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Journol of SCience & Consciousness

for living in the Aquorion Age

Issue #4 & 5



Mukho Singh Sohib Guruchoron Singh

R48 W. Holt Avenue
Pomona, California


Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i

Guidelines for a Su cce ssful Sadhana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Mod e ls of a Sadhana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3

Mantras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Mantras in Musi c al Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lR

Kriyas and Meditations . . . . . . . . . . . • ... .• . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 20

Sat Kriya. .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Basic Spinal Energy Series. . • . • • . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23
Beginner's Cleansing Set. . . . . • . . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26
Reserve Energy Set. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• 28
Eliminatic:n (Apana) Exercises.......................... 30
Circulatory Systems and Magnetic Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . .. 32
Magnetic Field and Heart Center. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .• 34
Sex Energy Transfo:rmation. . • . . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • .. 38
Basic Breath Series. . . . . • . . . . • . • • . . • . . • . • • • • . . . • • • . .. 42
Pranayam Series . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . • • . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . .. 44
Preparatory Exercises for Lungs, Magnetic Field
and Deep ~ tation. . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . • • . . . 47
Sat Nam ~ tatic:n : Law of Seven • . . • . • • • • . . . • . • . • • • . •• 50
Kirtan Kri ya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • • • . . . . . • . . • . . . . 51
Raja Yoga ~tation with Maha Bhcind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54
A Transcendental ~tation: Maha Shakti
Chalnee Indra Mudra . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56
Heart Beat ~ tation in the Triple Lock • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 58
Laya ~tation on Ecstasy. . . . • . • . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . • • . .. 59
C'Dbind Singh Shakti Mantra ~tation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• 60
Maha Agni Pr anayam . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61
Medical Meditation for Habituation. . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Exarrple of Special Sadhana, Flexibility and the Spine . .••.•. 64
Questions often asked about Sadhana .. .. . .. ...•. . .. . ..... .. 69

Gurucharan Kaur
Ravi Har Kaur
Sadh u Kaur
Sat Darshan Kaur
Manjit Kaur .. .. Art

Any origi nal material in this publ i cation may be

reprinted with wri tten permission fran the publisher
for spreading the Truth in the Age of Aquarius .

COPYRIGHT : May 1974

Kundalini Research Institute
of the 3HO Foundation

Second Printing - January 1975


All of the thnught, inspiration, and techniques for this srell ~­

ual have come to us frnm Yog i Bhajan ji . His openness in sharin g the
knowledge and secre ts of the sages that are the truths distilled from
ages of human experience , is the keynote of th e Aq uarian Age , and true
humility . Any mista ke s a r p. those of this scrib p. , not o f th e t e a c h0 r .
Yogi Bhajan spoke about Sadhana at the winter solstice c e l e br a tion
in December 1973, in Or l a ndo, Florida . This excerpt from his informal
talk summari z es the e ssence a nd spirit of all the pages to follow. If
this one statement is ta ke n to heart and put into practice , all other
qnes ti nns wil l be a nswered .

"A sadhu is a being who has dis c iplin e d hims e lf. Sadhana
is the technique to discipline y ourself. Thos e who crea t e
s e paration jn Sadhana, have not y e t crossed the b arr ie r s of
their mind and e go. I will show you by example . I don't
know how you can b e so idiotic to say s omeon e who is doin g a
Sadhana c a n c r ea t e t e rribl e pro ble ms wh e n ac tuall y h e is
blesse d.
Once we invite d a teacher to Guru Ram Das As hr a m, a nd
h e chose to spe ak on Kundalini Yoga . He told me t o come and
si t by his s i d e . I said, ' Nothing doing , you are my g u e s t a nd
at a n yone t i me, one teacher speaks.' So I made him sit ther e
and I sat in the ar e a where the stude nts sit . We liste n e d to
4 5 minut es of his speech against Kundalini Yoga, very calmly
and very quietly, and it didn't bother us. In the e nd h e
asked me to give a closin g remark. I got. up and s a id, ' God
bless you. Yo u h a ve given us a c hance to think how faithful
we are.' And that's it .
Sadhana is a Sadh a na. In Sa dhana, i f " Jap Ji " is read,
l e t every body r e ad i t. Let eve r y body sing with it, let every-
body glorify hims e l f . Or if there is a Gr a ce of God cn u rs p. ,
where t h e ladies ar e parti c ipating and t h ey jus t want to par-
ticipate separately, let the men go into a silent pray er . Say ,
' God, reall y mak , them a g race of Go d s o that th e y will be off
our backs.' Do yo u s e e what I me a n? WP. alway s can h e lp e ach
other so there i s no p r o b l e m. But we ha ve a habit of doubting
e v e r y thing to th p. ext e nt t hat we b e c o me a living doubt! Doubt,
dn llbt , do ubt, every th in g doubt.
I feel in t h e mornin g when y ou go f or S adhana, you a re
go ing to be sadhus. What does i t mat te r i f s ome bod y j u st gets
up to say , 'Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm?' That p e rs on i s still doi ng it!
He is doinq somet hin g ; he is n o t sleeping ; it i s fa r better
t h a n a ' ma n who is s n ori n g. Do yo u un d e r sta nd? Sa dh a n a is a
wi ll f ul effo rt to prnve yo u a r p. no t l a z y a b o u t yo ur own i n fin -
ity . When t h e s un r i se s early in th e day , eve n idints r isp. ,
b u t b les s p.n arp. t.hose who ris e h Rf o r e th0 s ll n to p ro ve t.hat
the y are sons o f that Al mis hty . Do e s i t sotm d c l eat· to yn u ?
At 3:30 p .m. yo u will probably ge t up . Bu t thos e wh o h ave t he
guts, wi l l op p. n up the gate s o f t he he art at 3 :30 a .m. a nd
they will love their Lord ann t h ey will commun i c ate with t h ei r
Go d and they will tell him, 'Wh p.t h e r you b e l o n '1 t o us or not ,
wP. belong to y ou.' That is all it ' s a hout.

It is a time and a process where people get up in the
morning to chant the Glory of the Lord, in this way or in
that way, and then they clean their temple. This is how
Sadhana takes place at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India:
We go to the temple first to clean the floors. We take away ,
e verything, clean the floors, then give the marble a bath
with milk. We clean and polish every part of it, then redec-
orate it. Then at 3:00 a.m. the gates open and the sungat
is allowed to come. The sungat chants there from 3:00 to
5:00 a .m. and then, in a golden palki sahib th e Guru Granth
Sa hib is brought in. At 7:00 a.m. the hukam is taken. Those
who have gone to Golden Temple know about it.
In your own Sadhana it is exactly the same way. The
body is the temple of God, soul is the divine Guru within.
So you get up in the morning; you meditate; you chant the
mantras; you do the exercises; you call on your spirit; you
regulate the breath; and you get together in group conscious-
ness because it helps each other. That is what morning
Sadhana and group consciousness is: it is a help to each
If I am trying to sleep, another is not sleeping. If
in this whole group, one person opens up to God just once,
we all will be blessed in his openness. That is what matters.
If one has walked into Sadhana with heart and soul in a prayer-
ful mind, we all will be benefited. That is the power of the
group Sadhana. All should participate. But you know we still
have something of the past in us. We bring up worries about
who should lead: 'Oh that leader has brought a very good
Sadhana, that one has freaked out the Sadhana.' We go through
this everyday. The truth is, nobody freaks out the Sadhana
and nobody makes it beautiful; it is the will of the God which
prevails through the soul. When you are a servant and act as
channel, it prevails through you; when you are clogged up and
mugged up it doesn't come through. That's what it is.
If in the morning Sadhana there is somebody other than a
Sikh, (Sikh means a seeker of the truth) what can I say to him?
If in morning Sadhana one can not curtail the barriers and get
to the oneness, I don't think there is any other time it can
happen. One for all, because all is for one. That's the

Guidelines for a

Successful Sadhana

This is the dawnin g o f th e doing Sadhana has b e en emp h a s i zed

Aqe of Aquari us . I t is the cusp by every major discipline o f c o n-
period of the t ime. It is th e sciousness, successfully u s e d by
end of the adolescence of mankind . men, to b e tter themselves and t he
But eve ry adolescent e x periences societies th ey li ve in. It can-
growing pains and peri od s of strug- no t be ove r e mphasi z ed. It should
gle to adjust to h i s adult poten- not b e o ver looked . Th e s ymbol
tial s . In the next f e w decades , for the Age o f Aq u a rius i s t he
we will e xperi e nce treme n dous b e are r o f trut h . Its mo t to i s ,
sociologi c al , psych o l o gical and "I know , th e r efo r e I be li eve . "
physical changes. Our sens e of So it d e man d s a p ract i cal pe r sonal
who we are, what our r es p o ns ibil- experience t o verify th e anc i ent
ities are , and what o ur po tentials s p iritual tr u t hs . To bui l d th e
are will shift radi c ally. Ins tead expe ri e nc e within y our se l f requi r es
of man viewing himself as a f i n ite co nstant p r actice and a commi tme n t
piece o f dust glor i f i e d wi th grand t o yo ur hi gh e r co n scio u sness.
delusions , man shall s ee himsel f Th e fo l low i ng dis c uss i on and
as an intricate and finite ph y s- gu i delines of Sa dh a na are o f fer e d
ica l vessel l inked to an in f inite as a c l a ri f i cation o f th e t ec h-
s ource o f universal cons cio u s - nique s a n d n o t as a n a bs o lute dic-
n e ss a n d energy . The ti de o f tum inte nded t o limi t its f o rm .
man ' s evolution wi l l wa s h away t h e The r e mus t always be i n spirat i on
o ld con c epts o f individua l ity and a t t he he a rt of any re al Sadhana ,
establish new priori ti es i n l ife . an d tha t precl u des a r i g i d struc -
The me an i ng and s tability o f l i f e t ure .
will focus on th e harmony betwee n
the indi v idual psyche wi th t he
universa l psyche . We wi ll stri v e PROCESS MJD PROGRESS IN SADHANA
to cre ate life styles wh i c h
unleash o ur highest p o t e ntials Th e essence of th e d i r e ction
a nd s e rve a gl o b a l an d c o smi c con- o f Sadha na i s the sequence , "Sad-
s cio u s n e ss. Th e fou nd a tion of al l hana , Radh an a , and Prabhupati , " o r
these new life styles will be r o ugh ly t r a n s l a t ed , " d i sc i p l i ne .
SADHANA. a tt i tude , an d apt i t ud e or maste ry ."
The t e chniques t a u ght by Yogi To unde r s t a nd t h e firs t s t ep wh ich
Bh a j a n J i , are cruc ial i n fo r min g is daily S adhana, y ou must see i t
th e new a ge culture. The tech- within the context o f Radhana a n d
ni q ue s of Kundalini Yo g a and the Pr abupati . The be qinning of sp ir-
lifes t y l e and dis c i p li ne of t he i tual progre ss a nd mental balanc-= is
Sik h Dharma , o f fer a n effecti ve Sadhana. " Sadhana" means a ny
a nd eff i c ient wa y to bui l d the p r act i ce of self corre ction th at
p o t e nti a l of e ach pe rson i n the provi des t he mi nd a n d body wi t h a
context of humility a n d se r v i ce t o d is c i p li ned c hanne l t o express the
the whole body of manki nd . The in fini te wi t hi n one ' s sel f . It is
first teaching o f t h i s l ife sty l e is a practice t h a t rese t s yo u r cycles
to rise b efore dawn every day a n d a nd p a t t ern s t o the rhythm of your
do a Sadhana . The i mportan c e of ultima t e aims. It i s a t ime each

day to notice all your negative small accomplishment. If each
habits that lead away from higher day at the same time you tune all
consciousness and to eliminate one your mental and physical rhythms
by one the desires underlying those to each other, then no part of your
h ab its . This is a very conscious self will be out of step with any
activity. You consciously choose other part of yourself. The entire
to wake up in the early hours of day flows better. Besides this,
the morning instead of sleeping. a natural rhythm associated with
You consciously exercise the body any activity helps you to learn
and exalt the infinite in your that activity better. If you try
heart by voice and attitude. Each to learn a particular task at the
day is different. Each day you are same time each day, you will learn
different. In 72 hours every cell it more efficiently. If you l e arn
of y our body totally changes. to meditate at the same time every
Sickness comes and goes. r-btivation day, it becomes easier and easie r.
also waxes and wanes. But through In meditation you are cleaning
all the flux of life, variations the subconscious of fears and
of our minds and palpitations of releasing new reservoirs o f c on-
unsure hearts, we consciously choose sciousness and energy to guide you.
to maintain a constant and regular As each fear comes up and you look
practice. By this commitment we upon it neutrally and relate to a
e sta blish a priority in life above Bij Mantra, the fear loses its
all things: the exaltation of power over you. You become more
th e infinite universal self and flexible and feel free. Most
th e development of our finite fears were learned at a particular
selves as better channels to express time of day. So, these fears tend
i ts unlimited nature. to occur most intensely at the
The yogic scriptures require time of day they were established.
at least 2 1/2 hours of Sadhana By meditating at Sadhana time , yo u
before the rising of the sun. You slowly attract the anxieties from
mus t d edicate at least 1/10 of all other parts of the day. Nor-
e a ch day to God. It is in these mally you react to anxieties on
ho urs that the auric protection and their time and on their conditions.
guidance of the teacher is most In meditation the effects of old
p r e valent to all who wish to medi- f 'ears corne to you on your time
tate . It is in these hours that and under your conditions. Since
the prana - the basic life force they corne at t I'l.e same time, it
of consciousness - concentrates becomes easier and easier to deal
in the lung, brain and nervous with each one. Eventually the
s ys tems. Mental balance and phys- mind is cleared of the clouds of
i c al cleansing are accomplished fear and begins to see the light
mo re easily in these hours than and power of creative conscious-
duri ng the rest of the day. Few ness. Then the morning meditation
p e ople are awake and busy, so the clears out the daily worries and
cl utter and bustle of daily activ- projections so no long term sub-
ities does not interfere with you. conscious fear can accumulate.
Though many challenges may After practicing a regular
c o me to stop your constant early Sadhana from 40 days to 1 1/ 2 years ,
mor ning practice, as you conquer the teachings and consciousness
e a ch one, you will build your will begin to "seep" into the deeper
power, your confidence, and the parts of the mind. Your conscious ly
ability to beam your mind. This planted efforts have grown roots,
constancy linked with the natural and the offshoots are able to stand
c ircadian rhythm of the sun, provides on their own. The subconscious
rhy thm in your life. This is no mind finally gets your message.

