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CHAPTER 10 a VECTOR-VALUED FUNCTIONS W here there is s matter, there ix geometry. PREVIEW ‘The marriage of calculus and veetor methods forms what is called vector caletlus. The key to using vector calculus is the concept of a vector-valued fiction. In this chapter wwe introduce such functions and examine some of their properties. We will sce that vector-valued functions ehave much like the scalar-valued functions studied earlior in this text. PERSPECTIVE A car uavels down a curved road at a constant speed of $5 mish, What additional information do we need about the car to determine whether it will stay on the road or skid off as it rounds a particular curve? ‘Can we modify the road (say, by banking) so an average-sized car can travel at moderate speeds without skidding? How does a highway department decide what warning sign to all on a particular curve? A soldier fires a howitzer whose muzzle spoed and angle ‘of elevation are known. If the shell overshoots its target by 40 yd, how should the angle ‘of elevation be changed! to ensure a hit on the next shot? If satellite is in orbit above Ihe earth, how fast must il travel to remain stationary above a particular point on dhe equator? These and other similar questions ean be answered using vecior calculus. CONTENTS 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions ector-valoed funetions Operations with vector funetions ' and continuity of veetor functions 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions Vector derivatives “Tangent vectors Propenies of veetor derivatives Modeling the motion of an ‘object in B* Vector inte 10.8 Modeling Ballistics and Planetary Motion Modeling the motion of 3 projectile Kepler's second law 40.4 Unit Tangent and Princi Unit Normal Vectors; Curvature Unit tangent and principal unit normal vectors Are length as parameter Curva 10.5 Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration Components of aeceleration Applications Chapter 10 Review Research Project ‘Cumulative Review 751 752 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions 10.1 INTRODUCTION To VECTOR FUNCTIONS IN THIS SECTION: Vector-vaiued functions, operations with vector-valued functions, limits and continuity of vector functions Yecior-valued functions are defined and are used to study curves inthe plane and in space, We will also study limits and continuity of vector-valued functions. ° Figure 10.1. The graph of the vector function Fi) is traced out by the terminal point of Ft) as t varies over the domain D Py 3.0.28), Figure 10.2 Graph of F Vector-Valued Functions In Section 9.5, we described a plane curve using parametric equations A) where fi and fe are functions of ¢ on some interval, We extend this definition to three dimensions. A eurve in R is the set of all ordered triples (f(t), AAC), fal) satisfying the parametric equations = fi(), y = fa(0), z = flr), where fi, fo, and fare Functions of Fon some domain D, which lies in B. ‘The concept of a vector-valued function is fundamental to the ideas we plan to explore. Here is definition iO andy VECTOR-VALUED FUNCTION A vector-valued function (or, simply, a vector funetion) F of a real variable with domain D assigns to each number tin the set D 3 unique vector F(2). The set of all vectors v of the form v = F(@) for fin D is the range of F. That is, FE) =fOi+HOj Plane(R?) FQ) =f +A} + AK Three-Space®) where fj, fs, and fr are real-valued (scalar-valued) functions of the real number £ defined on the domain set D, In this context, fi. f2, and fare called the come ponents of F. A vector function may also be denoted by F(t) = (fi(#), f2(1)) oF FO) = iO. HO.KO)- Let F be a vector function, and suppose the intial point of the