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● John Locke  was an English philosopher and physician "Father of

Liberalism" ; to form character (mental, physical, and moral) ; Education as
Training of the mind/Formal discipline ; Notable ideas - "Tabula rasa"
● Francis Bacon  was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist,
orator and author. "Father of scientific method" "Father of empiricism"
● Jean Jacques Rousseau  was a Francophone Genevan philosopher, writer
and composer of the 18th century."Hollistic education"(physical,moral,
Notable ideas - moral simplicity of humanity; child centered learning; Famous
novel: "Emile" or On Education; Human Development
● Edgar Dale  was an American educator who developed the "Cone of
aka "Father of Modern Media in Education"
● Erik Erikson  was a German-born American developmental psychologist
and psychoanalyst known for his theory on "psychosocial development" of
human beings.
● Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi  was a swiss pedagogue and educational
reformer who exemplified Romanticism in his approach. "Social regeneration
of humanity" Notable ideas: "Four-sphere concept of life" his motto was "
Learning by head, hand and heart"
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● Friedrich Frobel  was a German pedagogue a student of Pestalozzi who laid
the "foundation of modern education" based on the recognition that children
have unique needs and capabilities. "Father of kindergarten"
● Johann Herbart  was a German philosopher, psychologist and founder of
pedagogy as an academic discipline. ;
● Edward Lee Thorndike  was an American psychologist ; " Father of Modern
educational psychology; connectionism; law of effect. ; "Realize the fullest
satisfaction of human wants"
● IDEALISM  Plato (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man/
what we want the world to be
● REALISM  Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius; Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes;
Bacon; Locke
▶ (experience) fully mastery of knowledge
● BEHAVIORISM  always guided by standards/by procedure; purpose is to
modify the behavior
● EXISTENTIALISM  Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man shapes his being as he lives"
▶Focuses on self/individual
● PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM William James; John Dewey - learn
from experiences through interaction to the environment
▶Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children
● PERENNIALISM  Robert Hutchins
▶focuses on unchanging/universal truths
● ESSENTIALISM  William Bagley - teaching the basic/essential knowledge
▶ Focuses on basic skills and knowledge
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● PROGRESSIVISM  Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of development)
▶focuses on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality
▶Focused on how humans make meaning in relation to the interaction b/w
their experiences and their ideas. Nature of knowledge w/c represents an
epistemological stance.
● SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM  George Counts - recognized that
education was the means of preparing people for creating his new social
▶highlights social reform as the aim of education
➡ ACCULTURATION - learning other culture; the passing of customs, beliefs
and tradition through interaction and reading.
➡ ENCULTURATION - the passing of group's custom, beliefs and traditions
from one generation to the next generation
➡ Convergent questions - are those that typically have one correct answer.
➡ Divergent questions - also called open-ended questions are used to
encourage many answers and generate greater participation of students.
Higher order thinking skills; to think more creatively.
➡ 90 days - enrolled bills becomes a law
➡ 30 days - "lapse"
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● Psychosexual Theory/Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
● Psychosocial Theory - Erik Erikson's Theory of Personality
● Ecological Theory - Eric Brofenbrenner's Theory of Development
● Sociohistoric Cognitive Linguistic Theory - Lev Semanovich Vygotsky
● Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget; John Dewey; Jerome Brunner
● Phenomenology - Abraham Maslow; Carl Rogers; Louis Raths
● Behaviorism - Edward Thorndike; Ivan Pavlov; Burrhus Frederick Skinner
● Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg
● Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning
● Edward Thorndike - connectionism
● B.F. Skinner - operant conditioning & reinforcement
● Albert Bandura - "bobo doll" experiment; modelling; self eficacy
● David Ausubel - Meaningful Reception Theory
● Jerome Bruner - Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method
● Wolfgang Kohler's - Insight Learning Problem
● Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin's - Information Processing Theory
● Robert Gagne's - Cumulative Learning Theory
● Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligence
● Kurt Lewin's - Field Theory/ his concept of life space
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● Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory
● Lev Vygotsky - Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development (ZPD)
* gap b/w actual and potential development
● Hilda Taba - Grassroots Approach
● Max Wertheimer - Gestalt Psychology
● Wilhelm Wundt - "Father of Modern Psychology"
● William James - wrote the "Principles of psychology"/ consciousness
● hypothalamus - brain's stress center
● Abraham Maslow - physiological needs; "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" ;
safety&security; love & belongingness; self-esteem; self-actualization
● John B. Watson - (behaviorist approach) an American psychologist who
established the psychological school of behaviorism.
● Metaphor - is a comparison made b/w things w/c are essentially not alike.
Ex: "Nobody invites Edward to parties because He is a wet blanket"
● Simile - is like a metaphor and often uses the words "like" or "as"
Ex: "Jamie runs as fast as the wind"
● Personification - when something that is not human is given human-like
qualities, this is known as personification.
Ex: " The leaves danced in the wind on the cold October afternoon"
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● Hyperbole - exaggerating, often in a humorous way to make a particular
point is known as hyperbole.
Ex: "My eyes widened at the sight of the mile-high ice cream cones we we're
having for dessert"
● Onomatopoeia - when you name an action by imitating the sound
associated with it.
Ex: "The bees buzz angrily when their hive is disturbed"
● Idiom - an idiom is an expression used by a particular group of people with
a meaning that is only known through common use.
Ex: "I'm just waiting for him to kick the bucket."
● Synecdoche - a synecdoche is a figure of speech using a word/words that
are a part to represent a whole.
Ex: referring to credit cards as "plastic" is a synecdoche
● Assonance - when you repeat a vowel sound in a phrase, it is an
Ex: "It's true, I do like Sue."
