Dairy Farm 100 Cows Project Financials Excel Sheet Dairy Farming

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Dairy Farm Project Report (FOR 100 CROSSBREED HF COW - In

(Project Report i% Prepare in Inian Currency$

"& O'er'ie Dairy )nit Si*e Breed

State Project Cost Bank Loan
Margin Money Repayment Period Interest Rate

Her Plannin!
 Adult Cow Death Loss
ei!ers Death Loss "Below # $ear%
ei!ers Death Loss "#&' $ear% (emale ei!er Percentage (emale ei!er In!ertility Rate
)otal *on&Producti+e cow Rate Per $ear ",rd year onwards%
+alue o, Sol Co% (./ o, ori!inal co%t le%% tran%portation$

Cate!ory o, "nimal%
*ewly Purchased Cows Reared Cows
-ld Cows Cows Sold
otal Co%
Pregnant ei!ers
ei!ers #&' $ears
ei!ers Below # $ear 
)otal erd Strength
otal "ult )nit%


#i'e%toc3 Detail%
Cost o! .ach Li+estock including )ransportation
 A+erage Daily Milk $eild Selling Price o! Milk
)otal Lactation Period Per $ear 
)otal Dry Period Per $ear 

#an 4 S5e Detail%

or (odder Production "Acre%

Culti+ation Shed Area Re/uired Per Li+estock Shed Area Re/uired Per ei!ers 0 Cal!s Shed Area Re/uired !or (odder Storage
age1 ei!ers 0 Cal!s Shed Cost o! Construction o! Shed with (looring
O,,ice6 Stora!e 4 Sta,, "rea Detail%
-!!ice Area Re/uired Sta!! 2uarters Re/uired
)ools 0 Machines Storage Area Re/uired Construction Cost o! -!!ice and Sta!! Area

Purchase o! 3reen (odder Cost o! Purchase o! Dry (odder Cost o! Concentrated (eed
Mineral Mi4ture
odder Culti+ation Cost

+eterinary 4 In%urance Detail%

Cost o! 5eterinary Per Animal Per $ear 6 Rate o! Li+estock Insurance Premium

4 2i%cllaneou%

o! Super+isor8Manager 
o! Skilled La7our Re/uired
o! 9nskilled La7our Re/uired
:ages o! Super+isor8Manager 
:ages Per Skilled La7our 
:ages Per 9n&Skilled La7our 
o! .mpty 3unny Bags Per Animal Per $ear Sael Price o! .mpty 3unny Bags
Manure Per Animal Per $ear 
.lectricity8Diesel Per Animal Per $ear M
anlscelious .4penses Per Animal Per $ear 3eneral ./uipment Cost Per Animal

2acinery6ool%6 Electricity Connection 4 #an Purc5a%e

Milking ./uipment ; Cluster Can
# )ractor 
# )
railor8)rolly8Attachements #
Loader !or )ractor 
# 3reen (odder Cha!! Cutter with Motor "#<P%
(eed 3rinder with Motor 
Mist Cooling System
Semen Container with Accessories
Milk Cans ;< Ltr ,< *os
3enerator #= >5A
Borewell :ith Motor 
.lectricity Connection Charges
Purchase o! Agricultural Land

C& #"C"IO CH"R

otal Day%
otal 2il3 Prouce (#tr%$

3reen (odder "culti+ated in rented !ields%

Dry (ooder 
(ormula (eed "Concentrate%

Pregnant ei!ers "' & , $ear%
ei!ers Between # & ' $ear 
ei!ers Less )han # $ear 

Pregnant ei!ers "' & , $ear%

ei!ers Between # & ' $ear 
ei!ers Less )han # $ear 

Pregnant ei!ers "' & , $ear%

ei!ers Between # & ' $ear 
ei!ers Less )han # $ear 

otal Co%t

E& I+ES2E COS

Cost o! Animals
Milking Animals Shed 0 Storage Area Construction Cost
ei!ers and Cal!s Shed Area Construction Cost Storage Area Construction Cost
3eneral ./uipments Cost Miscellaneous .4penses Macinery1)ools1 .lectricity and land Cost
-!!ice 0 Sta!! 2uarters Construction Cost

