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Wl Mechanics & Hydraulics 1 Edit DIEGO INOCENCIO T. GIL Civil Engineer BSCE, LIT ~ Magna Cum Laude ‘rd Place, CE Board November 1989 ny Director & Re y Center ea Ml jeneral Engineering Sciences nila Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics tion Copyright © 1997, 1999, 2003 by Diego Inocencio Tapang Gillesanta No part of this book may be twutbout the prior permission of the amor ISBN 971-8614-28-1 Printed by, GPP Gillesania Printing Press Grmoe City, Leyte Philippines Cover design by the au prieiace as The cardinal objective of this book is to provide reference to Engineering students taking-up Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics. This may also serve as a guide to engineering students who will be taking, the licensure examination given by the PRC. The book has 9 chapters. Each chapter presents the principles and formulas involved, followed by solved problems and supplementary problems. Each step in the solution is carefully explained to ensure that it will be readily understood. Some problems are even solved in several methods to give the reader a choice on the type of solution he may adopt. To provide the reader easy access to the different topics, the book includes index. Most of the materials in this book have been used in my review classes. The choice of these materials was guided by their effectiveness as tested in my classes Lwish to thank all my friends and relatives who inspired me in writing my books and especially to my children and beloved wife Imelda who is very supportive to me. I will appreciate any errors pointed out and will welcome any suggestion for further improvement. DIEGO INOCENCIO T. GILLESANIA Cebu City, Philippines To my mother Iuminada, my wife Imelda, and our Children Kim Deunice, Ken Dainiel, and Karla Denise Preface Dedic: TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Properties of Fluid Types of Fluid Mass Density. Specific Volume. Unit Weight or Specific Weight Specific Gravity Viscosity... Kinematic Viscosity seein Surface Tension... Capillarity Compressibility Pressure Disturbances... Boney Vapor Pressure =a SOLYED PROBLEMS. ee SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS anges in Ideal Gas CHAPTER 2 Principles of Hydrostatics Unit Pressure Pascal's Law. Absolute and Gage Pressures. Variations in Pressure Pressure below Layers of Different Liquids Pressure Head. Manometers SOLVED PROBLEMS. SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS ——— vii viii 9 0) 11 to 23, 24 to 26 ag 7 7 29 95 to 68 69 to 72, ii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS iii CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 5 Total Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces 3 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow SAT Total Hydrostatic Force on Plane Surface 73 Discharge. ao Properties of Common Geometric Shapes. % Definition of Terms. 241 Total Hydrostatic Force on Curved Surface. 78 Energy and Head..... 244 Power and Efficiency 245 Dams 81 Bernoulli’s Energy Theorem. - 246 Types of Dams 81 Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines 248 Analysis of Gravity Dams. 84 SOLVED PROBLEMS 250 to 278 Buoyancy 88 SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS 274 to 276 Archimedes’ Principles 88 Statical Stability of Floating Bodies 90 ‘Stress on Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 96 Cylindrical Tank. 96 CHAPTER 6 Spherical Shell 98 Fluid Flow Measurement Wood Stave Pipes... 98 Device Coefficients ‘ SOLVED PROBLEMS. 99 to 195 Head lost in Measuring Devices SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS 196 to 200 Orifice i Values of H for Various Conditions Contraction of the Jet. Orifice under Low Heads. CHAPTER 4 Venturi Meter Relative Equilibrium of Liquids 201 Nozle su Rectilinear Translation 201 Pitot Tube Horizontal Motion 201 Gates Inclined Motion 202 Tubes. Vertical Motion 203 Unsteady Flow (Orifice) Rotation 203 Weir: Senn Volume of Paraboloid. 