June-23-2021 - Pgi Manimtim - Reaction Paper

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Manimtim, Kim Adarem Joy Laroza June 23, 2021

Post Graduate Intern


Topic: The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder related symptoms in Coronavirus outbreaks: A
systematic-review and meta-analysis
PGI Evardone

Infectious disease outbreaks affect physical and mental health of humans worldwide. Studies showed
that the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms increased in these conditions.
Infectious disease outbreaks can be considered as traumatic events and increase the risk of future PTSD
symptoms among different populations; especially affected patients/ survivors (A1 criteria: “directly
experiencing the traumatic events”) and healthcare workers (A4 criteria: “experiencing repeated or extreme
exposure to aversive details of the traumatic events.
After hearing this reflective writing journal presentation entitled, “The prevalence of post-traumatic
stress disorder related symptoms in Coronavirus outbreaks: A systematic-review and meta-analysis”,
presented by PGI Evardone I realized that individuals who had COVID-19 and families with family members
who had COVID-19 had an increased risk to have post traumatic stress disorder. Menth health disorder such as
PTSD or PTSD related symptoms should be address by assessing individual with COVID-19 and his or her family
members on their mental status in order to prevent the progression to much worse disorder. I learned from
this presentation that the estimated prevalence rate for PTSD related symptoms among general population
was 12%, this is quite alarming and interventions to decreased this rate should be done.
As a future physician, I will thoroughly assess the mental status of my patients since we are in a
pandemic, mental health disorders are common. This kind of problem should not be taken for granted and as
a health care provider, we should give our utmost care to our patients.

Topic: Difference in the risk of mood disorders in patients with asthma-COPD overlap and in patient with
COPD alone: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study in Korea (Critical Appraisal on
PGI Ibarra, Christine

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous disease that is associated with aging
and tobacco consumption; however, other exposures have also been causally related. Comorbidities
contribute to the overall severity and economic burden of COPD. In this presentation, the study aimed to
estimate the risk of depression among patients with asthma-copd overlap (ACO) and compare it with the risk
among those with COPD alone in the general population. According to the study, it is important to determine
comorbidities associated specifically with ACO and COPD, because mood disorder is common comorbidity in
chronic respiratory diseases.
After the presentation, I realized that debilitating disease such as COPD causes burden not only to the
patient but also to the family. Feeling of being the family’s problem can cause the patient to have depression. I
learned from this presentation that a relative risk of 1.137 means that the risk for depression in patient with
ACO was increased by 14% or the risk of depression is 1.137 times more likely to happen in COPD patients

with asthma than to those without Asthma. In simple terms ACO is a risk factor in developing depression. As a
future physician, I will increase my knowledge on how to management my future patients with this condition.

Topic: Efficacy of Internet-Based Integrated Intervention on Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients
with COVID-19
PGI Nieva, Mary Syrahlynn

In the fight against the SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 patients have been experiencing enormous
psychological pressure, specifically including a lack of knowledge about the consequences of infection by a
potentially fatal new virus, isolation, and feelings of helplessness. These situations are giving rise to mental
health problems, such as stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, insomnia, and fear in patients with confirmed
SARS-CoV-2 infection.
After hearing this reflective journal presentation, I realized that depression and anxiety symptoms
during the ongoing pandemic increases on patients who acquired the disease. Even though it is a burden to
one, it is ok to be not ok cause feeling down is a normal reaction in this time.
I learned from this presentation, that internet-based integrated intervention which is a self-help
intervention containing breath relaxation training, mindfulness, refuge skills and butterfly hug method
exhibited a significantly decreased levels of depression and anxiety symptom in patients.
As a future physician, I will be able to advise this relaxation techniques to my patient who suffers from
anxiety and depression.

Topic: Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study (Critical
Appraisal on Prognosis)
PGI Baylon, Patrick

Patients with peri-operative SARS-CoV-2 infection are at increased risk of death and pulmonary
complications following surgery. As the cumulative number of people who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection
rises, it will be increasingly common for patients needing surgery to have previously had SARS-CoV-2 infection.
High-income countries that are already implementing vaccination programs are likely to experience reductions
in new SARS-CoV-2 case infection rates, but these countries already have tens of millions of SARS-CoV-2
infection survivors. Most low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are likely to have limited access to SARS-
CoV-2 vaccines until at least 2023. Thus, pre-operative SARS-CoV-2 infection will remain a challenge for the
foreseeable future.
After hearing this critical appraisal on prognosis presentation, I realized that this pandemic will still
occur in the future, this our new normal. I learned from this presentation that a delay in the operation of at
least 7 weeks after the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection is possible and safe for patients. As a future
physician, I will be able to reassure that it is safe to undergo surgery and also I will be able instruct my patient
on the proper timing and scheduling of the procedure.

Topic: Parental Smoking and E-cigarette use in homes and cars

PGI Baylon, Patrick

Smoking inside homes and cars when others are present poses a significant health threat; secondhand
smoke exposure kills an estimated 41 000 nonsmoking adults and 400 infants per year in the United

States. Recently, researchers have highlighted additional health risks for people exposed to thirdhand tobacco
smoke, which accumulates on surfaces. Children are especially vulnerable to being exposed to tobacco smoke
within their living environments and have increased risks of asthma, leukemia, metabolic syndrome, sudden
infant death syndrome, death in adulthood from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and declines in
academic performance. Recent advances in the understanding of how thirdhand smoke impacts the health of
children suggest the need for pediatric health care providers to advocate for strictly enforced smoke-free
policies in homes and cars that prohibit smoking even at times when children are not present.
Electronic cigarette use has been increasing in the United States among both smokers and
nonsmokers. Moreover, 59% of e-cigarette users are dual users of combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
Although a comparison between the harmful substances released by cigarettes and e-cigarettes suggests that
e-cigarettes are likely safer than cigarettes, their overall effect on population health depends on how e-
cigarettes are used.
The researcher of this study concluded that parents who were dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes
were more likely to have strictly enforced smoke-free policies than vape-free policies for the home, suggesting
that some may believe exposure to vaping inside the home is safe for children. The large percentages of
parents who have not adopted smoke-free and vape-free homes and cars and the low percentages of parents
who are asked or advised about keeping homes and cars smoke free when attending pediatric practices
reveals the continued unmet need to implement interventions that will promote safe homes and cars for
After hearing this presentation, I realized this kind of vice needs to be stop in order prevent health
problems that might happen in the future. I learned from this presentation that that the use of e-cigarettes in
a closed area posed a safety risk not only to the one using it but also to the individual having to breath in the
aerosol from it. As a health care professional, I will educate and offer my patients with an effective
interventions and advice for smoking cessation.

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