You are sincere, meditation is a accomplished. So you resist the
priority, every day at this time last step. So it is in climbing
you begin to wake up automatically the heights of selfhood. When we
without the aid of an alarm, even have practiced enough to confirm
when traveling you meditate every an attitude, we relax. We ma ke it
day on time without effort. The to Sadhana, but fall asleep. We
subconscious which directs about 60% will chant the Nam, but sometime s
of our activities and responses by feel the words are only mechan i cal
habit, has now acquired a habit to because we lose touch with our ini -
have the consciousness of Sadhana. tial motivations. This is par l o f
In the beginning, the conscious the subconscious cleaning of moti-
effort of Sadhana seems like a neg- vation and intent. At some point
ative activity. It imposes disci- in this, you may feel absolutely
pline by eliminating other activi- no motivation to do what ynll a r e
ties. It makes you deal with the many doing. It is then that the habi t
influences that resist your attempts of Sadhana and the earlier c o mmit-
t.o be regular. As Sadhana becomes - ment is essential. The thought of
Radhana, there is no feeling left in duty and of the ~lam .itself, may
you except that it is a positive become your only reason f o r contln-
activity. You have established a uing. If you are constant t.hrough
channel that allows the awakened this dark time, you can tap new
desires of your higher mind to con- sources of energy and streng th
ne ct with the universal self. Dur- wi thin yourself. You build a depen-
ing this period, the mind becomes dence on the infinite and n ever
more active in its subconscious clean- need an external motivation to act.
ing. If you find resistance now it Once Radhana has cleaned the
is not usually the fast flux of exter- subconscious fears, and confirmed
nal nature, but the turmoil of in~ your motivation to know, merge, and
nal changes. You confront a basic use the infinite, you enter into
question: are you willing to act Prabupati, or "Mastery of God."
and think in your highest conscious- This is the state of neutral i t y .
ness, or do you want to hang on to Your motivation is neutral. No
your old Qdentity even longer? If finite thing motivates you, not rroney
the choice is higher self, Sadhana not fame, not sex, not even p e r -
becomes a joy and you leap up each sonal advancement is enough to deter-
morning to meet it. If you put off mine your actions. You cease to
the decision, you may fall asleep in be manipulated by things. Most o f
an attempt to avoid the commitment. us are so attached to our posses-
Another p itfall in this stage is to sions and hopes that we cann o t
feel that you have "made it" since freely act to the highest conscious-
the physical habit is established, ness of each moment. We compro mise
a nd so become lax in beaming your our potential to possess our
mind to the infinite. It is just past. In this neutral state, yo u
like climbing a mountain; when you sense the infinite in all thin gs .
r each a high plateau, your impulse Nothing motivates you except t.h e
is to camp and look at the valleys infinite existence itself. Moti-
below. You want to dine on succu- vation comes from the center of
lent berries and res t from the stren- your Being.
uous climb. But waiting too long The stage of Prabupati r e p re -
makes the muscles slack and soon you sents the opening and atunemen t to
may even forget why you wanted to the superconsciousness. The c o n-
climb to the top when this is so - scious mind has merged with the
comfortable. You know the rest of subconscious mind, and there is n o
the climb is harder, narrower, and conflict in the personality. Every-
colder than what you have already thing is experienced as a harmo ny ,

even if the gross outward circum- Creator I I" • The thief never had a
stance seems challenging or disas- client who uttered such a strange
trous. A person feels more of the plea. He raised his sword to accom-
pain of the entire cosmos, and more odate the plea, when the holy man
of its joy, but rests in the neu- said, "Wait! As a truthful being,
tral and sublime state of mind. This I must be fair to you and not leave
stage is called "Mastery of God," this world in a half truth. If
because it is the full awakening you kill me, then you will die
and integration of compassion into within three days. Now you know,
the personality. Compassion gives please go ahead."
man a capacity that not even God This perturbed Balmikhi. He
can claim. Man gains the capacity knew that sairits' words always come
to forgive the unforgivable. God true since the power of God lives
is bound to maintain the Law of in their tongues. He held back
Polarity throughout the cosmos. If the fatal cut and asked, "I know
ill acts are created, then ill acts what you say will come to pass. Is
must be received. If you steal, He there no way to escape this destiny?"
must steal from you. This gives The saint said, "If one of your
order and law to the world. Since family will voluntarily die at the
these laws govern the events of nor- same time I do, you will be' spared.
mal life, the time we live in acts But I do not think they love you
to teach us to come in accordance that much."
with universal law and God' s will. Balmikhi tied up the saint
A man i n Prabupati is an exception. and went to his house. He called
He can go beyond the laws o f time together his entire clail and e>\Plained
and polarity into the state of amr the situation. "I must kill this
passion . He can forgive a thief holy man to uphold my reputation.
who has robb e d him, and even plant I have supported you all for years
in that person the inspiration to with my special skills. Now who
reach the infinite. An example of of y ou loves me enough to sacrifice
t hi s is the story o f Balmikhi. for me?" No one moved forward to
Balmikhi was a thief and a head- confirm his confidence in their
cutte r with an excellent reputation love. He pleaded again and again.
for efficiency and success. No one When he =ealized he could persuade
e ver p a ssed Balmikhi's hiding spot no one, he returned to the holy
with out getti ng his head parted from man . He sat next to the saint and
his body , and his coin placed in loosened his bonds. He became -very
the head-cutte r's 'pocket. For gen- depressed. His mind fogged over
eration s h i s whole family had been with memories of all he had done.
taught this skill . with dili gent He felt a basic lack of understand-
s tudy , he became the best of all. ing about life. He was never taught
Peopl e wh o knew of his reputation how to love, how to be loved, and
s taye d a way. Even the king's men how to b e spiritually great.
d i d not c hallenge him . The saint saw his perplexe d
On this p a r ti c ular day, a trav- condition. He saw the ignorance
e ling ho l y man wh o had not h e ard surrounding the man and his sincere
t he stories walke d by the robbe r's desire to understand the truth. The
lair. Balmikhi jumped him with great saint got into a state of can-
raised sword. To his surprise, the passion. with a touch of his fingers
saint kneeled with bowed head and to the thief's forehead, he cleared
thanked the thief slyly, "You are the subconscious of its ,fears and
most generous to give me my day of ignorance. The thief looked up
libe ration kind thief. I have waited with clear eyes in blissful dev o-
long to leave this physical body . tion. He said, "Great man, you
Please hurry so I may join the have given me the vision of my

inner infinity. Now give me a prac- Guru Nanak's service to the
tice of Sadhana so I can confi rm people in compass ionately filling
this consciousness and teach its t he ir needs, created a "vacuum,"
freedom to others." The holy man an empty storeho use which was then
gave Balmikhi a kriya. Balmikhi sat filled b y the One who gives every -
for three days without moving and thing.
went deep into the meditation . The 1.1 Prabhupati, every moment o f
same discipline and alertness he the day is a real ized Sadhana . There
used to become a master th i ef and is no moment you are asleep and una-
head-cutter was now applied with ware of the presence and require -
fo rce and sincerity to his new goal. ments of the universal conscious-
The same energy that made him a thief, ness. You cease to do what is right
now made him a saint. In later years fo r you, and do only that which i s
he taught thousands the liberated right for all.
life, ~nd has been remembered even The experience of Sadhana is
to this day. a daily Initia ti on . No one in 3HO
Compassion is the highest v ir- e v er initiates anyone into a kriya
tue. It can remake even the lowest or secret mantra. We feel th e re is
part of the creation int o the h i gh - no secret between -man and God , so
est of God's creatures. I n acts there should be no secret b e t ween
o f compassion, a kind of vacuum is man and man about God. The way t o
created, for the law of action and the infinite is clear. It is open
re a ction has been transcended . Nature t o all. I t is clouded only by o ur
does not love a v acuum an d neithe r own igno r a nce, fears and lack o f
does God. So He rushes to the ser- discipline. To take an Initiation
v ice of that saint who has the com- means to make a confirmed beginning .
p a ssion to serve. God must assist Every morning in Sadhana, you b ow
that consciousness which i s the before the infinite. Your high e r
expression of the highes t exalte d self initiates your lower s e lf, and
f orm o f God Himself. that is the secret of all secre t s .
During the y ears whe n Guru The whole world assists y ou in this
Nan ak lived a householde r 's l ife, he da i l y initiaion . As you begi n Sad-
was in charge of a storeho use which hana, there is nothing aroun d y ou
i s sued grain t o the Nawabs' servants except darkness. Worldly acti vity
in Sultanpur. For three years he is at a minimum. As you sit' an d
gave grain to all who asked for it, meditate on the infinite Creator ,
according to their need . the day slowly dawns. Every c e l l
A rumor came to the Nawab that of your b e ing le a rns that e x alti n g
Nanak was recklessly giving away the n ame l e ads from darkness to
grain and that th e roy al stores we re light. Th e e ntire subconscious is
now empty. The Nawab ordered an alert to t he primal experience o f
inv estigation. very carefully the dawn and senses a rebirth. The
records were checked a nd the grain mind projects sens i tivity and trust
,~as weighed. Not only was t he store- of the higher self's demands, an d
ho use full o f grai n , but there was is led past its ignorance and
eve n more than was t o be exp ected. ' error to enlightened vision. To
It is said that as Nanak counted out realize this is true initi a tion.
th e measur es of grai n , he would reach The man who practices a perfect
the number th i rtee n a nd endlessly Sadhana begins to glow. He g ains
repeat its name , "Tair a" which also the abil ity t o guide an d inspire
means I nYours . " He would say I uYours, others. Just being in his pre sence
o God , I am Yours," as h e gave a!N<J¥ helps clear your mind of useless
all the grain. In a trance-like conflicts . He has opened the guid-
ecstacy, he alway s dis t ri b uted more ing potential of his supermind in
than was stored. his aura.
Mental Structure

Each person has an individual rhythm. The breathing allows the

mind. Its experience and understand- mind to release particular E!I1Dtional
ing is limited by the structures and intuitive energies that power
that have formed it: culture, upbring- the consciousness to expand. In
ing, samskaras, physical capacity this technique you go from the indi-
of the body, etc. In order to grow vidual mind to the universal mind.
and be able to integrate its exper-
ie nce, the individual mind must
experience the universal mind. Every
experience the individual mind has
of the universal mind, contributes
t o the growth of a guiding exmscious-
ness or supermind. Every Sadhana Eratyahar
that contacts the infinite builds
the supermind. Your auric radi-
ance increases and others who come
within your presence begin to experi-
ence that supermind and guidance as
Th e re are two main ways to
c onnect the individual mind to the UM
universal mind and build the super-
mind. The first method is pratya- Laya
har. In thi s method you inject the
uni versal mind into the individual
mind by a contraction process. You
watch each thought pattern that enters
the mind. You choose between them
on the basis of whether it takes
you to the infinite or not. You
s ubstitute a positive thought for
each negative o ne so you become neu- IM-Individual Mind
tral or at least positive . If you SM-Super Mind
have desires in the individual mind UM-Universal Mind
that require action, use the will
to act on l y on those that are uni- Most of the problems of con-
versal . Once this choice becomes temporary society do not stem from
automatic you a re practicing prat- sex, guilt, power, etc. The basic
yah ar. Everything will lead you to problem is a loss of the sense of
connec t and draw energy from the meaning and value in the individua l
uni versal mind to the individual self. The cultural beliefs and
;nind . religious symbols that were once
The second method is Laya. very vital to us and acted as a
The word itself means devotion, absm:p- supermind, have been divested o f
tion and levita tion . The proce ss ' their potency . To reestablish our
suspends the se lf in a sense of the values so that we can focus on goals
infinite, rather than finding the that fulfill our potentials, we
infinite by starting with finite IlalSt reoonnect with our own inner
things. In Laya yoga techniques, , creative nature. The practice of
you re co gniz e nothing in yourself Sadhana to stimulate the supercon-
except the in fi nite. These tech- scious is the key to this.
niques always involve the use of The practical effect of the
mantra with a special breathing supermind is to change the percep-

tion of all ordinary things in the encouragement to help you keep to
indi vidual' s li fe. It invests every- your dharma. In an ashram you beccrre
thing with the self. It prepares used to making decisions that benefit
the ground for self realization. the entire group instead of just
The supermind sees a tree as a tree, yourself. This lays the foundation
but also as a symbol of life and to know how to be a good leader.
patient growth. All parts of life Doing Sadhana in a group devel-
become a lesson and a guide to the ops a higher interpersonal sensi-
individual mind. The world becomes tivity in the ashram. By the end
the mirror of self, as your self of morning Sadhana the auras and
becomes th e image of God. Problems energy of everyone have intermingled
in all parts of life become smaller, and merged. It is easy to commu-
and the inherent integrative and cre- nicate and be on the "same wave-
ative powers of our psyche are freed length. " You see this effect every-
to operate and produce harmony . day. If someone is excited and
happy and you are deeply moved to
sadness by a movie it will be hard
The Ashram and Group Sadhana to talk to each other until your
moods agree. In Sadhana everyone
Sadhana is a discipline that enters the mood of communion.
moves us toward cosmic consciousness An ashram is literally the
and self realization. To reach that "house of the teacher" and its res-
high state of Prabhupati we r:rust mas- idents are servants and teachers of
ter the intermediate state of group that higher consciousness. If the
consciousness. The ultimate testing ashram is to serve its function in
ground for this is the ashram. actively relating and adding to the
A 3HO Kundalini Yoga ashram community it is in, group Sadhana
has two basic forces in operation: is essential. If everyone did only
the techniques of Kundalini Yoga an individual Sadhana the power of
and the life style of the Sikh I:t!arma. unity would be lost.
The yoga techniques sti mul ate the If you are in an ashram envi-
basic evolutionary force in the psydJe. ronment be thankful for the oppor-
There is an urge to grow . Each per- tunity to do a group Sadhana. If
son feels the expansion of his own you are not, see if there is a l oca:!.
energy or shakti. As his energy ashram to practice 'with or get a
increases he can see its effects in few friends or members of your fam-
the abili ty to influence people, il y to practi ce with you .
channelize the will, and be sensi-
ti ve to subtlE' energies. It is pos-
sible to get a great spiritual ego The Practical Structure of Sadhana
from the experience of expansion.
A strong case of spiritual ego is Knowing the psychological and
less curable than cancer! But the spiritual process of Sadhana is not
Sikh humility, and respect for the enough. The essence of a good Sadhana
One Creator blocks that. The house is constant practice. Nothing, abso-
of Guru Ram Das puts the practice lutely nothing, replaces the value
of self-sacrifice, service, and humil- and effects of practice. Without.
ity into daily practice. it, all studies, writings and hopes
By living in a group that shares become empty and meaningles s.
the same teachings, life styles and There are many kinds of Sadhanas.
consciousness, it is very difficult It is important to structure the
to do some weird action that denies Sadhana to give the optimum results.
your new consciousness. Everyone There are special Sadhanas for peo-
or at least someone will notice and ple who have special psychological
give you the proper feedback and and physical problems. We will only

describe some ideal structures for is wood. As you beocme calm through
a complete Sadhana that applies to meditation, you become more sen-
a normally functioning yogic enthu- sitive to the waves of energy within
s iast. The models apply to an indi- and without. Before meditation,
vidual Sadhana, but they are written you may have required a high leve l
f or a group Sadhana. Most serious of constant change and stimulation
yo~a students manage to live in an , to be alert. Now stimulation from
a shram environment or associate with the inner self is enough. Sharp
one each morning. The full benefit noises and constant interruptions
o f a Sadhana is only enjoyed when should be minimized during medita-
it is shared in a group conscious- tion and Sadhana. In some stages
ness. of meditation a closing door will
There are five main steps to sound like an explosion. For a
a complete Sadhana. graceful meditation choose a grace-
I. Physical environments. It ful environment.
is difficult to imagine someone who II. Physical self. Create
would choose to meditate next to a some kind of purification ritual
b usy street. It is possible, but that you never fail to perform. Wake
c hoosing that environment is cer- yourself gently in the morning and
t ainly not an aid to normal medita- do the standard wake-up exercises
tion. The environment that surrounds (KRI Newsletter Vol. I, #1). ~
y ou has a huge effect on the ease ber to drink a few glasses of water.
o f going into meditation. Colors, Take either a cold shower or a ocld-
sounds, and past usage of the med- warm-cold shower while chanting songs
ita tion room all register in your of divine praise. Let the clear
c onscious ness and effect its energy. flow of the water clean your aura
Many people have commented that of nighttime thoughts. Stimulate
ju s t by be'ing in the forest of the your circulation to flush the resi-
h i g h Si e rras, they were automati- dues of nocturnal cleansing out of
cally drawn into a meditative state. your body. You cannot meditate fully
The first step is to choose a if your circulation is still in pat-
place that is used mainly or entirely terns sui ted for sleep or c'lnMsii1ess.
fo r Sadhana. It should always be Massage the whole body, especially
kep t p erfectly clean and neat. Arrange the feet, hands, face and ears. If
pic ture s and other objects that rep- you are especially kind to yours e lf,
re s e n t higher consciousness aesthet- use some a lmond oil on the skin. A
ica ll y a ro und the room. If you are turban or house turban, should be
fo rt un a te enough ,to have the Siri worn by men, and a chuni or scarf
Gu ru Granth Sahib, it should be in worn by women. ,P'u t on clothing which
a sep a rate room, or at least in a is loos e and flexible, but which
p al k i s a hib covered by fine cloth. looks neat and clean. White is the
The meditation room should sme ll best color for Sadhana clothes. Do
fr es h. Air should be alla..ved to cir- not wear the same garments you wore
c ul a te, so the temperature is mod- to bed. You must tell your ocnscious-
e ra t e. Too much cold may harm the ness in every way that you c an that
body in deep meditations. Too much Sadhana is a special activity that
hea t will induce sleep and poor cir- you' prepare and even dress up for.
c ul a tion. The spot you sit on should Your mind will be more alert and
be c overe d \qith an animal skin or a far more cooperative if it knows an
woo l blanket, since they are non- important event is about to happen .
s t a tic and insulate your psycho-elec- Choose a meditation blanket or shawl
troma gnetic field from the electro- made from wool, silk, or octten. Use
magne t ic field of the earth. If a the shawl only for meditation. Over
skin or proper fabric is unavailable, a period of time the shawl will absorb
t he ne xt best substance to sit on the vibrations of Sadhana. Then

