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— a 4 NS y/ — a LG NG ‘To welcome students to their now English class “To introduce students to their course books and the course characters ‘To revise vocabulary from Primary 1 and 2 To identify and match simple questions and ‘To understand simple descriptions ‘apartment, apple, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, book, chair, computer cupboard, doll, donkey, flower, goat, home, kitchen, kite, living room, park, picture, robot, couch, sation, supermarket, toys, tree Is there a park? Are there any bananas? Whar do you fave in your apariment? What are these? How are you? I'm fine. Where's ihe siovion? I's nest to the supermarker ‘Student's Book pages vi and vit ‘lash cards: furniture, toys, colors Vocabulary: Language: Materials: co STs (Vecabutary Dither 2 pone [Epi here ony bonnes? pWhat do you have in your permet DhWhat are these? lion ce yeu? © Thee are my toy Om je Q kes ne tthe permarker, Qt have htchen, ing room, 90 bedroom anda bthroom. @ es, hei Me on thei the sation her OP eer 3 Tel tc wo he pc cue Pin w het ‘+ Welcome students witha smile. Make sure they know where tosit, + Greet the elass. Then say Hello (name) How are you? to ‘several students to encourage the response, Mello, Miss / fr {rane}. Lm fine thanks. + Have students say to each other Hello, How are you? Presentation == 1 Take out fash cards, arranged ina random order. Rais each Mash ead one by one ard say each item. Ask students to repeat ater you, Repeat once more. 2 Work with the elass to sor the ash cans nto groups of Farniur, toys and colors. Stick the ears onthe board in the groups. 1 Look and write. What is the mystery word in yellow? 1 Say Open your books and hold your copy up, open at pages ii, Repeat until all students have their books apen atthe right pce. ‘Make sure all students ean see when you use your book with the class ~ walk sround the room if necessary. 5 6 picture and ask What is 4? Elicit apartment, Show the example answer. Explain that students should continue in the same way. Tell students that they need to be careful with spelling or the crossword won't work, Explain thatthe Teters in the tinted ‘box will spell another word. ‘Monitor and check all can do this andl are on task. Encourage students to write the mystery word under the pictures A: TD ifs fete titetelel) 2b Re Tete Shale [etpleli te ‘dpetePs tite she [olwl ste ofetetrtet tele tm) ape te ete te afete tebe toto te Mystery word: armchair Read and match the questions and answers Point tothe first question and ask & confident student to read itt the class, Read the answer a, Elicit that this isnot the convet answer. ‘Ask students to work in and answers, ‘Monitor and assist as needed, rs to match the questions This slg pnk This small, gray Answers: Ir Be 4a She Extra practice Adkstudens to practice reading the questions and answers {Death otber Ask some confident pars to read the questions nd answers tothe cls es Presentation 1. Use lash cards of furniture and toys to encourage sudemts| to describe what they can see. For example, if you hold up a picture of a big, red couch, elicit that its large and red. Encourage students to tell you 8s much as they ean about cach picture. 1 Read and trace Raise the Student's Book. 2 Ask students to look atthe words. Point tothe fist word and ask What isi? Elicit dat! and show that stadents should trace the word dolt. 3. Ask student to continue in the same way forthe other pictures, Monitor by walking around the classroom and helping as necessary. Let’s remember 2 Circle and color 1 Point tothe first picture. Ask students what it shows, Accept answers only from students who have raised ther hand, Efcit They are dolis. Encourage students to describe the dolls. Accept all reasonable answers and elicit that one is tll tnd one is short, Demonstrate tha they should draw a eirele around the word doll. 2. Read the sentence below the picture with the class. Ask students which doll the sentence is about. Elicit that its the short doll. 13. Read the sentence with the class again and ask What color Is the doll? Elicit blue and ask students ta color the short dol blue to match the sentence. 4 Place sudonts in pairs and have them complete the activity 5) Monitor and assist as needed, ‘to items in the classroom (chair, bag, pencil, et.) and ‘encourage sttlents to deseribe the sizes and colors. ‘Remind students about what they have learned so fae, Praise thi achievements + Tell sudons J ahe next lesson we wil fearw about places ‘and technology: 7 Let’s remember ‘Objectives: To review vocabulary from Primary 2 ‘Toask and anewer questions ‘To give and understand directions ‘To read and complete a paragraph Language: Is there a river? Yes, there i. Are there any balloons? No, there aren't. Where is Sherif’s house? Go straight, turn right. I's on the left Communication: selfexpression tal citizenship Student's Book pages ‘Audio files Flash ears: furniture, toys, animals Soft ball or beanbag Materints: ind ix Opener ms + Greet the class. Then say Hello (name) How are you? 19 several students fo encouryge the response. Hello, Miss / Afr {mame}. 1'm fine thanks. ‘+ Have students ask each other Hello, How are you? + Play Color Show Games Bank, page 114) to revise colors. Presentation 1 "Take out lsh cards or Furniture, oys and animals, sranged ina random owder. Raise each Mash card ane by one and say ‘each item. Ask students 10 repeatafter you, Repeat once more. 1 @p Listen, point and say 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and say what they. 2. Explain that you will fisten to the words, 3 Play the audio one word ats time and tll students to point to the correct picture in their Student's Book. Repeat forall the words, 4 Play the audio again, pausing after each word for stents to repeat x= =—<~S—~—~—~—~—~S basketballs ‘acomputer ‘weupbourd adoll adonkey uduck fish lowers Foorbatts a house ake plan robes fa sheep aPshire grass 2 Point, ask and answer 1 Ask students to read the speech bubbles quietly. Then ask two students to read one part each. Do the activity with some confident students as an example. og, Say Is there a duck? and elicit Yes, there is. ASK Are there any horses? and elicit No, there aren 3. Place students in pairs, Ask them to continue to ask and answer questions to each other. 4 Walk around, monitoring for correet pronun as necessary. 5 Aska few confident pairs to repeat their questions and answers fr the clas, jon. Correct Students? own answers sit ett a Presentation 1 Revise straight, right, and lef by asking students to paint in the different directions. Repeat several times, giving {instructions increasingly quickly 1 (O} Listen and read. Write the places on the map. 1 Ask students to look atthe map and note that there are 5 places numbered, and thete are S places inthe word box. 2 Explain that you will play the audio with pauses for students to listen and follow the dreetions to the correct place 3 Play the first dialog, and encourage students to read the speech bubbles. 4 Read through the directions slowly and help students ‘understand how to follow the steps through the map. Show that Sherif's house is 3 5 Play each dialog, pau fy the place. and to allow students to follow the directions and write te places. Play each dialog several times. xx > °°» © Khalid: Amir, where is Sherif's house? Amir: Go straight, nern right imo Green Road asd tara ight into Appte Road. I's.on the left Khalid: Thank you! Khalid, where isthe museum? io straight. Go past the supermarket on your left ‘a it's the next building on your left. Let’s remember x= = =—

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