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Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533

Prediction of the viscosity of clarified fruit juice using artificial

neural network: a combined effect of concentration and temperature
P. Rai a, G.C. Majumdar a, S. DasGupta b, S. De b,*

Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, India


An artificial neural network (ANN) model is presented for the prediction of viscosity of fruit juice as a function of concentration
and temperature. The fruit juices considered in the present study were orange, peach, pear, malus floribunda and black current. The
viscosity data of juices (1.53–3300 mPa s) were obtained from the literature for a wide range of concentration (5–70 °Brix) and tem-
perature (30.7–71.7 °C). Several configurations were evaluated while developing the optimal ANN model. The optimal ANN model
consisted of two hidden layers with two neurons in each hidden layer. This model was able to predict viscosity with a mean absolute
error of 3.78 mPa s. The performance of the ANN was checked using experimental data. Predicted viscosity using the ANN was
proved to be a simple, convenient and accurate method. The model can be incorporated in the heat transfer calculations during fruit
processing where concentration and temperature dependent viscosity values are required. This may also be useful in mass transfer
calculations during filtration of the juice using membranes for clarification.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rectly from the data being modeled. Traditional linear

models are simply inadequate when it comes to mode-
Artificial neural network is a system loosely modeled ling data that contains nonlinear characteristics.
on the human brain. The field goes by many names, such An ANN is composed of many single elements called
as connectionism; parallel distributed processing, neuro- neurons. These neurons are connected to each other in
computing, natural intelligent systems, machine learning different ways therefore forming different types of
algorithms, and artificial neural networks. A neural net- ANN. The most popular ANN is the multi-layer feed-
work is a powerful data modeling tool that is able to forward neural network where the neurons are arranged
capture and represent complex input/output relation- into layers: input layer, hidden layer, and output layer
ships. The motivation for the development of neural net- (Bardot, Bouchereau, Martin, & Alagos, 1994), as
work technology stemmed from the desire to develop an shown in Fig. 1. Feed-forward neural network usually
artificial system that could perform ‘‘intelligent’’ tasks has one or more hidden layers, which enable the net-
similar to those performed by the human brain. The true work to deal with nonlinear and complex correlation
power and advantage of neural networks lies in their (Masters, 1993). The general applications of ANN in-
ability to represent both linear and nonlinear relation- clude classification, noise reduction, and prediction. In
ships and in their ability to learn these relationships di- fact, ANN is most likely to be superior to other tech-
niques under certain conditions, such as fuzzy inputs,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 3222 283926; fax: +91 3222
subtle patterns, unpredictable nonlinear data, and
2755303. chaotic data (in the mathematical sense) (Zbicinski,
E-mail address: (S. De). Kaminski, Ciesielski, & Strumillo, 1997).

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
528 P. Rai et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533