just putting it on will immediately teacher is the Guru. Awaken your-
aid your efforts. self consciously to the fact that
III. Mental environments. If you do not know what the results of
all the physical preparations have your efforts will be and dedicate
been cared for, make sure that you the results to the infinite.
set your mind into group conscious- Many people build a regular
ness. If you are leading the Sadhana Sadhana but fall into the pit of
check for unexpected visitors and boredom. They become bored because
guests. If they do not know your of false expectations. They want an
procedures, their confusion can off- experience of f lashing light..and spark-
set the energy of the group. So ing energy. Although this ~ ~
explain it to them or offer a few at times, it is more important to
words of positive encouragement to expect contact with the infinite. Let
make them feel accepted as part of the infinite determine what fbnn the
the group. Make sure anything that connection will take. Realize that
is said is very positive. If your doing the same chant or the same eJ<er- .
thoughts are positive and creative cise you have done many times before
in the morning, you will feel good can give you a totally different effect
all day. today. Today is the beginning of the
Be clear on who is to start the rest of your life. You are not at
Sadhana. The more people in the all the same person who went to bed
group, the better. When you chant a few hours before. Your body's
by yourself you are only one voice, cells have renewed themselves, and
but sitting with others,the effect in the deep slumber of nocturnal ned-
of your sound is multiplied by add- itation you have forgiven yourself
ing to the sound of others and by for all the errors made the day before.
others hearing and reflecting your You are fresh. Expect the satisfac-
voice. As all the auras begin to tion of giving a sinoere effort. Let
vibrate in unison, you form a group your individual mind rest in the neu-
aura which is stronger than any single trality of the infinite mind.
individual aura. If you r..ust do V. The essential practice.
Sadhana by yourself, then while you After the whole group has tuned in,
are chanting, imagine a million others there are six important parts to
all around you. Hear them all chant- the core of Sadhana.
ing, with yourse lf in the middle not A) Physical preparation. This
moving at all. Feel that you do not physical body is the temple of God.
chant physically, and yet are lead- It allows us to manifest conscious-
ing the chant and letting the chant ness and move. about on the material
lead you. As you imagine tis, con- plane . It must be exercised to keep
tinue chanting. the circulation balanced and strong,
IV. Mental self. The most to remove tensions and blocks created
important step is to realize the pre- by emotions, to alter the glandular
sence of the teacher. Chant "Ong secretions so the y correspond to the
Namo Guru Dev Namo," and feel the state of consciousness you want to
inflow of energy and light to your attain, and to clean the blood system
body and mind. Meditate on your to prevent di s.ease. with the best
teacher and feel that in all devo- intentions and good thoughts , it is
tion and humility you ask for guid- difficult to do a Sadhana when you
ance in Sadhana . Pray that no mat- are sick. Take care of this physi-
ter how feeble your effort may be, cal body each day.
~he maximum benefit will be returned A strong exercise series awakens
to help you serve humanity in the your will . You must press through
will of the Creator. Realize at the minor pains of limbering and
this point that no student is the nerve strengthening. This inflOW
teacher. During Sadhana the only of will power helps you beam the

mind and stay alert during llEditation of the brain. You go into a neu-
and chanting. The exercises you tral condi tion needed for a success-
practice should be sets as taught by ful cleaning of the fears and pat-
Yogi Bhajan or a series strictly fol- terns in the subconscious self. If
lowing his guidelines. They should a - negative thought or fear comes to
leave you with a feeling of greater you, let it come but be conscious
energy flow, mellowness, alertness, of the rhythm of "SA-TA-NA-MA" or
and enthusiasm. Too much exercise "SAT NAM." The thought does not get
can tax the body so much that you the standard resistance or reaction
will feel drowsy and lack IlDtivation. it usually gets when coming into
A very heavy exercise and cleansing consciousness, so it moves more into
Sadhana should be done when there the center of your consciousness to
is plenty of time to relax af~. provoke a reaction. The fear or
One example of such a series is thought lives on the energy you feed
included in the kriya section. A it by either positive or negative
balanced series of exercises that attention. By focusing on the infin-
works on breathing, nerves, glands ite you appear neutral to it even
and spine is perfect for Sadhana. if you become temporarily emotional.
B) Mantra. In every Sadhana As no reaction is returned to it,
you must chant an Ash tang Bij Mantra, since you are neutral, it becomes
the Ad Shakti Mantra or the Panj neutralized. If you choose instead
Shabad. It is only by chanting with to fight the thought, you merely
a proper breath rhythm that you create give it energy by giving it identity.
the Laya effect of suspending your- By the mantra, you confirm your
s e lf into the infinite. We practice identity as the infinite truth and
the physical preparation to be able universal existence. Your mind may
to better experience this state. object so let yourself ride on the
Guru Nanak said: mantra beyond the mind. If you
decide to love the thought and beCOllE
l'ihen the hands and body are entranced by it, you still give it
oovered with dirt, identity. So to stop the continual
Water can rinse them clean. production and maintainance of the
When the clothes are dirty dualities of consciousness, you
and smeared with soil, must become neutral. This is ulti-
Soap can rerrove the stain. mately achieved only through mantra,
When the mind is polluted since sound is the basic creative
by error and shallE, potential of your being.
It can only be cleansed by There are many mantras we have
the love of the Narre. * been taugh t that can be practiced
in Sadhana. The most fundamental is
The Nam is the main solvent f= the long 2 1/2 breath EK ONG KAR mllr
mental stains. This is very sensible. tra. It should be chanted an hour
The breath rhythm g ives you access each morning. If this is not possi-
t o th e subconscious as well as the ble try to chant it at least 37 l/Z
conscious mind . When you chant these minutes. The guru gaitri chant,
mantras, your mind is fixed on the Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das
in finite truth. You do not relate Guru, should also be chanted every
to polarities. According to one EEG morning without fail. When this
experiment , you begin to feel serene mantra is stopped no ashram will
and produce alpha waves from all parts stand the test of time , for the Kun-
dalini Yoga and the Sikh Dharma are
under the protection of the house
of Guru Ram Das-Ji.
* "Jap Ji," Peace Lagoon, Sardarni C) Meditation. Doing mantra is
Premka Kaur. a meditation. Any activity done in

the right state of mind is a type of time for the energies you have r e leased
meditation. But here the reference in the body and mind to circulate
is to silent meditation. That point and corne to equilibrium without
in Sadhana where you plunge into the involving your ego as a "director
total depths of the self with no of the show." The energy knCMS where
outward stimulation to maintain you , it should go, it is automatic. Dur-
This is where you test how well your ing relaxation you should c ove r y our
inner being has awakened to support body with the meditation blanke t o r
you. After every chant, take a few shawl so that you do not get c o l d .
minutes to sit completely still with- The amount of time you spend in deep
o ut any movement and try to listen relaxation depends on what y ou have
to the cosmic echo of the sounds done. Normally you should rest between
you just produced. They are all lO and 20 minutes. The state of c o n-
around you, vibrating in the ether. sciousness you experience in this
If you can catch the subtle sound deep relaxation will not be just sleep.
it will carry you without effort The glandular b~lance in th e bl ood
beyond the body consciousness into is altered, as is the functioni ng
the sublime realms of self and bliss. of the brain. You may have o u t -of-
It is for this that Guru Nanak said: the-body experiences, you may hav e
vi vid dreams, you may rerrent>er nothing
By the hearing of God I s N~ at all after closing y our eyes. You
Even the blind find their W<rj. will not, however , go into a re g ular
By the hearing of God I s N~ shallow sleep unless y ou continue
One grasps the infinite . relaxing for an extended t ime . The
o Nanak, the Ievotee is ever best position for deep relaxati o n
in bliss: is corpse pose: lie on your back
By hearing the Lord I s Narre, with your arms at the sides, palms
His pain and sin are ever up, ankles uncrossed and eyes closed.
destroyed. * E) Kirtan. After y o ur j o urney
through inner space, y ou must a l ways
Af ter e v ery e xercis e you should r e connect with the world and d aily
r e s t a minute and meditate to inte- duties. Sit with eve r y one a n d h ave
g rate the changes, exp e riences and a ' joyous song fest, singin g the
s ens i t i v i t y the e xercise created. By praises of the infini t e and the joy s
prac ticing meditation after a kriya, of life . Kirtan is an acti v e si n g-
yo u wil l b e able to regain the state ing rather than a deep meditat i o n .
o f consciousness produced by that It is the clapping of hands and the
kriya any time during the rest of harmony of instruments. It is real-
t he day b y a few seconds of medita- izing you are in a group of p e ople
ti o n . who have purified themselve s and
D) Deep relaxation . After emr- are ready to actively live t h e day
ci s e s , ch anting and meditation, you in tru th and righte ousness . Ki rt a n
shou l d d e eply relax . The a bility to l ets y ou reenter worldly c o n s c i ous -
relax is a d i v ine qua li ty . You are ness but with a diff e r en ce. You
more centered wi thin y ourself and tend to r emember the tun e s through-
yo u be c ome more sensitive to the energy out the day and with e v e ry b r ea t h ,
p atte rns of y o u r l ife . The effects utter t h e Narn .
of the kriy as and chanting are ~ F) Pray er . Prayer i s a p o t ent
l ati v e . They build for a long time capacity in man. Open y our heart
a fter you have done them. Allow and be thankful for all the peop l e
who created and carried this consCl.OUS-
ness through the time so you could
enjoy it now . You can ask f o r any-
* " Jap Ji, " Peace Lagoon, Sardarni thing you want in prayer, for the
Pre mka Kaur. Giver is infinite, and He gl.ves a ll.
If a man's heart can open in compas- possible that all the people,
sionate prayer for humility, every Thy creatures, rould a::rne and
heartbeat can bring a miracle. could share Thy grace. Give
In t h e Sikh tradition, we always us power to walk on the path
offer the Ardas which reminds us of of righteousness; give us
our hi storical predecessors and o ur humility to serve and find
presen t duty to uphold ronsciousness love of our brother; give us
and righteousness. * A very univer- tranquility and peace to find
sal way to offer a prayer is t o d ed- the higher realms of conscious-
icate part of your l ife force to ness. May Thy grace lead us to
what you pray for. Yogi Bhajan often the light of infinity; rray our
gives an example of s u ch a prayer trip to the world be s uccessful,
lik e the following , which uses the to spread Thy service so the
breath: fellCM rrankind can share. May
this day bring us a peaceful
Inhale, and hold your breath onward journey. May Thy grace
for the peace of the war Id , prevail, and may you lift us to
for the health of all , to the levitated consciousness.
make everybody happy, so those Oh God of Gods, oh lDrd of lDrds,
who are lonely rray have their if you have been so kind and
partner. God rray find mercy merciful to bring us together,
on everybody, on each individ- make a chance to get us together
ual. Say this prayer on this with thee, oh Infinite , oh
breath, and please exhale. Unknown , oh Beyond still bound
This is the charity of the by love. Give us the power of
breath. Inhale again. Pray happiness, joy and bliss, so we
for all dear ones, related can live in the ecstasy of con-
ones, known, unknown in the sciousness. Sat Nam.**
whole planet, for those who
are sick , those who are
unhappy, unhea.l thy or need
spirit. Send this thought by
doing a prayer on this breath,
l et it go. Inhale deep again
to end all causes and effects
which affect any rran and make
him unhappy, for any tITU1g
that brings war and destruc-
tion , for any thing which
brings hatred and jealousy,
say a prayer on this breath
and let it go . **

The unive r sality of praye r for

sel f guidance and humility is shown
in this prayer given by Yogi Bhajan
at the end of a class:

Oh Formless in every form , oh

Infinite of every finite, oh * A copy of the English transl ation
Unknown, known through the of this prayer may be found in Peace
entire creation, oh Beyond Lagoon on p. 219.
still bound by the love, it
was Thy grace that you spoke ** UCLA Advanced Class ; Guru Ram Das
and you heard , You rrade it Ashram, Los Angeles 3/26/ 74

There is certainly no single model of what a Sadhana should be. The

;nodcls presented here are structured for a 2 1/2 to 3 hour morning SadhCL'1a.
This overall structure allows for a wide variety of chanqes within the fl~J
of the exercises and meditations found in the next sections of the manual .
These exercises, kriyas, mantras and meditations fit well into these models
so that the reader may experiment practically with his Sadhana.


A) Wake-up routine and preparation.*

B) Optional reading of the Banis or chanting of
an appropriate mantra to Guru Ram Das.
C) Entire group chants Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
three to five times.
D) Exercise 30 to 45 minutes.
1) Begin with 5 to 10 minutes of limbering
exercises to thoroughl y wake up and stimu-
late circulation. Emphasize stretching
the life nerves and the spine. Exercises
such as frog pose, cat-cow, spinal flexes,
leg str~tches or running in place are a
few good examples.
2) Pranayam for 10 minutes. The teacher
should guide this carefully.
3) A physical exercise kriya for 25 to 30
4) Deep relaxation for 5 to 10 minutes.
5) Come out of the relaxation by rotating
the wrists and ankles; then rapidly rub
th e palms of the hands and the soles of
the feet together. Cat stretch four or
five times left and right. Pull the knees
to the chest and rock back and forth to
massage the length of the spine.
E) Chant any of the f ollowing for approximately
one hour:
1) The 2 1 /2 breath cycle Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam
Siri Wha Guru. Minimum time for this is
37 1/ 2 minutes.
2) The Panj Shabad SA-TA-NA-MA for 31 minutes.
Follow this with a total of 31 minutes of
chanting the 2 1/2 breath cycle Ek Ong Kar,
and the Guru Gaitri Mantra: Gobinday,
Mukanday ... etc.
3) The Laya Yoga form of Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam
Siri Wha Guru for 31 minutes, followed by
10 minutes of the long Sat Nam.
F) Immediately after chanting sit silently. Medi~ate
on the sounds which have been projected for 5 to 10 minutes.

* See ~'SJ: ee p" article, KRI Newsletter Vol I #1, p.23

on the sounds which have been projected for 5 to 10 minutes.
G) Deep relaxation for 10 minutes. Come out of
the relaxation as in "OS" above.
H) Special or guided meditation for 5 to 31 minutes.
I) Chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru
long enough to contact the divine energy.
J) Grace of God exercise. 10 minutes. (This may ,
be done at another time).
K) Kirtan as time permits.
L) Reading of the Ardas and receiving a hukam
from the Guru.