veetor F(1) is atthe origin, The graph of Fis the curve traced out by the terminal point of the vector F(t) as 1 varies over the domain set D, as shown in Figure 10.1. In this context, F(t) is called the position vector ar for the point P (j(t), A(O, Al) on C Example 1 Graph of a vector function Sketch the graph of the vector function FQ) = GB -Hi+ QNj+ Gr —4)k For all 1, Solution ‘The graph is the collection of all points (x, yz) with ro3-1 ga-443 forall r. We recognize these as the parametric equations for the line in 2? that contains the point Po(3,0,—4) and is parallel to the vector v i+ 2)+3k as shown in Figure 10.2 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions 753 Example 2. Graph of a circular helix Sketch the graph of the vector lunetion Fin) = Qsinni - Qeosnj + Bk Solution The graph of Fis the collection of all points (x,y,<) in B? whose coordinates satis s=2sing y=—2oost 231 foralls “The first two components satisty ni)? + (eosr)? = (sin? 4 e0sy whieh means that the graph lies on the surface of the circular eylinder with radius 2 as shown in Figure 10.3. Creulareytinder 2 eared a Figure 10.9 Graph of a nei Next notice the axis of symmetry for the graph in Figure 10.3 is the z-axis. We also know that as ¢ increases, the ¢-coordinate of the point P(x,y',2) on the graph of F increases according to the formula z= 31, which means that the point (x, the graph rises in a spiral on the surlace of the cylinder x?-+y=4, The point on the graph of F that corresponds to ¢ = 0 is (0,—2.0), and the points that correspond to t= § and = 7 are (2,0, ¥) and (0, 2,32), respectively. Thus, the graph spirals upward ‘counterclockwise (as viewed from above). The graph is known as a right eireular heli A well-known example of « belix is the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule, which has @ structure consisting of two intertwined helixes, as shown in Figure 10.4, Some other computer-generated helixes are also shown, “The srctre of DNA, SS ° oh Tyine Adenine ae, my a ial yin i a i 5 cnet Cumin Ande : bab Pa ! 8. DNA molecule ‘bo, Helix from Example 2 «Interactive Computer generated helix Fw, cosi)i + (sin )j + 0.2tk Figure 10.4 Examples of helixes 754 10.1. Introduction to Vector Functions Examples | and 2 illustrate how the graph of a vector function FO) =fOl+Al0j +AOK ‘can bo obtained by examining the parametric equations rah A c= AC In Example 3, we turn things around and find a vector funtion whose graph is a given curve, Example 3. Find a vector funetion Find a vector function F whose graph is the curve of intersection of the hemisphere zs vaa tnd the parabolic cylinder as shown in Figure 105. Curve of intersection C Cylinder. Figure 10.5. The curve of intersection of the hemisphere and the cylinder Solution Finding a parametric representation is sometimes called! parameterizing the curve. There are several ways this can be done, bul one choice is to let x =f. Then y =F (from the equation of the parabolic cylinder), and by substituting into the equation Tor the hemisphere, we find We can now state a formula for a vector-valued function of the given graph: FQ) sti P+ Vem ok Operations with Vector Functions 11 follows from the definition of vector operations that vector Junctions can be added, subtracted, multiplied by a scalar function, and multiplied together. We summarize these ‘operations in the following box. 