Inputs outputs floribunda juice (Cepeda & Villaran, 1999) and Black
currant juice (Ibarz, Pagan, & Miguelsanz, 1992a). The
above data are also for the depectinized juice. But, the
available correlations are juice specific. In this work,
an attempt has been made to predict the viscosity of
depectinized juice with a wide range of concentration
and temperature for various fruit juice species (five) un-
der a single model developed by ANN. Interestingly, it
INPUT LAYER HIDDEN LAYER OUTPUT LAYER may be envisaged that such generalized model will be
Fig. 1. Basic structure of feed-forward neural networks. of much help to the engineers for viscosity calculation
for any depectinized juice with the similar range of con-
centration and temperature considered herein.
Neural network modeling has generated increasing
acceptance and is an interesting method in the estima-
tion and prediction of food properties and process re- 2. Materials and methods
lated parameters. ANN modeling has been used in the
prediction of dough rheological properties (Ruan, In this section, details of the available viscosity data,
Almaer, & Zhang, 1995), physical properties of ground normalization of viscosity data, ANN architecture
wheat (Fang, Bilby, Haque, Hanna, & Spillman, development, training of neural network and selection
1998), thermal conductivity of fruits and vegetables of optimal ANN configuration have been discussed.
(Hussain & Rahman, 1999), fruit ripening (Morimoto, The flow chart of methodology for developing ANN
Purwanto, Suzuki, Aono, & Hashimoto, 1997), inactiva- architecture is described in Fig. 2.
tion kinetics (Geeraerd, Herremans, Cenens, & Van
Impe, 1998), viscosity of sucrose (Bouchard & Grand- 2.1. Viscosity data in literature
jean, 1995), smell by electronic nose (Payne, 1998), food
quality (Ni & Gunasekaran, 1998), loaf volume during Several researchers have measured viscosity for differ-
baking (Horimoto, Durance, Nakai, & Lukow, 1995), ent fruit juices. Viscosity data were collected from liter-
sensory perception (Bomio, 1998), classification of nut ature that included viscosity for a given temperature and
(Casasent, Sipe, Schatzki, Keagy, & Lee, 1998) and concentration. The data set included the viscosity values
more recently prediction of thermal conductivity of bak- for orange juice (Ibraz et al., 1994), peach juice (Ibraz
ery products (Sablani, Baik, & Marcotte, 2002). et al., 1992a), Pear juice (Ibarz et al., 1989), Malus
Knowledge of the physical properties of food is fun- floribunda juice (Cepeda & Villaran, 1999) and Black
damental in analyzing the unit operations present in the currant juice (Ibraz et al., 1992b). The viscosity data
food industry. The study of these food properties and
their responses to process conditions are necessary be-
cause they influence the treatment received during the Viscosity data
processing and also because they are good indicators
of other properties and qualities of food. Viscosity and
its variation with concentration and temperature are Normalization
very important for the food industry in general and
for fruit derivatives in particular, since it is necessary Learning/Training Validation/Testing
for the design and the optimization of several processing
operations (e.g., pumping, evaporation, membrane fil-
tration etc.). Developed network
It may be noted here that viscosity is also a strong
function of pectin content in the juice. But, in most of ANN estimated viscosity
the food processing units, depectinized juice is used to
avoid high viscosity. Therefore, in the present study,
Scaling up
the viscosity variations are considered as a function of
concentration and temperature only. It may also be
pointed out here that correlations are available based Performance evaluation Experimental estimated
on the regression analysis for the prediction of juice vis- Viscosity
cosity with concentration and temperature for orange
juice (Ibarz, Gonzalez, & Esplugas, 1994), peach juice
Selection of best ANN architecture
(Ibarz, Gonzalez, Esplugas, & Vicente, 1992b), Pear
juice (Ibarz, Pagan, Gutierrez, & Vicente, 1989), Malus Fig. 2. Methodology for developing ANN architecture.
P. Rai et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533 529

Table 1
Viscosity values of fruit juice
Fruit Temperature (°C) Total soluble solid ((°)Brix) Viscosity (mPa s) References
Orange juice 5–70 30.7–63.5 1.53–300.9 Ibraz et al. (1998)
Peach juice 5–60 40–69 3.9–2086.9 Ibraz et al. (1992b); Ibraz et al. (1992a)
Pear juice 5–60 40–71 2–1816 Ibarz et al. (1989)
Malus floribunda juice 5–60 45.1–71.7 3–3300 Cepeda and Villaran (1999)
Black current juice 5–60 35–64.5 2.4–499.9 Ibraz et al. (1992a)

