Lecture1 - Extensive Prologue For Software Quality

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An Extensive Prologue for

Software Quality

Introduction to Software Testing

Lecture Outline

Software testing motivation.

What is a software testing?
Verification and Validation?
Error , Defect and Bug
Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Why software fail?
What is cost of software failures?
What makes a good software tester?

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Software Testing Motivation

The Lion King Animated Storybook

Disney’s first multimedia CD-ROM game for
kids. Released at Christmas season.
26th December….. Customer Support’s
The CD was testing only for specific PC
It failed on many popular PC operating system.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Software Testing Motivation

Intel Pentium Floating-Point Bug

(4195835/3145727)* 3145727 - 4195835
If answer is ZERO, your computer is fine.
Anything else, you have old Intel Pentium CPU
with floating-point division bug.
A software bug burned into a computer chip and
reproduced over and over in the manufacturing

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Software Testing Motivation

NASA Mars Polar Lander, 1999

3rd December 1999, Mars Polar Lander
disappeared during its landing attempt.
Failure Review Board concludes the likely failure
reason was the unexpected setting of a single
data bit.
Most alarming was why the problem was not
caught by internal tests.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Software Testing Motivation

Malaysia Airlines Jetliner, August 2005

Flight between Perth, Australia and Kuala
Lampur, Malaysia zoomed 3,000 feet upwards.
A defective software program had provided
incorrect data about the aircraft’s speed and
acceleration, confusing flight computers.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
What is Software Testing?

The process of finding evidence of defects in

software systems.
Establishing confidence that a program does
what it is supposed to do.

1. Software testing is not debugging.

2. Software testing is not quality assurance

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
What is Software Testing?

Correctness of software with respect to

requirements or intent;
Performance of software under various
Robustness of software, its ability to handle
erroneous input and unanticipated
Installation and other facets of a software
© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Software Testing
 To find and prevent defect
To have confidence that the system
performs adequately
To provide information about quality
To provide the insight of product risk
and quality
To ensure a program corresponds to its
Defect Detection Mechanism
Software Test Process
 Test Strategy
Test Plan
Test Design
Setup Test Environment
Test Execution
Defect Tracking
Testing Tools
Evaluate Test Exit Criteria
Improve Test Process
Some terminologies
Related to
Related to product
Bug= slang / dialect

Related to event
Defect, Fault, Bug Accident

Incident, Issue
Risk = likelihood of failure
x impact


Simply any thing find by tester its defect,
when the developer accepts the defect its
bug.  Any thing found faulty i.e. fault is an

Fault--> Error--> Defect--> Bug

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 12
Trivial Example

For any integer n, square (n) = n*n.

int square (int x)

{ Square (3) = 6

return x*2;
} Fault

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 13
Trivial Example
Correct Result

For any integer n, square (n) = n*n.

int square (int x)

{ Square (2) = 4

return x*2;

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 14
Testing...Definition Revisited
Testing is the process of executing a program with
intention of finding errors
Paul Jorgensen
Testing is obviously concerned with errors, faults,
failures and incidents. A test is the act of exercising
software with test cases with an objective of Finding
failure and Demonstrate correct execution
Technical operation that consist of the determination of
one or more characteristics of a given product, process
or service according to a specified procedure
© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 15
Verification and Validation
• Validation
– does the software do what was wanted?
– “Are we building the right system?”
– Validation is the process of evaluating software artifacts during the software
development process in an attempt to determine if the system works as
required by the customers.

– Verification
– does the software meet its specification?
– “Are we building the System right??”
– This can only be objective if the specifications are sufficiently precise

• Everything must be verified

– …including the verification process itself
Verification – Are we building the product
Verification is any checking process
conducted on software artifacts in an
attempt to determine if they work as
specified by the designers of the system.
Includes reviews, inspections, walkthroughs,
unit testing and integration testing.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Validation – Are we building the right product?
Validation is the process of evaluating software
artifacts during the software development
process in an attempt to determine if the
system works as required by the customers.
Any evaluation activity that involves the
customer can be used for validation purposes.
Includes program reviews, system testing,
customer acceptance testing.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Verification vs. Validation
 Verification
 Main purpose is to detect defects

in the artifacts of the system under


 Validation
 Main purpose is to show that the

system under development meets

user needs, requirements, and
Validation and Verification
process continue in a cycle till
© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
What is the objectives of
Software Testing?

Quality Assurance vs.
Quality Control
Quality Assurance Quality Control

A series of
An overall
management plan to
measurements used
guarantee the
to assess the
integrity of data
quality of the
(The “system”)
analytical data
(The “tools”)
Direct Objectives
To identify and reveal as many errors as
possible in the tested software
To bring the tested software, after correction
of the identified errors and retesting to an
acceptable level of quality
To perform the required tests efficiency and
effectively, within budgetary and scheduling

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 22
Indirect Objective
To compile a record of software errors for use
in error prevention (by corrective and
preventive actions)

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 23
Goals of Testing
• Goal: show a program meets its
– But: testing can never be complete for non-
trivial programs
• What is a successful test?
– One in which no errors were found?
– One in which one or more errors were
Goals of Testing - 2
• Testing should be:
– repeatable
– if you find an error, you want to repeat the test to
show others
– if you correct an error, you want to repeat the test to
check that you fixed it
– systematic
– random testing is not enough
– select test sets that are representative of real uses
– select test sets that cover the range of behaviors of
the program
– documented
– keep track of what tests were performed, and what
the results were
Goals of Testing - 3.
• Therefore you need a way to document
test cases showing:
– the input
– the expected output
– the actual result
• These test plans/scripts are critical to
project success!
Why do Failure Occur?