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions 755 VECTOR FUNCTION OPERATIONS Let F and G be vector functions of the real variable f, and let (0) be a scalar function. Then, F+G, F—G, fF, and F xG are vector functions, and FG is a scalar function. These operations are defined as follows: Vector functions: PEG =FH+GOH F- GO YPM =fOFO) (Fx GY Fo - Ga) Fen) x Gan, Scalar function: —(F G)(N) = FO) GD) ‘These operations are defined on the intersection of the domain of the vector and scalar functions that occur in their definitions Rementber, F x G), isa vee~ torand (FG) isa sealer Example 4 Vector funetion operations Let F(t) = 1-42) — (sink and G(r) = i+ 1j 45k. Find a F+6X0) b. (RK ex OL 4. FGM) Solution a (P+ G)(t) = [i si Gino + [oie 3 +s] =@ +014 (42) +6-snok b. (BVO) = eFW) = eri + et} ~ Ce! sink (Fx GO) = Fit) x Ga) = (+) (inaykd x [ne pies] Jk 1-5 fos | = [s+ Sts + rene 2k a. (FG) = Fe) Ge) = [i+ tf — Gin) [ut qiese] +1-Ssine Limits and Continuity of Vector Functions We begin with a definition, LIMIT OF A VECTOR FUNCTION Suppose the components fi, 2, f4 of the vector function Fo) = fii + AOI +A -all have finite limits as ¢ —> to, where is any number or oc or ~20. Then the limit of F(2) as ¢ > is the vector singreo = [tino] [im sco] [tise] 756 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions Example § Limit of a vector function Find lim FOO), where FO) = (P — Ri belj + (Sin DK, Solution FO) [oye? a9] ine) Ji [ing in] i+ e%j + (sin2ak +ey Vector limits behave like scalar limits, The following theorem contains some useful ‘general properties of such limits. ‘Theorem 10.1 _ Rules for Vector If the vector functions F and G are functions of a real variable ¢ and A(t) is a scalar function such that all three functions have finite limits as t —> fp, then Limit of a sum Jim (FO) + GOT = fim FO + kim Go) Limit of a difference fim(F@)— GC] = im Fer) = lim Ge) [290] [oye] Pg] [hi Unio rto— jgwo-c0: = [ge] [ig] of a scalar multiple fim (n()F(] Limit of a cross produet im (F(t) x G()] = [ig Fo] x [im Go] These limit formulas are also valid as ¢ + 99 oF as ¢ + —90, assuming all expressions have finite limits Proof: We will establish the formula for the limit of a dot product and leave the rest of the proof as an exercise. Let FO) = AOE HOM +AOK and GE) = ag(Ni+ gH + eK Apply the limit of a veetor lunetion along with the sum rule and product rule for scalar limits to write ii FE) GO] = fim LD ADEA HACE) = [n.000][tn avn] [tien] + [i fio] [im | = ([iinyico] + [in,aco]-+ [nyo] ) ([1ig sue] + [a 2003+ [1p 009] e) 20) 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions 787 Example 6 Limit of a cross product of vector funetions sow ta it x t= [ge] 6] ester tos Fu) (-nj+ek and GW) =e G+e Dk ij k finn oP "9 -G+e (1 = (3 =e’) = OW = [1 +e) — Pej +10 — eF( — TK) im fim (FO) x Gee) fim {ie = O{-3 —e') — Off —liml 13 +e!) — elf + imlO— eFC = Ik = 0-04 e-be +3) +O-O}k e435 Now wo find the cross product of the limits. lim Fo = [one] [line - oi + [lin elk =itk lim 6) = [lin ‘| it [limes - ©] ke ei+(-3-0k so that dk [i Fo] «[inge] el By fin 8 al 1-3-0944 0- Ok =6+208 Ths, ser x00 = [igre] = go] CONTINUITY OF A VECTOR FUNCTION A vector funetion F(t) is said 10 be eontinuons at ip iff is i the domain of F and fim FC) = FC). Wu ans sna: This the same as rquting each component of continuous a. Thali, Fa) = fii + hi +Alk is continuous at i when fg isin the domain of the component functions fut?) (0). and fa() and Em A) = Ato i BO in Ae) = Alla) ‘The rules for vector limits listed in Theorem 10.1 can be used to derive general properties of veetor function continuity. 