Technical Account Management - Datasheet

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Proactive Support Services:

Technical Account Management
Receive the support you need to improve your operational efficiency

NTT’s Technical Account Management Service provides a

dedicated or assigned senior engineer who understands your
operational environment and the technology being supported.

Business outcomes How the service works Monthly technical reviews

• prevention of issues with proactive The remote technical account manager Your assigned or dedicated technical
planning and remediation assigned to your account, will have account manager will conduct monthly
advanced skills in the technologies service reviews which include:
• improved operational efficiency
associated with your assets and • incident reviews
• improved asset planning process
understands how they are deployed. • problem and root cause reviews
• enhanced overall service performance This will allow for in-scope activities to
• recommendations around
be completed quickly, while providing
Challenges you with exceptional technical value. It
configurations, software patches, and
There is a big difference between architecture
provides a level of intimacy which can
knowledge around a specific technology improve mean time to repair, reduce Change impact analysis
and associated assets, and an downtime, and provide the support you Your technical account manager will
understanding of how that technology is need to extract maximum value from evaluate normal, urgent, and emergency
implemented in your unique operational your covered assets. An on-site technical changes for their impact on covered
environment. Having an NTT technical account manager, if needed, is also assets and make a recommendation
account manager, with an in-depth available in some geographies. regarding the approval of those changes.
understanding of your business, can Recommendations include:
make a big difference — in uptime Deep knowledge of your technology and
operational environment • impacts on existing infrastructure
and productivity.
Your technical account manager is your • impacts on services that run on the
Solution primary technical contact for service network
The technical account manager incidents and escalations. The technical • effects of not implementing
understands your operations, tracks your resource assigned to you will work the change
support needs, monitors your service with your team to gather the required
requests, troubleshoots issues, and information to better understand your
identifies opportunities that improve operational environment and how the
infrastructure availability. assets being supported are deployed.
This knowledge enables us to deliver
better business outcomes for you.

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data sheet | Technical Account Management

Availability and Capacity Monitoring Additional Proactive Configuration Archive uses automated
To achieve the greatest value from Support Services mechanisms to backup and store
Technical Account Management, we configurations on the assets covered.
We offer additional Proactive
recommend combining this service offer MACDs fulfil standard moves, adds,
Support Services to accelerate your
with Availability and Capacity Monitoring. changes, and delete requests, relieving
IT optimization and ensure that your
Availability and Capacity Monitoring your team of these routine functions.
technology is delivering all that it can.
actively monitors assets for swift issue
Additional Proactive Support Services you IT Service Integration integrates your
resolution and delivers the advanced
may wish to consider include: existing service management system
notification needed to prevent availability
with ours to automatically exchange
and performance degradation. The Annual Version Updates helps you
task information.
Service provides insight to support better standardize on vendor updates for
decisions, tightly manage capacity, and infrastructure under contract with us. Proactive Problem Support reviews
more carefully plan upgrades. We give service incidents and proactively
Asset Tracking and Analytics discovers
you access to reports, data, analysis, identifies potential problems that can
your Cisco asset data and transforms it
and metrics to support you in delivering result in future downtime.
into actionable information to help you
higher availability and performance to Service Delivery Assurance assigns a
make informed infrastructure decisions.
your customers, while reducing your client delivery executive to act as your
support cost. Third Party Support coordinates incident-
advocate and help provide governance
related activities and provides technical
The Service includes: across service entitlements, processes,
incident management to simplify and
and assets.
• active polling and proactive asset improve your overall service management
monitoring on a real-time basis process for assets that are supported by
• tailored monitoring against defined third parties.
capacity thresholds
• management and recording of
availability and capacity-
related events ‘Organizations need to deliver IT more efficiently:
• access to Manage Center for near real- Leveraging external partners coupled with
time reporting and data
new automation technologies can help drive
• notification within 15 minutes of events efficiencies in IT operations as well as align IT
that could affect performance and and business objectives more effectively.’
Using Automation to Drive Transformation, IDC Infobrief, sponsored by NTT, August 2016

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data sheet | Technical Account Management

The NTT advantage

Our Proactive Problem Support Service
provides you with the insight, tools, and
reports you need to prevent unnecessary
downtime. It is a holistic offering that is
committed to proactively informing you of
any problems, giving you the information
you need to determine your selected ‘We are incredibly proud to receive this award
plan of action, and providing actionable from the TSIA. For NTT, this achievement
reports for future-proofing your business.
We work closely with you to achieve our establishes our services as being amongst
mutual goals in cutting costs, reducing
downtime, and freeing your IT staff time
the best in the industry having been up
to support other critical business needs. against the likes of Cisco, SAP and Sum
With our Availability and Capacity Total, also finalists in this category.’
Monitoring Service, we hand you the keys
to unlocking comprehensive control over Bill Padfield, Senior Executive Vice President, Transformation and Platform Services, NTT
your assets and infrastructure. We can
remotely monitor your assets and unified
communication application environments
to help detect and prevent issues that
will impact your business continuity.
Leveraging industry-leading remote
infrastructure (RIM) tooling to monitor
and report your infrastructure usage, we
will help you to:
• minimize the impact of future
downtime, by predicting when key
operating metrics will progress out
of tolerance
• maximize the return from your ICT
assets, through targeted upgrades
Our portfolio of Proactive Support
Services improves operational
efficiency by automating and integrating
processes, leveraging analytics to
improve your decision making, and
simplifying operational complexity across
technologies and vendors. We can
proactively handle many of your
standard IT processes, freeing up
valuable staff and management time
to devote to innovation.
We won the Technology Services Industry
Association (TSIA) STAR award in 2018
for Transformation of Support Services.
This is one of the highest honours in
the technology service industry. The
award recognizes our commitment
to outstanding innovation, leadership,
and excellence in the transformation
and extension of our service delivery
capabilities to enhance our clients’
experience and help them achieve
their goals.

Disclaimer: The work described in this data sheet was performed while the company was known as Dimension Data.

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