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24 March 2011

Today’s Tabbloid

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS For the people to be the sovereign — not just in theory, but in fact — we
must be armed. For our employees to tell us how, when and where we
Concealed Carry – Its Your might be armed is a role reversal. A disarmed sovereign is a sovereign
that has suffered a coup d’état.
MAR 24, 2011 11:45A.M. Constitutional carry is also a recognition that gun control only restricts
the good guys. Criminals are not deterred by gun laws. Criminals are in
Concealed Carry – Its Your Right the business of breaking laws, and breaking a gun law does not result in a
Wisconsin is Next in Line to Restore the Right of the People to Bear crisis of conscience for criminals.
By Larry Pratt It is a huge mistake to think that any of the gun control measures on our
books, or which have been proposed, deter criminals. Consider that in
Mexico, in spite of a constitutional declaration of a right to have guns,
there is only one gun store in the whole country — in Mexico City. If you
manage to get a permit, it will be for a handgun of a fairly ineffective
caliber, or for a limited selection of long guns. Then you can make your
appointment and travel to Mexico City to finally get your gun.

Yet what dominates the news coming out of Mexico?

Gun Owners of America Guns. And the ones used by the drug traffickers are not usually the ones
available to the American public. But tens of thousands of fully
Washington, DC --( America has come a long way automatic machine guns have gone missing from the Mexican military.
from its 17th century founding. Massachusetts and Virginia had laws And, strange as it may seem (sarcasm), the same planes and boats that
requiring travelers to be armed. In Massachusetts, congregants had to be are used to smuggle drugs also smuggle firearms.
More civilians were murdered in Juarez last year than civilians in
That all changed, though, over the next couple of centuries when states Afghanistan. Right across the border in El Paso, the murder rate is
began imposing massive amounts of gun control. These restrictions enormously lower. Texans own guns, and many of them carry concealed.
turned countless Americans into mandatory victims, and many innocent
lives were lost as a result. So, let’s get a grip on reality. Let’s remove the obstacles that impede the
sovereign from arming himself where he chooses and when he chooses.
But now, we are ever so slowly inching our way back to removing the It is the constitutional thing to do, after all.
mountain of prohibitions on being armed in public. Prior to this year,
three states had stopped requiring law-abiding citizens to first get a Larry Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of
permit to carry firearms concealed in public. And now, legislators in America (GOA). For more information, and to join Gun
Wyoming have added the Cowboy State to this growing list. Owners of America, visit

Constitutional carry is the term Gun Owners of America has applied to Gun Owners of America
carrying firearms without getting prior approval from the government. It 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
recognizes that the Second Amendment is serious when it says that our Springfield, VA 22151
gun rights “shall not be infringed.” We hear statists say that all of our Phone: 703-321-8585
rights are subject to being balanced by the “interests” of the government. FAX: 703-321-8408
Such a view would have us forget that “We the People” are the boss, and
the government works for us.
We have the “interests;” but the government has only one Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization
responsibility — to do what it is told. formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only for an expanded ban on semiautomatic sport-utility rifles, and he
no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul invented a new demon in the process, proving he has no intention of
finding common ground with gun owners, the Citizens Committee for
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo Writing yesterday in his blog on the Opposing Views forum about his
meeting with Obama administration officials last week, Helmke outlined
Concealed Carry – Its Your Right his wish list, which includes “increasing the number and type of
military-style weapons, including ‘assault clips,’ that should not be
Tags: Constitutional Carry, GOA, Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt, readily available to civilians…”
Vermont Carry, WGO, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Gun Owners
“So, this is Paul Helmke’s definition of a ‘new discussion’ that
President Obama mentioned in his Op-Ed column two weeks
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS ago,” observed CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Sounds
like the same old rhetoric to us. Helmke wants to ban a larger
Assault Clips – Brady Campaign number of commonly-owned firearms, and he has invented a
new term to demonize a commonly-owned shooting
Wants Them Banned accessory. Maybe that’s what Helmke thinks Obama meant.”
MAR 23, 2011 07:15P.M.

Assault Clips – Brady Campaign Wants Them Banned

Expanded Sporting Rifle Ban & Invents New Demon, Assault Clips Says

Assault Clips - The Gun-Ban Lobby’s New Made Up Word

In his column, Helmke once again alludes to the “flood of guns being
illegally trafficked” to Mexico. Gottlieb said there is one glaring
omission in his statement.
Assault Clips - The GunBan Lobby’s New Demon
“Nowhere does Helmke mention that this so-called ‘flood of
guns’ was evidently accelerated by the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ scandalous Project
Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious,” he observed.
“Maybe Helmke doesn’t watch CBS news or read the
newspapers, which have revealed that those ATF operations
funneled thousands of guns into the black market pipeline
that goes into Mexico.

“Helmke complained that one gun rights organization has
declined to participate in what is quickly looking like a
charade,” Gottlieb stated. “The Citizens Committee is still
BELLEVUE, WA – -( Brady Campaign President
waiting for an invitation, because we would be happy to talk
Paul Helmke has, perhaps inadvertently, revealed his intentions to push
about all of the guns this administration has supplied to

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Mexican criminals. It is an absolute certainty that before the current legislative session is
complete, a concealed carry law will be passed and the governor will sign
“Paul Helmke and Barack Obama aren’t interested in any it.
‘new discussion’,” Gottlieb concluded. “They’re just putting a
new wrapping on stale ideas and hoping the public doesn’t Such legislation has passed the legislature before, but has always fallen
recognize the difference.” victim to the governor’s veto pen. Not this time around.