of various fruit juices for the range of processing condi- produce a single output, which is communicated to
tions are listed in Table 1. other neurons.
There are different types of connections like fully con-
2.2. Normalization of viscosity data nected, partially connected, feed forward and bi-direc-
tional used between layers, these connections between
Normalization is a transformation performed on a layers are called inter-layer connections. Feedforward
single data input to distribute the data evenly and scale neural networks (FF networks) are the most popular
it into an acceptable range for the network. In normal- and most widely used models in many practical applica-
izing data, the goal is to ensure that the statistical distri- tions. They are known by many different names, such as
bution of values for each net input and output is roughly ‘‘multi-layer perceptrons.’’ In the feed forward network
uniform. In addition, the values should be scaled to neurons on the first layer send their output to the
match the range of the input neurons. This means that neurons on the second layer, but they do not receive
along with any other transformations performed on net- any input back form the neurons on the second layer.
work inputs, each input should be normalized as well. The most widely used neural classifier today is multi-
The most commonly chosen ranges are 0 to 1 or 1 to layer perceptron (MLP) network which has also been
+1. Here the data set is normalized between limits of extensively analyzed and for which many learning algo-
1 and +1, having the average value set at 0. This tech- rithms have been developed. The MLP belongs to the
nique is known as the zero-mean normalization method. class of supervised neural networks. MLP networks
The normalization variable, xi,norm is represented by are general-purpose, flexible, nonlinear models consist-
xi  xi;avg ing of a number of units organized into multiple layers.
xi;norm ¼ The complexity of the MLP network can be changed by
varying the number of layers and the number of units in
where xi is an input or output variable, xi, avg is the aver- each layer. Given enough hidden units and enough data,
age value of the variable over the data set. it has been shown that MLPs can approximate virtually
Ri;max¼maximum½xi;max xi;avg ; xi;avg xi;min  any function to any desired accuracy. In other words,
MLPs are universal approximators. MLPs are valuable
xi,min is the minimum value of the variable, xi,max is the tools in problems when one has little or no knowledge
maximum value of the variable, and Ri,max is the maxi- about the form of the relationship between input vectors
mum range between the average value and either the and their corresponding outputs.
minimum or the maximum value. Different types of activation functions can be utilized
for the network, however the common ones, which are
2.3. ANN architecture development sufficient for most applications, are the sigmoidal and
hyperbolic tangent functions. In most of the application,
Designing a neural network consists of arranging hyperbolic tangent transfer fuction is a better represen-
neurons in various layers, deciding the type of connec- tation compared to sigmoid transfer function. As the
tions among neurons for different layers, as well as biological and chemical processing systems become
among the neurons within a layer, deciding the way a more complex and nonlinear, the advantages of hyper-
neuron receives input and produces output and finally bolic tangent transfer function become more apparent
determining the strength of connection within the net- (Baughman & Liu, 1995). The slope of the hyperbolic
work by allowing the network learn the appropriate val- tangent function is steeper than the slope of the sigmoid
ues of connection weights by using a training data set. function, therefore it can better distinguish between
Neurons are connected via a network of paths carrying small variations in input variable and can generate a
the output of one neuron as input to another neuron. much more nonlinear response.
These paths are normally unidirectional, there might The decision of the use of a number of hidden layer
however be a two-way connection between two neurons, nodes is complex as it depends on the specific problem
because there may be another path in the reverse direc- being solved using ANN. With too few nodes, the net-
tion. A neuron receives input from many neurons, but work may not be powerful enough for a given learning
530 P. Rai et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533

task. With a large number of nodes (and connections), rate is of critical importance in finding the true global
computation is too lengthy. Sometimes an ANN may minimum of the error. Backpropagation training with
‘‘memorize’’ the input training samples; such a network too small a learning rate will make agonizingly slow pro-
tends to perform poorly on new test samples, and is not gress. Too large a learning rate will proceed much faster,
considered to have accomplished learning successfully. but may simply produce oscillations between relatively
Neural learning is considered successful only if the sys- poor solutions. Both of these conditions are generally
tem can perform well on test data on which the system detectable through experimentation and sampling of re-
has not been trained. An ANN should have capabilities sults after a fixed number of training epochs. Typical
to generalize from input training sets, and not to mem- values for the learning rate parameter are numbers be-
orize them (Mehrotra, Mohan, & Ranka, 1996). In our tween 0 and 1
study, different hidden layer nodes and hidden layer 0:05 < g < 0:75
arrangements were chosen to select the best production
results (Table 2). It has been shown that one hidden where, g is the learning rate parameter.
layer is sufficient to approximate any continuous nonlin- One would like to use the largest learning rate that
ear function (Hornik, 1993; Hornik, Stinchcombe, still converges to the minimum solution. The right value
& White, 1989; Ripley, 1996), although more complex of learning rate will depend again on the application. In
networks may be employed in special applications (Xie this study, the learning rate was fixed at 0.2. This low va-
& Xiong, 1999). But there is no theory yet to tell how lue of learning rate was chosen because high fluctuations
many hidden units are needed to approximate any given in error were observed at higher learning rates.
For more complicated target functions, especially 2.4. Training of neural network
those with several hills or valleys, it is useful to have sev-
eral units in the second hidden layer. Each unit in the Once a network has been structured for a particular
second hidden layer enables the net to fit a separate hill application, that network is ready to be trained. There
or valley. So an MLP with two hidden layers can often are two approaches to training––supervised and unsu-
yield an accurate approximation with fewer weights pervised. Supervised training involves a mechanism of
than an MLP with one hidden layer (Chester, 1990). providing the network with the desired output either
Unfortunately, using two hidden layers exacerbates the by manually ‘‘grading’’ the networkÕs performance or
problem of local minima, and it is important to use lots by providing the desired outputs with the inputs. Unsu-
of random initializations or other methods for global pervised training is where the network has to make sense
optimization. Local minima with two hidden layers of the inputs without outside help.
can have extreme spikes or blades even when the num- A multi-layer feed forward network structure with in-
ber of weights is much smaller than the number of train- put, output and hidden layer(s) was used in this study.
ing cases. One of the few advantages of standard Several ANN models were trained using the viscosity
backprop is that it is so slow that spikes and blades will data. The back-propagation algorithm was utilized in
not become very sharp for practical training times. More training of ANN models (Hornik et al., 1989). The
than two hidden layers can be useful in certain architec- back-propagation algorithm uses the supervised training
tures such as cascade correlation (Fahlman & Lebiere, technique where the network weights and biases are ini-
1990) and in special applications, such as the two-spiral tialized randomly at the beginning of the training phase.
problem (Lang & Witbrock, 1988) and ZIP code recog- For a given set of inputs to the network, the response to
nition (Le Cun et al., 1989). each neuron in the output layer is calculated and com-
Learning rate indicates the rate of change of connec- pared with the corresponding desired output response.
tion weights during training. The selection of a learning The errors associated with the desired output response
are adjusted in the way that reduces these errors in each
neuron from the output to the input layer. The error
Table 2 minimization process is achieved using gradient descent
Error and iteration values in the topology optimization
rule (Bishop, 1994; Hornik et al., 1989). Fig. 3 summa-
Hidden layer neurons MAE error Number of rizes the training procedure of the multi-layer feed-for-
(mPa s) iteration
ward neural network. The input layer consisted of two
2 4.29 820 (2) neurons, which corresponded to juice concentration
3 4.45 910
and temperature. The output layer had one neuron rep-
4 4.43 1480
5 4.32 1660 resenting viscosity. The number of hidden layers and
6 4.33 1510 neurons within each hidden layer can be varied on the
1,1(1 in 1st layer, 1 in 2nd layer) 4.32 550 complexity of the problem and data set. In this study
2,2 (2 in 1st layer, 2 in 2nd layer) 4.20 450 a feed-forward neural network model with single and
3,3 (3 in 1st layer, 3 in 2nd layer) 4.48 330
double hidden layer were used. The number of neurons
P. Rai et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533 531

