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Letters to Shareholders


In the nearly 30 years of my professional In investing, it is similar. We always keep in

career, I have participated in a great many mind the quote from the father of value
investment debates at various levels, in various investing, Benjamin Graham: “Investing isn’t
forums, both private and public, professional about beating others at their game. It’s about
and completely among laypeople, and in a controlling yourself at your own game.” In the
number of different countries. The debate driving analogy, this means reaching the end
often comes around to returns, be these point every time. In the investment analogy, it
historical or expected. I do not recall, however, means not putting money at risk of permanent
anyone ever asking the following question: loss. We are a bit obsessed with this goal (and
"How much risk do you have in your portfolio?" maybe this is a mistake, but we will get to that
later). Whenever we make an investment, our
As if the only thing that matters was returns, goal is to not lose money on it. We believe that
and the risk that has to be undertaken to by avoiding larger and more frequent losses,
achieve those returns was irrelevant. As if the rest of the portfolio will provide solid
nobody cared about the risk. In part, at least, returns.
this is understandable because returns are
specific, easily measurable, and bring direct If I am counting correctly, over the 12+ years of
benefit whereas risk is an abstract concept, our current investment strategy, we have
each person defines it differently, and what’s bought 80 various stocks, 58 of which have
more it is not measurable – not even ex post. since been sold. We made money in 50 cases,
Nevertheless, it does not pay to ignore risk. and in 8 cases we lost money. (As for the 22
positions we currently hold, it looks so far like
Imagine you drive to work every day. It is a 40 we will make money on all of them.) So we can
km trip and it takes you 30 minutes at an say that we are making money on
average speed of 80 kilometres an hour. For approximately 9 stocks out of 10. This is not a
your colleague, the same journey takes just 20 100% result but it is not far from it, especially
minutes because he drives half again faster
when we take into account that in absolute
than you do. Every day, he boasts about how terms these losses were rather minor.
much better driver he is until one day he does
not make it to work at all. His faster journeys to Our strategy is not carved in stone
work were undertaken at the cost of much
There are two reasons why the number of loss-
greater risk. Various estimates say that from 80
km/hour onwards, every 15 km/hour increase making investments is low. First, we strictly
in speed doubles the risk of serious accident. insist that a stock must be cheap and that there
Most drivers probably do not know these must be a large margin of safety, which refers
figures and do not much take them into to the difference between the stock’s price and
account. its value. Price is always an important
component of risk for us, and low price reduces
this risk significantly.

Letters to Shareholders

Second, we strive to learn from our own the mining sector. Oil, gas, copper and nickel in
mistakes. We constantly endeavour to particular. We had an analysis for virtually
question how we are investing. We observe every major mining project in the world. As a
which things work and which do not and try to result, we became convinced that, due to their
differentiate between what happens by chance general characteristics, these sectors are
and what role our own decision-making plays. unsuitable and too risky for long-term investing
And so our investment strategy evolves over although from time to time they can provide
time. To be specific, I will give a few examples. investors with attractive returns due to their
In looking at our current portfolio, probably strong cyclical nature. Since that time, we have
only few would think about these things avoided them.
because they are mostly things that are not in
the portfolio. Not by accident, but by design. We avoid companies where we doubt that
Actually, for a moment I am going to talk about management is running them for the benefit
what we do not own. Investing can also be of shareholders
thought of as negative selection, in fact, and a In the early days of the Fund, we had three
good investor should be able to say NO to investment cases (in Norway, France and
maybe 99% of investment ideas. China) where we had major objections to the
We avoid some regions way the managements were running the
companies. At that time, we tried to fight for
You may remember that in earlier years we had the interests of shareholders. We had meetings
several investments in China and in other with management, we were very active in
countries of Southeast Asia. We devoted conference calls with company executives, and
several years of effort into analysing this region we even wrote letters to the boards of
and we were looking for good investments directors. Even though in hindsight it turned
there. In the end, we came to a conclusion that out that we were right and in all cases
it would be better to avoid this region management caused great damage by its
altogether. Investing is a matter of probabilities actions, we were unable to change anything.
and the probability that we will succeed in The only thing left to do was to sell the shares.
searching for good investments here is lower
Therefore, it seems to us a better idea to invest
than it is in developed markets for a number of
reasons. Generally speaking, it is not worth from the very beginning into companies where
taking risks that we can avoid simply by going management has the same interests as the
elsewhere. Therefore, over the past ten years, shareholders and confirms this by its actions.
the focal point of the Fund’s portfolio has been Today, approximately half of Vltava Fund’s
in developed markets. portfolio consists in shares of companies that
are managed or largely owned by their
We avoid some sectors founders or their descendants.