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the But what kind of concealed carry law will we have?
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the For many, it seems, there is a disconnect between the rights asserted in
nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the First Amendment and rights asserted in the Second. No state
the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms requires a permit to exercise the freedom of religion. You do not have to
through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots go to the government, prove that you meet the legal requirements, and
organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the receive permission to invite a group of friends to your home. You cannot
United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) be jailed or fined for exercising your freedom of speech without a permit.
454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to As a society, we are fiercely protective of our rights to freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. However, we are far too quick to
make concessions on the right to keep and bear arms.
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News What Is Constitutional Carry?
at Ammo In the parlance of the concealed carry debate, laws fall into one of four
categories: Constitutional Carry (also called unrestricted or Vermont-
Assault Clips – Brady Campaign Wants Them Banned style concealed carry), Shall-Issue, May-Issue and No Issue. At present,
Wisconsin is a No Issue state — one of only two in the entire nation —
Tags: Assault Clips, Brady Campaign, CCRKBA, Gun Banners, Stripper where citizens cannot carry concealed weapons. Some gun groups in the
Clips state are lobbying hard to move us toward a Shall-Issue concealed carry
law. Shall-Issue means that the law will lay out the requirements to
obtain a permit and anyone who meets those requirements must be
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS given a permit by the government.

Constitutional Carry Plainly This is admittedly better than a May-Issue law, which gives authorities
discretion to refuse to issue a permit even to those who meet the
Explained and Defended requirements. May-Issue, Shall-Issue and No Issue laws all fail to
MAR 23, 2011 05:47P.M. recognize the right to keep and bear arms as a natural right, a concept
that is plainly evident to everyone with respect to First Amendment
Constitutional Carry Plainly Explained and Defended rights.
By Richard Church
Natural Rights At Stake
A quick primer on natural rights is in order. Natural rights come from
God, not government. The only legitimate function of government is to
recognize and protect the rights of those under its jurisdiction.

For further reading, see the Declaration of Independence. Any

requirement to obtain a permit to exercise a right is, at least, an
infringement of that right and, at worst, an outright denial of it.

There are currently only three states that recognize and protect their
citizens’ right to keep and bear arms: Vermont, Alaska and, most
recently, Arizona.(NOTE: Wyoming has also recently joined this list)
These states have unrestricted, Constitutional Carry laws which allow
law-abiding citizens to fully exercise their Second Amendment right
Campaign For Liberty without infringement. Several other states are considering Constitutional
Carry laws. Wisconsin has a great opportunity to join these states and
Wisconsin --( Concealed carry is coming to end its denial of citizens’ most basic liberties.
For this reason, Wisconsin Campaign for Liberty

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

( is proud to partner with Wisconsin Gun weapons.

Owners and other groups in the state to lobby our legislators from the
grassroots. Together, we are working hard to have a Constitutional Carry In the wake of the chaos broiling over in Madison, WGO leadership
bill introduced, passed and signed into law. We encourage you to contact engaged in talks with legislators to support constitutional (Vermont-
your state representative and senator and let them know how important style) carry.
this issue is to you and why a Shall-Issue law does not go far enough in
recognizing the rights of Wisconsinites. Such a bill would not require any permit, fees, background check,
fingerprinting or the establishment of criminal databases to carry a
To do so, sign the Campaign for Liberty Online Petition to demand weapon for self-defense.
Constitutional Concealed Carry. To sign the petition, visit us online at If you can legally buy the gun, you can carry it, said WGO.

Richard Church is the Regional Coordinator for Wisconsin While a time frame for introduction of a bill is expected soon, gun
Campaign For Liberty. owners are urged to contact their legislators now and urge them to stand
united with Wisconsin Gun Owners for constitutional carry.
Campaign For Liberty’s Mission
Our mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of Leading this fight with WGO are Campaign for Liberty, Gun Owners of
individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free America and the National Assoc. for Gun Rights. Other groups, including
markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of the United States Concealed Carry Association and Wisconsin Carry have
educational and political activity. Visit: publicly expressed their support for constitutional carry.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports And while the NRA has stated that Vermont and Alaska will be used as
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News the “Model” for a carry bill, NRA-ILA State lobbyist Jordan Austin
at Ammo continues to refuse to answer simple questions from NRA members
about the organization’s intent on this issue.
Constitutional Carry Plainly Explained and Defended
WGO Media Impact
Tags: Campaign For Liberty, Constitutional Carry, Countdown, WGO, WGO lead a recent statewide media blitz with impact in a story by Jim
Wisconsin Gun Owners Coller writing for Gannett media. The story, Proponents hope concealed
carry issue finally gains approval in Wisconsin, ran in the Appleton Post
Crescent, Oshkosh Northwestern and online.
WGO was quoted as saying, “Reporters don’t need a license to
Countdown to Constitutional exercise freedom of the press and people don’t need to
undergo background checks to attend the churches of their
Carry choice.
MAR 23, 2011 05:33P.M.
Likewise, the right to bear arms is an inalienable right.” To read more of
Countdown to Constitutional Carry the story with a link to the full report, visit
Democrats flee the state as gun owners set sights on concealed carry
legislation. About:
WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun
lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard:
Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim
they’re “pro-gun” – all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut
by politicians – but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining
committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control –
regardless of the political party – and work tirelessly to restore the
Second Amendment. Visit

Wisconsin Gun Owners Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
Madison, Wisconsin --( While the Wisconsin at Ammo
legislature debates the budget, gun owners prepare for their own protests
if movement is not swift to repeal Wisconsin’s ban on carrying concealed Countdown to Constitutional Carry

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Tags: Constitutional Carry, Vermont Carry, WGO, Wisconsin, Wisconsin I’m talking about the reaction we got from republicans —
Gun Owners can you imagine the treatment from democrats?