758 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions Example 7 Continuity of a vector function For what values of # is F(r) = (indL+ (L — 97+ (ink continuous? Solution Ji) = sine are continuous, The function f; is continuous forall The vector function F is continuous where its component functions A= (9 Al) =mne ‘continuous whenever 1 —7 #0 Ghat is, when f # Uf iscontinuous for 1 > 0. Thus, F is continuous when isa positive riumber other than ones tha is, > 0.1 #1 PROBLEM SET 10.1 1, ME What does this say? Discuss the concept of a vector- valued function, What does this say’? Discuss the concept ofthe limit ofa vector-valued funtion. Find the dona of he veto etions given in Problems 30 , 3 FW) =20—ay+te 4. F@) == nit vj S. FQ) = (sin i+ (cos j+ (ank 6 FU) = (ossst~ (cot + (sek 7. AOE) where h(t) = sine and Pett FQ= wor +a! + ae * 8. F(t) + G(s), where FQ) = 3h 41K and G(r) = Sth+ VIO = Fj 9, FO = GU), where FQ) sin +3j—Pk and Gi) =i+ 54) Pk 10. F(t) x G(t) where F(t), —1+2tk and G0) = AGA + b5— VET Describe the graph of the vector functions given in Prob: lems 11-20 or sketch a graph in B3. A graph in R? may Jielp with your deseription. A. FQ) = 21+ Ay 12. Gin = ~ vi 4 13. Git) = (sini — (dos 14, F(t) = Qeosni+ (sing 15, F() = ti—ak 16, Git) Setj+tk 17, Fie) = (cosni + (sin nj rk 1B, F() Seitej +e tk 1, GI) =~ DIE I+ Tk 20. Gir s Perform the operations indicaed in Problems 21-32 wit F(t) = 21-5) 47k Gis -oi+ tk HQ) = Gini tej 21, 2F(r) = 3602) 22. PFW) = 3H) 23. FU) GO 24, FU) HG) 25. GU) - HO 26. Fin) x GD) 27, Fx HO) 28. Gi) x HO 29. 2e'F() +1G(1) + 1H) 30. FO HH) x GO] 3. GU) [HW x FO} 32, Hi) 1G) x FD) 33, Show thatthe curve given by Rit) = Qsins)t-+ 2sin Hj + (VBeos sk lies on sphere centered a the origin, 3M. Sketch the graph of the curve given by R() = Qeosti + (Sint —2rk Find a vector funetion F whose graph is the eurve given in Problems 35-40. 38. y sates? 10.1 Introduction to Vector Functions Ph @1.0) 39, ‘The curve of intersection of the hemisphere = V9.7 = y? and the parabolic eylinder.x = 40, The line of intersection of the planes 2x + y + 3 ands —y~2=1 759 Find each limit indicated in Problems 41-48, 41, fim [2e1—3)-+ ek] a2 Jim [3+ e%5 + Gin] 43, tim jos) Perot 46, 47 im |S + eat nk fig [Qi = 15 + ef) x (Fi+ Asin cD) sin3r, | In(sinr) | 48, Determine all values of t for which the veetor funetion sven in Problems 49-54 i continuous 49, F@) = d+3)- (1-9 50. Git) = Hh 1425 51 6 = 7 52. F() = (e! sin i+ (e! cos )k 53. F() =e! [ti+ 45+ 3k] $4. GO) = [Ep whore 35, The graph of Raa (i+ (Se) lies in a plane. What is the equation of this plane? i+ Vi 760 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions 56, How many revolutions are made by the circular helix 5 Rw Qsin ni + Qeosti+ 58. ITH(2) is a vector function, we define the difference operator 4H by the formula ina vertical distance of 8 units? AH =HG+ 40 - HW) where Ais achange inthe parameter rote: Usu- ally, [441 isasmall number.) IF() and G(a) are vector funetions, show that ACE x GUE FO +.An) x AG) + AFU) x GO Hint: Observe that 57. Given the veetor funetions 5 AUP x G)(d) = FU+ Ar) x GUE AD) FQ) =H + 0°] 4+ Pk and =F AN x GOO) Ga) = He}, cveily verity each of he following limit formulas {that is, without using Theorem 10.1). $F +an x60 - FO xGH a, lim &F() = [i e] [i Fo] 49, Prove the limit ofa sum role of Theorem 10.1. (The ms rt | Lat diference rule i proved similarly.) bsp F)-God =H [is co] 64, a reve iets mati of Thee IFC) x COOL = Hin FOOL x Him Gon b, Prove te limit of aeross product rule of Theorem im, i 10. 10.2 DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION OF VECTOR FUNCTIONS IN THIS SECTION: Vector derivatives, tangent vectors, properties of vector derivatives, modeling the motion of an object in 8°, vector integrals ‘Our next objective is to introduce the derivative and integral of a vector function, along with some oftheir basic properties and applications. Vector Derivatives In Chapter 3, we defined the derivative of the function f 10 be the li difference quotient Af/Ax. In the context of this chapter, this definition would be called the derivative of the scalar function f The difference quotient of a vector function F is the vector expression ar i oP flows Fu +an = Fa) ar 