PDF Reflection Debates Elc

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Reflection Debates ELC

From the project with Debates I learned a lot. I now know a lot more about the subjects we
discussed in class like silence is complicity and the Russia influence on the world. I can also
form arguments and questions better because of the debates. I learned to discuss with
others on a new and different way and I learned how a debate goes. There were some things
that went well and other things went not that well. For instance the writing parts and the
debate itself went really well! But other things, like dividing the tasks and find a solution
together didn’t went well. The next time we have to help each other more, to improve our
questions and arguments and so that we get to understand better what the debate is about.
Than we can also do the rebuttal better. But generally, the debate went really well and I
learned a lot from it!

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