Contempt and Ignorance of the Issues

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Every election cycle, WGO surveys candidates for the legislature with a
series of tough questions that go beneath the usual surface-level inquiry
Constitutional Carry – like, “Do you support concealed carry?” The first year the survey
deployed, we asked specifically about Vermont-style concealed carry.
Barometer of Change
MAR 23, 2011 05:17P.M. That is, does the candidate support citizens going armed without a
permit, background check, and mandatory training? Six legislators
Constitutional Carry – Barometer of Change answered yes. Many scribbled notes on the survey indicating they’d
By Corey Graff, Executive Director never heard of “Vermont-style carry.”

How could that be, we wondered? Had the establishment gun

lobby completely failed to educate them on this foundational
issue? We were making friends left and right.

As Providence Turns the Tide

Eight years of effort isn’t a drop in the bucket in the big scheme of things.
But look at the events that coalesced from 1865 through 1870 in the War
Between the States — merely five years — events that brought about
Wisconsin Gun Owners massive philosophical changes to the political landscape.

Wisconsin --( Barack Obama ran his presidential Wisconsin’s ban on carrying concealed weapons came on the heels of
campaign on the promise of change. that conflict amidst a catastrophic sea change in political power. That the
CCW ban happened in 1871 was no coincidence — it didn’t appear out of
But the only change he had to offer was from the big government thin air. Where does that leave us today? After being fleeced by globalists
socialism of neoconservative republicans, to the big government and centralized bankers, and with our financial backs against the wall in
socialism of democrats. a crumbling economy, the political winds of change are blowing in anew,
with fresh attitudes about freedom.
And that’s hardly change to write home about. However, let me tell you a
story about real change. Our first efforts to introduce the concept of Constitutional Carry fell
on deaf ears, but today our progun message seems welcomed — and
One maxim steering good political strategy is that the extremes legislation is being discussed. Wyoming has just become the fourth state
determine the middle. Emboldened by our knowledge of this, we to restore this right.
founded WGO (now almost eight years ago) and launched onto the
scene with both barrels blazing. Wisconsin is next. And that, as they say, is change you can
believe in.
We showed up at the State Capital and immediately earned the ire of the
institutional gun lobby as we proceeded to lobby for Vermontstyle About:
concealed carry — a notion thought frankly to be “too extreme.” WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun
lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard:
The kicker is, we were doing this while a vote was going down on a really Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim
bad permit-to-carry bill. We got lots of angry looks. We were off to a they’re “pro-gun” — all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals
dandy start. cut by politicians — but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining
committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control —
The cold welcome continued. We’d meet with legislators and discuss regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the
what was obviously a foreign concept to them — this notion of how in Second Amendment. Visit
places like Vermont, the government actually does not step on its
citizens’ inalienable right to bear arms. It was like trying to describe life Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
on an alien planet — a place where people are free to carry their private News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
property without government permission slip. More than one elected at Ammo
official exclaimed, “That’ll never happen in Wisconsin!” Others pounded
their fists on the table and turned red. Constitutional Carry – Barometer of Change

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Tags: Constitutional Carry, Vermont Carry, WGO, Wisconsin, Wisconsin The new Impact Training-ArmaLite partnership provides shooters with
Gun Owners immediate benefits. Impact offers experience and expertise in user skills.
ArmaLite offers experience and expertise in the engineering and
maintenance of M16/M4 training systems. When you’re firing 2,500
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS rounds during a five-day course, the reliability, durability, and accuracy
provided by ArmaLite firearms is crucial.
ArmaLite & Impact Training
ArmaLite is extremely pleased that from today onwards, Impact
Center Announce Firearms Training’s beautiful 120 acres in the rolling hills of Jo Daviess County
serve as ArmaLite’s “home base” for its OWN training in Illinois
Training Partnership
MAR 23, 2011 01:53P.M. •!/pages/Armalite/6491153

ArmaLite & Impact Training Center Announce New Firearms •

Training Partnership
From Impact Training Center:

Impact Training Center is excited about teaming up with one of the most
well-known names in the firearms manufacturing industry. It is because
of Armalite’s durability, reliability, customer service, and variety of M-15
options that lead Impact Training Center to establish this relationship.
The ability for Armalite to establish a fixed training location, and Impact
Training Center to deliver the training offers the customer something
that they cannot get from other firearms manufacturers; factory training
and certification that are based on research and development.

Impact Training Center offers the finest and most comprehensive

Firearms and Tactics instruction available. Our network of instructors is
Impact Training’s beautiful 120 acres in the rolling hills of Jo Daviess highly qualified and our ranges are second to none. Our instructors are
County serve as ArmaLite’s “home base” for its OWN training in Illinois. chosen for their practical experience and their ability to instruct. Our
methods of instruction have been developed to ensure each student
achieves all the training objectives described in the course. We offer a
unique training experience that can accommodate any of your training
requirements or needs.

Impact Training Center is located on 120 acres in Northwest

Illinois. The center consists of:

• (4) 50yd pistol/carbine ranges

• (1) 100yd pistol/carbine range

ArmaLite Inc • (1) 600yd Known Distance Range

Geneseo, IL – -( The best of both worlds is now • (1) Fully Ballistic Live-Fire Shoothouse
available in northwest Illinois.
• (1) 2 Story Paint Marking Shoothouse
ArmaLite, Inc. and Impact Training Center have teamed up to provide
the finest in firearms training. • (1) Rappelling Tower

Impact Training Center offers military, law enforcement and civilian • (1) Dismounted Shooting Course
shooters with world class instruction featuring 10 state of the art ranges
and shoothouses. Now, Impact Training ALSO offers its students world- Impact Training Center offers a variety of courses that are open to the
class firearms: all of them provided exclusively by ArmaLite. public as well as courses that are restricted to Military and Law
Enforcement only. From Beginner Handgun/Carbine courses to

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Competition Shooting Skills, Impact Training Center conducts training San Bruno, CA --( Horus and Kestrel are now
at every skill level. together in one unit! Horus technology is now embedded in Kestrel 4500
NV Pocket Weather Meters, eliminating the need for a PDA.
Impact Training Center also provides Mobile Training Teams that can
deliver the same professional training at any location in the United This compact instrument can fit in a pocket, has auto weather input
States. capability, and still contains all the valuable features of ATrag, including
an extensive gun list, customizable targets, and truing.
Impact Training Center can customize any course or develop new
courses to meet the training requirements of its customers. Why Horus ATrag Ballistics?

