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BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Assessment Task 1 – Develop sustainability policy

Sustainability policy for Tiny Opera Company

1. The Legislation and regulation
Environment protection and biodiversity conservation act1999
Australia’s national environmental law is called the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act). The EPBC Act makes sure that ‘nationally significant’ animals,
plants, habitats, and places are identified, and any potential negative impacts on them are carefully
considered before changes in land use or new developments are approved.

Work health and safety act 2011

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 provides a framework to protect the health, safety, and
welfare of all workers at work. It also protects the health and safety of all other people who might be
affected by the work. The WHS Act also provides protection for the general public so that their health
and safety is not placed at risk by work activities.
The WHS Act places the primary health and safety duty on a person conducting a business or
undertaking (PCBU). The PCBU must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of
workers at the workplace. Duties are also placed on officers of a PCBU, workers and other persons at a

Protection of the environment operations regulation 2010

This Regulation provides for the certification of domestic solid fuel heaters. Controls burning
generally by imposing an obligation to prevent or minimise emissions, by prohibiting the burning of
certain articles and requiring approval for certain fires/incinerators. Requires the fitting of anti-pollution
devices to certain motor vehicles and prescribes an offence of emitting excessive air impurities. Imposes
certain requirements and standards on the supply of petrol. Prescribes standards for certain groups of
plant and premises to regulate industry’s air impurity emissions and imposes requirements on the
control, storage, and transport of volatile organic liquids.

Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Regulation 2017

This provided the EPA with the opportunity to ensure that the regulation was up to date and
appropriately supports the legislation that manages high-risk chemicals. Sets various fees in relation to
assessments of technology and prescribed activities by the EPA and in relation to licences to carry on
prescribed activities. Specifies the matters to be included in applications for assessment of prescribed
activities, in EPA notices about assessments of chemicals, and in EPA notices about applications for
licences and transfers of licences. Provides for the appointment of alternate members of the Hazardous
Chemicals Advisory Committee. Provides for the time within which certain appeals under the
Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985 may be made.

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

The EP&A Regulation contains requirements for councils to achieve accountability and
monitoring within the developer contributions framework. This includes the way funds received are
managed, record keeping, public participation requirements and the procedure for approving, amending,
reviewing, and repealing contributions plans.
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

2. Sustainability policy for tiny opera company

scope of the policy
A policy is a statement which underpins how human resource management issues will be dealt
with in an organisation. It communicates an organisation’s values and the organisation’s expectations of
employee behaviours and performance. Involve staff in developing and implementing workplace policies
to promote stronger awareness, understanding and ownership of the outcome. Staff involvement also
helps to determine how and when the policies might apply and can assist in identifying possible
unintentional outcomes of the policy. The policy and procedure of Tiny opera company are applied to all
of the staff or the employee of Tiny opera company, and the policy are also applied to the performance
team and the audiences as well.

Research information “Sydney opera house”

Inspired by nature, architect Jorn Utzon conceived a building ahead of its time, inherently
sustainable by design. Almost five decades on, the Opera House has set a new standard in sustainable
heritage buildings and remain committed to inspiring greater environmental awareness across the
community. As a source of inspiration, the Opera House aims to be a leader in environmental and social
sustainability. Jorn Utzon, incorporated sustainable design elements such as a seawater-cooling system
into the building which opened in 1973. The Environmental Sustainability Plan 2020-2023 builds on that
legacy. In 2007, the Sydney opera house was formally recognised as a “masterpiece of human creative
genius” as part of its UNESCO World Heritage listing. They are committed to conserving natural
resources, minimising waste, and pollution. Enhancing the natural environment.
- To be a leader in environmental and social sustainability in line with the Opera house’s status as a
symbol of modern Australia and purpose as a source of inspiration.
- To embed sustainability in the delivery of the strategic goals of our diverse business, while
conserving and enhancing our World heritage Values.
- To influence broader environmental outcomes in partnership with stakeholders.
- To engage staff, partners and community on key sustainability issues and inspire them to take
action, individually and collectively.
This policy provides a framework to implement measures to improve our environmental
- Set communicates and delivery environmental sustainability objectives, targets and an
implementation plan every three years
- Establish clear accountabilities
- Monitor and assess performance against targets, benchmarks and standards
- Report on our performance publicly and transparently every year
- Review our environmental performance at the upper management level annually
- Communicate our commitments to staff and stakeholders
- Work with our supply chain to source products and services responsibly
- Establish practices to achieve the requirements of environmental legislation, government policies
and industry standards

