Section U HW

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Section U: Homework

1) We wish to estimate the proportion of people in New Jersey who enjoy playing board games. We
select a random sample of 700 people and find that 256 enjoy playing board games. Construct a 99%
confidence interval for the population proportion of people in New Jersey who enjoy playing board
games. Interpret your answer.

CL _______

x = ______

n = _______

z/2 = _______

p̂ =_________

b) A claim is made that the population proportion of people who enjoy playing board games is 0.36. Using
the results from part (a) of this problem, would this claim be valid or invalid?

2) The Director of NJ Division of Elections wants to determine the proportion of college students who vote
in elections. In a random sample of 250 college students, it was found that 120 students voted in the last
election. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion of college students who vote
in elections. Interpret your results.

CL _______

x = ______

n = _______

z/2 = _______

p̂ =_________

b) A claim is made that the population proportion of college students who vote in elections is 0.40. Using
the results from part (a) of this problem, would this claim be valid or invalid?

3) A car manufacturer wants to determine the proportion of New Jersey residents who drive white cars.
In a random sample of 1000 car owners, it was determined 287 of them owned white cars. Construct a
90% confidence interval for the population proportion of NJ residents who own white cars. Interpret
your results.

CL _______

x = ______

n = _______

z/2 = _______

p̂ =_________

b) A claim is made that the population proportion of NJ residents who drive white cars is 0.24. Using the
results from part (a) of this problem, would this claim be valid or invalid?

4) A local bank representative wants to determine the population proportion of people in Mercer County
who select their bank primarily on the basis of location. A random sample of 342 people are selected and
247 select their bank primarily on the basis of location. Construct a 98% confidence interval for the
proportion of people in Mercer County who select their bank on this basis.

CL _______

x = ______

n = _______

z/2 = _______

p̂ =_________

b) A claim is made that the population proportion of people who select their bank primarily on location is
0.85. Using the results from part (a) of this problem, would this claim be valid or invalid?

5) We want to estimate the population proportion of people in New Jersey who are in favor of legalizing
marijuana. A 95% confidence interval within 5% of the true value is wanted. What size sample is needed?

CL _______

z/2 = _______

m = _______

6) A sociologist wants to know the population proportion of students whose biological parents are
divorced. How large a sample is needed to get a 98% confidence interval for this proportion with a width
no greater than 0.03?

CL _______

z/2 = _______

m = _______


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