• With all the different brands of ballistics software on the market, why
would Horus Vision’s ATrag be the engine of choice to embed within a
• Kestrel?

About: One of the obvious reasons was because of the military contract Horus
ArmaLite has one of the broadest product lines in the firearms industry. Vision was granted, outfitting the Army with ATrag as the exclusive
We manufacture and sell semiautomatic rifles in a variety of calibers ballistics software of choice. If ATrag was trusted for our troops in the
including 5.56mm and 7.62mm, long range super-accurate bolt action field, then ATrag would be a good fit for Kestrel Pocket Weather Meters.
rifles in calibers including .308 Winchester, .300 Winchester Magnum,
.338 Lapua, and 50 BMG, and classic 9mm pistols.Visit: The biggest factor differentiating ATrag from other ballistics software is the truing capability, taking your factual data and modeling an accurate
outcome of bullet drop, rather than a predictive one.
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News What is the benefit?
at Ammo
The two-in-one integration of the Horus Kestrel eliminates the need for a
ArmaLite & Impact Training Center Announce Firearms Training ruggedized PDA (which comes with a number of accessories you would
Partnership have to lug around, as well) to calculate ballistics in long-range shooting.
Since the ballistics software is embedded within the Kestrel unit,
Tags: Armalite, Firearms Training, Gun Training, Handgun Training, environmental data automatically inputs from the Kestrel side to the
Illinois, Impact Training ATrag side for accurate and instant solutions. It is light-weight, compact,
and all it takes to run are two AAA batteries- no chargers, plugs, or over-
sized energy sources.
Horus & Kestrel Combined Horus brings cutting-edge technology to long-range shooting to help you
shoot farther with ultimate accuracy. Horus reticles, scopes, ballistics
Improves Long-Range Shooting software and accessories offer a simpler solution for making fast, precise,
MAR 23, 2011 01:42P.M. bulls-eye hits consistently. Our easy-to-use reticle design and targeting
software deliver dramatic improvements no matter what your skill level.
Horus & Kestrel Combined Improves Long-Range Shooting Visit:

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Horus & Kestrel Combined Improves Long-Range Shooting

Tags: Ballistics, Ballistics Calculator, Horus Vision, Kestrel Weather

Tracker, Long Range Shooting

Horus Vision

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS the need to continue to take feral swine in this area, and we
have not identified opportunities for trapping in this area,”
Pennsylvania Game Roe said. “Should trapping opportunities arise, we will
reinstate the restrictions on swine hunting in particular areas
Commission Lifts Restriction of interest since trapping is the most effective way to remove
feral swine from the wild and to limit their dispersal into new
On Taking Feral Hogs areas.”
MAR 23, 2011 01:34P.M.
A survey of Game Commission staff completed last year indicated fewer
Pennsylvania Game Commission Lifts Restriction On Taking sightings of feral swine compared to the survey completed in 2006. In
Feral Hogs In Bedford County 2008, five counties were identified to retain protection so that hunters
would not interfere with trapping operations that were ongoing. In 2009,
restrictions were lifted in four counties leaving only Bedford County
where trapping operations were ongoing.

The Game Commission has determined that the eradication of feral

swine from Pennsylvania is necessary to prevent further harm to public
and private property, threats to native wildlife and disease risks for
wildlife and the state’s pork industry. The agency is not seeking to
establish a hunting season, but is committed to rid Pennsylvania of this
invasive species.

Roe noted that the Game Commission has a “Feral Swine” section on its
website (, which can be accessed by putting your
cursor on the “Hunt/Trap” tab in the menu bar at the top of the
homepage and then click on “Feral Swine” from the drop-down menu
listing. The site includes links to the executive order, the current news
release regarding feral swine and a brochure.
Pennsylvania Game Commission Lifts Restriction On Taking Feral Hogs
Licensed hunters, including those who qualify for license and fee
exemptions, are eligible to participate in the unlimited incidental taking
of feral swine. Hunters may use manually-operated rifles, revolvers or
shotguns, as well as muzzleloaders, bows and crossbows. All other
methods and devices legal for taking feral swine must be conducted
and/or used in compliance with the provisions of Section 2308 of Title
34 (Game and Wildlife Code), which can be viewed on the agency’s
website ( by putting your cursor on the “The Law”
tab in the menu bar at the top of the homepage and then click on “Title
34: Game and Wildlife Code.”

Additionally, the agency may issue permits to authorize individuals to

engage in feral swine trapping operations, including the U.S. Department
of Agriculture Wildlife Services. Feral swine trapping, by permitted
individuals, will only be allowed from the close of the flintlock
muzzleloading season in mid-January to the beginning of spring gobbler
season, and from the end of spring gobbler season until the beginning of
Pennsylvania Game Commission archery deer season.

HARRISBURG, PA --( Pennsylvania Game Any person who kills a feral swine must report it to the Game
Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe today announced he has Commission Region Office that serves the county in which the harvest
lifted protection on feral swine in Bedford County and has issued an took place within 24 hours. The swine carcass must then be made
updated executive order to allow for the incidental taking of feral swine available to agency personnel, who will gather samples to monitor for the
statewide by licensed hunters. presence of disease.