Tiny Opera company’s commitment to policy

- Using resource wisely
- Encouraging visitors to consider sustainability
- Focusing on appropriate management
- Building efficiency was enhanced by installing a new Building Management Control System to
improve climate control and to monitor energy and water use.
- Reducing single-use plastic
- To be delivered in its Decade of Renewal, we will continue to work with suppliers, building
contractors and staff to identify opportunities to repurpose and recycle materials.
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability


Objectives Strategies Benefit of implementing Cost of implementing Timeframe Barrier (Difficulty to apply
strategies strategies the strategies)
Continue to target reduction - Embed energy - Lower greenhouse gas $15,000 1-3 years - Lack of awareness
savings through further efficiency into systems (GHG) emissions and other among the industry
energy efficiency and processes pollutants, as well as managers of the
- Raise awareness of decrease water use. potential gains from
energy efficient - Lower individual utility bills, improved efficiency
practices to increase create jobs, and help - The response to
staff engagement stabilize electricity prices conservation
- Maximise operational and volatility. measures is irrational
savings through energy - Helps diversify utility because of
efficiency resource portfolios and can inappropriate pricing,
be a hedge against other market
uncertainty associated with distortions and socio-
fluctuating fuel prices. economic factors.

Uses water resources - Understand site wide - Reduce or minimize the $15,000 1-3 years - Lack of investment
efficiently while delivering water use to enhance pollution and health capacity
high quality services water management problems - Lack of awareness
capability - Reduce the need for new about water shortage
- Continually monitor wastewater treatment problems and their
and report on facilities potential impact on
performance to - To improve reputation hotels in the future:
identify areas to - Change image of the
improve efficiency company
- Embed water efficiency - Save money
across all operations to
continually improve
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Objectives Strategies Benefit of implementing Cost of implementing Timeframe Barrier (Difficulty to apply
strategies strategies the strategies)
The goods and services have - Work within existing - Cost reduction that can $10,000 1-3 years - Supply risk is always a
the lowest environmental procurement occur from strategically major challenge in the
impact and the most positive frameworks sourcing products and procurement process.
economic and social impacts to achieve deciding which suppliers to Market risks, potential
feasible. better financial, get them from as part of frauds, cost, quality,
environmental, and the procurement plan. and delivery risks
social outcomes - To measure each step of - Products and services
- Reduce paper use and the way, as a tool for are procured with a
increase the purchase analysing performance. By sense of urgency at the
of recycled content using the plan as the source last minute. As a result,
office consumables to track performance. the actual lead times
and equipment and the procurement
cycle tend to be
considerably longer
than anticipated or

To rethink waste, reduce the - Maintain best practice - Waste reduction methods $10,000 1-3 years - Insufficient Support
volume of waste generated operational waste in the workplace can help from Management
and achieve recycling rate management reduce overall operating - Insufficient training
target. - Maintain best practice costs results in confusion,
waste management - Reducing waste in the which has a number
for Renewal, capital workplace through reuse of potential outcomes
works and and recycling efforts has a including active
maintenance projects positive impact on the recyclers becoming
- Maintain compliance environment. disheartened and
with regulations - Improve your reputation non- recyclers
for chemical among customers, avoiding the program
and hazardous suppliers, potential or becoming openly
substances disposal employees, and insurers hostile

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