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ICT WORKSHEET -2 ( 2020-21)

NOTE: Read the information given below based on the topic and solve the worksheet in any

unused notebook of last year.

Formatting a table-

After you create a table, you can format individual cells (spaces formed by the intersection of a
row and a column) — or entire rows and columns — by aligning text in cells, resizing columns
and rows, and adding borders, shading, or colors. All these changes can make the text inside the
cells easier to read.

Steps to format the table-

 Select table you want to format

 Under Table Tools, click the Design tab.
 In the Table Style Options group, select or clear the check box next to each the table
element to apply or remove the selected style.
 In the Table Styles group, rest the pointer over each table style until you find a style that
you want to use.
 In the Table Styles group, click Borders, and then do one of the following:
o Click one of the predefined border sets.
o Click Borders and Shading, click the Borders tab, and then choose the options that
you want.

Aligning text in a Word table cell-

You can align text in a table cell in nine ways: top left (the default alignment), top center, top
right, center left, center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, and bottom right.

Steps to align text in the table-

 Click in the table that you want to format.

 Select Row/Column/Cell you want to change.
 Under Table Tools, click the Layout tab.
 In the Alignment Option Group, select alignment type which you want to apply.
 Try different options present in Alignment Group for Table.

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Q.1 Format the table as per instruction given below.

(Use the same table you have created for Worksheet-1) :

1. Insert two columns Address and Contact No in your table.

2. Insert two different rows to add information of two more friends.

2. Change column heading to bold in red colour.

3. Apply Center alignment for heading and left alignment for data in table.

4. Use the options for formatting-

a. Border
b. Shading
c. Font colour
d. Font type
e. Bold, Underline, Italic

Q.2 Choose the correct option.

1. What is intersection of row and column called?

(A) cell (B) square (C) column

2. For what are tables used?

(A)To organize information (B)To hold clipart (C) To type paragraphs

3. What are the vertical sections of a table called?

(A)Columns (B) Rows (C) Cells

4. What are the horizontal sections of a table called?

(A)Columns (B) Rows (C) Cells

5. Applying a color background to a cell is called:

(A) Painting (B) Shading (C) Styling

6. The lines that outline and divide boxes in a table are referred to as:
(A) Borders (B) Style (C) Shading

7. To add a table to the document, you should click the __ tab in Word.
(A)Home (B) Insert (C) Edit

8. What is the default alignment of cell in the Table?

(A)Top centre (B)Top right (C) Top left

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