In earlier years, and especially in the times of We avoid companies with large debt
rapidly rising commodity prices during the
second half of the past decade, we also If there is one thing that can quickly lay a
devoted several years of work into analyses of company low, that is its massive debt. We give


Letters to Shareholders

such companies a wide berth. We prefer firms about the future, which is itself another often
with strong balance sheets, little debt, or even overlooked source of risk.
net cash and that do not rely on the capital
market’s willingness to finance them. On the We are not trying to compete with the
contrary, most of the firms we own return neighbourhood or the indices
excess capital to shareholders in the forms of Investing is not a race and its goal is not to beat
dividends and repurchases of their own shares. the competition or the indices. Indeed, such
It is safe to say that the companies we own will competition often tempts investors to take
do well under almost any circumstances, excessive risk at times when it would be rather
including a deep recession, and may even more prudent to hold back. If a stock index is
emerge stronger from such an environment. rising too fast, then the only way to beat it is
The severe pandemic recession we have just often to buy more and more of the stocks that
constitute its peak at higher and higher prices.
experienced has confirmed this assumption of
ours. It is virtually impossible to estimate At some point, the risk associated with this
probabilities of relatively rare events such as approach is so great that it loses any semblance
of sense. This is one of the reasons why it is not
was this pandemic. What is possible, however,
is to estimate the resilience of individual our main priority continuously to compete with
companies to such events. That is what we are an index.
trying to focus on. If you have been following our returns for some
We avoid companies without proven and time, then you know that over the 12.5 years of
profitable business models our current investment strategy, our return is
significantly greater than the return of the
Today, we live in a time of so-called non-profit global stock markets (Vltava Fund 392% vs.
prosperity, when stocks often do well that are MSCI World Index 236%). You surely will also
issued by companies that not only are not have noticed that in some periods we lag
profitable and never have been profitable but behind the index. These are usually times when
often may not even have a clue how ever to in our opinion it is better to put risk first and
become profitable. We are not interested in returns only second. Something similar can be
such businesses. We are interested in expected also in future.
companies that are consistently and in the long
term highly profitable and have business The goal of investing, as we see it, is to increase
models that have been tested by a number of the real value of money over the long term
crises. Perhaps this is due to our age, but we while taking on an acceptable level of risk. One
stubbornly, and it may seem even old- memory I have from the 1990s relates to this
fashionedly, are of the opinion that profit is the point. I think it is very relevant to today’s
reason for doing business. We strictly demand market situation, which itself quite reminds me
profitability from our companies. Valuing of the second half of the 1990s.
shares of such companies does not then
require that one make heroic assumptions


Letters to Shareholders

How did it look like in the nineties? their backs on them. They thought that these
portfolio managers did not know what they
Sometimes between 1996 and 1998, when I were doing. Nevertheless, they knew very well.
still co-owned Atlantic FT and was a broker by Then came the spring of 2000, the Nasdaq
profession, I made around 200 visits to my Index with its large representation of IT and
clients, mainly in the US and UK. These were telecom companies turned downward until it
mainly large mutual funds and hedge funds. eventually fell by almost 80%. Shares of the so-
Some of these investors were already called old economy on the other hand did very
legendary at that time, and I literally devoured well. Investors in the first group lost almost all
their stories. I could listen at first-hand how their money and portfolio managers from this
these investors invested around the world and group often lost their jobs literally overnight.
how they were thinking about investments. Who knows where they are now? A great many
To make things simple, all these investors could of the companies that were at that time making
be divided into two groups. In the first group, up their portfolios are also long gone. On the
there were the rather younger and more other hand, investors from the second group
aggressive ones who focused their portfolios were very satisfied and portfolio managers
on stocks of the IT and telecom mania then in from this group in many cases continue
full swing. Even back then, these were successfully in their work to this day.
companies with mostly no profits, often with This completely different approach to risk in
almost no revenues, but with extremely high the two groups was striking at that time, and I
stock prices. Anything else they considered a was very intrigued even though I did not yet
relic and uninteresting. Investors who did not know how it would all turn out. It impresses me
share their view were labelled as dinosaurs even to this day. Portfolios of the two groups
who did not understand the modern world had completely different levels of risk. Today,
(this included, of course, Warren Buffett, who, there is a somewhat similar situation in the
immune to the singing of the sirens, markets as during the second half of the 1990s.
was at that time preparing one of the most On the one hand, there are a number of very
important transactions in Berkshire
expensive stocks with unclear futures but they
Hathaway’s history: the acquisition of General are nevertheless very popular and many
Re). believe that owning anything other than these
The second group was made up of investors stocks makes no sense. On the other hand,
who, like us today, cared about quality, safety, there are many overlooked yet reasonably
low share prices, and companies’ profitability. priced stocks of companies that are doing very
There would still be nothing special about this well in their businesses. The dimensions of risk
division. People commonly differ in their views. associated with investing into these two groups
Interesting, however, is what happened next. of stocks also are diametrically opposed.
Perhaps it is needless to say so, but we are fully
For several years it seemed that the first group invested into the second group. History
would dominate the market. It had high returns suggests that this is the better and, more
and investors flocked to them. The second importantly, the safer route.
group had lower returns and investors turned