● Metonymy - a metonymy is a figure of speech where one thing is replaced
w/a word that is closely associated with it such as using "Washington" to refer
to the United States
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● RA #⃣7836 - Philippine Teacher Professionalization Act of 1994
● RA #⃣7796 - TESDA Act of 1994
● Article XIV 1987 Philippine Constitution (Educ.Sci & Tech,Arts,Culture&
Sports) this is the very fundamental legal basis of education in thr philippines.
● Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa 232, Sept 11,1982) an Act
providing for the Establishment & Maintenance of an Integrated System of
● RA #⃣4670 - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (June 18,1966)
● RA #⃣6713 - Code of Conduct & Ethical Standards For Public Officials and
● RA #⃣7877 - Anti-sexual Harrassment Act of 1995
● RA #⃣9155 - Decentralization; Legal basis of Shared Governance in Basic
● RA #⃣7784 - Establishment of Center of Excellence
● K-12 Curriculum - Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
● RA #⃣90210 - "An Act to Integrate Information Teachnology into the Public
Elementary & Secondary Curricula & Appropriating funds
● RA #⃣10121 - DRMM approval headed by OCO office of Civil defense May
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● Folklore - traditionally derived and orally transmitted literature
● Folktales - reflect the people's beliefs handed down from generation to
generation by word of mouth
● Epilogue - conclusion or final part of non-dramatic literary work
● Genre - distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy,
comedy & novel
● "Quo Vadis" - means "where are you going"
● hieroglyphics - oldest forn of egyptian writing
● Allegory - narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface
● Elegy - a meditated poem of grief
● Sonnet - verse w/14 iambic pentameter lines
● Epic - long poem w/c depicts the adventure of a great hero who reveals his
country's aspirations; narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings
w/local actor in w/c people sing/chant
● Soliloquy - speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts
● Manuel Arcilla - "How my brother Leon brought home a wife"
● Washington Irving - "The Legend of a Sleepy Hollow"
● Fall of the house of usher - hypochondriac living in morbid fear
● Cyrano de Bergerac - poet & soldier noted for his Peculiar nose
● "The Illiad of Homer" - great epic poem whose plot centers around the
anger & wrath of Achilles against agamemnon
● "The Bells" - "If eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for
● Cacophony - literary term w/c means harsh & discordant sounds introduced
for poetic effect
● George Bernard Shaw - know for his excellence of characterization,
swiftness of narrative & clarity of style.
● Edgar Allan Poe - greatest American writer of horror and detective stories
● Rabindranath Tagore - best known for his collection of poems called
Gitanjali/song offerings
● Robert Frost - ranked as one of the best modern American poets.
● Geoffrey Chaucer - Morning Star of English Literature
● Mark Twain - "Samuel Clemens"
● Harriet Stowe - "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
● Charles Darwin - Origin of species
● Lazlo Biro - invented the ball point pen
● Harry Potter - epic kind of story
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Emulate 〰 imitate
Vouchsafe 〰 grant
Abeyance 〰 suspended
Denigrate 〰 malign
Furtive 〰 sneaky
Remonstrate 〰protest
Corroborate 〰confirm
Gullible〰easily deceived
Stupefy〰make numb
Ostracized 〰excluded
Cacophonous〰loud and unpleasant
Candor 〰honesty
Contemptuous 〰 scornful
Feeble 〰 weak
Inevitable 〰 certain
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● Ang panubong - handog sa dalagang may kaarawan (koronang bulaklak)
● Florante at Laura - (awit) "katiwalian ng mga kastila"
● Jose dela Cruz - tungkod ng tulang tagalog
● Noli Me Tangere - (Rizal) suliraning panlipunan ng bayan
● "Doktrina Kristiyana" - Fr. Domingo de Nieva  unang aklat na nalimbag sa
● Severino Reyes - Ama ng dulaang tagalog
● Juan Luna - La Spolarium
● "Alim" - pinakamatandang epiko ng pilipinas
● Jose Palma - naglikha ng "Himno Nacional Filipino"
● Liwayway - nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang sariling wika
● Lope K.Santos - "Ama ng balarila ng pilipino"
● Andres Bonifacio - "anak bayan"
● Pupdok/Kinting kulirat - hindi kailanman ginamit ni Marcelo del Pilar
● Teodoro Agoncillo - isang kilalang manunulat ng kasaysayan
● Manuel Quezon - Ama ng Wikang Pambansa
● Constancio de Guzman - lumikha ng awit na "Ang Bayan Ko"
● Pascual Poblete - Ama ng pahayagang tagalog


RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service
RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary
Educ. Act of 1988”
RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government
Assistance to
Students and Teachers in Private
RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD
RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law
(Amendment: RA 9231)
RA 7743 – establishment of public
RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment
Act of 1995”
RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access
to Education Act”
RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law
RA 8187 – Paternity Act
RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying
SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO
(National Language)
1. ENACTIVE (0-1 yrs. old) – action-
based information
2. ICONIC (1-6 yrs. old) – image-
based information
3. SYMBOLIC (7+) – code/symbols
such as language

1. As the population grows and there will be no regulations, we will end up having
_______ of water
a. surplus
b. scarcity
c. excess
d. shortage*********
2. Students can choose their preferred college course. Where does this right fall into?
a. freely participate in the cultural life of a community
b. work and free choice of employment********
c. freedom of opinion and expression
d. adequate standards of living
3. Which should not be a target for universal access to maternal and reproductive health?
a. For girls in some regions, education remains elusive.***
b. There is a wide rural-urban gap, in skilled care during birth.
c. Poverty and lack of education perpetuate high adolescent birth rates.
d. Use of contraception is lowest among the poorest women, and those with no
4. Which could not possibly be an important concept in the knowledge of peace?
a. globalization
b. conflict and war******
c. responsible leadership
d. non-violence
5. How can a teacher make her homeroom more gender-sensitive?
a. Structure the room that would cater to specific needs of boys and girls.
b. Make all students, whether boys or girls, participate in all activities.
c. Plan the seating arrangement in a girl-boy-girl pattern.
d. All of the above. ******
6. What could not be an example of derogatory and discriminatory portrayal of women in
a. Female characters are portrayed as sex objects.
b. Female characters are physically and verbally abused.
c. Female characters area given the lead roles with male characters.*******
d. Female characters are given stereotypical roles like the “dumb blonde.”