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions. 761 ‘The following theorem establishes a convenient method for of a vector function, miputing the derivative ive of a vector function rem 10. Di The vector function F(r) = fi(i+f(nj +ACk is differentiable whenever the compo- nent functions fi, f, and fare each differentiable, and in this case FD = HOF KOI +KOK Proof: We use the definition of the derivative, along with cules of vector limits (Theorem 10.1), and the fact that the scalar derivatives ff (0), £4(0) and f2(0) all exist Fi gin, EAD PO a = lim LAG+ a (t+ AN) +AU + ADK) = LAWi+ AN) +ACOK) ato ‘At afin MEEANAOT, 5 [gy HOPED “AIO, yy BOE AD = = gO Tes [gn ABO | gy BEBO) =fOIF+hOI+ KOK ’ Example 1 Differentiability of a veetor function |i (cosy) + (1 ~ 5)k differentiable? Solution ‘The component functions cost and t—5 are differentiable for all 1, but Ir) is not differentiable a f= 0. Thus, the vector function G is differentiable for all ¢ #0, For what values of 1 is GQ) = Example 2. Derivative of a veetor function Find the derivative of the veotor function FO) Sei + (sin + + SNK Solution Differeatiating cach component separately, we find that (0) = (eVi+ indy + (2 + 50k = Tangent Vectors Recall that the scalar derivative f(r) gives the slope of the tangent line to the graph of r, Fal the point where x = x» and thus provides a measure of the geaph’s direction at that Graph of point, Our first goa! is to extend this interpretation by showing how the vector derivative cean be used to find tangent vectors to curves in space. Let ¢ be a number in the domain of the vector function F(2), and fet Py be the point on the graph of F that corresponds {0 fo, a8 shown in Figure 10.6, Y ‘Then for any positive number Ar, the difference quotient Tangent Figure 10.6 The diference AF _ Fly + a1) — Fo) quotients a muitple of the ar ar secant lire vector is @ vector that points in the same direction as the secant vector PoQ = Foto + AN) — Fo) 762 angen vet troton of Sncressing Figure 10.7 As at + 0, the vector Po@ and hence the cifference quotient AF/At approaches the tangent vector at Pp 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions where @ is the point on the graph of F that corresponds to f = ty + At (see Figure 10.6). Suppose the difference quotient AF/Af has a limit as Ar —> O and that ar aiSuar *° ‘Then, as At — 0, the direction of the secant vector PyQ, and hence that of the difference quotient OF/Ar, will approach she direction of the tangent vector at Po, as shown in Figure 1027, “Thus, we expeot the tangent vector at Pp to be the limit vector ak ay ar which we recognize as the vector derivative F'(ig), These observ: lowing interpretation TANGENT VECTOR Suppose F() is differentiable at fo and that F°Co) #0. ‘Then F'(qy) is a tangent vector to the graph of F(t) at the point where ¢ = tp and points in the direction determined by increasing ¢, Example 3 nding a tangent vector Find a tangent vector at the point Pp where # = 1.2 on the graph of the vector funetion FQ) = e447 —N}+ NK ‘What is an equation for the tangent line at Po? Solution The derivative of F(O is PQ) = 24+ GI i+" ‘80 a tangent vector at the point where ¢ = 0.2 is F(02) = 20 0.6) + 5k. ‘The tangent line to the graph of F(F) at Pp isthe line that passes through and is parallel to the vector F’0.2). Since F(0.2) = i — 0,16) + In 0.2)k the point of tangency is (4, —0.16,1n0.2). Thus, the tangent line has parametric ‘equations 64 +264, 1n0.2+5¢ 016-061, z IF Fg) #0 and we also require the derivative F’ be continuous at fo, the tangent vector at ench point of the graph of F near Po will be close to the tangent vector al Po. In this case, the graph is said (0 be smooth at Po, 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions 763 Example 4 