205 Classification of Weirs. Liquid Surface Conditions 206 Rectangular Weif...nm0 SOLVED PROBLEMS 210 to 240 Contracted Rectangular Weit Triangular Weirs Trapezoidal Weir wn. Cipolletti Weir Suttro Weir: Submerged Weir Unsteady Flow SOLVED PROBLEMS SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS CHAPTER 7 Fluid Flow in Pipes. Definitions Reynolds Number. . Velocity Distribution in Pipes Shearing Stress in Pipes... Head Losses in Pipe Flow. Major Head L Darcy-Weisbach Formula. Value of f. Moody Diagram Manning Formula Hazen Williams Formula Minor Head Loss. Sudden Enlargement Gradual Enlargement Sudden Contraction. Bends and Standard Fittings. Pipe Discharging from Reservoir Pipe Connecting Two Reservoirs. Pipes in Series and Parallel Equivalent Pipe Reservoir Problems. Pipe Networks. i SOLVED PROBLEMS.... TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 8 Open Channel Specific Energy .. Chézy Formula... ‘Kutter and Gunguillet Formula ‘Manning Formula Bazin Formula, at Powell Equation... Uniform Flow Boundary Shear Stress Normal Depth... Most Efficient Sections Proportions for Most Efficient Sections Rectangular Section... Trapezoidal Section. Triangular Section Circular Sections... Velocity Distribution in Open Channel Alternate Stages of Flow Froude Number... Critfeal Depth. Non-Uniform or Varied Flow Hydraulic Jump. Flow around Channel Bends... SOLVED PROBLEMS. SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS v EE ve 481 481 482 483 483 483 434 485 485 486 486 437 en ABT sn 487 489 490 491 491 492 492 495 497 500 “501 to 547 547 to 550 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Se en CHAPTER 9 Hydrodynamics. ee Force against Fixed Flat Plates Force against Fixed Curved Vanes Force against Moving Vanes Work Done on Moving Vanes Force Developed on Closed Conduit Drag and Lift. Terminal Velocity. Water Hammer... SOLVED PROBLEMS SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS APPENDIX 557 559 560 563 to 597 597 to 598. Properties of Fluids and Conversion Factors 599 Table A - 1: Viscosity and Density of Water at 1 atm 599 Table A - 2: Viscosity and Density of Air at 1 atmreennu- 600 Table A - 3: Properties of Common Liquids at 1 atm & 20°C...601 Table A - 4: Froperties of Common Gases at 1 atm & 20°C..... 601 Table A - 5: Surface Tension, Vapor Pressure, and Sound Speed of Water 602 Table A - 6; Properties of Standard Atmosphere 608 Table A - 7: Conversion Factors from BG to SI Units 604 Table A - 8: Other Conversion Factors 605 INDEX 1-1IV FLUID MECHANICS & HYDRAULICS Chapter 1 Properties of Fluids (CHAPTER ONE 1 Properties of Fluids FLUID MECHANICS & HYDRAULICS Fluid Mechanics is a physical science dealing with the action of fluids at rest or in motion, and with applications and devices in engineering using fluids: Fluid mechanics can be subdivided into two major areas, fluid statics, which deals with fluids at rest, andl fluid dynamics, concerned with fluids in motion “The term hydrodynamics is applied to the flow of liquids or to low-velocity gas flows where the gas can be considered as bei z essentially incompressible, yds deals with the application of fuld mechanics to engineeting cetng guide urually ater or of Hydraulics deals with such problems ahs few of lida trough pipes orn open channels, the design a storage tse of guid, such as ozzes, valve, el, and wines ‘TYPES OF FLUID Fluids are generally divided into two categories: ideal fluids and real fluids, Ideal fluids ‘Assumed to have no viscosity (and hence, no resistance to shear) «+ Incompressible + Have uniforni velocity when flowin No friction between moving layers of fluid + No eddy currents or turbulence Real fluids «« Exhibit infinite viscosities + Non-uniform velocity distribution when flowing, + Compressible + Experience friction and turbulence in flow 2 SHAPTERONE FLUID MECHANICS Properties of Fluids & HYDRAULICS Real fluids are further divided into Newtonian fluids and non-Newtonian fluids Most fluid problems assume real fluids with Newtonian characteristics for convenience, This assumption is appropriate for water, ir, gases, steam, and other simple fluids like alcohol, gasoline, acid solutions, etc, However, slurries, pastes, gels, suspensions may not behave according to simple fluid relationships Fis) Eon" Se) ba CS anna Tentorion Fs) [Reefiewtonin Fa een Fide Figure 1 - 1: Types of ud ([ingram uae) Dalatant Fd MASS DENSITY, p (RHO) The density of a fluid i its mass per unit of volume, CHAPTERONE 3 ee sancHANCS Properties of Fluids & HYDRAULICS: where: p= absolute pressure of gas in Pa R= gas constant Joule / kg-°K “Table 1 4: Approximate Room-Temperature Densities of Common Flids pinkg/m 729) | Alcohol Ammonia ‘Glycerin, Stn 13,600 Water 7,000 SPeciric VOLUME, Vv, Specific volume, V, is the volume occupied by a unit mass of fluid. Eq.1-3 ‘mas of uid ae volume, V vane a 2 Units English = sugs/f® Note pan ~ Se peek eentann UNIT WEIGHT OR SPECIFTE WEIGHT, st kg/m? Gpecific weight or unit weight, 7 is the weight of a unit volume of a fluid. ‘or an ideal gas, its density can be found from the specific gas constant and. ideal gas law: ads 2 i ae Fqg.1-2 fluid, W qi 12a weight

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