Vincente Gomez, Flamenco guitar master. An Internet
search confirmed. George must have been thrilled to meet this man. Mr.
Gomez's music can be heard in "Blood and Sand."
No. 2 is from a Pasadena Playhouse production "The Girl of the Golden West."
George is center stage, playing guitar.
No. 4, with Toni Mannix.
No. 7, with Bob Mathias. Mr. Mathias was a two-time Olympic Gold Medal
champion and a a US Congressman. He became an actor for a short number of
films, including "The Bob Mathias Story" - 1954. The same year this photo was
taken at a restuarant gathering for Guy Madison's birthday. Also in attendance
was Virginia Grey, Andy Devine and Ricardo Montalban.
No. 8, with Apple Valley Newt Bass, real estate developer.
No. 9, with Jon Hall in Apple Valley.
11 & 12 are at a personal appearance. No. 10 includes another image as
George signs autographs on paper dishers for youngsters. Toni had
accompanied him. I don't know the location, but could be Griffith Park. I suspect
this is a time that is very close to when George broke off his relationship with
Toni in August (est.) 1958.
No. 13, with Toni and another woman sitting who is unknown to me. Place is at
1579 Benedict Canyon Drive.
No. 14, with Florice Talley, sister of Camille Antoinette Froomess, a.k.a. Toni
Lanier, Toni Mannix. Photo was taken at the Farmer's Market. Trivial, but worth
the mention is that this photo is backwards. All one has to do is look at the
motion direction of the cars and George's hankerchief pocket. Back in 2006,
library researcher Serena Enger provided to me information on the Froomess
family and it revealed that Toni had 10 siblings, was from Rochester, NY and
one of her parents (father) was Jewish. All unknown facts to Jack Larson when I
gave him the intell. Jack was a bit stunned, having only known about the sister
BTW, Toni may have assumed the name "Bernice" at one point in her
releationship with Eddie Mannix. Not sure what that is about since Eddie's
deceased wife's name was Bernice. Or may have been just a mix-up with the
newspaper writer. Which is likely the answer.
I'm thinking that George would prefer to see us carry on as if nothing happened
on this date. So, that's what I'm going to do.

Most don't need explanation, but here's a bit to absorb.

Top-Rt: One 1989 Saturday morning I was flipping through channels and got to
WOR (Channel 9 in lower NY) and it quickly began my craze of recording the
"Adventures of Superman." What was really great about these was for the first
time seeing, I was able to record the early 1951 season Previews. A thrilling
2nd, left side starts with the VHS Columbia eps, followed by the Satelitte Media

3rd row after more Columbias, is a John Field 16mm transfer to VHS. John's
VHS are really great, especially anythging in B&W. I don't know what it is,
perhaps maybe they just seem more monotone and the greys are less deeper.
Followed by the wonderful Warner Bros. DVD Boxset. Yes, could have beet
slightly better. But I love them. It's my go to when wanting to watch the shows.

Bottom two rows are the re-edited epsiodes by Dave Orbach and Jim Nolt.
These are really great because Dave restored as many missing scenes as he
could. He restored the long lost scene from "Around the World," where Clark
examines Ann Carson's eyes and finds the glass fragment by using his X-Ray
vision. So many other scenes that little by little were chopped for more
commercial time were delicately inserted back in. Also, he has a very good
quality "Stolen Costume," many of know the Warners boxet had a substandard
version. Dave started with the Goodtime broadcasted episodes and built up
from there. Great job.

Mid-center is the DVD "Look, up in the Sky..." I can happily say I contributed
some photos to this production.

The DVD "Lucy Meets Superman" in the colorized version. I love it. I want to
see 1951 and 1953 in color.

Not shown are the Nick-At-Nite and TVLand VHS I have. Most important catch
of this run was the uncut version of "The Evil Three," with Taylor's ghost in the
window and then slapping a sleeping Jimmy to wake him. Was it Macey in
disguise or was it really Taylor's ghost? Certainly didn't look like Macey in
disguise. Then there's Elsa's decent down to the basement. An absolute thrilling
catch and it finally made sense to me. At the time, 1991 I believe it was the
episode aired uncut for the first time in 35+ years. NaN probably had no idea
what they had.

And so, here's to George Reeves for all the good he brought to our lives in so
many different ways. Whether he was good, bad or indifferent. It doesn't matter.
He enriched us all beyond our imaginations. A huge THANK YOU goes out to
Honest George, The People's Friend.
Here are some cherishable items that just bump up the fun of a collection
revolved around George Reeves.

No. 1 are newspapers NY Times (upper) and a Palm Beach paper (lower) my
mother sent me back in 2006, which features Jack and Noel and their upcoming
film appearance in "Superman Returns." It was such a thrill they made it into
this movie. I wish Noel's part tho was better than her being mostly covered by a
blanket. Bother were treated royally by the cast and production cfrew, so that's
greatly important to learn that they had great experiences from this.

No. 2, we have a 1997 & 1998 TAC calendar filled with GR relative dates,
capped off with brilliant Randy Garratt Illustrations. These were fun times when
it came to the George Reeves fan base, or a term I have used in the past, "the
George Reeves Community."
No. 5 is another GR fan base moment when Armand Vaquer and Jim Nolt
coordinated a Los Angeles "Superman Week" on July 10, 2001 to honor the
50th anniversary of the filming of "Superman and the Mole Men" and the
Adventures of Superman television series. It was really a great day. If you
search out the TAC site, you'll be sure to find the coverage. In all, it was a great
turn out as everyone who attended was in great spirits.