A) Same as Model I.
B) Same as Model I.
C) Same as Model I.
D) Same as Mode l I., 2 - 5 only. Begin with a powerful
cleansing pranayam for 15 to 20 minutes.
E) Same as Model I.
F) Same as "Model I.
G) Same as Model I.
H) Vigorous exercise for 10 minutes, fo llowed by a 15
minute medi tati on.
I) Same as Model I.
J) Same as Model I.
K) Same as Model I.
L) Same as Model I. ,


A) Same as Model I .
B) Same as Model I.
C) Same as Model I.
D) Begin with 15 to 30 minutes of exercise as in Model I;
then do a kriya tha t optimally is 31 minutes in length.
This kriya should be practiced only 7 to 11 minutes
at first. Repeat it each day and gradually increase
the time tm~ards mastery. Follow the kriya with 10
minutes of silent meditation. At this time you may
choose another kriya to be repeated e ach day, gradu-
ally increasing the time to mastery, or you may choose
to practice a different one each day to become familiar
with other kriyas. This kriya should be done for only
about 15 minutes. Again, meditate for 5 to 10 minutes.
End this s e ction of Sadhana with 10 to 15 minutes of
mode rate exerc ise in which all the limbs have a chance
to move . Prepare to sit for chanting.
E) Same as Model I.
F) Same a s Model I.
G) Same as Model I.
H) This has already been included in "0" of this model.
I) Same as Model I.
J) Same as Model I.
K) Same as Model I.
L) Same as Model I.

This is a model for those times when you practice
a 2 1/2 hour Sadhana of chanting the Nam. This
should be done at least twice a year by every
student-teacher. · The 2 1/2 breath cycle of Ek
Ong Kar should be done one of these times. If
possible, the other time should be reading from
the Siri Guru Granth Sahib; otherwise, chant the
Ek Ong Kar mantra again.

A) Same as Model I.
B) Same as Model I.
C) Same as Model I.
D) Exercises for 20 to 30 minu~es that are powerful
but do not require a long relaxation, and prepare
you to sit.
E) Chant for 2 1/2 hours in beautiful sonorous tones.
F) Meditate silently on the sound for 5 minutes.
G) Relax for 15 minutes.
H) Excluded.
I) Same as Model I.
J) Same as Model I.
K) Same as Model I.
L) Same as Model I.
VARIATION: Sometimes it is impossible to do the
2 1/2 hours of chanting all in the morning. It is
permissible to split it into two parts; in this
case it is best to chant 1 1/2 hours in the morning
and the evening.

There are times when you need to practice deep
silent meditation on the Nam. The prime hour for
this is between 2:30 and . 3:30 a.m., the calmest
time of the day. The inner sound current is loud-
es t at this t ime . A s imple alteration of the sched-
ule to a~te this follows.

A) Same as Model I .
B) Same as Model I.
C) Same as Model I.
D) Meditate 45 minutes to 1 hour.
E) Exercise kriya 45 minutes to 1 hour.
F) Chant 1 hour.
G) Deep relaxation.
H) Kirtan
I) Reading of Ardas, and receiving a hukam.

There are many mantras, each mantra to learn and master if you
one having its own qualities,rh~ are studying to be a student teacher
and effects. The mantras listed on or if you are serious about the yoga.
the music sheets in the next sec- If you can master the chanting of this
tion, are commonly used in Kundalini single mantra, you need do nothing
Yoga. Following are a few comments else. To understand its potency and
to aid the understanding of the effects, it should be chanted 2 1/2
mantras and when to use them. hours each day for at least 40 days.
This mantra has three sections.
Adi Mantra: ONG NAMO GURU DEV ~ EK ONG KAR means "One-Creator-Crea-
This mantra is chanted before tion." The re is one creative con-
every class or practice session sciousness that pervades the entire
involving Kundalini Yoga. If you creation. All forms stem from the
read most old books about yoga, they formless, and that formless self is
say Kundalini Yoga is the most pow- infinite . All beings are intercon-
erful of all yogas, but that it is nected by this principle because
dangerous. The fact is, that if every individual has a connection
you practice it in correct form, with the same infinite source of
chant a universal NAM, and humble energy. This part of the mantra
y ourself before the higher self or implies social responsibility to all
teacher, it is perfectly sa~e . The mankind regardless of race, sex, and
Adi Mantra opens the protective other illusory categories.
channel of energy for Kundalini Yoga. The second part, SAT NAM, means
ONG NAMO means, "I call on the infi- "True Name." More subtly, SAT is
nite creative consciousness. 1I
You the essence of the essence--the real-
open yourself to the universal con- i ty of what exists. NAM is the vibra-
sciousness that guides all action tion that cre ates what it names.
in the universe. It is your own chanting SAT NAM gives you a feeling
unknown infinity. GURU DEV NAMO of reality. It is calming. You have
means, "I call on the divine wis- a strong sense of who you are and
dom." You bow before your higher you can relax and act .more confidently.
·s elf to guide you in using the The third part, SIRI WHA GURU,
knowledge and energy given by the means "Great-Be yond description-
cosmic self. Wisdom. " It is e·xaltation of the
The first part of the mantra infinite , the sound of bliss. Beyond
relates to the infinite beyond per- all description and thought is the
sonality, and 'the second part of infinite wisdom that underlies the
the mantra relates to the higher creation.
part of your personality. In EK ONG KAR, you realize the
The Adi Mantra is a mantra of need for a conscious union with the
humil i ty . . As you chant it, you infinite. with SAT NAM, you pierce
realiz e that it is not you who to the core of truth and understand
teaches, it is not by your energy the nature of reality. with SIRl
alone that you can practice this WHA GURU, you express the bliss of
yoga. truly knowing yourself. The mantra
represents the path of progressiv e,
Adi Shakti Mantra: EK ONG KAR spiritual knowledge of the self. EK
This mantra activates the pri- ashtang mantra; that is, ' it will
mal pcMer, Adi Shakti, or Kundalini consist of eight beats. Any mantra
Energy . It activates and balances that is to affect the total physical
all eight chakras . It is the first brain will have eight beats or be

based on a bij mantra. and cleanses the aura so that it
There is no need for secret becomes easier to meditate and re·late
mantras and all the gimmickry so to the infinite. If this mantra is
often resorted to. This mantra practiced regularly for 31 minutes
is open to all without initiations to 2 1/2 hours daily, it will cause all
and cults, yet it is basic to the occult powers to serve you. The
awakening and regulating the mantra translates: "Sustain e r, lib-
Kundalini Energy: the basic erator, enlightener, infinite, des-
evolutionary force in the total troyer, creator, nameless, desireless."
human psyche. This mantra may be
chanted in the 2 1/ 2 breath cycle for Mantra of Ecstasy: WAHE GURU WARE
its full power, or in any tune GURU WARE WAHE WAHE GURU
you make up for light meditation. This mantra, if chanted at the
In the 2 1/ 2 breath cycle, you take top of the skull and done one or ThO
a deep inhale and chant EK ONG KAR times on a single breath, opens the
in one breath. The EK is very mind to experience bliss. After
short, ONG and KAR are equal in chanting this mantra, go into deep
length. Take another deep inhale meditation on the self .
a nd chant SAT NAM SIRI. The SAT
is short, NAM is very long, and Laya Yoga Mantra: EK ONG KARA SAT
SIRI just escapes your tongue NAMA SIRI WHAA HAE GURU
with the last bit of breath. 'Ihen This mantra has a spin and
take a short half breath and chant rhythm in it. As it is chanted, you
WHA GURU . WHA is short and GURU will get absorbed into it; you will
is long . not want to stop. All the distrac-
tions around you will drop away.
Guru Ram Das Mantra: GURU GURU The mantra has a natural 3~ cycle
WARE ' GURU GURU RAM DAS GURU breath and should be practiced from
It is by the grace of the 15 to 31 minutes.
House of Guru Ram Das and his
channel Yogi Bhajan ji that tee Ashtang Bij Mantra: SAT NAM SAT NAM
veils of secrecy have been lifted SAT NAM SAT NAM SAT NI\M SAT NI\M WARE GURU
from Kundalini Yoga. This mantra This mantra balances all the brain
provides the protection of Guru cells and activates the brain ,to medi-
Ram Das. It should be chanted tation. The neck lock should be
eve ryday in every ashram. firmly held as you chant. This mantra
The name GURU RAM DAS means is usually chanted 11 minutes, but can
"the wisdom that comes as a ser- be built up to 62 minutes.
vant of the infinite." It is the
sound of humility. GURU GURU Panj Shabad: SA TA NA MA
WAHE GURU invokes the wisdom in See Kirtan Kriya page 51.
the self, in the environment, and
in infinity.
This mantra is very effective
in healing. If y ou are emotion-
a lly distressed, it will bring
ca lmness and relief in a few min-

Sarab Shakti Mantra: GOBINDAY

This mantra has a special
q ual i ty. It eliminates karmic
blocks a nd curses from the past,



E441 J'f 1 EK
° 0_000
1- I J J.3M_Sjj SAT N A M••••••

IT- J .I 7 J I 0_0 d

Gu-ru Gu-ru wa - he Gu-ru Gu-ru Ram Das Gu - ru

Gu-ru Gu-ru Wa-he Gu ·- ru Gu-ru Ram Das Gu-ru

1W4-.f!D~li~'l$;1J 1 H JJJtN.r11
Go- bin- day Hu- k im-day Ud - har- ay A-par-ay

18 .
_ _ ' D J n r 1J J--J=J= 1J rtf;;]

J J 1 £ ~ JIJJ J oJ;
'Sat Nam Sat Nam 'Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam
\va - he Gu-ru

1 j 4I: J SA




Me di t ations

The kriyas and meditations that follow are selected to fit well
into the models of Sadhana. They represent some of the variety and
wealth of techniques available in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi
Bhajan. Each set is a jewel to be cherished; it has many facets and
reflects the dimensions of the infinite self.

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit on the heels and stre tch

the arms over the head so th at the
elbows hug the e ars . (AI) Inte rlock
all the f ingers except th e f irst
ones (index) which point str? iqht up.
(A2) Begin to chant "SAT NAM " enphat-
ically in a constant rhythm of a bo ut
eight times per 10 seconds. Chant
the sound "SAT" from the nave l po int
(Al) and solar plexus, and pull the tmbil-
icus all the way in toward the spine-.
On "NAM" relax the belly. Continue
at least 3 minutes, then inhale and
squeeze the muscles tight from the
buttocks all the way up the back,
past th e shoulders. Mentally allow
the energy to flow through the top
of the skull. Re lax for twice the
length of time that the kriya was

Sa t kriya i s f unda menta l to
Kundalini Yoga and should be prac-
ticed every day for at least 3 min-
utes. Its effects are too nume r o us
to list in detail. Sat kriya strength-
ens the entire se xual system and
sti mulate s its natural flow o f energy.
This re laxes phobias about s exuality.
(A3) It a l l ows you to control the insis-
te nt se xual impulse b y recha nneliz-
i ng se x ual energy to creative a nd
hea l ing activi ties in the body. Pe o-
ple wh o are severely maladjusted or
who hav e mental problems benefit
from this kriy a since the se dis tur-
bances a re alway s connected with a n
- imbala nce i n the e nergi e s of t he
lower three chakras. General physical hea l th is i mp r o ved si n ce a l l th e
internal organs receive a gentle rhythmic mass a ge from this e x ercise. The
heart gets stronger from the rhythmic up and down o f blood pre ssure yo u
generate with the ~umpinglmotion of the navel point. This exercise wo rk s
directly on stimulating and channelizing the Kundalini energy, so it mus t
always be practiced with the mantra "SAT NAM!"
You may build the time of the kriya to 31 minutes, but r e memb e r t o
have a long, deep relaxation immediately afterwards. A good way to build
the time up is to do the kriya for 3 minutes, then rest 2 minutes. Repeat
this cycle until you have completed altogether 15 minutes of sat kriya
and 10 minutes of rest. Finish the required relaxation by resting an
additional 15 - 20 minutes. Do not try to jump to 31 minutes because you
feel you are strong, virile or a teacher. Respect the inherent power of
the techni~ue. Let the kriya prepare the ground of your body properly to
plant the seed of higher experience. It is not just an exercise, it is a
kriya that works on all levels of your being--known and unknown. You
might block the more subtle experiences of higher energies by pushing the
physical body too much. You could have a huge rush of energy or have an
experience of higher consciousness, but not be able to integrate the exper-
ienc e into your psyche. So prepare yourself with constancy, patience and
moderation. The end result is assured .
If you have not taken drugs or have cleared your system of all their
effects, you may choose to practice this kriya with the palms open, press-
ing flat against each other. (A3) This releases more energy than the other
method. Never teach this way in a public class, because someone in the
class may have totally weakened his nerves through drug abuse.
Notice that you pull the navel point in, you do not try to apply mul
bhand . Mul bhand happens automatically if the navel is pulled. Conse-
quently, the hips and lumbar spine do not rotate. Your spine stays straight
and the only motion your arms make is a slight up and down stretch with
each "Sat Nam."
If you have time for nothing else, make this kriya part of your every
day promise to yourself to keep the body a clean and vi tal temple of God.

Yogi Bhajan ji

@ (1
( J
A) Sit in easy pose .

inhal e .
Grab th e
ankles with both ha nds and deepl y
Flex the spine forward and
lift the chest up. (Al) On tJ,e exhale ,

2 flex the spine backwards . (A2l Keep

the head l eve l so i t does not "flip-
flop." Repeat 108 times , then inhale.
Res t 1 minute.

.:5 __----...-)
B) Sit on the heels. Place the

hands flat On the thighs . Flex spine

... forward wi th the inhale, (B1) back-

ward wit h the exh ale. (B2) Think
"SAT" on the inh ale, "NAM" on the

exhale. Repeat 108 times . Rest 2
minutes .

,0 "1 C) In easy pose grasp the shoulders

wi th finge rs in front, thumbs in back.
Inhale a nd twist to the left, exhale
and twist to the right . (C) Breathinq
is long and deep. Continue 26 times
and inhale facing forward. Rest 1
minute .

D) Lock the fingers in bear grip

at the heart center. (Dl). Move the
elbmo/s in a see- sa,,; motion, breathing
long and deep with the motion . (D2)
Continue 26 times and inhale, exhale,
pull on the lock . Relax 30 seconds.

E) In easy pose, grasp the knees

firmly and keeping the elbcMs straight ,
begin to flex t he upper spine . (El °
Inhale forw ard, exhale back. Repeat
10 8 times, rest 1 minute.

(D 2)

F) Shrug both shoulders up with
the inhale, down with the exhale. (F)
Do for less than 2 minutes. Inhale
and hold 15 seconds with shoulders
pressed up.

G) Roll the neck slowly to the right

five times, then to the left five
times. Inhale and pull the neck

H) IDdc the fingers in bear grip at

the throat level. (HI) Then lock them
above the top of the head. (H2) In
each position, inhale and apply MUL
BHAND, then exhale and apply MUL ~.
Repeat two times.

I) Sat Kriya: Sit on the heels with

arms stretched over the head. (II)
Interlock the fingers except for the
two index fingers which point straight
up. (I 2) Say" SAT" and pull the navel
point in, say "NAM" and relax it.
continue at least 3 minutes. Then
inhale and squeeze the energy from
(Hl) the base of the spine to the top of
the skull.

J) Relax completely on your back

for 15 minutes. ,

(H 2 )


Age is measured by the flexibility of the spine; to stay young, stay

flexible. This series works systematically from the base of the spine to
the top. All 26 major vertebrae receive stimulation and all the chakras
receive a burst of energy. This makes it a good series to do before medi-
Ia a beginners' class each exercise that lists 108 repetitions, can
be done 26 times. The rest periods are then extended from 1 to 2 minutes.
Many people report greater mental clarity and alacrity after regular
practice of this kriya. A rontributory factor is the increased circulation
nf the spinal fluid, which is crucially linked to having a good memory.
A study done by Neil Goodman, Ph.D., December 1973 at University of
California at Davis, showed that the spinal flex exercise created large
changes in EEG activity during and after the exercise. The exercise has
a "multi-stage reaction pattern" that greatly alters the proportions and
strengths of alpha, theta and delta waves. More research in being ronducted. -

Yogi Bhajan j~

A) Ly ing on the back, place the

hands in back of the neck in venus
lock under any loose hair. (Al&2)
Begin breath of fire for 1 1/2 min-
unes, inhale and hold for 20 seconds.
Repeat breath nf fire, inhale and
hold 'for 30 se c onds. Relax the
breath. Inhalp. ~eeply raising both
of the legs one foot. (A3) Hold for 15
seconds, exhale, inhale and relax.