7. What is an indicator of the patronage system in Philippine society that contributes to
a. Most people patronize imported goods.
b. Parents have many kumpares in the baptism of their child.
c. The pilosopo type of worker does not get promoted to his job.
d. A less deserving applicant gets appointed because he has a padrino.*******
8. Why must every government employee require to submit an annual statement of
assets and liabilities?
a. to determine who is fit for the job
b. to be objective in performance evaluation
c. to determine who deserves the promotion
d. to safeguard the people against corruption*****
9. Violation of human rights is a violation of the _______ of the person.
a. freedom
b. dignity******
c. intelligence
d. emotions
10. With the promotion of social justice, which does not belong to the group?
a. profit sharing
b. diffusion of wealth
c. equitable access to education
d. absolute right over property******
11. The landed class enjoyed huge incomes from share tenancy and rents from inherited
estates, while the tenants remained poor. As a result, the wealthy landowners _______.
a. expelled tenants and actually worked on the farmlands themselves
b. disposed their landholdings voluntarily in response to social obligations
c. acquired tremendous economic, social and political advantages*******
d. abolished shared tenancy and reverted the land to the peasants
12. What is the kind of mentality that makes Filipinos think that imported products are
superior to Filipino products?
a. spendthrift habits
b. colonial mentality******
c. passivity attitude
d. luxurious living
13. What do we call those people who are for the “revival of the classics” in social
a. reformists
b. humanists*******
c. existentialists
d. rationalists
14. Which demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental
a. desertification of verdant regions
b. highly industrialized countries’ toxic wastes disposed to poorer countries*******
c. temperature warming and rise of sea level
d. extinction of rare animal species
15. What is an environmental law which requires industries to install anti-pollution
devices and bans the use of incinerators?
a. Greenpeace Act
b. Anti-Pollution Act
c. Environmental Security Act
d. Clean Air Act*******
16. The world population is growing larger every day, while the fertile soil of the earth is
getting smaller, caused by human practices which do not include _______.
a. overuse of soil during planting
b. overgrazing
c. cutting of trees*******
d. sustainable agriculture
17. Which is the major cause of the death of women in childbirth, which was estimated at
500,000 each year as reported by the World Health Organization?
a. lack of good obstetrician
b. poor nursing education
c. poor reproductive health system*******
d. lack of facilities
18. What kind of prejudice has been overcome in the Philippines in the inclusion of the
Muslim holidays that have gained national respect, aside from the Catholic holidays like
Christmas, Lenten Season, etc.?
a. heterosexualism
b. religious intolerance******
c. sexism
d. looksism
19. The most basic right to form a family is _______.
a. civil right
b. human right*******
c. religious right
d. legal right
20. What is the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act?
a. RA 1013
b. RA 3019******
c. RA 2015
d. RA 2143
21. Which social program departs from the traditional belief of “go and multiply”?
a. gay rights
b. same-gender marriage
c. planned parenthood*******
d. law against female circumcision
22. What is the approximate percentage of global electricity output from renewable
a. 1 percent
b. 8 percent
c. 20 percent
d. 23 percent*******
23. To help global climate change, and live a more eco-friendly life, which is the best
practice that uses less water in washing plates?
a. recycling water
b. washing by hand
c. using a dishwasher
d. using a pail********
24. What is the biggest reason why the Philippines’ political system is so flawed, with
political power vested in the hands of a few families?
a. sibling rivalry
b. indigenous group
c. tribe
d. dynasty*******
25. What is one of the causes of poverty in the Philippines, which is rooted in the human
a. corruption
b. greed******
c. lack of education
d. power politics
26. What program promised more food for every household through planting of vegetable
in home gardens and pots?
a. Angat Filipino Movement
b. Go Negosyo
c. Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran
d. Green Revolution******
27. How can Filipinos overcome weak points such as overspending?
a. use scientific reasoning
b. cultivate positive traits
c. copy economic models of other nations
d. observe business ethics *******
28. What correlates best with the right to human dignity?
a. position and prestige
b. family name
c. honor and reputation******
d. celebrity status
29. The following are forms of structural violence except _______.
a. poverty
b. unemployment
c. rape******
d. racism
30. Social inequality is evident in this situation.
a. Management is participatory.
b. Communication is free flowing.
c. The ruling class dominates culture.*****
d. Decision has been reached by consensus.
