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Name: Prof. G. P.

Mohole Subject: Principle of Programming Unit 1& 2

Id 1
Question What is programming languages?
A Tools for writing software
B Tools for writing hardware
C Tools for creating accounts
D Tools for creating SDLC
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 2
Question Project termination could be done in
A Design phase
B Maintenance phase
C Requirement analysis and specification phase
D Implementation phase
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 3
Question Waterfall model is also called as
A Phase structure model
B Evolutionary process model
C Spiral model
D Life cycle model
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 4
Question A ___ is commonly used to locate faults in a program and
remove them.
A Debugger
B Linker
C Loader
D Error generator
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 5
Question Programming languages are used in the ___ phase.
A Software design
B Implementation
C Requirement analysis
D Maintenance
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 6
Question Within the waterfall model of systems development, which
activities are not normally part of the ‘Implementation’ phase?
A Requirement determination
B Feasibility analysis
C Data migration
D Testing
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 7
Question Which is an integrated set of tools and techniques that aids in the
development of software?
A Software development environment
B Integrated environment
C Software development methods
D None of these
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 8
Question Which language was designed with the explicit goal of
supporting top-down program development and structured
B Basic
C Pascal
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 9
Question Waterfall model is not suitable for?
A Complex project
B Small project
C Accommodating changes
D None of these
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 10
Question Which of the following is not a verification activity?
A Inspection
B Testing
C Walk through
D Technical interview
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 11
Question ___ activity is carried out first?
A Verification
B Validation
C Both A and B
D None of these
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 12
Question A team of ___ and ___ interacting with the environment
develops the system requirements.
A Customer, developer
B Computer specialists, user
C Application, customer
D Application, computer specialists
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 13
Question ___ provides facilities to validate requirements against the
customer’s expectations.
A Customer
B Environment
C Developer
D Both A and C
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 14
Question Which tool was provided by software development environment
to support implementation?
A Programming language processors
B Programming language concepts
C Programming language interpreter
D Linker
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 15
Question Interpreter is the ___.
A Programming language processor
B Programming language concepts
C Programming language interpreter
D Linker
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 16
Question What is CASE?
A Computer Application and Software Engineering
B Computer Aided Software Engineering
C Computer Aided System Engineering
D Computer Application and System Engineering
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 17
Question Programming languages may enforce a certain programming
style is called as ___.
A Programming language style
B Software development cycle
C programming paradigm
D None of these
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 18
Question Smalltalk is a ___ language.
A Procedural
B object-oriented
C Functional
D Structure-oriented
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 19
Question Eiffel is a ___ language.
A Procedural
B object-oriented
C Functional
D Structure-oriented
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 20
Question FORTRAN is a ___ language.
A Procedural
B object-oriented
C Functional
D Structure-oriented
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 21
Question Pascal is a ___ language.
A Procedural
B object-oriented
C Functional
D Structure-oriented
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 22
Question Languages enforcing a specific programming paradigm can be
A Programming language style
B Software development cycle
C paradigm-oriented
D All of these
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 23
Question Procedural programming and Abstract data type programming
A Programming language paradigms
B Programming language style
C Software development style
D None of these
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 24
Question Procedures and functions collectively called as
A Programming language
B Programming paradigm
C Subroutines
D Routines
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 25
Question What is ADT?
A Advanced Data Type
B Abstract Data Type
C Abstract Data Techniques
D Advanced Data Techniques
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 26
Question Conventional languages based on the Von Neumann computation
model are called as
A Imperative languages
B Declarative languages
C Computational languages
D All of these
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 27
Question What are the qualities of the software?
A Reliability
B maintainability
C Efficiency
D All of above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 28
Question Factoring and Locality are two main features of
A Languages and maintainability
B Languages and reliability
C Languages and efficiency
D Languages and reliability
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 29
Question FORTRAN compiler was designed and written in
A 1940-45
B 1954-57
C 1970-75
D 1981-85
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 30
Question FORTRAN was developed by
A K. Iverson
B J. McCarthy
C J. Backus
D R. Griswold
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 31
Question FORTRAN was defined as a tool for solving
A Numeric scientific problems
B Business data processing
C Array processing
D String processing
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 32
Question ALGOL 60 was designed and written in
A 1940-45
B 1962-66
C 1958-60
D 1981-85
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 33
Question ALGOL 60 was designed as a tool for solving
A Numeric computing
B Business data processing
C Array processing
D String processing
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 34
Question LISP was designed and written in
A 1940-45
B 1954-55
C 1956-62
D 1981-85
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 35
Question LISP was developed by
A K. Iverson
B J. McCarthy
C J. Backus
D R. Griswold
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 36
Question The purpose of LISP is for
A Numeric computing
B Business data processing
C Symbolic computing
D String processing
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 37
Question PROLOG was designed in
A 1969
B 1985
C 1956
D 1972
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 38
Question PROLOG was developed by
A K. Iverson
B J. McCarthy
C J. Backus
D A. Colmerauer
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 39
Question The purpose of PROLOG is for
A Artificial intelligence
B Systems programming
C Symbolic computing
D Concurrent programming
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 40
Question Gypsy was designed in
A 1977
B 1985
C 1956
D 1972
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 41
Question Gypsy was developed by
A K. Iverson
B J. McCarthy
C D. Good
D A. Colmerauer
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 42
Question The purpose of Gypsy is for
A Artificial intelligence
B Verifiable programs
C Symbolic computing
D ADT programming
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 43
Question Predecessor Language of Smalltalk is
B Pascal
C Modula-2
D C++
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 44
Question COBOL was defined as a tool for solving ___ problems,
A Concurrent programming
B Business data-processing
C Artificial intelligence
D Numeric scientific
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 45
Question What type of facility is provided by SNOBOL4 language?
A String concatenation
B Pattern matching
C String manipulation
D Both B and C
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 46
Question APL has been widely used for ___.
A Rapid prototyping
B Scientific applications
C Matrix operations
D All of above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 47
Question ALGOL 68 based on the principal of
A Projection
B Purity
C Correctness
D Orthogonality
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 48
Question What is the purpose of ALGOL 60?
A To solve continuous simulation problems
B To solve discrete simulation problems
C To solve hybrid simulation problems
D None of these
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 49
Question Syntax of a language is defined by two sets of rules as ___ and
A Lexical rules, semantic rules
B Semantic rules, symbolic rules
C Lexical rules, symbolic rules
D Lexical rules, syntactic rules
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 50
Question In ADA “not equal” is represented as
A <>
B /=
C !=
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 51
Question ALGOL 60 was defined with a
A Context free grammar
B Context sensitive grammar
C Regular grammar
D Ambiguous grammar
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 52
Question What is BNF?
A Boycee cod Normal Form
B Backus Naur Form
C Backlog Normal Form
D Backward Normal Form
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 53
Question Who was the editor of the ALGOL 60 report?
A J. Backus
B A. Colmerauer
C Peter Naur
D K. Iverson
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 54
Question What is meta language?
A a language used to describe other languages
B A language used to store large data
C Data above data
D Both B and C
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit 1

Id 55
Question The symbol "::=" stands for
A Not equals to
B is defined as
C Both A and B
D None of these
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 1

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