B) In this same position, spread

the legs wide open. Begin breath
of fire for 1 minute. Inhale, raise
legs three f eet from the ground,
hold for 5 seconds and relax the
legs on the ground. (B) Repeat
three times, doing breath of fire
for 1 minute each time. Repeat
breath of fir e one more time and in-
hale raising the legs one foot.
(A2 ) Hold as long as comfortable. This
kriya stimulates the sex energy
channels in the upper thigh.

C) Stretch pose: Lie on the back

with legs together and raise the
heels six inches. Raise head and
shoulders six inches and look at
t I' your toes. (C) In this position
begin breath of fire and continue
( A3 )
for 3 min~tes. Inhale and relax.
D) S i t up, legs ou~ st rai ght . Put
l eft l eg on the thi gh o f right l eg .
Keep hands para llel to the ground .
palms down , on each side of the left
foot. (Dl) Inhal e , exhal e and r each past the
toes. Inhale deeply and sit up lean-
ing back 30°. (D2) Exhale, grabbing
toes. Repeat 25 times and change

E) Sit up and l ean back 60° from

the g round. Put the palms on the
ground as a brace . Drop th e neck
back and lo ok at the ceiling fi x in g
the eyesight o n one poi n t . (E) Do
(D2 ) not wink or blink. Beg in breath of
fire for 2 minutes. Inhale and
raise both feet 12 inches from th e
ground, keeping the v ision steady.
Hold for 15 to 20 seconds, exha l e
down. Repeat breath of fire for 1
minute. Inh ale , raise both feet 12
inches. Hold for 15 seconds, exha l e
down and rel ax comp letely on back .

F) Lying on the back, inhal e

deeply and exhale comp l ete l y out .
Rais e hands to the sky, fingers
outstretched . Bring hands together
int o tight fists and slowly bring
t hem down to the chest , bending
e l bows. (F) Ke ep tension in the
arms as if s truggling so t hat the
fists shake as the y touch the c h es t.
Relax the breath. Repeat the exer-
cise with the breath held in.
Deeply and complete ly relax for 5


Thi s easy se ries can beautify

and lighten your body. Exercise "A"
stimulates the navel point energy
and blood circulation into the lungs. "B" adds the creative power of th e
sexual energy. "c" restimulates the navel point. " D" adjusts the chem-
ical balance in the blood and heJ:ps the 10\~er back and wais tline. "E"
moves the energy into the brain and eyes. It has helped cases of head-
aches and eye diseas es such as cataract. "F" removes any residual tensi on
and allows you to r e lax.

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Lie on the stomach, heels

together. Inhale and rise up to a
push-up position. (A) Only the
upper side of bent toes and palms
of hands remain on the ground. Ex-
hale down. Continue 15 times up
and down in a moderately slow rhythm.

B) Lie on stomach and catch the

ankles stre tching back with a pull.
(B) Begin breath of fire for 30
seconds. Inhale, exhale, and relax
on stomach, hands straight at sides.

C) Lie on stomach. Make a fist

of the hands and place them b e low
the waistline just above and inside
the bend of the legs. (C) Inhale and
raise the left leg up. Exhale and
raise the right as the left is low-
ered. Continue alternating with
breath for 2 minutes.

D) Relax into cobra pose. Hold

the pose, but just relax. (Dl) Heels
are togeth e r, arms straight, head
back. Re lax in this posture 45 sec-
onds, then spread the legs far apart
and bring hands closer into the body
to create a deeper back bend. (D2)
Roll th e head back and forth by ta'~­
ing the chin from the right shoulder
to th e l e ft shoulder, inhaling at
the right and exhaling at the left.
Continue 4 o r 5 time s.

E) Rel a x and lie down on the
sto mach grabbing wrists behind the
back. (E) Roll left and right On
chest with legs straight and h ee ls
together. Continue for 30 seconds.

F) In the same position with arms

straight along sides, begin relax-
ing each part of the body . Go deep
within yourself for 5 minutes .

G) Bundle roll: Lie straight o n

(G) the back with arms at sides like a
bundle o f logs tied together . Flip
yourself over and over from back to
stomach, stomach to back without
bending t _h e body, arms or legs . (G)
Do not b e nd anywhere. Continue for
3 minutes .

H) To t a l relaxation on back for

10 minute s.


To tap the reserve flow of the Kundalini e nergy in your body, you
activate the sexual energy in exercise "A, " the navel energy in "B" and
"C ," and move that energy up the spine in "Dl . " During "D2" the thyroid
gland secretes and opens circulation to the upper brain . This clears
your thinking and adds energy to the will . The last two exercises charge
and strengthen yo u r electromagnetic field . They also stabilize the new
energy state you have created . This set gives you an extra resistance -to
the fluctuations of the environment.

Yogi Bha jan ji

A) Vatskar Kriya: Sit in easy

pose with ·hand s on knee s. Make a
beak of the mouth and drink as much
air as you can into the stomach
using short, continuous sips. Pull
in and hold it. Roll the stomach
to the left, then reverse the dire c-
tion to the right when the breath
has be e n held in for half its maxi-
mum time . (A) continue rolling
stomach as long as possible with
neck lock applied. When the breath
can be held in no longer, straighten
the spine and exhale slowly (not
powerfully) through the mouth.
Repeat the complete exercise 2 times.
Always do this on an empty stomach
and not more than twice per day.

B) Sit on heels and touch the

forehead to the ground. Keep hands
down at sides. (B) Imagine that
there is a big tail coming off the
end of the spine and wag it. Imagine
the tail weighs 100 lbs. and try to
make it break the wall. Continue
for 3 minutes followed by 5 minutes ,
of rest.

C) Lie down on back. Press toes

forward. Lift both legs three fe e t
from the ground. (C) S tart long
deep breathing. Continue for 2 to 3
minutes, then inhale, hold briefly
and relax.

D) Lying down on the back, bring

the le g s overhead and catch toes. (D)
Roll back and forth from the bas e
of the spine to the neck. Hold
onto the toes and keep rocking for
3 minute s.

E) Sit up immediately in sukasan.
As calmly as possible, make a "u"
of the right hand and close the
right nostril with the thumb of the
right hand. Use the little finger
to close the left nostril. (El&2) In-
hale left, exhale right. Conti n ue
for 3 minutes, then inhale and feel
the energy radiate throughout the
body giving health and life.

F) Sit in sukasan, hand lock in

front of the chest at the heart
level. Turn head left and right .
Inhale as the chin goes over the
left shoulder, exhale as it turns
right. (F) Continue for 3 minutes.

G) For a refresher, sit in easy

pose, arms out parallel to the ground .
Swing arms backward in a ro l ling
motion as if swimming . (Gl) Continue
for 1 minute then inhale and bend
elbows to bring hands up to shoulders.
(G2) This remagnetizes the electric
current. While the breath is held,
the energy starts circulating. Ex-
hale and let the energy flow to all
parts and feel refreshed .


This is a good example of a

simple but powerful series that was
kept secret by those few yogis who
learned it. This will allow you to
completely mas'ter your digestive sys -
tem, and give a youthful appearance
(Gl) to your skin. Aging does not start
with years, it begins with nutri-
tional deficiency, intestinal prob-
lems and an inflexible spine that
disrupts the flow of the spinal fluid.
Exercise "A" adjusts the acid -
'base balance in the stomach , but it
must be done regularly without miss -
ing a single day. " B" strengthens
the heart, "C" slims the waistline
and cleans the gallbladder , " 0"
flushes the circulation and balances
your nerves. "E & F" distribute
the pranic force and stimulate the
thyroid and parathyroid .

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Lie down flat o n the
back, arms straight with
thighs, heels and toes
together . Press toes for-
ward to the maximum . (A)
Press toes deeper and deeper
for 1 minute , then l ift the
heels six inches. Begin
long deep breathing . Keep head down
on the ground and continue for 3

B) Dead Relaxation for 2 minutes.

C) Again press toes forward , hands

straight by thighs , toes pressed
down maximum for 1 minute. Now lift
heels up 3 inches only, apply mul
bhand, and relax.

D) Mrit Asan: Dead relaxation.

Become disassociated from the body .
l There are no legs , no arms, no trunk,
no head. Continue for 2 minutes.

E) Sit in easy pose. Put hands

on shoulders in a "U" with fingers
in front, thumbs in back. (E) Begin
breathing long and deep for 3 min-
utes, then inhale and mentally cir-
culate the pranic energy. Relax.

F) Make an antenna of the right

hand with fingers up in the air and
the thtunb closing off the right nos -
tril. (F) Begin long deep breathing
through the left nostril for 5 min-
utes . Inhale, hold for 30 seconds,
let the energy circulate in the body
anq exhale.
G) Lie on back. Lift toes and
head 12 inches from ground. (G)
KEEP UP! Normal breathing for 2 min-
utes and breath of fire for 1 more
minute to relieve pain. Inhale,
hold and relax.

H) Deep r e laxation to a gong, lonq
SAT NAM'S (see page 42), or any beaufi-
ful divine version of the ash tang
mantra can be done. Relax for 10
(I) minutes, rotate wrists and a n kles
and stretch the spine.

I) Lie with hands at sides and

legs straight together. Begin bundle
roll . Imagine the body is a bundle
of logs ti e d together, and turn over
and over without usinC; the arms or legs,
like logs rolling downstream. (I)

J) Without a rest, lie flat on the

back, open the mouth, and laugh
loudly. Release the energy through
the lungs. Relax for 1 minute and
laugh again. Relax

Blood is the life supply line to your cells. Did you know that the
blood cells act differently with different magnetic influences? Exercises
"A to D" raise and lower the blood pressure and increase circulation to
the limbs and head. "E to G" magnetize and charge the blood with
pranic force. This is just like a transfusion of fresh young blood. The
last exercise allows the new energy to circulate and affect the ent i re
body. With the bundle roll, you consolidate those effects for the rest
of your day.

Y og~ Bha]an ]~

A) Sit in easy pose. Put the

arms up at a 60° angle with wrists
and ·elbows straight, palms facing
up. (Al) Begin breath of fire for
1 minute, then inhale, hold the
breath and pump the stomach in and
out 16 times. (A 2 & 3 ) E}(\")ale , r e lax the
breath and continue for 2 to 3

B) Immediat e l y sit on heels with

arms at sides parallel to the ground.
Let the hands hang limp from the
wrist. (B) Begin breath o f fire for
3 minutes. Inhale, hold and relax.

C) Sit on heels . Spread the knees

wide apart and l e an back 60° from
the ground: Support the body with
arms straight down in back . (Cl)
Tilt neck back, inhale and pump the
stomach in and out until the breath
can b e held no longer. Exhale and
continue for 1 1 / 2 to 2 minutes.
Now, ti 1 t the spine back farther to
30° and continue the breathing for
anothe r 1 1/ 2 to 2 minutes. (C2)

(B )

D) Still sitting on heels with
knees widespread , put forehead on
the ground with arms stretched for-
ward and relaxed. (D) After I min-
ute, begin long deep breathing for
2 minutes. Then for 2 minutes chant:

( D) J
Teacher: Ong Ong Ong Ong
Class: II II I' 'I

Teacher: Sohung Sohung Sohung Sohung

Class : " II " "

E) Grab the toes with legs slightly

spread. Hold for I minute. (E)

F) Back platform: Body is straight

with the heels on the ground and the
upper portion of the body held up
by straight arms. Drop head back
and beg i n breath of fire. (F) After
30 seconds, begin to "walk" the legs
wider apart until they are spread
wide. Walk them back
together again and continue
walking doing breath of
fire for 30 more seconds .
Inhale, exhale and move
immediately into the front
stretch holding the toes
for I minute. (E) Relax
on back for 3 minutes .

G) Sit on the left heel

and stretch the right leg
forward grabbing the big
toe with the right hand .
pulling back on the toe, grab the
heel with the left hand. (G) Keep
chin tucked in to the chest and
'e yes fixed on the big toe . Inhale
deeply , then exhale and hold the
breath out for B seconds keeping mul
bhand and diaphragm lock tightly
pulled. Inhale and continue for 3
minutes. Relax for 5 minutes on

H) Lying on the back, stretch arms
overhead on the ground. Raise the
left leg 90° and begin breath of fire
for I minute. (HI) Switch to the
right leg for I minute. Now, raise
both legs one foot only and keep up
the breath of fire for I more minute.
(H2) Relax for 2 minutes

I) Slowly come into

shoulder stand. Spread
the legs wide open and
begin breath of fire for
3 minutes. (I) Relax on
the back for 3 minutes.

J) Lying on the back, inhale and

lift both legs six inches. The arms
should be straight up from the
shoulders with the palms facing in.
(JI) On the exhale, let both legs
down and bring the head up pressing
the chin on the chest. (J2) Continue
3 minutes with long deep breathing.
Relax 2 minutes.


K) Sit in easy pose and hold oppo-
si te elbows across the chest. (K)
Roll the head in a slow figure eight
for 30 seconds in one direction,
then 30 seconds in the other direc-
tion. Inhale deeply bending forward
to the ground. Exhale and rise up
as fast as possible 10 times.

L) Meditate by chanting:


This set works on the coordination and repair of the nervous system
by stimulating the heart center. Your normal feeling of hqppiness, con-
nection, and well-being depend on the balance of your individual psycho-
electromagnetic field. If it is strong, your muscles obey the message
nerves, and the message nerves give good perception to the brain. Proper
maintenance of the nerves depends on the basic elements and hormones in
the constitution of the blood. This set will balance the blood.
In exercise "A," you build the psycho-electromagnetic field. If
your elbows bend, the ps yc ho-electromagnetic field will not be reformed
• or strengthened. If the exhale after pumping the stomach is rough or
gasping, then your magnetic field is very weak. The second exercise is
for the heart. This stimulates the thyroid, parathyroid and navel center.
If you practice these, you will never need c o smetics. A smooth radiant
complexion and a glow in the eyes and face is a natural by-product of
this exercise.
Exercise "D" feeds the newly constit uted blood into the brain cells
and moves the spinal fluid. This helps repair damage to the brain done
by drugs like alcohol, marijuana, etc. "E" is for balance and "F" is for
the thyroid, lower back and heart. "G" is for the great seal of Yoga:
Maha-mudra. Its effects fill pages. This exercise can be practiced by
itself. "H" balances prana and apana. "I" is for the thyroid and "J"
and "K" are for the heart center.
The best results are always obtained if you practice a set until you
master it. If you cannot do the exercises for the full time period, do
what you can and slowly build up to it. When y ou can keep up on all the
given times and are in a good posture · for each exercise, continue the set
each day for 40 days as you master the mental poise and meditation of the
full set.

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Lying on the stomach , place

hands on the ground directly under
shoulders . Arch the neck back, and
lift up into cobra pose . (Ai) In -
hale and raise hips straight off the
ground coming into a front p l atform
-----... (Ai) pose. (A2) Exhale as the hips go
back down into cobra pose. Repeat
26 times; then relax 2 minutes on the
stomach. The teacher should chant
ONG - th e infinite, creative conscious-
ness, on the inhale; and SOHONG - I
am thou, on the exhale . This will
keep a rhythm and keep the mind
focus ed .

B) Come into cow pose. (Bl) Stretch

forward with an exhale making the
hips and chin touch the ground . Keep
the hea d up and arms bent. (B2) Inhale
back into cow pose. The teacher
chants ONG-SOHUNG : ONG on the for-
ward motion, SOHONG on resuming cow
(A2) pose. Repeat 26 times.

C) Immediately without resting , lie

on the back. Bend the k n ees and
catch the ankles with the hands .
Soles of the feet should stay on the
ground next to the buttocks . (Cl) In-
(Bl) hale and raise hips up " exhale and
bring them down. (C2) Repeat 26 t:irres,
rest for 2 minutes, and repeat 26
more times.

