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Imagine the customer of your dreams.

Answer the following questions to create your ideal

customer avatar. By understanding what shapes her world, you can better understand her
perspective. The idea is to know your ideal customer avatar so well that you can get inside her head
and think she way she thinks. Compassion.





Hair color:

Eye color:

Married? Single? Relationship status:

Kids? How many? What are their names?:





How does she see the world? Personal beliefs/worldviews:

Favorite books:

Favorite movies:

Favorite TV shows:

Favorite music:

Favorite blogs:

Favorite magazines/newspapers:

Favorite brands:

What does she search for on Google? (Think of topics related to your business and any other
interests/concerns she has):

What events (conferences, gatherings, group meetings) does she attend?:

What are her hobbies?

What authors or public figures does she follow?:


What does she daydream about, fantasize about?

What does she worry about, deeply, as she falls asleep?:

What stresses her out almost daily?

What are her biggest challenges in life? What is she trying to balance?

What is she most afraid of? What are her deepest fears? Write a diary entry as if you were your
ideal customer avatar:

Finish these sentences for your ideal customer avatar: Life would be so much better if only... Life
would be so much easier if only... I really wish... Write a diary entry as if you were your ideal customer

Think about these "if only" statements and wishes as they relate to the work you do. If there was a
magic machine that made these wishes come true, what would that machine look like? What would
it do? Write a diary entry as if you were your ideal customer avatar:

What would be better for your ideal customer avatar if this magic solution actually existed? Write a
diary entry as if you were your ideal customer avatar:


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