“This decision to lift protection in Bedford County is based on Roe encouraged residents who witness feral swine to also contact the

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Region Office that serves their county. For contact information, as well AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
as list of counties that each region office serves, visit the Game
Commission’s website (, put your cursor on “About Washington State Patrol on
Us” in the menu bar at the top of the homepage and click on “Regional
Information” in the drop-down menu listing. Fishing Expedition with Gun
Nearly 25 states across the nation have persistent and possibly Dealers
permanent populations of feral swine established in the wild, and MAR 23, 2011 01:27P.M.
Pennsylvania is one of 16 states where introduction is more recent and
may still be countered through decisive eradication efforts. Washington State Patrol on Fishing Expedition with Gun
Feral swine have been declared to be an injurious, non-native, invasive
species of concern in Pennsylvania that are suspected to have been
introduced into the wilds of this Commonwealth through a variety of
means, including both intentional and unintentional releases. Feral
swine also have been determined to pose a significant, imminent and
unacceptable threat to this Commonwealth’s natural resources, including
wildlife and its habitats; the agricultural industry, including crop and
livestock production; the forest products industry; and human health
and safety.

The Game and Wildlife Code (Title 34) and agency regulations (Title 58)
provide broad authority to the Game Commission to regulate activities
relating to the protection, preservation and management of all game and
wildlife. The agency was declared to have jurisdiction over matters
relating to feral swine by the state Supreme Court in Seeton v. PGC. In its
decision, handed down on Dec. 27, 2007, the Supreme Court declared
feral swine to be “protected mammals,” and, as a consequence, feral
swine could only be taken as authorized by the agency. National Rifle Association

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports FAIRFAX, Va. --( The National Rifle Association has
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News learned that the Washington State Patrol (WSP) has sent a letter,
at Ammo apparently to every firearms dealer in the state of Washington, as part of
an investigation into “a missing/stolen AR-15.”
Pennsylvania Game Commission Lifts Restriction On Taking Feral Hogs
The WSP has requested an incredible amount of information regarding
Tags: Feral Pigs, Hogs, Hunting News, Invasive Species, Pennsylvania, dealer’s sales and acquisitions of AR-15’s and lower receivers over the
Pennsylvania Game Commission last nine months.

They want names, dates of births, addresses and more… from the past
nine months! A statewide search through a mountain of information for
ONE missing/stolen AR-15?

It seems preposterous to the NRA that the WSP would conceivably

request this massive amount of sensitive data, in a search for ONE AR-
15! It is the NRA’s view that there must be more to this story, a lot more.
The NRA has placed two phone calls into the WSP today in search of
clarifying information but has yet to receive any response on the matter.
The NRA has also followed up with a letter of inquiry which notes that
dealers are under no obligation to comply with the request.

We will keep our members apprised of any information that is

forthcoming from the WSP. In the meantime, NRA suggests that you
contact your State Legislators and let them know about this far-reaching
and overly-broad request of firearm dealers by the state law enforcement

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

agency. Ask your legislators to contact the WSP in an effort to find out
what is going on in this case. You may contact your state Representative
or state Senator by clicking here. If you don’t know who your elected
officials are you may look them up here.

Also, please contact Governor Chris Gregoire, let her know about the
requests currently being asked of Washington’s firearms dealers by the
WSP and urge her to find out what is going on in this case. You can
contact the Governor by clicking here.

National Rifle Association of America Washington State Police Inquiry

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest
civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA
continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to
advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce Nikon Hunting
crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education
and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the Melville, NY --( Spring is just around the corner and
military. Visit: Nikon is helping savvy turkey hunters Strut Into Savings with a great
addition to their favorite turkey shotgun.
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News From now until May 31st hunters can enjoy up to an $80 mail-in rebate
at Ammo on Mr. Tom’s worst nightmare the Nikon TurkeyPro BTR (Ballistic
Turkey Reticle).
Washington State Patrol on Fishing Expedition with Gun Dealers
“Designed and built with help from the nation’s top turkey hunters, the
Tags: AR15, Cam Edwards, NRA, NRA News, Police Departments, TurkeyPro BTR will help hunters target gobblers faster and be more
Washington confident when pulling the trigger,” said Jon Allen, General Manager of
Nikon Sport Optics. “Combining it with a huge cash rebate means this
scope is affordable for every turkey chaser in the woods.”
Available in Realtree APG, Mossy Oak Break-Up and a Matte finish, the
Nikon TurkeyPro BTR ‘Strut TurkeyPro BTR is a 1.65-5x36mm multi-coated scope with five full
inches of eye relief. The BTR reticle is designed to work as a ranging tool
into Savings’ Mail-In Rebate as well as an aiming device. The BTR’s circle within a circle construction
MAR 23, 2011 01:15P.M. allows shooters to use convergence to know when a turkey steps into
range. Hunters simply place the small circle, on low power, or the large
Nikon TurkeyPro BTR ‘Strut into Savings’ Mail-In Rebate circle, on high power, to cover or subtend the turkey from head to wattles
at 40 yards. The center circle acts as the aiming point and allows the
shooter to still “see” the exact target spot even on low power.

The innovations with this turkey scope don’t stop with the reticle system.
The TurkeyPro also features a removable Anti-Reflective Device (ARD), a
first for turkey hunters.

For more details on the Strut into Savings promotion visit

Nikon TurkeyPro BTR Mail-In Rebate

Nikon Inc. is the U.S. distributor of Nikon sports and recreational optics,
world-renowned Nikon 35mm cameras, digital cameras, speedlights and
Nikon TurkeyPro BTR ‘Strut into Savings’ Mail-In Rebate accessories, Nikkor lenses and electronic imaging products.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

For more information on Nikon’s full line of Riflescopes, Binoculars,

Spotting Scopes, Fieldscopes and Laser Rangefinders, please contact:
Nikon Sport Optics, 1300 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville, NY 11747-3064,
or call 1-800-645-6687.

All Nikon trademarks are the property of Nikon Corporation.

