4th Quarterly Exam in English 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Lipa City
Lipa City East District
Lipa City

Fourth Quarterly Examination

Competencies No. of No. Item Placement Percentage

Days of
Taugh Items Rememberin Understandin Applying Analyzing Evaluating
t g g
Restate portions of a text heard to
3 3 1-3 6%
clarify meaning
Summarize the information from a
3 3 4-6 6%
text heard
Infer meaning of borrowed words
using context clues, affixes, roots, 10 10 7-16 20%
and other strategies
Distinguish text-types according to
4 4 17, 19 18, 20 8%
purpose and language features
Use appropriate graphic organizers
6 6 21-23 24-26 12%
in texts read
Use various types and kinds of
sentences for effective 29,32,35-
10 10 27, 30, 33 28,31,34, 20%
communication of information/ 36
Determine images/ideas that are
3 3 37-39 6%
explicitly used to influence viewers
Take down relevant notes 1 1 40 2%
Compose a three-paragraph
persuasive essay on self-selected 3 3 41-43 6%
Revise writing for clarity - correct
spelling - appropriate punctuation 3 3 44-46 6%
marks -transition/ signal words
Make connections between
information viewed and personal 4 4 47,50 48 49 8%
TOTAL 10 10 100%

Prepared by:

Teacher III


School Principal II

Limited Resources

Natural resources are things that we use that come from Earth. Our natural resources are
limited. This means that they will not last forever. Some are renewable, like when you plant a new tree
when you cut one down. Others are not renewable, like when you dig coal out of the ground. Once it is
used, it is gone.
People are aware of the fact that Earth’s natural resources are limited, and can do things to help
conserve those resources. When you try to conserve a natural resource, you try to use less of it so it
does not get used up so fast. One way that people conserve fuel, like gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or
walking when the distance is short instead of driving everywhere.
Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay alive. We can conserve
water by making sure that our pipes and faucets do not leak. We can also conserve water by making
smart choices, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full.

Reference: http://www.k12reader.com/worksheet/limited-resources/view/
Fourth Quarterly Examination in English VI

Name: Grade & Section:

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the questions in each item and write the letter of the correct
answer before each number.

For numbers 1-6, listen to the text read by the teacher. Note the significant details to answer the
questions that follow.

1. What general information is the text about?

A. Limited Resources C. Renewable Resources
B. Importance of Water D. Non- renewable Resources
2. Based on the statement given about trees and coal, what is the difference between renewable and
non-renewable resources?
A. Renewable resources are gone when used while non-renewable resources don’t get lost.
B. Renewable resources don’t get lost when used while renewable resources are gone.
C. Both of them are gone when used.
D. Both of them don’t get lost when used.
3. Which of the following are ways to conserve resources?
I. walking when the distance is short
II. making sure that our pipes and faucets do not leak
III. using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full
IV. lighting up bulbs for the whole day
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II, and III
4. In what way can riding a bicycle conserve resources?
A. Gasoline will not be used. C. Water will be used.
B. Physical effort will be lessened. D. Too much time will be consumed.
5. Which of the following is NOT true about natural resources?
A. Natural resources can be found on Earth.
B. Natural resources can be renewable or non-renewable.
C. Natural resources are present forever.
D. Natural resources should be conserved.
6. Why should we conserve natural resources?
A. because we benefit from them but they run out
B. because we may become wealthy by selling them
C. because we love to see them as beautiful sceneries
D. because we want to be idolized by many people
7. At a special ceremony, the police chief gave the officer a commendation for bravery. What does the
underlined word mean?
A. an award for an outstanding achievement C. a lecture
B. an object designed to bring good luck D. a suggestion
8. The waiter was so brusque that we left only a small tip. He was impolite and impatient, and seemed
annoyed whenever we asked for something. What does the underlined word mean?
A. acting or speaking in a rude, abrupt manner C. knowledgeable and skilled
B. frightening looking D. generous and kind
9. Psychologists have conducted research on altruism, which can be defined as "putting the needs and
welfare of others above one's own needs and well-being." What does the underlined word mean?
A. psychologists who conduct research
B. research conducted by psychologists
C. studies on how to become true to one’s self and other people
D. putting the needs and welfare of others above one's own needs and well-being
10. My brother is absolutely tenacious. For example, when he sets a goal for himself, he doesn't let
anything stop him from achieving it. What does the underlined word mean?
A. silly and unreasonable C. stubborn; refusing to give up
B. well-liked by others D. always seeking help from others
11. Their teammate proved so unreliable--undependable--that they never knew whether he would show
up for practice. What does the underlined word mean?
A. competitive B. well-coordinated C. undependable D. highly committed
12. He was sitting __________________ in his seat on the train. Which will complete the sentence with
the root word “comfort”?
A. comfortably B. comfortable C. comforter D. comfortness
13. He was acting in a very __________________ way. (child)
A. childhood B. childish C. children D. childly
14. He needed to __________________ the temperature. (regular)
A. irregular B. regulate C. regulation D. regularly
15. To fly for a man without riding a vehicle is really impossible. What does the underlined word mean?
A. possible to happen B. not possible to happen C. about to happen D. already happened
16. The ballet dancer so lithe that she seemed to glide across the stage.
A. difficult to work with C. tall
B. displaying effortless grace D. having a snobbish or arrogant attitude
For numbers 16-19, read the text in the box then answer the questions that follow