31. Which is the most disadvantaged among the categories?
a. indigenous girls******
b. indigenous boys
c. girls in private schools
d. boys in public schools
32. In many societies, technological growth _______.
a. has created more problems than solutions*****
b. has advanced all types of cultures and peoples
c. has transformed gender roles in most societies
d. did not advance women and those belonging to indigenous groups
33. What describes a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of
wealth, power and prestige?
a. social mobility
b. social stratification
c. social inequality******
d. social change
34. Inequality becomes stratification when three conditions exist. Which is not one of
these conditions?
a. unequal success to scarce resources
b. inequality is institutionalized
c. individual characteristics is important for stratification
d. inequality is based on rights******
35. What is a negative attitude towards a certain category of people such as a minority
a. stereotypes
b. racism
c. discrimination******
d. segregation
36. What is a special form of discrimination that is especially problematic for women
a. sexual harassment******
b. denial of access for professional jobs
c. educational gap
d. higher level of unemployment
37. What is the main reason for the increasing number of couples who prefer a dual-
career lifestyle?
a. Couples are less affluent.*******
b. declining birth rate
c. increase of women who have college education
d. impact of feminist movement
38. In advanced or developed societies, technological growth _______.
a. is steady and even
b. is exponential, where development is the basis for further development******
c. is slowing down because of the limitations in the physical environment
d. is creating major society problems
39. Social inequality is more pronounced in _______.
a. hunter-gatherer bands
b. horticultural societies
c. agrarian states
d. industrial nations******
40. Is it justified to suspect Muslims and people of Mediterranean descent of possible link
to terrorist organizations?
a. Yes, because people of Mediterranean descent usually are members of terrorist
b. Yes, because most terrorists are Muslims.
c. No, because not all Muslims and people of Mediterranean descent are terrorists.
d. No, because religion and ethnicity are not bases to joining a terrorist
41. Global citizenship makes people less nationalistic. Is this statement correct?
a. Yes, because to be a global citizen means loyalty to the world.
b. Yes, because global citizenship contradicts national citizenship.
c. No, because to be a global citizen requires understanding of global issues.*******
d. No, because global citizenship means knowledge of issues about the world.
42. Victim survivors of VAW should not be blamed for being in violent relationships. Is the
statement correct?
a. Yes, because support and assistance should be extended to help them get out of
abusive relationships.******
b. Yes, because it will help them regain their self-esteem.
c. No, because they are responsible for their failures in life.
d. No, because it is a private matter.
43. The following is an example of structural violence except _______.
a. Suicide******
b. poverty
c. ecocide
d. gender inequality
44. Global education is about the following except _______.
a. global action
b. political literacy
c. current events******
d. global issues
45. The following is necessary for peace to be attained except _______.
a. Capitalism*****
b. democracy
c. human rights
d. human security
46. The over 860 million illiterate people in the world come from _______.
a. Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar
b. China, India, Pakistan, Brunei
c. Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan******
d. Pakistan, China, Thailand, Vietnam
47. The global rate of ice melt has more than doubled since when?
a. 1988******
b. 1989
c. 1990
d. 1991
48. Global income is more than $31 trillion a year, but 1.2 billion people of the world’s
population earn less than _______.
a. $4 a day
b. $3 a day
c. $2 a day
d. $1 a day******
49. All are specific rights of children, except _______.
a. right to go to school
b. right to play
c. right to health care
d. right to work******
50. Who launched a campaign in support of children that had suffered as a result of war?
a. Margaret Thatcher
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Rosa King*******
d. Eglantyne Jebb
51. The following are priority concerns of developed countries except _______.
a. peace and order******
b. racial diversity
c. migration
d. terrorism
52. The following are priority concerns of underdeveloped countries, except _______.
a. governance
b. terrorism
c. aging******
d. democratization
53. Terrorism is an issue of _______.
a. US imperialism
b. peace and order
c. poverty
d. socio-economic-political underdevelopmen
54. What is necessary to promote sustainable development?
a. avoid all forms of technology
b. promote social equity
c. practice an equitable and affordable use of natural resources******
d. promote social equity and sustainable use of resources
55. Sacrificing the ancestral lands of indigenous people in the name of progress and
modernization is:
a. correct, because the majority will benefit
b. correct, because to give indigenous people chance of a better life
c. wrong, because it violates their right to their ancestral land******
d. wrong, because cultural diversity must be protected
56. The following are issues relevant to education except _______.
a. voluntarism
b. water
c. rural development
d. kidnapping******
57. The following are global problems, except _______.
a. Globalization******
b. poverty
c. diversity
d. territorial conflict
58. The following are skills required of a law-abiding citizen except _______.
a. conflict resolution
b. debating skills******
c. political literacy
d. negotiation skills
59. The government is currently negotiating peace with the following groups, except
b. NPA
c. Abu Sayyaf*****
d. Alex Boncayao Brigade
60. The following are rights enjoyed by children, except _______.
a. family reunification
b. speedy, fair and public trial
c. freedom of expression
d. right to information *******
1) The culture of the Ilocanos can easily be felt through their ants dance known as
a. Balitaw
b. Dandansoy
c. Mahinhin
d. Kinnotan
2) The "La Liga Filipina" was concrete evidence of Rizal's desire to ________.
I. Unite the entire Philippine archipelago
II. Fight violence and injustice
III. Revolt against the Spaniards
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I, II and III
d. I and III
3) It refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the
expropriator and the gauge for computation is not the taker's gain but the owner's loss. In
order for the payment to be "just", it must be real, substantial, full, and ample; made
within a reasonable time from the taking of the property.
a. Property
b. Public Use
c. Eminent Domain
d. Just Compensation
4) In Northeast Luzon, the longest river in the country originates from the mountains of
Quirino and Nueva Vizcaya and drains the whole Cagayan Valley existing through the
town of Aparri and Cagayan. What is the name of this river?
a. Agno River
b. Abra River
c. Pampanga River
d. Rio Grande de Cagayan
5) A sociological research method that approaches social phenomena through
quantifiable evidence, and often relies on statistical analysis of many cases to create
valid and reliable general claims.
a. Qualitative design
b. Quantitative design
c. Normative
d. Formative
6) Cooperatives can eventually put up banks of their own. What are the evidences of
their successes?
a. Many banks in Metro Manila and Central Luzon started out as cooperatives.
b. Most of the rural banks started out as cooperatives.
c. Cooperatives are not heavily taxed.
d. Opening of rural bank is allowed on a cooperative concept.