(C2 )


*COrrected for second printing

D) Imme diately lie down on the back.
( 1'1 )
Raise both legs 18 inches and start
long deep powerful breathing for 30
seconds. (Dl) NCM bring one knee to the
chest, then the other with each deep
inhale. (D2) continue alternating
with this push-pull action for 45
seconds to 1 minute. Inhale and hold
both legs up for 5 seconds and relax.

E) Lie on back, bring the soles

of the feet together, and grab them
with the hands. (E) Rock back and
forth for 30-45 seconds. Relax.

F) Deep r e laxation for 2 minutes.

G) Stretr.h pose: Feet and head

6 inches off the ground. Eyes fixed
on the toes with normal breathing.
(G) Hold balance to maximum capa-
city of 7 minutes. Inhale deeply,
exhale, and hold the breath out
while applying mul bhand. Hold as
long as possible, then relax down.
Repeat 5 tir.1es.

H) Compl e t.ely relax for 5 minutes

letting the energy circulate. TIUmk
• of God and God consciousness. Feel
united. Then, lying on your back, "
repeat aloud: "God and me, me and
God, are one" over and over, rais-
ing" hig her and higher in pitch and
volume. (about 12 times) Inhale
deeply, hold for 15 seconds and ex-
hale. Start chant again but very
powerfully. Chant loudly from the
solar plexus. The eyes should be
closed. Do not feel shy. Inhale
and exhale deeply eight times, then
inhale holding the breath in and
raise both legs 90° for 15 seconds.
(H) Exhal e and relax.


I) Sit in sidhasana (perfect p:lse, Il)
or sukasana (easy p:lse). Use the tip of
(Il ) the thumb and the tip of the little fin-
qer of one hand to close alternate nostrils.
Inhale through the left nostril,
exhale through the right. (I2) Medi-
tate at the base of the spine and
pull mul bhand. On the inhale,
think SAT, the TRUTH; on the exhale
vibrate NAM, identity or ego. Con-
tinue for 1 minute. Begin breath
of fire in through the left nostril,
out through the right for 1 minute.
Without a break, inhale and exhale
through left nostril only, moder-
ately fast for about 15 seconds.
Begin breath of fire through left
nostril for 15 seconds, then through
the right nostril 15 seconds. Again
the left for 5 seconds and riqht for
5 seconds. Inhale through both nos-
trils and hold 5 seconds. Exhale,
holding the breath out and mentally
repeat SAT NAM making the sound
follow a spiral up the spine for 30
seconds. Then visualize the SAT
going down both sides of the spine,
entering the bas ~ of the spine and
NAM rising up the middle of the
spine. Hold the mind against every
other thing and concentrate. NOW
is the time. Inhale deeply, exhale
and repeat the mental meditation
one more time.

J) Chant Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Sat

Nam Siri Wha Guru in the following

I~"w tf~ ..~ J~ Jw__01.

Si-ri \·lha Gu-ru-u

When chanting "Sat Nam" and "Guru,"
apply and release mul bhand. Gradu-
ally the mul bhand will become so
strong and locked in that it will
' be easy to hold throughout the entire
chant. Continue chanting for 6 min-
utes. Inhale, hold for 15 seconds
and relax or meditate.


In our culture, we are taught to view sex in terms of pleasure and

reproduction. We are not educated in the need for moderation in sex in order
to maintain our health and nerve balance. Sexual experience in the correct .
consciousness can give you the experience of God and bliss, but before
that can ever occur you must charge your sexual batteries and possess a
real potency. The seminal fluids produced in the male and female contain
high concentrations of minerals and elements that are crucial to proper
nerve balance and brain functioning. The sexual fluid is reabsorbed by
the body if it is allowed to mature. Its essence or "ojas" is transported
into the spinal fluid. Running yo ur mind without the ojas is like
a car without oil--you wear out quickly. About 90% of your sexual energy
is used to repair and rejuvenate the organs of the body. The normal span
of potency for a yogi is equal to the length of his life. In the U.S.,
potency wanes even in the ear ly forties. This kriya will generate sexual
energy and transmute it into ojas and healing force.
The first three exercises activate the sex chakra; then the navel
point and lower spine. "c" is especially effective for relieving tension
and problems of the ovaries. "D and E" move the energy out of the digestive
system. "G" distributes the energy from the navel point above the solar
plexus to the heart center. "I" uses pranayam to completely open your
psychic channels and move the Kundalini energy all the way to the highest
chakras. "J" uses the Kundalini energy ' in the mantra to project the mind
into the infinite of the cosmos and beyond the normal worldly consciousness.

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit in easy pose. Make an
antennae of the right hand fingers
and block the right nostril.(Al)
Begin long deep breathing through

) J (l /I 9L- the left nostril for 3 minutes.

Inhale and hold for 10 seconds.

B) Same as "A" but use the left
I ( hand and breathe through the right
(Al) nostril. Continue for 3 minutes,
inhale and hold for 10 seconds.

C) Inhale through the left nostril,

/ (A2)
exhale through the right using long
deep breaths. Use the forefinger
and little finger to close alternate
nostrils. (Al&A2)

D) Do the same as the above except

inhale through the right nostril and
exhale through the left.

E) Sit in easy pose with hands in

gyan mudra. (E) Begin breath of
fire. Totally center yourself at
the brow point. Continue with a
regular powerful breath for 7 1/2
minutes. Then inhale, circulating
the energy. Relax or meditate for
5 minutes, then chant long "SAT NAM' S."

'-' Sa - a - a - a - a - a - a -at Nar"

COMMENTS: - - - ---- ------- - ---
This set opens the pranic channels and balances the breath in the
two sides of your body. It is often practiced before a more strenuous,
physical kriya. It is great to do by itself- whenever you need a quick
lift and a clear mind.

yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit in easy pose. Ra i se th e
arms up so that thr. npper arms a r e
parallel to th e ,~round and the forr. -
arms are perpennic ular to the g roun d .
Bend the wrists s o that the palms
are facing upward, parallel to th e
ground. (Al Maintain this position
for 1 minute . Inhale de e ply and
hold for 10 secn nds, then exhale.
Repeat the breat::, s without rest four
times. Th e n hnld the breath out and
apply mul bhand . Inhale, hold briefly
and exhale.

Bl Do long deep breathing for 10

minutes, hands in venus l o ck in th e
lap. (B1&B2) With ea ch inhalation,
raise the rib cage up high. Tempo -

_ _ _ _ _~( BJ)
rary dizziness may be experienced,
but the results wi ll l ead to mi nd
control. Firm concentration at the
brow will al l eviate most imba l ance .

Cl This exercise must immediately

• foll ow the o ne above . Si t up, legs
straight out in front. Bend forward
and catch the toes. (Cl Inhale,
exhale a nd hold the breath out.
Pump the belly as long as possible,
then inhal e and exhale. Repea t t\~O
more times.

COMMENTS: Exercise "A" turns o n the

energy to the lungs and heart. "B"
us es the energy to expand the l ung
capaci ty; "c" balances and clistriilUtes
th7 prana. For a beginners c l ass , do
th1s set three times, but allow only
2 - 3 minutes of breathing in "B. "


Yogl. Bhajan -ji

Pranayam Series #1:

A) Si t in easy pose, hands in gyan

mudra with arms straight . (A) Begin
breath of fire and continue for 7
minutes. Inhale and hold the breath
for 30 seconds, exhale.

B) Begin long deep breathing thrnuCih

both nostrils. Breathe deepe r than
normal so that the entire r i b cagp.
l ifts several inches . Conti n ue 5
mi nutes, then inhale and hold 15
seconds, exhale.

C) Immediately begin to breathe

in through puckered lips and exhale
through the nose. Continue 3 min -
utes, then inhale and hold briefly
and exhale.

D) Do a powerful and regular breat.'1

of fire for 2 more minutes, then
inhale deeply and hold as long as is
comfortable. Focus at the br= point:.

E) Meditate with normal breathing.

Feel the flow of energy through the
whol.e body .

Pranayam Series #2:

A) Sit in easy pose, hands in ~yan

mudra. Make a "u" out of the right
hand. Inhale through the left nos-
tril holding the right one shut with
the thumb, (AI) and exhale out the
right nostril holding the left one
shut -with the little finger. (A2)
Think "SAT" on the inhale and "NAM"
on the exhale. Continue for 10 min-
utes with deep, regular breaths.
Then inhale, exhale, inhale , exhale
completely and hold it out. Apply ,
- the mul bhand.


The first kriya is a good blood cleanser and energizer . The second
is f or emotional .. balance . If you get up some morning and feel that yo u
"got up on the wrong side of bed," this exercise will rebiii'ance you f or
th e day .

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit in easy pose. Place palms

together overhead, arms straight
hugging the ears. (A) Begin breath
of fire and continue for 2 minutes.
Inhale, hold for 20 seconds, and
exhale. Repeat breath of fire for
2 minutes. Inhale and hold 30 sec-
onds, exhale. Repeat one more time.
Relax for 2 minutes.

B) Sit on heels in vajarasa~a

(rock pose). Cross the hands behind
(A) the head and hold on to opposite
shoulders with opposite hands. (B)
Begin breath of fire and continue
for 2 minutes. Inhale and hold.
Exhale and relax. Repeat breath of
fire 1 minute, then relax 3 minutes.

C) Yoga Mudra: Sit on heels. Apply

venus lock behind the back. (Cl) lean
forward and gradually bring the forp.-
head to the ground. (C2) Raise arms
straight up to 90°, maintaining the ,.
position to maximum capacity. Con-
tinue at least 3 minutes.
(B) D) Relax completely on the back
for 10 minutes.

COMMENTS: The skin breathes. It. is

just as important to keep its channels
clean as it is for the nose or lungs.
This series removes obstructions to
the flow of prana through the "third
lung. "

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit in easy posture . Stretch

arms straight up overhead with
palms together. (AI) Arch spine as
far up and back as possible . (A2)
Begin long deep breathing through
the mouth with a whistle both on
the inhale and the exhale . Contin-
ue in this manner for 5 minutes.
Re lax.

B) Stretch arms straight out in

front, fingers interlocking with
palms facing outward . (Bl) Exhale
and bring hands in toward chest .
(B2) Inhale and stretch arms out
straight again . (Bl) Continue for
(A I) (A2 ) two minutes with a fairly rapid
motion. Now, inhale and stretch
arms out straight in front , fing ers
interlocking , palms facing out\~ard.
(Bl) Hold the breath and bring arms
straight up overhead(B3) , and back
down parallel to the floor. (Bl)
• Exhale and bring hands in toward
chest . (B2) Inhale , stretching arms
out straight in front again(Bl) and
repeat a ll of sequence for 2 min-


C) Without resting, stretch arms
out straight in front at rl 60" angle
to each other. (Cl) Inhal e and slowly
clench fists. Hold the breath and
bring the fists into the chest with
tension . Exhale and release tensi on.

Repeat for 3 minutes , maintain ing
an angry face through out th e exer-
(Cl) D) Bring hands behind the neck,
fingers interlocked. palms facing
upward . (Dl) Inhale ~nd stretch ar~~
up overhead. (D2) Exhale down behind
neck. Continue f o r 2 minutes.

E) Stretch arms straight up over-

head,palms together, thumbs crossen.
(El) Inhale and twist to ~he left.
Exhale and twist right. Continue
for 2 mi nut es.

F) Interlock fingers at chest

level, palms face down. (Fl) Inhale
and bring hands up to eye l eve l.
(F2) Exhale back down to ches t
level. (Fl) Continue for 2 minutes.

(F 2 )

G) Place hand s on shou lders,
fingers in front , thumbs in back.
(Gl) Inhale and twist to the left.
Exhale and twist to th e right .
Continue for 2 minut es .

H) Sit in easy postllre. Place

hands on kne es . (HI) Inhale and flex
both shoulders up . (Il2) Exhale down.
(Hl) Continue for 2 minutes. Flex
(G l) spine. Inhale IIp . exhale down.
Continue for 2 minutes

I) Roll eyes up as far as possib le.

Concentrate at th e top of the head.
Meditate for 1 5 minutes .


This series begins by purify-

ing the blood and expanding the
lung capacity . Then the circulatory
system i s stimulated . The thyroid
and pa r athyroi d secretions are added
to the increased circulation and the
• upper magnetic field of the body is
enlarged. This is an excellent prep-
arat i on for beginners who need to
l earn deep meditation.

Yogi Bha]an ji

A) Sit in easy pose. Place palms

flat together at the center of the
chest, the thumbs touching the cen-
ter of the sternum. (AI) With the
eyes closed, look up slightly, focus-
ing at the brow point. Inhale
deeply, concentrating on the breath.
With the exhale, chant the mantra
in the law of seven or law of the
tides. Vibrate S~T in six waves,
and let NAM be the seventh.

Sa - a - a - a - a - a -t Nam
On each wave, thread the sound
through the chakras beginning at
the base of the spine in the rectum.
On NAM, let the energy and sound
radiate from the seventh chakra at the top
of the head through the aura. (A2) As the
sound penetrates each chakra, or center,
gently pull the physical area it
corresponds to: the first center
is the rectum, second the sex organs,
third the navel point, forth the
heart, fifth the throat, sixth the
brow point and seventh the top of
the head. Continue for 15 minutes.


If you can build this meditation to at least 31 minutes 6 seconds

per day, the mind will be cleansed as the ocean waves wash the sandy beach.
This is a bij mantra meditation. Bij mantras such as "SAT NAM" are
the only sounds which can totally rearrange the habit patterns of the
subconscious mind. We all have habit patterns. We could not function
without them, but sometimes the patterns we have created are not wanted.
You have changed so you want the patterns to change. By vibrating the
sound current SAT NAM in this manner, you activate the energy of the mind
that erases and establishes habits. Consequently, this meditation is good
to do as an introduction to Kundalini Yoga. It will open the mind to new
experience. A long-time student will still meditate in this way, partic-
ularly to clear off the effects of a hurried day before beginning another
deep meditation. After you chant this mantra, you will feel calm, relaxed
and mellow.
Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit straight in easy pose. (Al)

Meditate at the brow point and pro-
duce the five primal sounds or panj
shabad -- S,T,N, M,A - - in the orig-
inal Word form:

SA - infinity, cosmos,
TA - life, existence
NA - death
MA - rebirth

This is the cycle of creation . From

the infinite comes life and individ-
ual existence . From life CCIIES death
or change . From death comes the
rebirth of consciousness to the joy
of the infinite which through com-
passion leads back to life. This
sound current is represented musi-
cally this way:

I@t I J J J J I


Each repetition of the entire mantra
takes 3 to 4 seconds.
The elbows are straight while
chanting, and ·each fingertip touches
in turn the tip of the thumb with
(M) firm pressure.

On "SA" touch 1st, Jupiter

finger to t humb. (A2)
On "TA" touch 2nd, Saturn
finger to thumb . (A3)
On "NA" touch 3rd. Sun
finger to thumb. (A4)
On "MA" touch 4th. Mercury
finger to thumb. (AS)

Then begin again on the first finger.

Chant in the three languages of

human - things, world
normal or loud voice

5s lovers - longing to belong

strong whisper
divine - i n finity
mentally (silent)

Begin the kriya in human sound
for five minutes, then whisper for
five minutes and then go deep into
the sound silently. Vibrate in
silence for about eleven minutes,
then come back to a whisper, then
(B) aloud. Inhal e and exhale.
To come completely out of th e
meditation, stretch the hands up as
far as possible and spread them
ilL" form wide. Stretch the spine and take
several deep breaths. Relax.