(1) A coral reef is one of the most beautiful structures found in the ocean of the world. (2)
A coral reef is formed in the sea by living things. (3) Corals are a variety of colors due to natural
pigments. (4) They can be white, red, pink, green, blue, orange and purple. (5) Reef-building corals
are types of animals that act like plants. (6) They stay in one place and like plants, receive some of
their energy from the sun. (7) A type of microscopic algae lives inside the coral and provides them
with food and help allow the coral reefs to grow faster.

17. What living thing is talked about in the text?

A. coral reefs B. plants C. foods D. water
18. Which sentence shows cause-and-effect relationship?
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 3 C. Sentence 5 D. Sentence 6

In order for countries to keep their water clean and uncontaminated there are a number of
factors that can be implemented to insure that the water on our earth remains clean and if
contaminated can be filtered so that the poisonous materials can be removed. Proper
disposal/containment of toxic chemicals/materials before they have an opportunity to reach our
oceans and lakes would go a long way towards improving the current condition of our water.
Second, by implementing renewable energy sources to run these large operations companies can
obtain their energy from eco-friendly sources that do not harm or pollute the atmosphere. Third,
eco-friendly chemicals should be used to replace toxic cleaning chemicals, sprays and other
supplies. These chemicals are extremely helpful as they do not contaminate the water they come
into contact with so if they go down a drain pipe or sewage drain there is little or at least less
negative consequence.

19. What environmental problem is discussed in the text?

A. Deforestation B. Water pollution C. Global warming D. Earthquake
20. What text-type is used by the writer?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Problem and Solution
B. Cause and Effect D. Time and Order

For numbers 21-23, choose among the following graphic organizers is appropriate to organize the
given ideas in each paragraph.

A. B. C. D.
21. There are seven other planets that travel around the sun, too. These planets, in order, include
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is located between Venus and
Mars. Each of the planets in the solar system take a different amount of time to orbit or travel around
the Sun.
22. There are three major branches of Science: Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Life Sciences.
Under the Physical Sciences are Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy. Covered by Earth Sciences are
Geology, Oceanography, and Meteorology. Botany, Zoology, and Genetics are under Life Sciences.
23. Marie was excited about trying out for the school play. She had practiced her lines and even
had a few friends give her tips. On the day of tryouts, Marie was very nervous, and she
realized that she had stage-fright. Even though she tried to remember the lines, she couldn’t.
Marie was disappointed when she did not see her name on the list for the play.

For numbers 24-26, organize the ideas in the paragraph below through an outline or graphic
organizer. Construct your outline/ graphic organizer at the back page.

Traveling in the Philippines is very enjoyable because of the hospitality of the people and the
tourist attractions; the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, the Pagsanjan Falls in Laguna and the great
mountains of Tagaytay, to name just a few. There are many tourist spots in the Philippines that are
very exceptional and are like no other country.

There is Boracay which is considered by many as a perfect paradise. For those who love
surfing, you can go to Catanduanes, Badoc Island of Ilocos Norte, Samar and Zambales. If you want to
go some cooler places, you can try the high mountains of Baguio. The weather is warm, the food is
delicious and the souvenirs are cheaper.