Letters to Shareholders

Are we not making a mistake? of assets into the fund or whether one should
stick to a strategy one believes in even at the
Our risk aversion is probably clear. cost of losing some assets. Opinions varied and
Nevertheless, there exists a logical objection as tended to reflect participants’ priorities. If I
to whether it is not too great and therefore may speak for myself, if I had to choose, I would
ultimately harmful. After all, it is not the aim of rather lose some of the investors who feel that
investing to eliminate as much risk as possible. we are making money too slowly for some
That would translate into lower returns. period of time than to lose their money by
Perhaps it would be better to be much more taking excessive risk and chasing after returns.
aggressive and target much higher returns in In other words, I would rather, in the extreme,
individual investments even at the cost of more lose my career as a professional investor than
frequent large losses. We are aware of this. But put the money entrusted to us at too much risk.
going back to the driving analogy, the first This is an attitude I have always admired in the
priority for us is always to reach the desired greatest and most successful investors and I
end point. consider it to be the only defensible one.
If we put aside our institutional investors
Changes in the portfolio
(mutual funds, insurance companies,
corporations, churches, etc.), the average age During the past quarter, no new stock
of our individual shareholder is 55. Therefore, appeared in the Vltava Fund portfolio and we
we naturally do not encounter any also did not part with any. We only increased
encouragement from you, our shareholders, to our positions in NVR, CVS and in TGP Class A
take more risks. Risk is a complicated thing, and preferred shares. There was no serious reason
a very subjective thing. Our view of what is and for greater trading activity. This does not mean,
is not risky changes over time, and it will however, that we were passive. We do not
probably continue to do so as we gain more measure our activity by number of
experience. However, we are unlikely to transactions. Most of our time and effort is
change our conservative approach in future. It spent on analysing individual companies and
would be easy to jump into various trends and preparing, expanding, and updating a sort of
fashions and try to make money faster stock “shopping list” that we can turn to at any
regardless of price levels. It would surely work time when the price/value ratio of any stock on
for a while, but the associated risk would be that list is attractive.
too great and eventually it would impact
negatively on returns. After all, our own Sometimes this activity brings tangible benefits
experience from 2008 confirms this. immediately, other times only after many
years. For instance, our returns over the past
Back before the pandemic, I participated in a year are not solely a result of our work in the
certain international investment conference. course of that year but the result of cumulative
One of the participants opened a debate on activity going back many years and culminating
whether a portfolio manager should buy in the current composition of our portfolio.
popular stocks even in case he or she does not
believe in them in order to increase the inflow If you think of the spring last year and the
arrival of the pandemic, you will surely

Letters to Shareholders

remember that the markets fell very quickly time matter, and then it returns to the
and sharply but also that they turned 180 dreamed-of 2%, that does not mean that prices
degrees overnight and started to rise rapidly. will fall back. Albeit more slowly, they will
So the opportunity to buy shares at really super instead rise from a higher base. The effects of
attractive prices was very short-lived, and inflation are cumulative in character.
anyone who was at that point just starting to
look around for good investment opportunities The latest known annual inflation rate in the US
missed the best prices. Relatively little can be is 5%. Because short-term interest rates and
said reliably about the future development of rates on most deposits are close to zero, this
stock markets but one thing is very likely. They means that deposit holders have lost 5% of
will be volatile and large movements of either their real value over the past year. That is a
whole markets or individual stock prices will huge amount of money, and it is lost forever. It
bring attractive investment opportunities from is actually a form of very high, hidden taxation.
time to time. We think we will be ready to react What makes the current inflation much worse
quickly to these and to take advantage of the than it might seem to be are precisely the
opportunities, perhaps because of the historically record high (or perhaps rather
analytical work we have done in this otherwise deep) negative real interest rates. If interest
relatively quiet quarter. We nevertheless rates were, say, 7% at 5% inflation, then it
cannot know, of course, which stocks this will would be easier to defend against it. But we are
involve. miles away from such a world. In fact, negative
real interest rates are now common
The letter to shareholders I wrote six months throughout the developed world. This is where
ago was entitled Inflation. I described in it the the development has brought us.
reasons why we were likely to face a period of
higher inflation. We are already in that period So whether high inflation is just a matter of this
today. Prices are rising everywhere one looks. summer or rather a medium-term
Yesterday, by coincidence, I had lunch with the phenomenon, the environment in which we
owner of a large construction company, and I have been living and investing already for some
time, that is to say an environment of
was astonished when he described to me how
prices of building materials and construction significantly negative real interest rates, will be
work had soared. Numbers like 40% or 80% here on a long-term basis and the scissors
were mentioned – and we were talking about between inflation and nominal rates will tend
to open up. We have been saying this for a
year-on-year changes.
number of years now and, unfortunately,
Central bankers keep repeating their mantra developments are proving us right. As it shows
that inflation is only temporary. In purely again and again, inflation is the investor’s main
technical terms, they are right because enemy and at the same time the main
everything in life is temporary. What matters, motivation to invest.
however, is the course of things between now
and the end of the temporary. This is doubly
true for inflation. If the current rise in inflation Daniel Gladiš, June 2021
ceases over the summer, turns out to be a one-

Letters to Shareholders

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