7) When a combination of independent business organizations form to regulate
production, pricing and marketing of goods by the members, which term applies?
a. Cartel
b. Monopoly
c. Depression
d. Inflation
8) What right and duty do Filipinos exercise when they participate in ratfying a proposed
a. Citizenship
b. Habeas Corpus
c. Suffrage
d. Bill of Rights
9) Martial law remained in force until 1981 under Procalamation # ________.
a. 1081
b. 1425
c. 9994
d. 7610
10) The process by which a person learns the requirments of the culture by which he or
she is surrounded, and acquired values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary
in that culture is called ________.
a. Assimilation
b. Enculturation
c. Cultural Relativism
d. Acculturation
11) The exchange of cultural features that results when groups of individuals from
different culture come into continuous first-hand contact. The original cultural patterns of
wither or both groups may be altered, but the groups remain distinct.
a. Assimilation
b. Enculturation
c. Cultural Relativism
d. Acculturation
12) The Commander of the American and Filipino forces in Bataan was ________.
a. Gen. Arthur MacArthur
b. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
c. Gen. Jonathan Wright
d. Gen. Edward King
13) The first Americal Civil Governor was ________.
a. William Howard Taft
b. Wesley Meritt
c. Arthur MacArthur
d. Murray Bartlet
14) This is a collection of traditional courtship song in Mexican-Spanish tradition based
on the habanera rhythm.
a. Harana
b. Kundiman
c. Jazz
d. Modern
15) It is characterized by shared experiences and mutual responsibilities.
a. Gesellschaft
b. Gemeinchaft
c. Enculturation
d. Acculturation
16) It features the exchange of goods, money and services.
a. Gesellschaft
b. Gemeinchaft
c. Enculturation
d. Acculturation
17) One of the advantages of presidential system of government is ________.
a. The principle of the separation of powers and checks and balances is observed.
b. Unity of authority
c. It cuts sosts and redundancy in lawmaking.
d. It promotes strong political party.
18) The fulfillment of the collective needs to the human species, including global society,
is to pursue ________.
a. public interests
b. common good
c. justice
d. political will
19) This is the determination of the government to relate to what is perceived as
beneficial to public interests acts to implement its decision on such in order to achieve a
better future for its citizens.
a. public interests
b. common good
c. justice
d. political will
20) Those provinces that were pacified and were already recognizing Spanish rule were
called ________.
a. Alcadias
b. Alcalde mayor
c. Indulto de Comercio
d. Corregimientos
21) The military provinces that were unpacified during the Spanish period were called
a. Alcadia
b. Alcalde mayor
c. Indulto de Comercio
d. Corregimientos
22) During the Spanish period, this refers to the privelege of the provincial Governor to
engage in trade.
a. Alcadia
b. Alcalde mayor
c. Indulto de Comercio
d. Corregimientos
23) What form of government did we have when President Aguinaldo proclaimed the
Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898?
a. Dictatorial
b. Revolutionary
c. Freedom
d. Presidential
24) The longest revolt in Philippine History is called the ________.
a. Dagohoy revolt
b. Diego Silang revolt
c. Gabriela Silang revolt
d. Palaris revolt
25) The most devastating typhoon in 2009, with a damage of $1.09 billion and 747
fatalities was known as ________.
a. Reming
b. Milenyo
c. Ondoy
d. Habagat
26) Violation of human rights is a violation of the _________ of the person.
a. dignity
b. intelligence
c. will
d. freedom
27) The Law that led to the granting of ten-year transition period is called?
a. Hare-Hawes Cutting Bill
b. Tydings-McDuffies Law
c. Parity Rights
d. Independence Law
28) Republic Act 9994 is also known as the ________.
a. Anti-Child Abuse Law
b. K-12 Act
c. Expanded Senior Citizen's Act
d. Prison Modernization Law
29) What is the very foundation of genuine peace and reconciliation?
a. Happiness
b. Joy
c. Confrontation
d. Social justice
30) This is the location of the island known as the "Isla de Pintados" by the Spaniards.
a. Luzon
b. Visayas
c. Mindanao
d. Isla Verla
31) What was our government under the 1935 Constitution?
a. Revolutionary
b. Monarchy
c. Commonwealth
d. Military
32) In economics, ________ is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services
in an economy over a period of time.
a. inflation
b. mercantilism
c. depression
d. free trade
33) A UNESCO World heritage site in Ilocos Norte is ________.
a. Bangui Windmills
b. Paoay Church
c. Currimao Rock Formations
d. Pagudpud
34) The author of "Flora de Filipinas circa 1837, the botanical illustrations of plant
specimens that grew into the Philippine herbarium is ________.
a. Governor Polavieja
b. Padre Emmanuel Gonzales
c. Padre Manuel Blanco
d. Governor Narciso Claveria
35) The Philippines was ruled by Spain through the ________ until 1814.
a. Cuba
b. Puerto Rico
c. Viceroy of Mexico
d. Guam
36) This is a guarantee given by the Constitution to certain units of government where
their approved annual appropriations shall be automatically and regularly released.
a. General Appropriations Act
b. Fiscal Autonomy
c. Fiscal Discipline
d. Internal Revenue Allocations
37) Which order of government correctly sequences what happened during the American
a. Civil, Military, Commonwealth
b. Military, Civil, Commonwealth
c. Civil, Commonwealth, Military
d. Military, Commonwealth, Civil
38) Which order of presidents correctly applies to Philippine history.
