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Act Of Random Kindness

It is known also random act of kindness, Anne Herbert says “it is a non-
premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the
outside world.
Apostle Amos Zinyake together with Word Based Foundation Ministries
took it into practice as shown by the act of food donation to the local
people and the elderly. During this wave of Covid-19 attacks he
managed to give as much as he can and to different denominational
individuals that needed the aid.
Princess Diana “Carry Out A Random Act Of Kindness, With No
Expectation Of Reward, Safe In Knowledge That One Day Someone
Might Do The Same To You”.
The body of Christ plays a pivotal role in elevating hope, love, kindness
and giving especially in these tumultuous times of the pandemic.
Apostle Zinyake engage his faith into action and belief by walking
through these random acts of kindness with a few partners without
popularity or recognition but as a duty to serve Christ and one another,
He says,[ “You Are Your Brother’s Keeper”]
Galatians 5:13, “for you were called to freedom, brothers only do not
use your freedom as opportunities for the flesh but through love, serve
one another”.
Colossians 3:12, “therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly
loved, clothe yoselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness
and patience”.
This kind of act has been carried out through all his service in Christ
and this time it serves a purpose as this is a special time to show
kindness as the pandemic has taken a lot of freedom, jobs, salaries and
affected the survival aspect of humans as lockdowns are in effect.
It saves a purpose in showing in Christ brotherhood and love opens
doors to help one another. God remembers the good works you always
do to others.
As Jesus performed miracles, healing, deliverances and preaching he
also fed the people who would gather and followed him.
“Blessed is the hand that gives than the one that receives”
Apostle Zinyake is often heard saying these words;
“We don’t give because you have but give because you want to help and
change someone’s life even for a day and out of love and compassion”
Giving is a selfless act. In this difficult period we remember the words
of John F Kennedy “ ask not what your country can do for you, ask
what you can do for your country” words to think or live by during this
The body of Christ should lead by example in displaying acts of
kindness and giving as we are the pinnacle of human life transformation
to good deeds and love.
It is the acts like that of apostle Zinyake that surpasses all physical
meaning but rather it is spiritual, to put others before yourself is the
divine manifestation of his passion to help others, “ god loves a cheerful
In these dire times we ask ourselves, what are we doing to improve
others life for good, are we living to the way our savior Jesus Christ has
us intended? What is the church doing to help communities that
surround them during this pandemic?. The body of Christ should be on
the forefront in lending a hand at this hour.
Only a few acts of random acts of kindness is a step forward towards
changing lives for better and get closer to God. Not only should it be the
work of the church, or clerics but also for any individual that have
people at heart and be remembered by God.
A strangers thank you goes a long way in receiving blessings for just a
random act of kindness towards the needy, Jesus said “the poor will
always be among you” as this is the time where all hands should be on
deck to help others through Christ and Apostle Amos Zinyake stand
among the few who live to the word of God on remembering the
widows, elderly and the needy especially now.
We learn from the man of God that it is not about having things or items
in abundance for you to give but rather carry or acquire the grace to
identify where there is need and give a hand cheerfully. It goes a long





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