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BUS 5111 Financial Management

BUS 5111: Financial Management


Credits: 3

Course Description: Managers play a key role in resource generation and allocation and must be
conversant with external economic in uences and their relationship to the types of nancial decisions
made by organizations.  The course will provide students with an understanding of the components of an
organization’s internal nancial conditions and how decision-makers manage these resources in the
context of external markets and institutions.  It will explore the nances of economic development and
consider sources of early- and late-stage nancing.  The real-world challenges of corporate nance will be
covered, including evaluating nancial tools, e.g., mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, hostile
takeovers, and initial public o erings; employing basic nancial analysis tools, e.g., credit market analysis,
option pricing, valuation of interest tax shields, and weighted average cost of capital; acquiring an
understanding of core nancial decisions, e.g., nance with debt or equity and distributing cash to
shareholders; and considering aspects that can hinder/sideline nancial stability, e.g., costs of nancial
distress, transaction costs, information asymmetries, taxes, and agency con icts.  Speci c skills acquired
will be nancial trend analysis for nancial statement interpretation; calculating the present value of cash
streams leading to the ability construct capital budgets; calculating bond interest tax shields and its impact
on a rm’s average cost of capital; constructing corporate valuation models; and assessing the impact of
various sources of capital infusions on the cost of capital structure of a rm.

Required Textbook and Materials: UoPeople courses use open educational resources (OER) and other
materials speci cally donated to the University with free permissions for educational use. Therefore,
students are not required to purchase any textbooks or sign up for any websites that have a cost
associated with them. The main required textbooks for this course are listed below and can be readily
accessed using the provided links. There may be additional required/recommended readings, supplemental
materials, or other resources and websites necessary for lessons; these will be provided for you in the
course's General Information and Forums area, and throughout the term via the weekly course Unit areas
and the Learning Guides.

Heisinger, K. & Hoyle, J.B. (2012). Accounting for Managers. Lardbucket Book Project. Licensed under a
Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 ( 3.0/.   (Note: We will
only be using Chapter 13 of this textbook.)

Finance for Managers (2015). Lardbucket Book Project. Licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-
sa 3.0 ( 3.0/. 

Hill, R.A. (2008). Strategic Financial Management.

Software Requirements/Installation: No special requirements.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

By the end of this course students will be able to:

1. Interpret nancial statements. 

2. Calculate net present values of expected future cash ows and its applications.
3. Demonstrate understanding of equity and xed income yields including tax shield e ects.
4. Determine whether to raise capital through debt or equity by taking into account cost of capital.

Course Schedule and Topics: This course will cover the following topics in eight learning sessions, with one
Unit per week.

Week 1: Unit 1 - Accounting Review, Corporate Structure, and Bankruptcy Issues

Week 2: Unit 2 - Cash Flows and Discount Cash Flow Analysis

Week 3: Unit 3 - Capital Budgets

Week 4: Unit 4 - Investor Yields: Equities and Fixed Income (with tax shield e ect)

Week 5: Unit 5 - Methods of Computing Company Valuations

Week 6: Unit 6 - Mergers, Buy-Outs, and the Initial Public O ering (IPO) Process

Week 7: Unit 7 - Cost of Capital: Weighted Cost of Capital (WACC) and the Impact on New Capital Infusions

Week 8: Unit 8 - Course Wrap-Up

Learning Guide: The following is an outline of how this course will be conducted, with suggested best
practices for students.

Unit 1: Accounting Review, Corporate Structure, and Bankruptcy Issues

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments

Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Respond to the Portfolio Activity

Unit 2: Cash Flows and Discount Cash Flow Analysis

Peer assess Unit 1 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Begin and participate in the Group Activity (Due during Unit 5)
Respond to the Portfolio Activity

Unit 3: Capital Budgets

Peer assess Unit 2 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Continue to participate in the Group Activity

Unit 4: Investor Yields: Equities and Fixed Income (with tax shield e ect)

Peer assess Unit 3 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Continue to participate in the Group Activity
Respond to the Portfolio Activity