I. Carlos P. Garcia
II. Ramon Magsaysay
III. Elpidio Quirino
IV. Manuel Roxas
a. III, I, II, IV
b. IV, II, I, III
c. III, II, IV, I
d. IV, III, II, I
39) In whose presidency was the famous MIRACLE RICE produced?
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Fidel Ramos
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Gloria Arroyo
40) After the Second World War, which emerged as new powers?
a. China and USA
b. Japan and USA
c. Germany and USSR
d. USA and USSR
41) The employees of ABC Review Center want to associate, pool their savings, and use
the fund as soon as possible to grant loans to members and capitalized and operate the
canteen of the said Review Center. What type of cooperative will they organize and
a. Service cooperative
b. Producer's cooperative
c. Consumer cooperative
d. Credit cooperative
42) One of the types of positive economics that collects and presents data that can
describe the phenomena is ________.
a. Descriptive economics
b. Economic theory
c. Growth
d. Stability
43) The complex set of relationships within the agricultural sector and between tenure
structure, production structure, and the structure of supporting services is called
a. Land Reform
b. Agrarian Structure
c. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
d. Agrarian Reform Measures
44) The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl Marx is called
a. Enlighted self-interest
b. Reciprocity
c. Primitive Communism
d. Agricultural
45) Refers to any liability to pay money arising out of a contract, express or implied.
a. Poll Tax
b. Tax
c. Debt
d. Debtors
46) The state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another is called ________.
a. Peonage
b. Slavery
c. Suppressed
d. Depressed
47) It means that when a person is charged with an offense and the case is terminated
either by acquittal or conviction or in any other manner without the express consent of the
accused, the latter cannot again be charged with the same or identical offense.
a. Writ of Habeas Corpus
b. Righ against illegal detention
c. Writ of Amparo
d. Right against double jeopardy
48) The families of victims of extrajudicial kills and enforced disappearances can invoke
the writ when the right to life, liberty or security of a person is violated or threatened with
violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee or of a private
individual or entity.
a. Writ of Habeas Corpus
b. Righ against illegal detention
c. Writ of Amparo
d. Right against double jeopardy
49) This court shall have jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases involving graft and
corruption practices and such offenses committed by public officers and employees in
relation to their offices as may be determined by law.
a. Court of Appeals
b. Supreme Court
c. Regional Trial Court
d. Sandiganbayan
50) These are the only officials removable by Impeachment.
a. The President, Vice-President, members of the Supreme Court, members of the
Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman.
b. The President, Vice-President, members of the Supreme Court, members of the
Constitutional Commissions, and the Senators.
c. The President, Vice-President, members of the Supreme Court, members of the
Constitutional Commissions, and the members of the House of Representatives.
d. The President, Vice-President, members of the Supreme Court, members of the
Constitutional Commissions, and the members of the House of Representatives, the
Senators, and the Ombudsman.
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B - Quantitative research focuses on the analysis of numeric data.
6. B
7. A - A cartel is a formal agreement among competing firms.
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. B - Gemeinschaft generally translated as "Community".
16. A - Gesellschaft means "Society".
17. A
18. A
19. D
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. A - The Dictatorial Government lasted for only 3 months from May 24 to June 23,
1898. On June 23, Aguinaldo established the Revolutionary Government.
24. A
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. C
36. B
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. D
41. D
42. A
43. B
44. C
45. C
46. B
47. D
48. C
49. D
50. A

1. In research, if I reason out from particular to general or broad patterns, I apply the
a. Deductive
b. Inductive
c. Ideographic
d. Nomethetic
2. What kind of study examines specific sub-populations, such as those who played a
part in the
EDSA revolt in order to understand how their attitudes have changed?
a. Longitudinal study
b. Trend study
c. Cohort study
d. Cross-sectional study
3. For John Dewey, what is the unifying element of the curriculum?
a. Reflective thinking
b. Course discipline
c. Experiential learning
d. Pedagogy in learning
4. Which of the following is an example of an issue which a sociologist would study?
a. Why is the rate of abortion rising?
b. How do police action influence crowd behavior?
c. What is the interaction between chemical and behavior?
d. Which political system is best?
5. In order to seek full contextual understanding of the actions of a selected group of
individuals, what
will you do?
I. Do ethnographic participants' observation
II. Conduct open-ended interviews
III. Administer a standardized test
a. I, II and III
b. I and II
c. II only
d. I only
6. What method is being used to have Special children become a part of the regular
a. Catalytic learning
b. Mainstreaming
c. Specialization
d. Alternative learning
7. What is used as the basis so that scientific theory can be empirical and not merely
speculative or
a. Evidence-base
b. Authority
c. Tradition
d. Logical reason
8. What kind of reasoning is done by arguing from particulars (e.g. Juan, Marie, Jaime,
etc. speak
Bisaya) to a general conclusion (e.g. Therefore many students in the class speak
a. A priori
b. Deductive
c. Inductive
d. Logical
9. What is the fundamental basis for data gathered in the sciences of Sociology Biology
and Physics?
a. Belief
b. Observation
c. Logic
d. Wisdom
10. What process will you use to represent a more certain avenue to the truth?
a. Generalization
b. Fallacy
c. Replication
d. Prior argument
11. An inquiry on a social phenomenon that does not use numbers is ___________
a. descriptive
b. quantitative
c. experimental
d. analytical
12. Statistical analysis is done for various reasons but NOT for ________ .
a. complex formulas
b. simple averages
c. verbal descriptions
d. mathematical models
13. Of the following topics, which is closest to a subject for pure research?
a. Survey on a beauty product
b. Anthropological account of an ethnic community
c. Impact of an outreach project
d. Problems in a mental health institution
14. What wrong is committed by a researcher who installs a hidden camera in order to
gather data on
family friction between parents and children?