W ""#8SIS

ng Milking Period (eeding During Dry Period (eeding .4penses on ei!ers 5eterinary Aid
ricity and watenIr surance
! or (odder Culti+ation (odder Culti+ation Cost

Sale o! Milk
Sale o! 3unny Bags Sale o! Manure Sale o! -ld Cows
Depriciated 5alue o! Building
Depriciated 5alue o! Macinery 0 ./uipments Closing Stock 5alue

9& REP"82E SCHED)#E

.4penses 3ross Surplus
./uated Anuual Installment
*et Surplus Be!ore )a4
luin! "!ricultural #an$

Cross7reed ( 3ujarat
#?1#'@1? Rs #,1#<1',=
'1;#@1;=, Rs
= $ear #,=6 =6


 8ear 1 8ear  8ear / 8ear ; 8ear <

#<< = = < <
& < < ;# ;#
& @= @= @= ##@
& < < ## ##
100 100 100 1< 1;=
& < ;# ;# ;#
& ;, ;, ;, =,
;= ;= ;= =? ?
#;= # '' '?= ,<@
11: 1/> 1:1 1=0 /

?<1<<< Rs
'< Litre Per Day '? Rs Per Litre
,<< Days
?= Days

8ear 1 8ear  8ear / 8ear ; 8ear <

', ' ,' , ;=
#=1<<< Rs 8 Acre 8 $ear 
?= S /(t ( or#<< Cows
,< S /(t ( or=< ei!ers
#1<<< S /(t ( or#<< Cows
#=< Rs Per S/(t '=< Rs Per S/(t
;<< S/(t #1<<< S/(t
;<< S/(t
<< Rs Per S/(t

&Rs Per >3

' Rs Per >3 #, Rs Per >3
=< Rs Per >3
=1<<< Rs per acre

#1=<< Rs

8ear 1 8ear  8ear / 8ear ; 8ear <

' ' ' ' '
= = ?  @
?   #< ##
#;;1<<< Rs
'1<<< Rs
,?1<<< Rs
= Rs
#1'<< Rs
#1<<< Rs
=<< Rs
#1<<< Rs

=<1<<< Rs #<<1<<< #'<1<<< Rs
  @<1<<< Rs
?<1<<< Rs '<<1<<< Rs
=<<1<<< Rs #=<1<<<
;1=<<1<<< Rs

 8ear 1 8ear  8ear

In 2 il3 In D In 2 il3 In D ry In 2 il3
ry ?1=<< ,<1<<< ?1=<< ,<1<<<
?<<1<<<  ?<<1<<<
Daily R e?uirement% ( 8ear 1 8ear
@!$ In 2 il3 In D In 2
In 2 il3 In D ,= ry  il3
ry &
= ? ,<<1<<< 1<<< ,<<1<<<
 ' ,1#'<1<<< #?@1<<< ,1#'<1<<<
otal Co%t /6;06000 ;>6000 /6;06000

9reen (@ !$ 8ear 1 8ear  8ear / 8ear ;

'= < < < <
#= < < < <
= < < < <

Dry (@ !$ 8ear 1 8ear  8ear / 8ear ;

, < < @;# @;#
' < ?';#= ?';#= ?';#=
# ,'=< ,'=< ,'=< ;#<,

C F ee (@ ! 8ear 1 8ear  8ear / 8ear ;

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' < ;<=?@ ;<=?@ ;<=?@
# '#,='= '#,='= '#,='= '??;?

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#?1#'@1? ,<<1<<<  < <

,1;'<1<<<  ,1;'<1<<< ;1''1;,= =1<'1';

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  #=1=<1;= #=11'?, #=1<@1@;< '<1#'<1;@? ',1;'1#
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:61A:6A<> <6<0>6<:0 ;6>=6;<; >6>;<6/1 =6:/06>=
 / 8ear ; 8ear <
In Dry In 2il3 In Dry In 2il3 In Dry
?1=<< ,1; 1#'< ;;1=# @1?=@
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In D In 2 il3 In D In 2 In D ry In 2
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;>6000 /6;06000 ;>6000 ;6>6;/< /0A6<:< <60A6;A

 8ear <

 8ear <

 8ear <

>< rate
<0 rate
<0 rate
In Dry


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