Start with random weights

The criterion used to select the adequate ANN topol-
ogy consisted of selecting the number of nodes, which
gave a minimum final error in a minimal number of iter-
ations during the training of the ANN. Moreover, the
Apply training pattern
final use of the ANN must also be considered to select
the adequate ANN topology. It is necessary to take into
account that light topologies (less number of neurons)
Compute error involve smaller learning data sets than heavy topologies
(more number of neurons). The learning step is there-
fore, easier and faster and the final ANN calculation
Compute adjustments to time is also shorter. Eight configurations of ANN topol-
ogy have been tried out to establish the above criterion
and are presented in Table 2. It may be observed from
Table 2 that the seventh configuration (i.e., 2-2-2-1) re-
Training sults in the minimum MAE error and at a lower number
dataset of iterations. It may also be observed from Table 2 that
configuration 8 yields minimum iteration number but at
the cost of accuracy. Hence, 7th configuration is selected
as the optimal ANN topology.
Evaluate average system
error As discussed earlier the network model with two hid-
den layers and two neurons in each hidden layer resulted
in the best prediction. The performance of the ANN
No Yes
Error End
model for the training and validation data set is pre-
Acceptable sented in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. The comparison
of the model prediction with the experimental values
Fig. 3. Training procedure for multi-layer perceptron network.
2 hidden layers
2 neurons per hidden layers
within single and double hidden layers varied respec- Training dataset 270 cases MAE = 4.20
Predicted viscosity

tively from two to six and one to three with increments 2500
of one. This resulted in a total of 8 networks. 2000 R = 0.949

2.5. Selection of optimal ANN configuration 1000
The prediction performances of the various ANN 0 1000 2000 3000
models were compared using mean absolute error Experimental viscosity (mPas)
The error function was defined as Fig. 4. Correlation of experimental versus neural network values of
viscosity with training data set using the optimal network.
1 X
MAE ¼ ðY i  Di Þ
where Yi is the ANN output for a given input and Di is
the desired output for the same input. 2 hidden layers
2 neurons per hidden layers
Validation dataset 52 cases MAE = 3.78
3. Results and discussion 3000
Predicted viscosity