Unit 5: Methods of Computing Company Valuations

Peer assess Unit 4 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Submit the Group Activity (each group member must submit a copy to the drop box)
Respond to the Portfolio Activity

Unit 6: Mergers, Buy-Outs, and the Initial Public O ering (IPO) Process

Peer assess Unit 5 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Respond to the Portfolio Activity

 Unit 7: Cost of Capital: Weighted Cost of Capital (WACC) and the Impact on New Capital Infusions

Peer assess Unit 6 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Complete and submit the Written Assignment
Begin the Portfolio Activity

Unit 8: Course Wrap-Up

Peer assess Unit 7 Written Assignment

Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
Respond to the Portfolio Activity
Complete and submit the anonymous Course Evaluation

Course Requirements:

Discussion Assignments & Response Posts/Ratings

Some units in this course require that you complete a Discussion Assignment. You are required to develop
and post a substantive response to the Discussion Assignment in the Discussion Forum. A substantive
response is one that fully answers the question that has been posed by the instructor. In addition, you must
extend the discussion by responding to at least three (3) of your peers’ postings in the Discussion Forum
and by rating their posts. Instructions for proper posting and rating are provided inside the Discussion
Forum for each week. Discussion Forums are only active for each current and relevant learning week, so it

is not possible to contribute to the forum once the learning week has come to an end. Failure to participate
in the Discussion Assignment by posting in the Discussion Forum and responding to peers as required may
result in failure of the course.

Written Assignments & Assessment Forms

Most units in this course require that you complete a Written Assignment, which may come in many forms
(case study, research paper, etc.). You are required to submit your assignments by the indicated deadlines
and, in addition, to peer assess three (3) of your classmates’ assignments according to the instructions
found in the Assessment Form, which is provided to you during the following week. During this peer
assessment period, you are expected to provide details in the feedback section of the Assessment Form,
indicating why you awarded the grade that you did to your peer. Please note that each assignment grade is
comprised of a combination of your submission (90%) and your peer assessments (10%). Failure to submit
Written Assignments and/or Assessment Forms may result in failure of the course.

Group Activities
During this course, you will be required to complete work as part of a small group. Group work is an
important component of your coursework, as it allows you to deepen relationships with classmates, and
gain a more thorough understanding of the topics presented in this course. Further, group work mimics the
business environment in which projects are often conducted in small teams across di erent departments.
You will be randomly assigned to your groups and are expected to work with your teammates throughout
the term for all group activities.

Portfolio Activities
Portfolio Activities are tools for self-re ection and evaluation within the context of the course. These
activities are designed as a means to document and re ect upon your learning process and critical thinking
skills. Ideally, you will draw from your experiences inside and outside of the classroom, as well as what
you’ve learned in other courses, to showcase your overall growth and examine ways in which you can
continue to develop and sharpen your professional goals. Portfolio Activities will be useful to you as part of
your Capstone experience.

Course Forum
The Course Forum is the place to raise issues and questions relating to the course. It is regularly monitored
by the instructors and is a good place to meet fellow students taking the same course. While it is not
required to participate in the Course Forum, it is highly recommended.

Course Policies:

Grading Components and Weights

Each graded component of the course will contribute some percentage to the nal grading scale, as
indicated here:

Discussion Assignments
Written Assignments (Units 1, 2, 4, and 5)
20% (4 @ 5% each)

Written Assignments (Units 3 and 6) 20% (2 @ 10% each)

Written Assignment (Unit 7) 15%

Group Activities 15%

Portfolio Activities 10%

TOTAL 100%

Grading Scale
This course will follow the standard 100-point grading scale de ned by the University of the People, as
indicated here:

Letter Grade Grade Scale Grade Points

A+ 98-100 4.00

A 93-97 4.00

A- 90-92 3.67

B+ 88-89 3.33
B 83-87 3.00
B- 80-82 2.67

C+ 78-79 2.33
C 73-77 2.00
C- 70-72 0.00

D+ 68-69 0.00
D 63-67 0.00
D- 60-62 0.00

F Under 60 0.00


Grade Appeal
If you believe that the nal grade you received for a course is erroneous, unjust, or unfair, please contact
your course instructor. This must be done within seven days of the posted nal grade. For more
information on this topic, please review the Grade Appeal Procedure in the University Catalog.