No. 3, is the Comic Book Buyers Guide with an article on the "True Crime"
comic book covering George Reeves. Jim Mooney did the illustrations and I
really looked forward to getting this. I entered an order for 10 copies. It never

No. 4, "By George" by Mike Curtis with mostly text with varied illustrations. It's a
very fictional, quirkie story, along with a second release, which at the moment is

No. 6, the always generous Larry Ward fronted this Classics Images feature on
Noel for me.

No. 7, is a celebrity listing for a Memphis June 2008 collectable show. Another
great time, great turnout that included Noel, Janine Perreau, Greg Moffet and
Beverly Washburn.

No. 8, is the Bill Paine booklet with about a dozen full page photos.
More newspapers. Mostly obits.

No. 1, I might have already shown this. This is The Saturday Evening Post,
June 21, 1941 issue, title "Up. Up and Away! The Rise of Superman Inc." This
might be the first article feature on Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

No. 2, Newsday - Monday August 3, 1992 - Joe Shuster obit.

No. 3, Newsday - Tuesday January 30, 1996 - Jerry Siegel obit.

No. 4, Newsday - Saturday February 19, 2011 - Joanne Siegel obit. I met Ms.
Siegel on July 10, 2001 and she told me her wonderful story of her date with
George Reeves, and years later with her husband Jerry almost running into
George. Also met Laura, daughter of Joanne and Jerry. Both ladies couldn't
more nicer.

Took me a long time to finally get Joe, Jerry and Joanne's obits in one place.
Over the years I'd come across one and wonder were did I place the others. But
this excercise of displaying the collection is helping re-organize.
No. 5, Newsday - Tuesday January 28, 2003 - Robert Rockwell. Met Mr.
Rockwell on July 10, 2001. After we traded several phone calls and letters. Ace
of a gentlemen.

No. 6, Comic Buyers Guide - July 16, 1993 - Richard Webb. No connection to
George. Mr. Webb appeared in the film "Variety Girl" and is standing along side
George in the cast photo. He played Captain Midnight on TV.

No. 7, NY Times - Tuesday May 16, 2018 - Margot Kidder obit. Actress from
"The Reincarnation of Peter Proud" just didn't seem right for the part of Lois
Lane. But quickly won me over. She was terrific.

No. 16, Newsday - Tuesday May 16, 2018 - Margot Kidder obit.

No. 8, Toronto Star - February 1, 1979 - A mix of George's situation and the
history of Superman on screen.

No. 9, NY Times - Tuesday July 5, 2016 - Noel Neill obit. Good as gold. Being
invited to her house twice has been a highlight of my life. The ultimate
compliment. A sweet as can be.

No. 10, Newsday - Thursday July 7, 2016 - Noel Neill obit. Met her on July 10,

No. 11, Newsday - Wednesday September 23, 2015 - Jack Larson obit. Spoke
to Mr. Larson on the phone two Sundays before he passed away. One of many
phone converstions since 2001. I met Mr. Larson on June 9, 1996 in Metropolis,

No. 12, Newsday - Monday April 7, 2003 - Anthony Caruso obit.

No. 13, NY Times - Saturday 20, 1999 - Kirk Alyn obit. Met Mr. Alyn in 1989,
Kean College collectable show.

No. 14, NY Times - Tuesday August 20, 2002 - Jeff Corey obit. Met Mr. Corey
on July 10, 2001.
No. 15, NY Times Saturday August 3, 2002 - Harry Gerstad obit.

No. 16, Newsday Thursday June 7, 2018 - Jerry Maren obit.

No. 17, NY Times Sunday June 11, 2017 - Adam West obit. Perfect Batman for
the times of a country turning Mod.

Obits are not on my top ten list of collecting. But it comes with the territory when
collecting George Reeves.

No. 1, Movie Collectors World. Date is unknown, but if I had to guess I'd say
1988 or '89. Article by Mike Bifulco. Mike gives an insight to his book,
"Superman on Television. To date there are three edition. Each better than the
version before it.
No. 2, USA Today Monday October 14, 1996 features the upcoming Hollywood

No. 3, USA Today Thursday November 21, 1996. This is an advertisement to

order photos of Mayo Kaan as Superman. Mentions in 1936 Art Moger Warner
Brothers PR helped find a model for Joe Shuster for the newly concieved comic
strip. 1936? Warner Bros.? Anyway, Mayo Kaan is very well known and
admired in the Massachucettes area.

No. 4, Newsday Sunday October 2, 2005, article on Warner Bros. Adventures of

Superman DVD Season 1 Boxset release. Article is by Jerry Zezima. You can
find Jerry, who is now retired showcasing some of his unique behavior on
Facebook. Good guy that Jerry.

No. 5, Newsday Sunday June 14, 2009, Jerry Z again. This time about

No. 6, New York Times Tuesday July 23, 2019. Writer J. Michael Straczynski
tells of his book "Becoming Superman." A personal life connection to the
character. I love the Terry Reynolds GR Sup staue in the photo.

No. 7, Newsday Sunday June 18, 2006. Writer Diane Werts informs of the many
DVD releases connected to Superman, included the Warners Adventures of
Superman third season.

No. 8, Newsday May 27, 2013, again Diane Werts of Superman related DVDs.

No. 9, Patriot News Sunday October 20, 2013 writer Larry Tye give insight to
Superman's religious heritage.

No. 10, Newsday Monday December 12, 1994, and again Diane Werts tells us
about the latest happenings at the Museum of Television and Radio (Astoria,
Queens NY) which includes Superman TV nostagia.

No. 11, Newsday Sunday November 20, 2011, Jerry Z give readers a little
history of "Superman and the Mole men."

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