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Debate ‘The Russian influence on the world is unjust’

We are against

Without the Russian influence on the world, the situation would be different. Countries
would have no resources or money, and other countries, like the US, would have all the
power on the world. So what are the reasons why the Russian influence on the world is just?

Argument 1:
The US has a lot of power, also during the Second World war. After this war, the Cold war
took place between Russia and the US (and their allies). This war was waged on political,
economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited resource to weapons. Russia is one of
the five recognised nuclear weapons stated and possesses the largest stockpile of nuclear
warheads. If Russia would not be strong, and if they would not be an opponent and threat
for the US, the US would be the only strong country in the world. They would also be the
only country in the world who would have a lot of power and so they would rule over the
whole world.

Argument 2:
Russia helps a lot of other countries, especially in Eastern-Europe, who have economic- and
other problems. One of the countries that was, and is helped by Russia is Latvia. Latvia is still
partly dependent on Russia, especially for energy. Russia’s extensive mineral and energy
resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers
of oil and natural gas globally. Russia helps a lot of countries by making agreements and
giving them oil and gas. Because Russia helps a lot of other countries, they have a lot of
allies, and they are and look strong. Without countries who would have the help from Russia
and without the resources from Russia, a lot of countries wouldn’t have made it
economically and would receive almost no important products like oil and gas.

Argument 3:
Russia has the second most powerful army in the world. In recent years, it has expanded its
power and built up forces near strategic regions, especially in Europe. The countries,
especially allies, where the armies are built up look more powerful because Russia helps
them to prevent the countries being attacked by other countries. So Russia is also the reason
why a lot of wars are prevented.

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