*Answer at the back

27. What kind of sentence has a single thought?

A. Simple B. Compound C. Complex D. Compound- Complex
28. Which among the following sentences is a simple sentence?
A. The heart is the pumping station of the body.
B. While the lungs expand, the diaphragm flattens.
C. The dendrites will receive the message and the message will go to the cell body.
D. A man can hold his urine but his urinary tract may get infected.
29. Among the following simple sentences, which has compound subject and compound predicate?
A. Rixter plays in the backyard. C. Jagpal plays and watches softball everyday.
B. Jed and John play basketball in the court. D. Earl and EJ always play and watch volleyball.
30. Which of the following has conjunctions for compound sentences?
A. if, so that, because B. where, when, who C. and, or, but D. while, even if, although
31. Which among the following sentences is a compound sentence?
A. The sun serves as the center of the solar system.
B. Mars is thoroughly studied if there is a possible life- form there.
C. Venus becomes the hottest planet because of the presence of the carbon dioxide.
D. Asteroids stay in the asteroid belt but some of them can go against the gravity.
32. You will be slow on your diet you will become very thin. Which conjunction should be used?
A. and B. or C. but D. yet
33. What compose a complex sentence?
A. 2 independent clauses C. 1 independent clause and 1 dependent clause
B. 2 dependent clauses D. Any of the three
34. Which among the following sentences is a complex sentence?
A. Mammals have mammary glands and four-chambered heart.
B. When a reptile stays under the sun, it wants to be warmed.
C. Birds also have four-chambered heart but their body covering is feather.
D. Amphibians live in water during young ages and live on land when old.
35. Many mothers get worried of the news flashed about DengVaxia. What
subordinating conjunction should be used?
A. because B. so that C. although D. while
36. The baby cried from a loud noise was heard from the outside.
A. than B. when C. if D. during
37. Which of the following will be the most appealing product for a Grade 6 child?
A. a shampoo used by a lady C. a vitamin supplement taken by a male worker
B. a chocolate milk drunk by a young athlete D. a detergent liquid used by a mother
38. Which image may attract audience for a fragrant soap?

A. B. C. D.

39. Which of the following foods may advertised that can be used to become strong and healthy?
A. junk food B. milk C. candy D. ice cream
For number 40-43, read the persuasive paragraph below then answer the questions that follow.
(1) Drug addiction is something societies all over the world rarely tolerate. Although almost
every culture has a tradition of consuming narcotic substances—alcohol, in the first turn—not all of them
are seen as acceptable. A person saying, “A glass of beer after a long working day is my small weakness,
you know” looks normal; but an almost similar phrase, “A shot of heroin after a long working day is my
small weakness, you know” will sound suspicious, to say the least, will it not?
(2) Double standards or not, narcotics are a taboo—and still there are several kinds of drugs that
societies turn a blind eye to: tobacco, the aforementioned alcohol, and marijuana. The latter is illegal in
many countries, but people’s attitude to it is rather benevolent—more than to any other drug.
(3) To start with, marijuana is not totally illegal: a number of states in the USA (Colorado,
California, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, and 16 other states), as well as several countries such as
Netherlands have made it legal to smoke weed. This was not done on the basis of pure fun and
carelessness, of course: the distribution of legalized drugs is easier to control, they are taxed, and their
chemical compound can be standardized to minimize health risks and side effects.
(4) According to a survey conducted by an authoritative website about medicine, WebMD,
American doctors of 12 different specializations approved the usage of marijuana in medicinal purposes.
During the course of the survey, more than 1,500 doctors from 48 states responded that they would
advocate the legalization of medical marijuana to make it an option for patients who need it.
(5) Drug consumption is always connected to the risk of developing an addiction. Even such
“harmless” and legalized drugs as alcohol and tobacco annually cause millions of deaths worldwide.
However, in the case of marijuana, there might be exceptions—given that it is prescribed for medicinal
purposes, and under the control of a doctor. This drug can ease pain, help seriously ill people alleviate or
eliminate their symptoms, and can even become an alternative to traditional opiate painkillers.
Therefore, under certain conditions and regulations, marijuana can be used as a recreational drug.
Reference: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/persuasive/marijuana-be-legal-for-medicinal-purposes.html

40. What issue is tackled by the paragraph?

A. should marijuana be legalized C. should all people buy illegal drugs
B. should government offer marijuana D. should pharmacies ban highly effective drugs
41. Which paragraphs present evidences to support the stand of the writer?
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 4 and 5
42. Which of the following can you conclude in the paragraph?
A. The writer supports to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.
B. The writer does not agree to legalize marijuana.
C. The writer has no stand whether to legalize marijuana or not.
D. The writer does not mind whatever happens with marijuana.
43. Which paragraphs show the advantages of legalizing marijuana?
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 4 and 5
For nos. 44-46, rewrite the sentences with correct spelling, appropriate punctuation marks and
transition or signal words.
44. biology is the sience that deals wiht anyhting wiht life on earth

45-46. lastly, you has to prepare the materials such as sisors paper and glue. second, you hav to cut
heart- shape on the paper.

47. In what part of a book can you find other sources of information used by the author?
A. table of contents B. index C. title page D. bibliography
48. Which of the following is a manner of getting information from a primary source?
A. watching television B. reading newspaper C. interviewing D. browsing websites
49. Which of the following gives the importance of reference or bibliography in a book?
I. It provides a list of other references related to the topics in the book.
II. It shows respect to the intellectual property rights of the sources of information.
III. It adds page for a book to become thick.
IV. I provides the title and page numbers of topics of a subject.
A. I and II B. II and III C. III and IV D. IV and I
50. In which part of the book can you find the bibliography?
A. cover B. copyright page C. at the middle D. at the last part

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