a. Protection from harm
b. Coercion
c. Informed consent
d. Right to privacy
15. What was violated by a researcher who administered lethal drugs to determine their
effect on
a. Right to privacy
b. Protection from harm
c. Coercion
d. Informed consent
16. Under research design, what factor is useful so that choice of topic can fill the
researcher with
enthusiasm to pursue an inquiry amid obstacles until its final outcome?
a. Commitment
b. Interest
c. Dedication
d. Scientific attitude
17. Which step is undertaken when the researcher mulls over a chosen topic and
purpose, thinking
about aspect and dimensions of a chosen social issue?
a. Observation
b. Operationalization
c. Data processing
d. Population and sampling
18. There are many ways to conduct a research, but what is the stage of study when the
selects the appropriate way to gather evidence that can support analysis of data
a. Population sampling
b. Conceptualization
c. Operationalization
d. Choice of research method
19. When data gathered from survey, interview or other methods are interpreted,
this is the research stage for _________.
a. sampling
b. operationalization
c. data processing
d. publication
20. Communicating the findings of a completed research to school, institution or sponsor
of the study
is the ___________ stage of research.
a. analysis
b. application
c. operationalization
d. publication
21. There are many dimensions or variables in considering social values that cause
corruption in
government, but which is NOT one of them?
a. Motives
b. Attitudes
c. Currencies
d. Lifestyle
22. Statistical analysis can be done in qualitative research but it is NOT applicable in
a. verbal description
b. simple averages
c. complex formulas
d. methodical models
23. Choose the logical sequence to operationalize selected stages of a study on drug
I. Observation and data gathering
II. Arrive at conclusion
III. Specify method to get data on variables
IV. Set testable hypothesis
V. Process and analy
a. IV, III, I, V and II
b. II, I, III, V and IV
c. V, III, I, II and IV
d. III, II, I, IV and V
24. Which system is applied for careful, deliberate and quantifiable observation of
evidence in order
to describe an object or event in terms of indicators?
a. Examination
b. Measurement
c. Construction
d. Introspection
25. What can be used to classify observations in terms of attributes, e.g. classify
newspaper as pro-
administration or pro-opposition?
a. Scaling
b. Indexing
c. Typology
d. Validating
26. The technique used in selecting large, representative sample of social research e.g.
election poll
ranking is known as _________.
a. probability sampling
b. non probability sampling
c. snowball sampling
d. quota sampling
27. Which is sampling technique in studying a sub-set of a large population that can
show a
meaningful result, e.g. by interviewing some people during a rally?
a. snowball sampling
b. Judgmental sampling
c. Quota sampling
d. Non probability sampling
28. Which sampling technique is used by selecting a few members of a target population,
migrant workers you meet at the airport?
a. Judgmental sampling
b. Quota sampling
c. Snowball sampling
d. Probability sampling
29. What sampling technique helps determine the proportion of the population by use of
a matrix and
relative proportion for each cell, e.g. interviewing a few people who meet the
characteristics of being
a. Quota sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Probability sampling
d. Snowball sampling
30. What is the grouping of units composing a population into homogenous groups
before sampling in
order to achieve a greater degrees of representativeness?
a. Indexing
b. Scaling
c. Weighting
d. Stratification
1-5. bbabd
6-10. bacba
11-15. acbdb
16-20. bcdcb
21-25. caabc
26-30. abcad

~PART 5~ (30 items)
1. Among industrialized countries which is the biggest remitter of CO2 (by 31%) that
cause global
warming of the globe?
a. United States
b. India
c. China
d. France
2. Providing long-term food aid to poor countries, e.g. Ethiopia disadvantageous due to
the negative
effect of _______.
a. dependence
b. malnutrition
d. anarchy
3. Created in 2008 was a new legal framework for Southeast Asian nations known as the
a. Document
b. Charter
c. Principles
d. Declaration
4. Among early Greek philosophers _________ introduced empirical knowledge by used
observation to explain universal truths.
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. Aristotle
d. Thales
5. What method of thinking-and-learning draws from the general qualities of being
a. Induction
b. Deduction
c. Discovery
d. Problem solving
6. In which situation do we insist on belonging to a group thus resisting the risk of being
a. Conformism
b. Radicalism
c. Anarchism
d. Pessimism
7. What aspect of inquiry is NOT related to ethical conduct in research?
a. Security of participants
b. Respect of confidentiality
c. Voluntary participation by respondents
d. Limitation in research scope
8. The systematic explanation of observed phenomena drawn from social manifestation
or patterns in
social life is _________.
a. hypothesis
b. theory
c. assumption
d. truth
9. Scientific inquiries conducted on social change over a period of time are
a. trend studies
b. cohort studies
c. panel studies
d. ease studies
10. The two essential dimensions in teaching Social Science are __________ and
a. observing and inferring
b. seeing and listening
c. searching and imparting
d. knowing and thinking
11. Concentration in thinking which leads to a constant, unbroken line of thought is
a. infusion
b. focus
c. intention
d. direction
12. A comprehensive list of important or relevant action to be completed in a specified
order is a
a. pattern
b. matrix
c. checklist
d. report
13. The type of evaluation which examines outcome and comes up with a synthesis that
the overall impact and relative costs of an activity or program is ___________.
a. normative evaluation
b. summative evaluation
c. formative evaluation
d. causative evaluation
14. What method of thinking-and-learning draws the general qualities of a person from
a. Problem solving
b. Inductive
c. Deductive
d. Discovery
15. To which group do we belong if we don't accept the truth because we insist on
belonging to a
group or resist the risk if being different?
