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Evidence-based Resistance (Strength) Training Recommendations



Read the article carefully and thoughtfully address each question with an answer in a short 2-4
sentence paragraph that includes explanation (#1 is an exception- just list answers) to
demonstrate your understanding of the material.

1. As stated by the article, what are 10 health benefits associated with resistance training?











2. Define momentary muscular failure.

3. From what the article says, explain how or if intensity can be accurately measured in
strength training. Include both maximal and sub-maximal efforts in your answer.
4. Based on what the research and article say, explain if it matters how much weight one uses
or how many reps one does to work on muscle strength? Is it different for muscle endurance?

5. Physics determines the resistance profile that you get from any given exercise using any
given tool. Generally speaking, are any forms of strength training better than others (example:
free weights are better than machines)? Explain your answer.

6. Explain what the research and article conclude about sport specific training- using extra
resistance/weight while mimicking a sport movement.

7. Explain what the research and article conclude about balance and stability training- using
unstable surfaces or minimizing the base of support to enhance balance and stability while
dong a strength exercise.

8. Considering that strength gains are range of motion specific, explain the influence of speed
of movement (fast vs. slow) on resistance, muscle force production/tension, and thus muscle
9. Explain the influence of speed of movement (fast vs. slow) on joint forces and joint health.

10. Given any strength exercise, how many sets are needed and how many times per week
does the exercise need to be done, at minimum, to make strength progress? Explain intensity
considerations… does intensity matter?

11. Explain the impact of genetics on strength training and fitness potential.

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