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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Nikon TurkeyPro BTR ‘Strut into Savings’ Mail-In Rebate

Birchwood Casey

Tags: Coupons, Hunting Scopes, Nikon, Optics, Rebates, Turkey Hunting

Eden Prairie, MN --( Birchwood Casey RIGID Paper
Targets are constructed of stiff, durable tag board for shooters who want
targets that will hold up under a variety of conditions, whether it is wind
or a poorly constructed backstop.

Birchwood Casey RIGID Paper RIGID Paper Targets feature contrasting orange/black on white print

Targets Offer Heavy Tag Board that is highly visible from a wide range of distances.

Construction The circle, square and crosshair designs work equally well with optics or
open sights.
MAR 23, 2011 01:05P.M.

Each target is 12″ x 12″ and is available in packs of 10. They are printed
Birchwood Casey RIGID Paper Targets Offer Heavy Tag Board
in the USA and sell for a suggested retail price of $5.20.

For more information, consumers can log onto the Birchwood Casey
website at, write to 7900 Fuller Road, Eden
Prairie, MN 55344-2195 or call 800.328.6156 x7933.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Birchwood Casey RIGID Paper Targets Offer Heavy Tag Board


Tags: Birchwood Casey, Firearms Accessories, Gun Gear, Sharpshooter

Targets, Shooting Ranges, Target Shooting

Birchwood Casey RIGID Paper Targets

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS 20 inches of constant eye relief, making it ideal for handguns with heavy
recoil. It is available in either matte black or silver with a suggested retail
Bushnell Introduces Elite Series price of $299.99.

Handgun Scopes For more information about Bushnell Products visit
MAR 23, 2011 12:59P.M. or call 800-423-3537.

Bushnell Introduces Elite Series Handgun Scopes Bushnell Outdoor Products is a global manufacturer and marketer of
branded consumer products based in Overland Park, Kansas. Bushnell
Outdoor Products sells its products worldwide under the Bushnell®,
Tasco®, Serengeti®, Bollé, Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement®, Stoney
Point®, Hoppe’s®, Butler Creek®, Cébé®, Uncle Mike’s®, Final
Approach®, Simmons® and Millett® brand names. For information
about any of these brands or products, please contact Bushnell Public
Relations at (913) 752-6105.

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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Bushnell Introduces Elite Series Handgun Scopes

Bushnell Elite Series Handgun Scope

Tags: Bushnell, Firearms Accessories, Gun Accessories, Handgun Sights,
Hunting Scopes, Optics, Scopes


Pre-paid RMEF Memberships

for U.S. Service Members
MAR 23, 2011 11:59A.M.

Pre-paid RMEF Memberships for U.S. Service Members

Bushnell Outdoor Products

Overland Park, KS. --( The Bushnell Elite series

handgun scope offers pistol and revolver shooters a tough, high quality
scope designed to handle the heavy recoil of hunting loads.

The scope is forged from tough T5056 aluminum and built to withstand
heavy use. The multi-coated lenses feature Ultra Wide Band (UWB)
Coating, providing optimum brightness, true color across the light
spectrum and constant light transmission of 90 percent.

Purged using Argon gas, the Elite series scopes are 100 percent
waterproof and fog proof. Benefits of Argon-purging include a lesser
likelihood of dissipation from the scope body, due to the large atom size,
Pre-paid RMEF Memberships for U.S. Service Members
and the gas doesn’t create chemical reactions that can result in the
corrosion or degradation of seals. The handgun scope also features the
patented RainGuard HD lens coating, a permanent, water-repellant
coating that causes moisture to bead up and scatter less light, allowing
the scope to perform in inclement weather.

The Elite handgun scope is available in a 2-6x 32mm configuration with

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011


Guns Save Lives Event

Scheduled Thursday In Phoenix
MAR 23, 2011 10:28A.M.

CCRKBA ‘Guns Save Lives’ Event Scheduled Thursday In

Phoenix AZ

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

MISSOULA, Mont. --( More than 1,800 pre-paid

memberships to one of America’s premier wildlife organizations are
waiting to be claimed by active U.S. servicemen and women with an
interest in elk, hunting and conservation.
Supporters of the 178,000-member Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
(RMEF) paid for these memberships as a thank-you to those who are BELLEVUE, WA – -( The Citizens Committee for the
defending our nation. Right to Keep and Bear Arms will hold a special media event featuring
the rolling “Guns Save Lives” billboard on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at the
An RMEF membership ($35) includes a year’s subscription to Bugle corner of 200 East Van Buren Street and N. 2nd Street outside the
magazine and other benefits, with proceeds supporting the nonprofit Arizona Republic newspaper.
organization’s work to conserve habitat for elk and other wildlife. Learn
more at Appearing at the event will be CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, who
will be discussing the benefits of firearms ownership, and what gun
To claim a membership, simply go to and sign prohibitionists are trying to hide with their current effort to scare the
up. public into supporting additional restrictions on gun owners.

This offer from RMEF is good while supplies last. Anti-gun billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has teamed up
with Mayors Against Illegal Guns to send a moving billboard truck
About the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation: around the country claiming that 34 Americans are “murdered with
Snowy peaks, dark timber basins and grassy meadows. RMEF is leading guns every day.”
an elk country initiative that has conserved or enhanced habitat on over
5.9 million acres—a land area equivalent to a swath three miles wide and CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb said, “Bloomberg’s
stretching along the entire Continental Divide from Canada to Mexico. campaign tells less than half of a story, so we’re setting the
RMEF also works to open, secure and improve public access for hunting, record straight with the help of several outstanding Arizona
fishing and other recreation. Get involved at or 800-CALL gun rights activists.”
“Bloomberg’s organization would be more aptly titled
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports ‘Mayors Against Self-Defense’,” said Joe Waldron CCRKBA
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News legislative liason. “Their campaign of hysteria and the mis-
at Ammo information it is spreading, inspired CCRKBA and the Second
Amendment Foundation to send out our own truck and ‘truth
Pre-paid RMEF Memberships for U.S. Service Members squad’ to Phoenix and several other major American cities
over the next few weeks”.
Tags: Active Military, Membership Drives, RMEF, Rocky Mountain Elk
Foundation, Veteran Hunters CCRKBA’s mobile billboard arrived in Phoenix Monday, and has been
traveling the streets with a simple message: Guns Save Lives. Alan

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Gottlieb will have handouts available, and will answer questions. York facility as a result of the relocation.

