Common Complications of Active Tuberculosis

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Pulmonary Tuberculosis Complications

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious and often fatal lung infection. It is an airborne infection
spread from person to person. Typically, when a person infected with TB coughs, sneezes, speaks
or even sings, tiny droplets of bacteria are released into the air and can infect nearby persons.
1. Complications
o If left untreated, pulmonary tuberculosis can spread to other areas of your body, such
as your brain, bones, kidneys or the entire body itself.
o If pulmonary tuberculosis spreads to the brain, meningitis can occur, causing death if
not treated early.
o If pulmonary tuberculosis spreads to the bones, it can cause abscess, pain and joint
Miliary TB
o If pulmonary tuberculosis spreads to the overall body, more serious complications
such as kidney failure, liver failure, stroke and death can occur.

Common Complications of Active Tuberculosis

The most serious outcome of untreated active tuberculosis is death. For those who survive,
tuberculosis can cause extreme pain and very serious health problems.

Here are some of the possible complications of untreated active tuberculosis:

 Development of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Tuberculosis that goes untreated, or

particularly tuberculosis that isn't properly treated with a thorough regimen of antibiotics, may
mutate into a drug-resistant form of tuberculosis. Drug-resistant tuberculosis is much more
difficult to treat, and treatment must go on for much longer — often more than a year.

 Long-term damage to the lungs. Without treatment, tuberculosis bacteria can rapidly
multiply and spread throughout the body. The bacteria can quickly infect the lungs and cause
serious damage, such as a collapsed lung. Many people may also begin coughing up large
amounts of blood if tuberculosis continues to damage the lungs. ·

 Organ damage. Untreated tuberculosis can spread beyond the lungs and into other
organs, causing damage that can affect functioning. The liver is commonly affected by
tuberculosis, resulting in serious damage and liver function problems. ·
 Joint damage. Tuberculosis bacteria, unless treated, can spread outside the lungs and even
into the bones and joints. Bacteria in the joints can cause extreme pain, swelling, and even
abscesses in, and damage to, the joints — sometimes leading to arthritis.

 Eye problems. When TB bacteria spread into the eyes, the result can be redness, irritation,
and swelling of the retina and other parts of the eye.

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