Each time you close a mudra by joining the thumb with a finger, your
ego "seals" the effect of that mudra in your consci o usne ss. The effects
are as follows:


:It 1st gyan mudra knowledge

~ 2nd shuni mudra wisdom, intelligence


0 3rd surya mudra vitality-e nergy of


~ 4th bhudi mudra ability to a:mnunicate

Practicing this chant brings a total mental balance to the individual

psyche. As you vibrate on each finger tip, you alternate your electrical
polarities. The index and ring fingers are negative electrically, rel a -
tive to the other fingers. This causes a .balance in the electro-magnetic
projection of the aura.
If during the silent part of the meditation your mind wanders uncon-
trollably, go back to whisper, to loud, to whisper and back into silence .
Do this as often as you need.
Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. It is an
art in the way it molds consciousness, and in the refinement of sensation
and insight it produces. It is a science in the tested certainty of the
results each technique produces. Meditations have coded actions to their
reactions in the ps y che. But because it is effective and exact it can also
lead to problems if not done properly.

Some people may experience headaches from practicing kirtan kriya.
The most common reason for this is improper circulation of prana in the
solar centers. To avoid this problem or correct it if it has already
occurred , you must meditate on the primal sounds in the "L" form. This
means that when you meditate vo u feel there is a constant inflow of cos-
mic energy into your solar center, or tenth gate. As the energy enters
the top chakra, you place S,T,N or M there. As you chant "SA" for example,
the "s" starts at the top of your head and the "a" ends through the brow
point as it is projected to infinity.(B) This energy flow follows the energy
pathway called the golden cord -- the connection between the pineal and
pituitary glands.
Chanting SA-TA-NA-MA is the primal or nuclear form of SAT NAM. It
has the energy of the atom in it since we are breaking the atom (or bij)
of sound, II SAT NAM". II

You may use this chant in any position as long as you adhere to the
following rp.quirements:

1) Keep your spine straigh t.

2) Focus at your brow point.
3) Use the "L" form of meditation.
4) Vibrate the Panj Shabad in all three lanquaqes.
5) Use yogic common sense without fanaticism.

Yogiji said at Winter Solstice '72 that a person who wears pure
whi te and meditates on this sound current for 2 1/2 ho'urs a day for one
year, will know the unknowable, and see the unseeable. Through this
constant practice, the mind awakens to the infinite capacity of the soul
for sacrifice, service, and creation .

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Sit in any e asy sitting posbllE.

'Spine must be perfectly straight.
Rest both hands gently in the lap. (AI)
For a female, the left hand rests on
top of the right. For the male, it
is reversed. (A2) Close the eyes and
concentrate at the brow point. Focus
the attention at the tip of the big
toe and draw the life force along
the entire length of the leg to the
rectum. Mentally rotate the energy
around the ring of the rectum. Inhale
deeply and pull the rectum up, then
release it. Continue rhythmical pull-
ing and then exhale. Repeat the
cycle, inhaling from toe to rectum.
Each time pull the rectun further up.

B) NOW, inhale and pull the sex

organ as well as the rectum. Con-
tract it and pull up five times per
C) Pull the navel
point, sex organ and
rectum five times per
breath. Try to massage
the spine with the navel
po int. Pull the lower
t r iangle farther up each

/ time until the e ne rgy

is pulled all the way
to the diaphragm.

D) Inhale deeply and

concentrate on the Divine
Power in the breath. Feel
it shoot up to the dia-
phragm like a rocket as
the locks are pulled.
Lift up the c h est to lift the dia-
phragm. Exhale.

E) Inhale, pull all the locks and

pull the chin in to form the neck
lock, or jalundra bhand. Concentrate
on consciously raising the energy to
the neck . A heat will be created
F) Inhale, pull the energy all the

way to the brow point. Apply all
the lower locks and press the eyes
up. Exhale.

G) Relax, meditate at the brow,

and go deep within.

H) Meditate at the brow point, and

chant very sweetly from the back of
your throat at the upper palate of
the mouth:

10) i

Create a continuous sound, inhal-

ing when necessary. Listen to the
sound as though it comes from infi-
ni ty. After 5 minutes, inhale deeply.
Tilt the head back and look at the
sky. (H) Let the breath out with a
laugh. Keep laughing aloud for 30
seconds. Relax.


Parts "A" through "F" should be practiced 5 minutes each. "G,"
the final meditation, may be as long as you want. The chanting of "Laaah"
may be extended to 11 minutes. It is best to practice this meditation
1/2 to 1 hour each day.
Raja yoga is a part of Kundalini Yoga. There are many meditations in
this part of the tradition. This meditation awakens the God in you. There
is no nped to find God. He already exists in you as infinite awareness.
It is only necessary to awaken Him. This meditation can open the third
eye, and give you the practical experience of a reality which cannot be
put into words. Raja yoga relates the mind directly to the soul or self.
So, there is no automatic control over the mind except will. Kundalini
Yoga generally relates the body directly to soul so that the mind has no
option but to follow the will to infinity.
This series will automatically relate your circumvent force to the
universal magnetic field. The more you consciously invest your mind into
this, the more expansion you will experience. The practice is self-styling
and will direct your conscious energy.

Yogi Bha]an ji

A) Sit in easy pose. Inhale with

a deep whistle through the mouth.
The lips should be puckered like a
beak. (A) Exhale through the nose.
Concentrate the sound nt the third
eye point for 5 minutes. Listen
just to the pure sound. Continue
for 2 more minutes mentally inhaling
SAT and exhaling NAM with the whistle.

B) Come into cobra pose. (B) Arch

the neck back and look up. Fix the
eyesight. Inhale through the nose
and whistle out through mouth for
3 ' to 5 minutes. Inhale and slowly
come out of cobra pose. Rest for
2 minutes.
C) Lie on the back with knees on
chest. Hold them there with hands
and fingers interlaced over the
knees. Lift head up putting the
nose between the knees. (C) With ,-the
mouth closed, make the sound "hunn-
nnnnh." The vibrations will be
felt in the nose and throat. Con-
tinue for 3 minutes.

D) Relax on back with legs crossed

on the ground as in easy pose. (D)
This creates a delicate pressure in
the lower spine. Maintairi the posi-
tion for 5 minutes.

E) Sit in easy pose, hands on

shoulders, thumbs behind and fingers
in front. Swing from left to right
inhaling left, exhaling right. (EI)

Synchronize the motion with the
• breath for 1 minute. Then sit on
the heels and continue exercise for
1 more minute. (E2) Inhale, hold

F) Still sitting on heels, lean

forward and put forehead on the
ground. (F) Rest completely in this
pose for 3 to 5 minutes.


This is a real transcendental rred-

itation as it was originally taught
centuries ago. If the many teacher~
who have come to the USA to initiate
students into secret mantras claim-
ing to be transcendental meditations,
actually gave the undiluted tech-
niques like this kriya, then we would
be able to research the science of
consciousness much more effectively.
Transcendental meditations always
have a breath rhythm and mudra linked
to the mantra.
In the yogic scriptures, there are six pages written to tell the bene-
fits of this single kriya. It allows you to control the senses and
• thoughts. It balances the life nerves of prana and apana so that your
health is improved and the lung capacity is increased. Once your lung
capacity for normal breathing goes beyond 700 cc, your personality changes.
The extra capacity sends an increased vital force to the nervous system
with each breath. Nerves that are strong give you patience. In this exer-
cise, the body maintains a perfect equilibrium in the C02 and 02 exchange.
The pressure on the tongue cauties the thyroid and parathyroids to secrete.
If you practice "A" for 15 minutes, you may experience some pain in the
ears. After 31 minutes, you may have a pain in the upper chest. These
are the signs of the glands secreting and gaining a new balance. If you
sincerely practiced "A" for 31 minutes a day followed by the remaining
exercises, this kriya can change your personality, your total life style,
and even your destiny .

Yogi Bhajan ji ,

A) Sit in easy pose or lotus p , sition.

(AI) Touch your first finger to the
tip of the thumb. (A 2) The touching
should be delicate and just enougn so
you can clearly feel your pulse.
The essence of this meditation is
to form the Triple Lock in a relaxed,
stable and attenti ve attitude. 7he
Triple Lock is: a) Gyan Mudra feeling
your pulse, b) Front teeth are locked
on top of each other, tip to tip , c)
The tongue is turned backward as much
as you can to touch the upper palate.
Meditate at the brow point on the
constant rhythm of the heart. Keep the
spine completely straight. Continue
for 11 minutes. If you choose to prac-
tice this,slowly build the time each
day until you can be alert for 31 min-


This meditation gives you the know-

ledge of past, present, and future.
It directly activates the brain to as-
sociate new areas of the brain and
balance the nervous system. If your
spine is straight as you master this
meditation, your entire destiny and self-
concept will change and expand.

• Yogi Bhajan ji

Ai Sit in easy pose, keeping the
arms straight, hands in gyan mudra
resting on the knees. (A) Sit very
majestically as though in the court
of a king. Close the eyes so that
the energy of sight is not distract-
ing from in-sight. Chant this laya
mantra and enter a divine sound cur-
rent. Concentrate and hear the wund

'4 b. im~

tJ J J JJ:tilJB

Continue for 11 minutes, then

inhale deeply and hold this precious
breath. Concentrate the energy at
the top of the head. After 30 sec-
• onds, exhale and relax.


A fundamental motivation and instinct in man is to seek happiness.

Usually we search allover the world for the right time, the right place,
and the right partner, but we never find them all at .one time, nor do any
of them stay for long. Time, the great reaper, has its harvest of our
sorrows and insecurities, but all we want is happiness.
A state of ecstasy exists within ourselves all the time. It is not
dependent on the whims of circumstance and personality . It is an infinite
pool that refreshes the heart and gives us strength to create a better self
and a better world. This meditation leads you to that experience.
The mantra is a triple sound. As you continue the rreditation it will
lead your mind through three stages. The first stage is rhythmic and your
mind will enjoy it, but it will still allow the thoughts of the day to
enter. You will not like to put all your energy into ecstasy. In the
second stage ' your self-conscious mind will rewar d you to feel yourself.
This will happen because you will feel disturbed as your usual thoughts
• slip away. In the third stage you want to get rid of the self-conscious-
ness and ilI1rerse yourself unconsciously into the ecstasy. You become so
calm you want to sleep. It is the merging of a raindrop into a vastly calm
• and beautiful lake. You reflect all, cleanse all, refresh all. If you
cross this third stage, you can know the ecstasy living within yourself and
enter into a conscious balance and play with the infinite.
Yogi Ilhajan-ji

A) Sit in easy pose with the elbows

straight and hands in gyan mudra. (Al&2)
Close the eyelids, concentrate at
the brow point and chant two complete
cycles of this mantra with each sin-
gle breath:

Ii: I: J J iJ 71 JJ J< J11


I J J J J I J J JJ 7:/

After chanting the two cycles, take

a deep but rapid breath and repeat.
A complete breath takes 12 seconds.
Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. In-
hale and concentrate the energy at •
the top of the head.


This is the science of Laya

Yoga. It is exact and exacting and
it is nobody's private property.
Those who have turned this into the
secret possession of a few, do a dis-
service to humanity at a time when
people need every technique to grow.
Laya Yoga is a science of relating breath,rhythm and mantra to produce
altered states of consciousness. Each Jappa(repetition of mantra) creates
Tapa(psychic heat). When you rotate the breath and volume of sound prop-
erly, it creates heat that burns off the karma. The knowledge cannot
properly be transferred by secret whisperin~ in the ears of disciples. It
must be an open and conscious effort to expand your higher consciousness
into practical expression. The relationship between your life of the
finite and infinite, depends on the rhythm of the breath. By controlling
the breath, this kriya gives you a consciousness of p.cstasy and calms the
nerves. This calmness can also help to reduce fever.

Yogi Bhajan ji

, A) Sit in easy pose or lotus and

place the palms together 9 to 12
inches in front of the chest at
the level of the heart. (AI) Inhale
and swing the head from the right
shoulder across the chest to the
left shoulder. (A2&3) Complete the
swing by pulling the chin in facing
straight forward. (AI) Focus at
the brow point and project this
mantra silently in perfect rhy t h m:

I ij 4/: J J J J j

Exhale and immediately swing the

head with the inhale. The head
swing is quick imd will give a little
pull 'at the base of the skull.
• Continue for 11 minutes, build-
ing up slowly to 31 minutes.


This meditation can totally

reorganize the - brain secretions .
In Kundalini Yoga, the two halves
of the brain are each divided into
five main parts. The parts alter-
nate in dominance every 2 1 / 2 hours.
During this kriya, the little fin-
gers are touching from the bas e
to the tip . This stimulates the
-heart meridian and connects the
first and third brain areas, cor-
relating your desires with what
you achieve through action, and so you become a more effective being.
The head motion puts a pressure on the brain ducts to recirculate
the spinal fluid into the blood stream. The circulation in the spinal
fluid and meridians is often blocked at the base of the neck. This is
particularly true of those who have used a drug like marihuana.

The sound of this mantra travels the mental orbit of your life.
On RaRaRaRa MaMaMaMa RaRaRaRa MaMaMaMa, you travel from your central
self into the orbit of mental life. "Ra" is the sun, "Ma" is the moon.
You return with the bij mantra SaTaNaMa. The rhythm is very important.
If you cannot set the time of the mantra into a proper rhythm, the
rhythm of the time cannot serve you. The moment you can reflect and
create the proper rhythm of the time under the polarity of finite con-
sciousness, then infinity has a right to serve you.
On the fourth and eleventh days of the moon cycle, there is a
special pressure on the endocrine system to secrete and cleanse itself.
To take advantage of this for your physical and me ntal health, practice
this meditation for one hour on each of those days. The kriya will
have the maximum value to you on these special days.

Yogi 3hajan ji

A) Sit in a comfortable pos e .

Straighten the spine and make sure
the first six lower vertebrae are
locked forward. Make fists of both
hands and extend the thumbs straight.
Place the thumbs on the temple, (AI)
and find the niche where the thumbs
"fi t." (This is the lower anterior
portion of the frontal bone above
the temporal-sphenoidal suture.)
Lock the back molars tog e~her
and keep the lips closed. Vibrate
the jaw muscles by alternating the
pressure on the molars. A muscle
will move in rhythm under the thurrbs.
Feel it massage the thumbs and apply
a firm pressure with the hands.
Keep the eyes closed and look
toward the center of the eyes at
the brow point. (A2) Vibrate the
five primal sounds at that point.
Continue 5 to 7 minutes. With indi-
vidual practice, the time can be
increased to 20 minutes and UltiIlBf-..ely
31 minutes .


This meditation is one of a class of meditations that will become

well known to the future medical society. Meditation will b e used to
alleviate all kinds of mental and physical afflictions, but it may be as
many as 500 years before the new medical science will understand the effects
of this kinO. of meditation well enough to delineate all its parameters in
measurable factors.
The pressure exerted by the thumbs triggers a rhythmic reflex current
into the central brain. This current activates the brain area direc tly
underneath the stern of the pineal gland. It is an imbalance in this a r ea
that makes mental and physical addictions seemingly unbreakable.
In modern culture, the imbalance i .s pandemic. If we are not addicted
to smoking, eating, drinking or drugs, then we are addicted subconsciously
to acceptance, advancement, rejection. emotional love etc. All these lead
us to insecure and neurotic behavior patterns.
The imbalance in this pineal area upsets the radianc e of the pineal
gland itself. It is this pulsating radiance that regulates the pituitary
gland. Since the pituitary regulates the rest of the glandular system,
the entire body and mind go out of balance . This meditation corrects the
problem. It is excellent for everyone but particularly effective for
rehabilitation efforts in drug dp-pendence, mental illness, and phobic

Yogi Bhajan ji

A) Archer pose: Stand with the

right leg bent forward so the knee
is over the toes. The left leg is
straight back with the foot flat on
the ground at a 45° angle to the
front foot. Raise the right arm
straight in front, parallel to the
ground and make a fist as if grasp-
ing a bow. Pull the left arm back
as if pulling the bow string back
to the shoulder. Face forward and
fix the eyes above the fist. (A)
Hold for 3 to 5 minutes, switch
legs and arms and repeat.

B) Immediately lie on back. Put

the heels together and lift both
legs two feet from the ground. (B)
Hold I to 3 minutes breathing long
and deep.