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the
nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization,
the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms
through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots
organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the
United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425)
454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo Bushmaster Firearms

Guns Save Lives Event Scheduled Thursday In Phoenix AZ The Bushmaster brand and products remain key strategic assets within
the Freedom Group portfolio. The manufacturing relocation will have no
Tags: Alan Gottlieb, Arizona, Benelli’s American Safari, CCRKBA, Guns impact on customers or the existing supply base.
Save Lives, Second amen
“As competition in today’s global marketplace remains
intense, consolidation of our manufacturing processes and
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS operating systems allow us to provide Bushmaster customers
with the highest quality products while maintaining a
Freedom Group Announces competitive position in the marketplace,” said John Trull,
Freedom Group’s Vice President – Product Management &
Bushmaster Firearms Marketing, Firearms.

Manufacturing Moved to Ilion, “We are committed to the Bushmaster brand, its core product
offerings and bringing innovative new Bushmaster firearms
NY Facility to our customers.”
MAR 23, 2011 10:17A.M.
About Freedom Group, Inc.
Freedom Group, Inc. Announces Manufacturing Relocation – Freedom Group is the world’s leading innovator, designer, manufacturer,
Bushmaster Firearms Production Moved to Ilion, New York and marketer of firearms, ammunition, and related products for the
Facility hunting, shooting sports, law enforcement, and military markets. As one
of the largest manufacturers in the world of firearms and ammunition,
we have some of the most globally recognized brands including
Remington, Bushmaster, DPMS/Panther Arms, Marlin, H&R, Parker,
EOTAC, Mountain Khakis, AAC, and Dakota. The Company distributes
its products throughout the U.S. and in over 80 foreign countries. More
information about the Company can be found at www.freedom-

Freedom Group, Inc. (FGI) The Company assumes no obligation to update publicly such
forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information,
Madison, NC --( Freedom Group, Inc. (“The future events or otherwise.
Company”), the world’s leading innovator, designer, manufacturer, and
marketer of firearms, ammunition, and related products for the hunting, Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
shooting sports, law enforcement, and military markets announced News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
today a manufacturing relocation of the Bushmaster Firearms at Ammo
International manufacturing facility located in Windham, Maine to Ilion,
New York. Freedom Group Announces Bushmaster Firearms Manufacturing Moved
to Ilion, NY Facility
The Company expects to create 40-50 new positions at the Ilion, New

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Tags: Bushmaster, Firearms Manufactures, Freedom Group, New York, 2005 and 2004), two U.S. Steel National Championships (2009 and
Shooting Industry News, Wholesale Guns 2008), 37 USPSA Area Championships, and nearly 100 Major
Championship wins, Michel has become a dominant force in the pistol
shooting sports. Michel also owns multiple World Speed Shooting
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS records and is also the only action shooter to win all eight USPSA Area
Championships in the same season (2010). As an international
SIG SAUER Introduces the 2011 competitor, Michel has represented the United States in the last four
International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) World Shoots and
Competitive Shooting Team has returned home each time with team gold medals. He will again
MAR 23, 2011 10:05A.M. represent the nation in Rhodes, Greece, at the 2011 World Shoot and
anchor the USA’s Open Division team.
SIG SAUER Introduces the 2011 Competitive Shooting Team
Matt Cheely
A Michigan native, Matt Cheely graduated from the Eastern Michigan
University with a Bachelors degree in Product Design and Development.
When not competing for Team SIG SAUER, Cheely works as a Diesel
Engine Performance Engineer for Detroit Diesel. Cheely has been
competing for the past five years in USPSA National Championships and
has garnered multiple Top 10 National finishes. Cheely has also won
several major IPSC matches in Canada, and is a three division Grand
Master (GM) in Production, Limited and Limited 10.

Rodney May
Rodney May started his shooting career as a hobby while working as a
Nuclear Technician. Impressed by his shooting skills, he was approached
in 2003 by Mid-South Institute of Self-Defense Shooting to join their
ranks. For the past eight years he has served as a Firearms Instructor,
teaching Navy SEALS, Army Special Forces and various Federal
Agencies. May specializes in 3-Gun competitions and recently won the
Team Sig’s Max Michel Alabama Match Overall Limited and placed second in Production at the
USPSA Area 6 Championships. May is a Grand Master Production
Shooter and is in the process of becoming a Grand Master Limited

Kepa Zubizareta
New to Team SIG SAUER, Kepa Zubizareta currently works for a
medium-sized police department in the northwest as a patrol officer. He
has been shooting all of his life and started shooting competitively in
2005. Since then he has risen to Master Class in both Limited and
SIG SAUER Production Divisions, and holds several state Championships in both
USPSA and IDPA in Idaho, Utah, Missouri and Nevada. He has finished
EXETER, NH --( SIG SAUER, Inc., the leading in the top 16 at the USPSA Nationals, and has won the Gold Medal at the
manufacturer of commercial, law enforcement and military firearms, is Western States Police and Fire Games for Individual Handgun
pleased to introduce the 2011 Team SIG SAUER competitive shooting Competition. He recently won the USSA Pro-Am amateur division title
team, led by Team Captain Max Michel, Jr. and finished this year’s match with a stage win in the Pro division. He
has traveled across the country each year for numerous USPSA matches
The 2011 team features some returning shooters and welcomes two new and looks to expand his competition to include
faces to the squad. The team’s main disciplines will be United States 3-Gun and IDPA matches.
Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) action pistol, 3-gun and Steel
Challenge events. Pete Milionis
New to Team SIG SAUER, Petros “Pete” Milionis is a Chicago Police
Max Michel Officer with more than 14 years of experience, including serving as the
By anyone’s account, Max Michel, Jr. is one of the best shooters in the primary firearms/carbine instructor for the S.W.A.T. team for the past
world. With three World Speed Shooting Championships (2009, 2007 10 years. Milionis was also a full-time operational member of the team,
and 2005), five USPSA National Championships (2009, 2007, 2006, serving as an element leader in the execution of Hostage