Non-participation is characterized by the lack of any assignment submissions, inadequate contributions to
the Discussion Forums, and/or lack of peer feedback to Discussion/Written Assignments. Also, please note
the following important points about course participation: 
Assignments must be submitted on or before the speci ed deadline. A course timeline is provided in
the course schedule, and the instructor will specify deadlines for each assignment.
Any student showing non-participation for two weeks (consecutive or non-consecutive) is likely to
automatically fail the course.
Occasionally there may be a legitimate reason for submitting an assignment late. Most of the time, late
assignments will not be accepted and there will be no make-up assignments.
All students are obligated to inform their instructor in advance of any known absences which may result
in their non-participation.

Academic Honesty and Integrity

When you submit any work that requires research and writing, it is essential to cite and reference all source
material. Failure to properly acknowledge your sources is known as “plagiarism” – which is e ectively
passing o an individual’s words or ideas as your own. University of the People adheres to a strict policy of
academic honesty and integrity. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in sanctions by the
University, including dismissal from the University or course failure. For more information on this topic,
please review the Academic Integrity Policy in the University Catalog.

Any materials cited in this course should be referenced using the style guidelines established by the
American Psychological Association (APA). The APA format is widely used in colleges and universities across
the world and is one of several style and citation formats required for publication in professional and
academic journals. Purdue University’s Online Writing LAB (OWL) is a free website that provides excellent
information and resources for understanding and using the APA format and style. The OWL website can be
accessed here:

Code of Conduct
University of the People expects that students conduct themselves in a respectful, collaborative, and honest
manner at all times. Harassment, threatening behavior, or deliberate embarrassment of others will not be
permitted. Any conduct that interferes with the quality of the educational experience is not allowed and
may result in disciplinary action, such as course failure, probation, suspension, or dismissal. For more
information on this topic, please review the Code of Conduct Policy in the University Catalog.

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 Table of contents

Disclaimer Regarding Use of Online Repository

Master of Education in Advanced Teaching (M.Ed.)
EDUC 5010 Education in Context: History, Philosophy, and Sociology
EDUC 5210 Learning Theory

EDUC 5220 Curriculum Design
EDUC 5240 Creating Positive Classroom Environments
EDUC 5410 Child Development
EDUC 5420 Adolescent Development
EDUC 5440 Assessment and Evaluation
EDUC 5710 Understanding Barriers to Learning
EDUC 5270 Instructional Techniques - Elementary
EDUC 5271 Advanced Practices for Teaching Elementary and Middle School Literacy
EDUC 5272 Advanced Practices for Teaching the STEM Fields at the Elementary and Middle School
EDUC 5711 Teaching for Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms
EDUC 5810 Living and Learning Globally
EDUC 5280: Instructional Techniques for the Secondary Classroom
EDUC 5281 Advanced Practices for Teaching Literature and Writing at the Secondary Level
EDUC 5282 Advanced Practices for Teaching STEM at the Secondary Level
EDUC 5470 Research in Education
EDUC 5910 Applied Professional Inquiry
Business Administration
BUS 1101 Principles of Business Management
BUS 1102 Basic Accounting
BUS 1103 Microeconomics
BUS 1104 Macroeconomics
BUS 1105 Business Communications
BUS 2201 Principles of Marketing
BUS 2202 E-Commerce
BUS 2203 Principles of Finance 1
BUS 2204 Personal Finance
BUS 2207 Multinational Management
BUS 3301 Financial Accounting
BUS 3302 Consumer Behavior
BUS 3303 Entrepreneurship 1
BUS 3304 Managerial Accounting
BUS 3305 Business Law and Ethics
BUS 3306 Business & Society
BUS 4401 Entrepreneurship 2
BUS 4402 Organizational Behavior
BUS 4403 Business Policy and Strategy
BUS 4404 Principles of Finance 2
BUS 4405 Leadership
BUS 4406 Quality Management
BUS 4407 Strategic Management
Computer Science
CS 1101 Programming Fundamentals
CS 1102 Programming 1
CS 1103 Programming 2
CS 1104 Computer Systems
CS 2203 Databases 1
CS 2204 Communications and Networking
CS 2205 Web Programming 1
CS 2301 Operating Systems 1
CS 2401 Software Engineering 1