2500 2
R = 0.9648
3.1. Performance of the developed ANN model 2000

The development of ANN model involves two basic 1000
steps, a training/learning phase and a testing/validation 500
phase. The viscosity data set of the 322 cases in our 0
0 2000 4000
study was divided into two groups. In the first group,
Experimental viscosity (mPas)
270 cases were taken for training/testing and in the sec-
ond group 52 cases for validation, chosen randomly Fig. 5. Correlation of experimental versus neural network values of
from the set of 322 cases. viscosity with validation data set using the optimal network.
532 P. Rai et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533

of viscosity is shown in these figures. The correlation cant or not. In this case, the null hypothesis i.e., the
coefficient associated with Fig. 4 is 0.97 and that is for means of the two groups, the desired and predicted are
Fig. 5 is 0.98. It may be noted that the correlation coef- equal has been tested with the alternative hypothesis
ficient for the validation set (in Fig. 5) is more than that i.e., the means are significantly different. The associated
for the training set. This shows a better performance of probability has been found out to be 0.38, which is much
the present ANN model for the validation data set. higher than the threshold probability i.e. 0.05 at the level
The simplified algebraic equations derived from the of 95%. Hence, the difference in the mean of the desired
ANN model for the prediction of viscosity with concen- and predicted values is statistically insignificant. Simi-
tration and temperature are presented in Appendix A. larly, an F test has been carried out to check the signifi-
With a priori knowledge of juice concentration and tem- cance of the difference of standard deviation of two
perature, its viscosity can be computed using these equa- groups. The relevant probability is found out to be
tions compiled in a simple sub-routine. Such sub-routine 0.98, which is not less than 0.05. Hence the standard devi-
for the calculation of viscosity may be incorporated in the ation of the two groups also does not differ significantly.
heat and or mass transfer calculations in various process-
ing units, as discussed in the introduction. The developed
4. Conclusions
simplified model equations of viscosity prediction are
scant in the literature and they are extremely user friendly.
A neural network based model was developed for the
prediction of viscosity of fruit juice under a wide range
3.2. Statistical analysis of the developed ANN model
of conditions of temperature and concentration. The
optimal model, which consisted of two hidden layer
An extensive statistical analysis of the results in terms
and two neurons in each hidden layer, was able to pre-
of various statistical parameters has been carried out.
dict viscosity values with an MAE 3.78 mPa s. Selection
The results of the statistical analysis is presented in Ta-
of hidden nodes was important to ANN predictions. In
ble 3 for the training set and those for the validation
addition, the difficulties of trial and error from various
data set are shown in Table 4. It may be observed from
types of nonlinear function in regression modeling were
Tables 3 and 4 that the statistical parameters of the
eliminated because of the black box nature of ANN.
model predictions are closer to those of the desired val-
ues for the validation set.
In order to check the difference in the statistical
Appendix A
parameters of the validation data set (as presented in Ta-
ble 4), two statistical significance tests are carried. These
Neural network based equations for estimation of
are on the difference between the mean and standard
viscosity, V (mPa s) for known concentration (°Brix)(C)
deviation of the desired and the predicted values. A stu-
and temperature (°C)(T)
dentsÕ t test has been carried out to asses whether the
difference of the mean between the two groups is signifi-
x2 ¼ Cð0:046Þ  ð2:043Þ
Table 3
Statistical variables of desired and predicted values (training set) x3 ¼ T ð0:026Þ  ð0:797Þ
Statistical values Desired values Predicted values
x4 ¼ tanh½ð1:669Þ þ ð1:025Þ x2 þ ð1:404Þ x3 
Median 13.99 14.54
Mean 80.75 95.22
Standard error 14.46 16.69
x5 ¼ tanh½ð1:297Þ þ ð1:596Þ x2 þ ð0:745Þ x3 
Standard deviation 237.55 274.26  
Coefficient variation 2.94 2.88 x6 ¼ tanh½ð0:715Þ þ ð0:239Þ x4 þ ð0:779Þ x5 
Skewness 5.95 5.17
Kurtosis 40.2 29.98 x7 ¼ tanh½ð0:702Þ þ ð1:694Þ x4 þ ð1:65Þ x5 
Table 4
x8 ¼ tanh½ð0:656Þ þ ð0:141Þ x6 þ ð0:549Þ x7 
Statistical variables of desired and predicted values (validation set)
V ¼ x8 ð3216:03Þ þ ð83:97Þ
Statistical values Desired values Predicted values
Median 11.49 12.35
Mean 30.16 36.82
Standard error 11.51 15.86 References
Standard deviation 79.74 109.88
Coefficient variation 2.64 2.98 Bardot, I., Bouchereau, L., Martin, N., & Alagos, B. (1994). Sensory-
Skewness 6.25 6.49 instrumental correlation by combining data analysis and neural
Kurtosis 41.19 43.68 network techniques. Food Quality and Preference, 5(1/2), 159–166.
P. Rai et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 68 (2005) 527–533 533

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