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

Rescue/Barricaded Subjects and High Risk Search Warrants. He AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
currently serves as a subject matter expert and lead instructor for the
U.S. State Department Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program in the Registration Open for USPSA
training of high-threat protection details responsible for the protection
of national leaders. Milionis has been competitive in USPSA for the past 2011 Hornady Area 3
decade, earning the classification of Grand Master. He has won
numerous championship titles, including being the four-time Steel Championship
Challenge IDPA World Champion and two-time Steel Challenge IDPA MAR 23, 2011 09:52A.M.
National Champion, as well as High Law Enforcement USPSA National
Champion. Registration Now Open for USPSA 2011 Hornady Area 3
• To follow Max Michel and Team SIG, visit

• Follow Max Michel on Facebook at

• Become a fan of SIG SAUER on Facebook at

About SIG SAUER, Inc.

Headquartered in Exeter, New Hampshire, SIG SAUER, Inc is an ISO
9001 certified company with over 385 employees. It is the largest
member of a worldwide business group of firearms manufacturers that
includes J.P. Sauer & Sohn and Blaser, Gmbh. in Germany and Swiss
Arms AG in Switzerland. This global network of companies gives SIG
SAUER a world-class firearms knowledge base, unparalleled design
expertise, and extensive manufacturing capacity, enabling the company U.S. Practical Shooting Association
to respond quickly and effectively to changing market conditions and the
needs of its military, law enforcement, and commercial markets SEDRO-WOOLLEY, Wash. --( The U.S. Practical
worldwide. For more information on SIG SAUER, its products, or the Shooting Association (USPSA) announced that registration is now open
SIG SAUER Academy, log on to for the 2011 Hornady Area 3 Championship which will take place August
11-14 at the Heartland Public Shooting Park in Grand Island, Neb.
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News Based on the success of last year’s championship, which was also
at Ammo sponsored by Hornady Manufacturing and garnered significant local
press coverage of the more than 225 top shooters that competed, officials
SIG SAUER Introduces the 2011 Competitive Shooting Team expect the 2011 match to fill quickly. Shooters are encouraged to register
as soon as possible by downloading and submitting their match
Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Matt Cheely, application.
Max Michel, Rodney MAY, Shooting Teams, Sig Sauer
The 2011 Hornady Area 3 Championship will feature 14 challenging
stages and a round count of at least 325 rounds. Titles will be awarded in
all six USPSA pistol divisions – Open, Limited, Limited-10, Production,
Revolver and Single Stack – as well as the Ladies, Juniors, Seniors and
Super Seniors categories.

For more information on the 2011 Hornady Area 3 Championship visit To learn more about USPSA, or to become a member,
visit, follow @USPSA_Shooting on Twitter or like
USPSA on Facebook at

USPSA is a non-profit membership association. Most of the more than

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 24 March 2011

19,000 individual members belong to and regularly compete at one of

the nearly 375 affiliated clubs and sections (groups of clubs banded
together for mutual benefit) located across the United States. USPSA is
affiliated with the International Practical Shooting Confederation
(I.P.S.C.), which is comprised of approximately 67 nations. USPSA is the
American region of IPSC. Visit:

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn --( Alliant Techsystems

Registration Open for USPSA 2011 Hornady Area 3 Championship
(NYSE: ATK) announced today that it has received a $49 million
contract from the U.S. Navy to produce a new special operations
Tags: Area 3, Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, IPSC,
ammunition round with improved accuracy, stronger barrier
penetration, and a lower muzzle-flash.

ATK Security and Sporting developed the round in partnership with the
Naval Surface Warfare Center – Crane Division under the Special
ATK Awarded $49 Million Operations Science and Technology (SOST) ammunition program.

Special Operations Ammunition The SOST ammunition will be manufactured in 5.56x45mm and
7.62x51mm calibers, and is short-barrel optimized. It is designed for use
Contract with the MK16 and MK17 Special Operations Combat Assault Rifle
Weapon System. Production will be performed at ATK’s Federal
MAR 23, 2011 08:34A.M.
Premium Ammunition plant in Anoka, MN. Deliveries are expected to be
completed in 2015.
ATK Awarded $49 Million Special Operations Ammunition
“ATK is the clear leader in developing new ammunition
New Ammunition Developed by ATK Security and Sporting, in
technologies for commercial use,” said Ron Johnson,
Conjunction with the U.S. Navy New Round adds to ATK’s Portfolio of
President of ATK’s Security and Sporting group. “We are now
Specialized Ammunition Products.
applying our research and development capability to satisfy
the needs of our special operation forces.”

The new SOST 5.56mm and 7.62mm ammunition adds to ATK’s

portfolio of specialized ammunition, including long-range products for
both law enforcement and military applications.

ATK is an aerospace, defense, and commercial products company with

operations in 24 states, Puerto Rico, and internationally, and revenues of
approximately $4.8 billion. News and information can be found on the
Internet at

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at Ammo

ATK Awarded $49 Million Special Operations Ammunition Contract

MK17 Special Operations Combat Assault Rifle

Tags: 5.56, 7.62, Ammunition News, ATK, ATK Ammunition, FNH,

Military Contracts, SCAR, Special Forces


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