Communicating at Work

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i'm used to had a meeting with my teacher and my classmates

2. I usually send an email to my teacher to know what thing i have to do
3. i usually make a phonecall with my friend
4. i usually watch a film when i finish my homework

Think not only about what you want to say,also what the other person may
saying responce
try to plan as much in advance as possible

People sometimes feel terrifying

they prefer speak face to face

Watch Your Posture; Maintain Eye Contact; Choose Your Words Well; Be Audible

you can put the caller on hold for a few seconds as you gather
your thoughts
You should have a current event on your tongue; Ask about them; Listen.

i'm agree with all the ideas, i add that for me it's more practical make phone call because i believe that you can think about what you can

1) A) this is
B) Could i speak?
C) didnt catch
D) put you thought

2. A) i’d like to

B) leave a message

C) could you ask

D) it’s about

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