CS 3303
3304 Data Structures
Analysis of Algorithms
CS 3305 Web Programming 2
CS 3306 Databases 2
CS 3307 Operating Systems 2
CS 3308 Information Retrieval
CS 4402 Comparative Programming Languages
CS 4403 Software Engineering 2
CS 4404 Advanced Networking and Data Security
CS 4405 Mobile Applications
CS 4406 Computer Graphics
CS 4407 Data Mining and Machine Learning
CS 4408 Arti cial Intelligence
General Studies
AHIST 1401 Art History
ECON 1580 Introduction to Economics
ENGL 0101 English Composition 1
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2
ENGL 1405 World Literature
BIOL 1301 Introduction to Biology
ENVS 1301 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
HIST 1421 Greek and Roman Civilization
MATH 1201 College Algebra
MATH 1211 Calculus
MATH 1302 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 1280 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1281 Statistical Inference
PHIL 1402 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1404 Ethics and Social Responsibility
POLS 1503 Globalization
PSYC 1205 Emotional Intelligence
PSYC 1504 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 1502 Introduction to Sociology
UNIV 1001 Online Education Strategies
Health Science
BIOL 1121 Biology 1 for Health Studies Majors
BIOL 1122 Biology II for Health Science Majors
HS 2211 Human Anatomy & Physiology
HS 2212 Infectious Diseases
HS 2611 Nutrition
HS 2711 Community and Public Health 1: Health Education and Behavior
HS 2712 Community and Public Health II: Preventive Medicine & Social Determinants of Health
HS 3210 Human Diseases
HS 3311 Epidemiology
HS 3610 Human Development in a Global Perspective
HS 3810 Health Systems and Structure
HS 3814 Introduction to Communities That Care (CTC)
HS 4212 Genetics
HS 4241 Psychopathology and Mental Health
HS 4510 Biostatistics
HS 4810 Health Policy and Management

HS 4812
PSYC Bioethics
1111 Introduction to Health Psychology
BUS 5110 Managerial Accounting
BUS 5111 Financial Management
BUS 5112 Marketing Management
BUS 5113 Organizational Theory and Behavior
BUS 5114 MIS and Technology
BUS 5115 Business Law, Ethics, and Social Responsibility
BUS 5116 Operations Management
BUS 5117 Strategic Decision Making and Management
BUS 5211 Managing in the Global Economy
BUS 5411 Leading in Today's Dynamic Contexts
BUS 5511 Human Resource Management
BUS 5611 Managing Projects and Programs
BUS 5910 Management Capstone
ELL Program
ENGL 0001: Beginner English
ENGL 0002: Beginner English 2
ENGL 0003: Elementary English 1
ENGL 0004: Elementary English 2
ENGL 0005: Pre-Intermediate English 1
ENGL 0006: Pre-Intermediate English 2
ENGL 0007: Intermediate English 1 (EAP)
ENGL 0008: Intermediate English 2 (EAP)

 UoPeople Clock (GMT-5)

All activities close on Wednesdays at 11:55 PM, except for Learning Journals/Portfolios which close on
Thursdays at 11:55 PM always following this clock.

Sun, May 30, 2021

12:48 pm

Due dates/times displayed in activities will vary with your chosen time zone, however you are still
bound to the 11:55 PM GMT-5 deadline.

Disclaimer Regarding Use of Course Material  - Terms of Use

University of the People is a 501(c)(3) not for pro t organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the
extent permitted by law.
Copyright © University of the People 2021. All rights reserved.
    

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