Determining whether a eurve is smooth Deterinine whether the graph of the vector funetion FQ) =(F + Leosie! He“) is smooth for all Solution The derivative PD) = Qt—sint, ef ey is continuous for all 4, but F'(0) = (0,0,1 ~ 1) = 0. Thus, the graph is not smooth for all ¢, but it is smooth on any interval not containing ¢ = 0, 7 A graph will not be smooth on any interval containing a point where there is an abrupt change in direction. For example, the graph in Figure 10.8 is not smooth on any interval containing the point corresponding to the sharp corner. In Example 4, such a point occurs when f= 0, namely Po(1, 1, 2). We say this curve is pfeceivise smooth if it consists of a finite mumber of smooth pieces. Properties of Vector Derivatives Figure 10.8 A curve that is Higher-oider derivatives of a veotor function F are obtained by successively differentiat- pot smooth ing the components of F(Q) = fi(Ni+/2(04 +4(k. For instance, the second derivative of F is the vector function PPO IPO! =f Oi + AOI +808 ‘whereas the third deri itive F’"(t) is the derivative of F*(¢), and so on. In the Leibniz ar Example 5 Higher-order derivatives of a vector function Find the second and thitd derivatives of the vector function, FO) = e141 — Yj + (cos 22k Solution F(t) = 20% + (-2Nj +(-2sin2k F'() = 40% ~ 25 ~ 4o0820k F"(1) = 86" + Bsin2Nk Several cules for computing derivatives of vector functions are listed in the following theorem, 764 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions Rules for differ functions If the weetor functions F and G and the scalar function fi are differentiable at 1, then aF-+HG, AR, FG, and Fx G are also differentiable at f, and: Linearity rule (PF + 6Gy') = aF'@) + 5G") For constants a,b Scalar multiple rule (FY) = HNP + HOPE) Dot product rule (FG) = (FG) + F GIO Cross product rule” (F x Gy() = (Fx GNF x GD Chain rate (FT = HOF’ GD), Proof: We will prove the linearity rule and Teave the rest of the proof as exercises, Note that if B and G ae vector functions differentiable at ¢, and a,b are constants, then the linear combination a +G has the difference quotient AW@F+bG) _a@AF | bAG a ar Ar We can now find the derivative: pay’ A(aF +26) cor =e = gn [HE] AF, BAG) aol ar * ar OF ac =a jim 46 tim SS Moar *? ao ar = aP) +56) Example 6 Derivative of a cross product Let F) + 1)-+%k and GO) Dip et) 43k. Verify that (Fx GY) =F x GD + (FX GMD Solution First find the derivative of the cross product: ig (x GY) f 1 Oa Q@r rel 3-Pyte - Ok pe 3 so that (F x GY) = G ~2te! = Pedi + GP) + (e! = 2k. Next, find (F" x G)(e) + (F G)(D) by first finding the derivatives of F and G and then the appropriate cross products Psj+mk and G=ite'y (Fx GMD = teh = (2+ (Dk Fx Gre Pei — (P+ ( — 0k The ode he ators pot nb tos prot ale ease te eos produ of wets sot comma, 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions 765 Finally, add these vector (unctions: Fx GW) + x GO = [8 - 2te') —Pe + RP +AU t(-re! = B= del = Pei + Gj +(e! — 2K Thus, (F x G) =F x G) + (Fx @). ak Example 7 Derivatives of vector function expressions Let F@ sitet) +k and Go) 4 5 d a FRPO+PEO —b. FIFO-G] i ak aG Solution Begin by finding Sane an , = ae eo < a 4 af fa f qeFO+ PGC) F +(e + +5060] et} +e) + PGI 1} = 2k) +37 + ej — 21k) 44 Ori + Qe! — Be + 307°) +r — 219 — 69K Ist [2e! heFG =O + Gt = 8K Arn -Goi= 4 core S (e'j+ Ok) « (317+ ej = Dek) + (1+ eff + 7k) - (6h = 1031) + ef (e+ 242 201 + LNG) + eet) + (2) 14?) 