C) Locust pose: Lie down on the

stomach. Make fists with the hands
and put them on the lower abdomen
inside the front hip bones
near the groin. Keeping the
heels together and the legs
straight, lift them up as high
as possible and hold this
position for 3 minutes. (C)

0) Bow pose: Still on the stomach,

reach back and firmly grasp the
ankles. Arch the back up from the
ground and balance by pulling the
ankles. (D) Hold 2 to 3 minutes.
E) Stand up straight and spread the
legs two feet apart. Touch the
right hand to the floor in front of
the left foot. The left arm is point-
ing back. (E) Switch sides and con-
tinue this alternate motion with
long breaths. On the inhale, rise
up completely, on the exhale touch
the toe. Repeat 25 times on each

F) Stand up with legs only six indles
J apart. Bend fOIWard and place palrrs
flat on the grmmd and exhale. (1I)
Inhale and rise up stretching
backwards with the arms over the
head. (F2) Continue 25 times.

G) Stand with the legs six inches apart.

Bend sideways stratdring the ann over the
head. (G) Alternate snoothly from side to
side, inhaling daom and exhaling up. Do
not let the body bend forward = backward.
Continue 25 times to each side.

H) Come sitting down and extend

legs out in front spreading them
wide . Grab the big toe of each foot
by locking the forefingers around
the toe and the thumb pressing the
toenail. (H) Keeping a firm grip on
both toes, inhale and arch the spine
up straight. Exhale and touch the
head to the right knee, inhale to
original position, and exhale down
to the left knee . Continue alternate
toe touches 25 times on each side.
Inhale, hold the breath and exhale.

I) In this same sitting position,
bring the legs together still hold-
• ing onto the toes. Inhale and arch
up, exhale and pull the head down
to the knees . Continue this pumping
motion 25 times.

J) Plow pose: Begin by lying flat

on back. 'Slowly raise legs over the
head until they touch the floor. (J)
The arms should be over the head
pointing towards the toes. Keep the
knees straight and point the toes
towards the head, stretching the
hee ls back. Relax in this position
for 5 minutes. Slowly lower the legs
back down to the ground.

K) Shoulder stand: Come in to this
posi tion by raising the legs straight
up towards the ceiling. (Kl) Support
the srine perpendicular to the ground
with the hands. Let most of the
weight be on the elbows. Hold for
3 to 5 minutes. Now, bring the legs
down in back of the head as in plow
pose, but spread the legs wide apart.
(K2) Slowly go from this position
to shoulder stand 4 times and then
(Kl) lower the l e gs and spine and r e st
o n t he b a ck.

L) Come into plow pose with arms

along the ground in back of spine.
(Ll) Alternate from plow pose to
lying flat on the back. (L2) Continue
50 comple te times. The hands may be
used to lift the legs up and back.
Relax for 3 minutes.

M) Sat Kriya: Sit on the heels

with arms overhead and palms together
I (Ml&2) . Chant "Sat" and pull the navel

>-----~-~~~V point in, chant "Nam" and release

it. Continue powerfully wi th a steady
rhythm for 5 minutes . Inhale and draw
the energy up the spine to the br= point.

(L2) N) Immediately bend forward

. _~--r1J
i n gurupranam(N). Place the
fo rehead on the ground and
stre t ch the arms overhead, keep-
in g t he p alms together. Medi-
t a t e at the brow point by
sile ntly proj.ecting the basic
s o unds Sa-Ta-Na-Ma (see page 51).
Continue for 31 minutes.


0) Sit in easy pose; inhale and
raise both arms over the head bring-
ing the backs of the hands together.
Exhale and lower the a 'r ms letting
just the fingertips touch the floor. (0)
continue this motion for 5 minutes.

P) Stand up and extend arms straight

forward parallel to the ground. Begin
25 deep knee bends into crow pose.
deeping the spine straight and the
feet flat. (Pl&2)

0) Cat-Cow: Rest on the hands and

knees. Flex the spine down with the
inhale, raising the head. On the
exhale, vibrate the spine up and
lower the head. (01&2) Continue for
5 minutes.

R) Deeply relax for 15 to 30 min-

utes on the back. Cover the body
with a blanket to keep from getting
cold .




This set is an example of a series which would not be given in a nor-
mal Kundalini Yoga class. It is for studenLs who have attained a ~ate
degree of flexibility and coordination in regular classes and Sadhana, but who
want to eject residual poisons and drugs from the muscle tissue. If the
set is done every morning for six months, it adjusts the spine so well
that many future chiropractic bills will be unnecessary. Before attempting
this set under guidance, be sure you have no major physicaJ problem that
will prevent you from doing any of the exercises.
Unlike most Kundalini Yoga kriyas, you do not take a 2-3 minute rest
betwe en each exercise unless it is explicitly stated.


QUESTION: Should I change the of the teacher by bowing in your

, exercises and kriyas every day? consciousness. Be quiet so nothing
ANSWER : One part of the Sadhana is disturbed. Choose a time to leave
should stay constant long enough for that is between kriyas and medit ~ ­
you to master, or at least experi- tions. A sharp noise during a d e ep
ence, the changes evoked by a single medi tation is a s :hock to the t o t a l
technique. Each kriya and mantra system. Do not come and go as you
has its individuality. Their effects please, but as would please th e high-
are not all the same although they est teacher.
all levitate you toward a cosmic
consciousness. QUESTION: Should I wake some -
You may want to practice a ~ one up who falls asleep in Sadhana?
trum of the many things Yogiji has ANSWER: No. GOD should wa ke
shared with us. But at some point, him. The experience of Sadhana is
stop window shopping and cormri.t con- between the individaul and GOD. Do
siderable attention and effort to not interfe re. You can inspire before-
one thing. Learn to value the price- hand. If sleeping is a chronic habit,
lessness of one kriya and all others discuss it with the person at a c on-
will be understood in a clearer light. veni e nt time, but do not abruptl y
At l e ast twice a ye ar, each wak e someone. He may be at a diffe r-
teacher should accomplish a forty ent level of experience than you think.
day, 2 1/ 2 hour Sadhana of either And h ow did you notice him in th e
chanting the 2 1/ 2 breath, Ek Ong first place? It is our intention of
Kar mantra, or reading from the siri course, to stay totally alert and
• C:;uru Granth Sahib. awake .

QUESTION: Is teaching a c lass QUESTION: When I am sick, should

in Sadhana the same as teachin g a I attend Sadhana?
class outside the ashram? ANSWER: If you are going to b e
ANSWER: No. There are dif- in bed all day with an extreme sick-
ferences. No matter where you teach ness, then no. If it is not extreme
a class of exercises, it will be 60 (thi s includes most menstrual periods),
minutes or less, which includes a then a ttend Sadhana and do what you
relaxation. But in Sadhana, there can. If you cannot exercise or medi-
is regular attendance which allows tate well, then at least attempt to
everyone to focus on a particular meditate. Afterwards, lie down and
kriya and gradually "increase the rest in Sadhana while mentally lis-
length of practice. In a class, you tening to the shabad. This way you
might chant long "SAT NAM" for 7 - 10 will get well faster and maintain
minutes; in Sadhana you could build the rhy thm of a regular Sadhana .
it up to 31 or 45 minutes. Another It also eliminates the tendency
difference is the amount of talking to have minor morning illnesses to
that should be done. In an outside escape the self-discipline of a con-
class, there is more need for inspir- stant Sadhana. In other words, par-
ing, coaxing and explaining. Sadhana ticipation in a group effort, and
occurs in the quiet, ambrosial hours; regularity of discipline are para-
• we should speak only of the infinite. mount, but do not be a fanatic to the
point of aggravating a serious ill-
QUESTION: If I have to leave ness .
• Sadhana, what is the best way?
ANSWER: The same way you QUESTION: When ashram residents
entered. Be aware of the presence get home very late should they sleep

thro ugh the group Sadhana th e n get maintain, but definitely do sanething.
up and do their own?
ANSWER: If at all possible, QUESTION: As the leader of
they should be in the group Sadhana. Sadhana, should I participate in all
If there is a service project done the (! xercises?
by the whole ashram which keeps ANSWER: As a leader, your r e spon-
everyon e up late, you might start s i bility is to set a good example and
group Sadhana slightly later than to give clear instructions for each
usua l. If a few people have work step of th e Sadhana. You should do
(like a nightshift ""tc.) or are doing as many exercises as you can without
a pre-arranged service, then it would becoming unawa re of the group . You
be tolerable. Under no condition must check to make sure that every-
are late movies, spontaneous night one is doing the exercise properly
walk s , e ntertainment , etc. , excuses before beginning yourself. Sometimes
for not being in group Sadhana. We it will be better not to participate
must remember to make rrorning Sadhana at all. Alwa y s join in during chant-
a high priority and a cornerstone ing. When teaching a class outside
of our lifestyle. of Sadhana, y ou should participate
as little as possible in the physical
QUESTION: Can I do an indi- exercise . Concentrate only inspiring
vidual Sadhana? and serving th e class members.
ANSWER: It is fine anytime in
the day that does not interfere with QUESTION: When chanting in ~ ~ e
your other commitments. That period morning, th e pitch often gets 10'''.
of time before group Sadhana begins What, if any thing, should be don e ~o
is e xcellent. If you have a special change the p i tch?
health Sadhana that you must do as ANSWER: Chant at a constant
assigned by Yogiji, then you can dn and midrange pitch as much as pos -
that. The general rule, however , is sible. If the breath rhythm is no~
that individual Sadhana is not a sub- correct, or your spine is not kept
stitute for group Sadhana. A prime straight, or you do not take comple t e •
goal of Sadhana is to develop the breaths in the adi shakti mantra, the
group consciousness into a univer- chant will lose energy and drop in
sal consciousness. pitch. If y ou project the sound of
the mantra from the back of the rrouth
QUESTION: I am a beginner and in a full and roundish way , the
can only spend one hour on Sadhana. power of th e chant will increase a s
Will one hour have any effe ct? you continue a nd the pitch will stay
ANSWER: Always do serre Sadhana constant.
no matter how short, for every effort If you are constant and listen
of the individual mind to meet the to the sound or your chant, you will
un i versal self, is reciprocated a hear different pitches . These are
thousand fold. The ideal is a per- actuall y overtones of the basic sound
fect 2 1/ 2-hour Sadhana . But if we you are creating. The overtones will
are to run, we must first learn to be high pitched , subtle and seem to
walk. An hour is excellent. As yon float around the room. You cannot
grow into Sadhana, you will find identify that tone with one person
time to extend it if you really want since it is formed by the combination
to do so. It is good for some peo- of group sounds. The overtone is a
ple to start more slowly. If you good sign that the Sadhana group is J
try to climb Mt. Everest without tuned in to e ach other and beyond
climbing e ven a foothill beforehand, each other. As you listen to the
failure could discourage you from first overtone and become very calm,
all other attempts. Build slowly you may begin to hear even higher
and constantly at a pace you can and more subtle overtones. This
awareness aids meditation on the PIJ\NF.I' SYMBOL QUALITY
eth e ric echo of yo ur chanting as
yo u sit s ile ntl y after chanting I·bn. M:xm errotional
aloun. J)
If yo ur group is in a uniti ve Tues. Mars I energetic
conscio usness , no one will shift the I rf canbative
p itch . If the pitch does shift, it /Wed. l>E=uryi, business
will seem to do so by itself . It Ii camumication
will shift smoothly and infrequently. Thur. Jupiter' expansion and
I Jf deep thouaht
QUESTION: Is it alright to Fri. Saturn Love, sensuality
harmon iz e with the mai n tone?
ANSWER: Chanting is not Sat. .. Venus Karma , constric-
singing. It is vibrating all the 1- tion discipline
cel ls of the body , a ll the thoughts Sun. Sun Purity, energy of
of the mind and the core crystal of 0 self
the soul to the same shabad. Chant-
ing in meditation is beyond person- cise seri e s cou ld be chosen to
ality . Chanting like a choir with relate to these energies. ~n c~ o­
many harmonies turns the group con- tional , calming pranayam for Monda y ,
scio usn ess which is striving for a nabhi(nave l point) kriya for Tues -
univp.rsality into individual con - day, a brain c l eansing set Wednesday,
sciousness responding to social con- a deep meditation Thursday, a sex
sciousness . Leave vocal harmoniz- transmutation series Friday, a stren-
ing for ki rt an and gro u p song fests. uous physical cleansing kriya Saturday,
Learn to harmonize the body , mind, and a blissful p roj ective l aya yoga
and sonl while chanting. meditation Sunday. 'This is a good
• idea, but if you are varying th e
QUESTION: Is it mandatory Sadhana exercise daily, you "ill also
for the same person to lead Sadhana find that each day of the week differs
every morning? from week to week. Ultimately you
ANSWER: In all Kundalini must use your own sensitivity to
Yoga Ashrams , the same teacher choose what kind of ene r gy to deal
teaches eve r y Sadhana---Guru Ram with in the exercises. If you have
Das. The individual who helps no strong feelings to the contrary,
direct the Sadhana is often the the chart may be us ed as a gui~e.
leader of the ashram. It is not
necessary that it always be the QUEST.ION: Should I bring my
head of the ashram. If other stu- children to Sadhana?
dents are qualified to teach and ANSWER : Yo u r ch ildren are
can l ead a good Sadhana, it might the future. The future will only
be ve r y benefic i al for the group be as secure as the foundation that
t o (~xper.i p. nce the effects o f is built into the young generation.
sliqhtly different styles of lead - It is very inspirational to se e the
ership . radiance from young children who
attend the last portion of Sadhana
QUESTION: Are there differ- during chanting. Usually the young
ent Sadhanas for different days ones do not attend during exercises
of the week? although very young ones may sle ep
, ANSWER: Each day of the through them.
week has its own e n ergy. In Whether or not your pllticular
as tro logy this is s ymbo li zed by . chi ld should attend is an individual
• associating each day with a planet . dete r mina tion. I f he has been raised
Look at the chart above for all the in the yogic tradition where chant-
qualities. The daily Sadhana exer- ing and exercise are a natural part

*Co=ected for second printina
of his environment, then bring him. is done, the amount of energy that
If he is very disruptive during goes downward from the seventh chakra
Sadhana, then his attendance should increases tremendously. The kunda-
be discussed with the ashram family lini energy is activated by the radi-
for a final decision. ant force of the solar plexus and
movelJ upward in response to the solar
QUESTION: Is it important to wear energy coming down. This balances
a head covering? the body energy and maintains the
ANSWER: During Sadhana, be sure to total equilibrium.
cover your head with a non-static, If the hair is down, unkept or
natural cloth like cotton, and keep uncovered so that it is electrically
the hair up. The hair regulates the imbalanced, this natural process of
inflow of sun energy into the body raising the kundalini energy will be
system. To let the solar energy impeded.
flow without obstruction, let the Every major spiritual tradition
hair grow to its full natural length has covered the head, but reasons
and take good care of it. If this often get lost through the centuries.

"One who considers himself to be a disciple of

the True Guru
Should rise before the coming of the light and
contemplate the Name.
During the early hours of the morning he should
rise and bathe,
Cleansing his soul in a tank of Nectar,
While he repeats the Na me the Guru has spoken
to him.
By this procedure he t ruly washes away the sins
of his soul.
Then with the arrival of the dawn he should sing
the hymns of praise, taught him by the Guru.
He should hold the Name in his heart all through
the busy hours of t~e day.
The one who repeats th e Name with his every breath
Is a most dear discipl e of the Guru.
The disciple who has r ~ce ived the gift of the
Lord's Name
Truly wins the favor of the Supreme Lord.
I seek to kiss the very dust under the feet of
such a one
Who recites the Name and inspires others to do so! "*

* Kaur, Sardarni Premka, Peace LG',goon, ,

2nd. ed., Spiritual Community, San
Rafael, CA, 1973, p.19 .

8191 Monte Vista PAID.
Claremont, California 91711 Pomona, California
Permil No. 287


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