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Philosophy essay.

- Introduction
- What is free will and do we have it?
- Are humans inherently evil?
- Own experiences
- Conclusion
My name is Vin van de Langenberg and in this essay I will be talking about my opinions on
the following two subjects. Do we as humans have free will and if humans are inherently
evil. I will do this in the following way: When talking about the subjects I will use theories of
philosophers. by each statement I will use one philosopher and I don’t necessarily agree with
everything they say but I agree the most with them. We had some lessons in school about
these philosophers and those will also be the ones that could be mentioned in the essay.
Freud, Sartre, Hobbes, Jung and Rousseau.
Free will.
so what actually is free will? Well free will is that we can do what we want however this
doesn’t include consequences. For example Sartre thinks humans can do whatever they
want. Nothing stops you. This is true because there isn’t actually something that prevents
you from doing something what might be illegal. This is the reason we have rules and
consequences in the world. Without them everyone would do what they want and the
human specie won’t survive for a long time. In the world corona is a big problem. With this
there came rules. In this article:
besmettingen-na-corona-uitbraak-in-enschedese-discotheek.html it is shown that with a
party people get the virus. This is a good example of free will because the government wants
you to rather not go to the party but you still have the free will to do this. And the
consequence in this case was that the got infected by the virus. If look back at what Sartre
thought you can see that he was right. The persons at the party could do whatever they
wanted to. In this case free will sounds negative but is it really that negative. Free will isn’t a
negative thing because a lot of good happens with it. This is because everything you do is
with free will. If you go out with friends you have the free will to do that so live without free
will is not possible in the world we live in right now.
Inherently evil.
A lot of bad things happen regarding to humans. There are reasons why humans d bad/evil
things. A Philosopher who has a theory about this is Sigmund Freud. He states that we
humans have three different ways of doing something. These are: Id, Ego, Superego. The Id
is that we do something without thinking about it’s an instincts. The Ego that you do think
about what you do in a realistic way. The Superego is your perfect self it stops you from your
Id. The reason why someone for example steals a car can be that they are broke and need it.
In this case Freud says that your Id takes over. The Id tells you to steal the car since you need
it. And the person that is stealing the car is in a pretty bad position so there is a chance that
the Id gets stronger then the Superego. But are humans inherently evil then? Looking from
the point of Freud humans are not inherently evil and the only evil part about us is the Id.
Stealing a car is of course bad but is the theory of Freud still true if you take a look at
something way worse like terrorist attacks. In this
article a lot of different terroristic attacks. A lot of these bombings are done by humans
affected by the wars/terrorism in their country. These people get promised things if they
committed a for example bombing. Since they are in a bad position their Id will make the
choice to do it. I do not think humans are born evil but are made the way they are due to
events in their life. I think that the theory of Freud is quite reasonable in the way people act.
Own experiences.
Everyone in their life has met with evil humans and free will. Free will you use everyday by
every single choice you make. Even with choosing what to eat you use free will. You use free
will in a situation like this because you can choose from multiple things and no one stops you
from choosing one. Free will is for everyone but others try to limit the free will you can have.
Everyone has experienced something regarding to evil humans. it can be on the news or
directly at you. I personally haven´t experienced a lot with evil humans in my life but I have
of course heard a lot on the news. Even though the media always makes it look worse then it
actually is because it becomes more interesting to watch. But still the actions that happened
like shootings are evil. Their isn’t actually a solution to the problem of evil humans since
every human has the free will to commit the crimes even though the crimes are illegal.
I believe in the fact that we as humans have free will because you can do whatever you
want. Consequences make you think about the action you want to perform. But they do not
stop you from committing them. I do not believe in that humans are inherently evil and that
events that take place in life will shape the person. I think that the theory of Sartre and
Freud are both for the most part correct. (This essay is all mostly based on opinion and can
be wrong).

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