4-1 e+ 6 \j- 2k) ‘We will use Theorem 10,3 in both applied and theoretical problems. Inthe following theorem, We establish an important geometric propery of vector Functions. ‘Theorem 10.4 Orthogonality of a function of constant length and its deri e Ifthe nonzero vector function F() is differentiable and has constant length, then FG) is orthogonal tothe derivative vector F'(). Proof: We are given that ||F(2)| = r for some constant r and all t. To prove that F and P are orthogonal, we will show that F(¢) F(t) = 0 for all. First, note that Ire? = (FO) for ail 1. We take the derivative of both sides (remember that the derivative of »? is zero because it is a constant) [y= (FO - For O= FO FH ERO Tous, F and F’ are orthogonal. 766 Ren Tange ot Figure 10.9. Tho tangent Riff at Po is orthogonal to the radius vector Rite) from the center of the sphere to Py Figure 10.10 The velocity ‘vector is tangent to the {trajectory of the moving ‘object 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions Jn plane geometry, i is shown that a tangent line 10 a circle is always perpendicular to the radial Tine from the center of a cirele to the point of tangeney. Theorem 104 can be used to extend this property to spheres in BR, Suppose RC) = (F(0,9(9, CD) i8 a vector funetion whose graph lies entirely on. the sphere x?-+y? +2? =r? and Jet Pp be the point on the graph that corresponds to 1-= fy, as shown in Figure 10.9, Then R(jo) is the veetor from the center € 10 Po, and RCo) is a tangent vector to the graph of RG) at Po. Thus R’(o) is also tangent 10 the sphere at Po, Note that R(P) has constant length, IRON = FOF FOF EO It follows from Theorem 10.4 that R is orthogonal to R’. That is, the tangent vector (i) at Py is orthogonal to the vector Ria) from the center of the sphere to the point of tangeney. for all ¢ Modeling the motion of an object in 2? Recall from Chapter 3 that the derivative of an object's position with respect to time is the velocity, and the derivative of the velocity is the acceleration, We frequently know the acceleration and ean use integration to find the velocity and the position. We will now express these concepts in terms of vector functions. ‘The graph of the position vector R(t) is called the trajectory of the moving object. According to the results obtained earlier in this section, the velocity Vit) =R'() is @ tangent vector 10 the trajectory at any point where V(r) exists and Vin) #0 (see Figure 10.10). ‘The direction of motion is given by the unit vector V/ IV, s0 the velocity satisfies vei (aa) = Appropriately, whenever V(t) = 0, the object is stationary. In practice, the position vector is often represented in the form RO SAOI+ A) +4OK SPEED)(DIRECTION) ‘and in this ease, the velocity and the acceleration vectors are given by VO = RW =H + HOIFKOK and AM = VO = RW =KOFEB WI FR OR 10.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions 767 Example 8 Speed and direction of a particle A particle's position at time ¢ is determined by the vector RU) = (Cosi + (inj +k Analyze the paricle’s motion, In particular, find the particle's velocity, speed, acceleration, and direction of motion at time Solution aR de ay dt VQ): sin + (cos7yj + 377k eos i — (sin) + 61k ‘The velocity at time ¢ (~sin2)i + (608 2)j + 32) =0.911 = 0.42) + 12k. ‘The acceleration at 1 = 2 is A(2): (-c0s 2)i ~ (sin2)j + 6(2)k * 042i — 0.91) + 12k. JH sin + ost? + GPP = VTH9F 2, the specd The speed i Actime vi lIV@)I = TT = 12.04 24Diecton of ¥ on Poti 003) +k ‘The direction of motion at time 1 =2 is > = —L_{(— sin) + (eos)) + 37k, i ion at time ¢ Ta = alsin + feos + 377k) Avtime # = 2, the direction is VO2)/ VQ): U {(=sin 291 + (€0s2)j + 12k) = —0.081 ~ 0.08) + 1.00k Jas a Figure 10.11 Graph of R ‘The geometry of thi example is shown in Figure 10.11, and Vet t= 2 Vector Integrals Like vector limits and derivatives, vector integration is performed in 3 componentwise fashion, VECTOR INTEGRALS Let F(t) = fli + fn) + fk, where fifo, and fs are ‘continuous on the closed interval a <1

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