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 27
Root Causes of Failures

Inaccurate understanding of end user

Inability to deal with changing requirements.
Late discovery of serious project flaws.
For example, modules that do not fit
Untrustworthy build & release process.
Implementation team’s chaos.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 28
Failure Costs

Disney’s Lion King CD

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 29
Software Testers

Good understanding of the development

process and its products.
Ability to anticipate likely faults and errors.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 30
© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 31
Software Quality Factors
● Correctness
– accuracy, completeness of required
– uptodateness, availability of the
● Reliability
– maximum failure rate
● Efficiency
– resources needed to perform software function
● Integrity
– software system security, access rights
● Usability
– ability to learn, perform required task
© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 32
Software Quality Factors…….

● Maintainability
– effort to identify and fix software failures (modularity,
documentation, etc)
● Flexibility
– degree of adaptability (to new customers, tasks, etc)
● Testability
– support for testing (e.g. log files, automatic diagnostics,

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 33
Software Quality Factors…….

● Portability
– adaptation to other environments (hardware,
● Reusability
– use of software components for other projects
● Interoperability
– ability to interface with other

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 34
Software Testing proverbs

1. It is impossible to test a program completely.

2. Software testing is a risk-based exercise.
3. Testing cannot show the absence of bugs.
4. The more bugs you find, the more bugs there are.
5. Not all bugs found will be fixed.
6. It is difficult to say when a bug is indeed a bug.
7. Specifications are never final.
8. Software testers are not the most popular members of a
9. Software testing is a disciplined and technical profession.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 35
proverb 1
It is impossible to test a program
How many test cases do you need to exhaustively test:
A calculator
MS Word
Any interesting software!
The only way to be absolutely sure software works is to
run it against all possible inputs and observe all of its
outputs …
Oh, and the specification must be correct and complete.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 36
proverb 1 (cont’d)
It is impossible to test a program
The number of possible inputs is very large.
The number of possible outputs is very
The number of paths through the software is
very large.
The software specification open to

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 37
proverb 2
Software testing is a risk-based exercise
If you do not test the software for all inputs (a wise
choice) you take a risk.
Hopefully you will skip a lot of inputs that work
What if you skip inputs that cause a fault?
Risk: financial loss, security, loss of money, loss of life!
That is a lot of pressure for a tester!
This course is all about techniques and practices to
help reduce the risk without breaking the bank.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 38
proverb 2 (cont’d)
Software testing is a risk-based exercise

Number of Cost of
If you try to test too Missed Bugs Testing
much, the
development cost Q
becomes prohibitive. u
a Under Equilibrium
If you test too little, n
Testing Over
the probability of i
software failure t
increases and as we
discussed … software
failures can cost us
big time! Amount of Testing

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 39
proverb 3
Testing cannot show the absence of bugs

“Program testing can be used to

show the presence of bugs, but never
to show their absence!”
- Edsger Dijkstra

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 40
proverb 4
The more bugs you find, the more bugs there
Bugs appear in groups, where you see one you will likely find more
… Why?
Programmers can have bad days
Programmers tend to make the same mistakes
Some bugs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Boris Beizer coined the term pesticide paradox to describe the

phenomenon that the more you test software the more immune it
becomes to your test cases.
Remedy: continually write new and different tests to exercise different parts of
the software.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 41
proverb 5
Not all bugs found will be fixed
Why wouldn’t you fix a bug you knew about?
There’s not enough time
● Some deadlines cannot be extended (e.g., Y2K)
It’s not really a bug
● Specifications can be wrong
It’s too risky to fix
● “I’m not touching Shahryarzzzz code!”
It’s just not worth it
● Bugs in fringe features may have to wait
● Why not charge the customer for bug fixes in the next release
(sound familiar?) :-)
© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 42
proverb 6
It is difficult to say when a bug is indeed a bug

If there is a problem in the software but no one

ever discovers it … is it a bug?
Parody of “if a tree falls in the forest … does it
really make a noise?”
What is your opinion? Does a bug have to be
observable in order for it to me a bug?
Bugs that are undiscovered are called latent bugs.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 43
proverb 7
Specifications are never final

Building a product based on a “moving target” specification

is fairly unique to software development.
Competition is fierce
Very rapid release cycles
Software is “easy” to change

Not true in other engineering domains

E.g., the Brooklyn Bridge could not be adjusted to allow train traffic to
cross it once its construction started.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 44
proverb 8
Software testers are not the most popular
members of a project
Goal of a software tester:
Find bugs
Find bugs early
Make sure bugs get fixed

Tips to avoid becoming unpopular:

Find bugs early
Temper your enthusiasm … act in a professional manner
Don’t report just the bad news

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 45
proverb 9
Software testing is a disciplined and technical
When software was simpler and more manageable software
testers were often untrained and testing was not done
Contrary to the urban legend, if you hire a million monkeys and have them
test for a million years … you will not find all of the bugs in your software.

It is too costly to build buggy software. As a result testing has

matured as a discipline.
Sophisticated techniques
Tool support
Rewarding careers

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 46
Key Points

Software testing is the process of discovering

evidence of defects and failures in software
Test early, test often, test enough.
Testers should have good understanding of
the development process, product.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 47
You now know …
… the 9 proverbs of software testing
… what is software verification
… what is software validation
… the relationship between software quality and
… the relationship between Quality Control and quality
assurance or Software Testing and Software Quality
Priority and Severity of Defect.

© Syed Raheel Abbas- Delivered at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 48

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