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Causes of lung cancer(1990-2000)

1.Infection of human papilloma virus type18 and p53 codon 75

polymorphism in lung cancer patients from India.a

2.Historically, Smokers-small cell lung cancer

Nonsmokers- non smalll cell lung cancer
Adenocarcinoma was very rare!
But now,
More adenocarcinoma cases are being reported in India elsewhere in
world - pollution remains the main cause in young and nonsmokers.b

3. Adenocarcinoma is also air quality and pollutants-which has led to

increase in lung cancer in women(.d)

4.In1998 ,people living in more polluted areas had a 5% decrease in lung

capacity for which main reason are indoor pollution -hydrocarbons and
carcinogens (e)

5.Prevalence and duration of tobacco smoking on a population

Decreases prevalence in women-low prevalence of smoking among

6.Cigarettes/bidis use was increased because it was natively produced(g)

7.Environmental tobacco smoke exposure may be a strong risk factor for

lung cancer.(h)
8.Animal protein foods and dairy products were found to have a
presdisposing effect on lung cancer

9.For non smokers-reason exposure to vehicles

ETS exposure-riskfactor

10.Common reasons cited

Genetic predisposition
Exposure to radon
Heavy metal exposure(k)

11.Size of particle of filtered smoke is smaller allowing them to get

deposited in distal areas of lung, they deliver less amount of nicotine
compared to unfiltered device-so smoke
tends to inhaled more forcefully- affects the bronchial tree.(l)

12.Main cause: incidence with increase in age ,control of communicable

disease ,increasing population, availability of sophisticated & improved
diagnostic techniques aid in detection of tumor.
13 .smoking was common predisposing factor, cigarettes hookah etc.

14.Exposure to fibres of biogenic amorphous silica in sugarcanes(p)

15. biomass fuel exposure is an important risk factor in the causation of

lung cancer among women in addition of exposure to tobacco smoke.(q)

11,12,13- PBCR consolidated report (1990-1996), (1997-1998), (1999-


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