a. Change agents
b. Radicals
c. Anarchists
d. Conformists
16. What is NOT related to ethical conduct in research?
a. Respect for confidentiality
b. Limitation in research scope
c. Voluntary participation be respondents
d. Security of participants
17. What is the systematic explanation of observations on social manifestation patterns
of social life?
a. Truth
b. Belief
c. Theory
d. Opinion
18. What are the studies conducted on social change over a period of time?
a. Trend studies
b. Cohort studies
c. Panel studies
d. Case studies
19. Which is a tentative answer to a research problem?
a. Theoretical Framework
b. Recommendation
c. Conclusion
d. Hypothesis
20. In which part of the research do you find the answers to the research problems?
a. Recommendation
b. Conclusion
c. Hypothesis
d. Theoretical Framework
21. What is comprehensive list of important or relevant actions to be complete in a
specified order so
that no step is forgotten?
a. Report Card
b. Survey
c. Checklist
d. Questionnaire
22. What type of evaluation examines the, effects or outcomes of some object they
summarize it by describing what happens subsequent to delivery of program or
technology; assessing whether the
object can be said to have cause the outcome; determining the overall impact of the
casual factor
beyond only the immediate target outcomes; and, estimating the relative costs
association with the
a. Summative Evaluation
b. Normative Evaluation
c. Formative Evaluation
d. Complicated Evaluation
23. Deliberate deception by way of ____________ fallacy is used by advertiser who
make claim to
unfounded consumption by thousands or millions of a product.
a. bandwagon
b. big lie
c. circular thinking
d. begging the question
24. Generalizing extreme perception about people places and ideas, e.g. white people
are biased
about colored people is untruth of fallacy by ________.
a. localizing
b. stereotyping
c. standardizing
d. summarizing
25. Freedom of thought is opposed to _________.
a. violence
b. slavery
c. compulsion
d. oppression
26. Asserting a more certain avenue to the same truth is ___________ .
a. simplification
b. syndication
c. revision
d. replication
27. The basic human activity in research is _________.
a. inquiring
b. thinking
c. calculating
d. measuring
28. What research is done in a laboratory?
a. Analysis
b. Experiment
c. Survey
d. Assessment
29. Science requires ___________ in order to differentiate it from philosophy.
a. authority
b. logical thinking
c. empirical evidence
d. tradition
30. The use of __________ is useful in reducing inaccuracies in scientific research.
a. measured devices
b. generalization
c. logical reasoning
d. machines
1-5. cabcb
6-10. adbaa
11-15. bcbbd
16-20. bcadb
21-25. caabc
26-30. dabca

Marami din lumabas dito sa September 2019 exam ❤ PROVEN AND TESTED!

1. Black sheep --- metaphor
2. Love sonnets -- Ophelia Dimalanta
3.Tatlong tuldok na sunod sunod -- Ellipses
4. Phantom of Delight -- Metaphor
5. Tinkle, tinkle, tinke -- Onomatopoeia
6. Naghihiwalay sa mga salita -- Kuwit
7.Pangatnig na nagbubukod -- Pamukod
8. Largest desert -- Sahara
9. First religious missionary in the Philippines -- Augustinians
10 Founder of La Solidaridad/Greatest Orator -- Graciano Lopez-Jaena
11. Ang paksa ay ibinibigay bago magsimula ang talumpati - Imprompto
12. Term of Marcelo H. del Pilar to friars -- Frailocracia
13.Arena theater proponent -- Severino Montano
14. Released by plants at night -- Carbon dioxide
15. Sala theater proponent -- Naty Crame Rogers
16. Shape of a brick - Rectangle
17. Protein shell of a virus -- Capsid
18. Hair-like structure -- Cilia
19. Author of Annabel Lee -- Edgar Allan Poe
20. Novels in letters -- Epistolary
21. Birthplace of Rizal -- Calamba, Laguna
22. Real name of Mark Twain -- Samuel (Langhorne) Clemens
23. Writ of Amparo -- Right to life, liberty, and security
24. Writ of Habeas Corpus -- Demand presence of the accused
25. Penicillin discoverer -- Alexander Fleming
26. Author of Doctrina Christiana -- Fray Juan de Plasencia
27. Light travels fastest -- Air
28. Protons of Silicon -- 14
29. Funji -- Yeast
30. Law of Bicameralism -- Jones Law
31. Pagbabagong anyo ng bayan -- Reduccion
32. Permutation 9P9 -- 362,880
33. Absolute mean -- 14.35/14.5
34. Agreement between Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna) -- Blood Compact (Sandugo
35. Hierarchy of Needs proponent -- Maslow
36. Oldest religion in Asia – Hinduism
37. Enrolled bills becomes a law - 90 days
38. "Lapse" - 30 days
39. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines
40. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7, 5 (3 lines and 17 syllables)
41. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31 syllables
42. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme
43. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in form of speech for individual character.
44.ELEGY – death of individual
45. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure
46. EULOGY – message for the dead
47. FREE VERSE (vers libre) – without meter but with rhyme
48. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country scene LYRICS - thoughts and feelings
49. NARRATIVE – tells story
50. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature, type of Lyric
51. PASTORAL –rural life in a peaceful & romanticized way
52. AIMS OF ERAS PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity
53. SPANISH – Christianity/Religion
54. AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life
55. COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency
56 .JAPANESE – progress
*gen ed - haiku 575
*tanaga 7777
*tangka 57577
*Tree releases carbon dioxide during? ~ evening
* tatlong tuldok na sunod-sunod = elipsis
*town criers~~~umalohokan
*Meaning of TOS ~~~table of Specifications
*Sage on stage ~~dispenser of knowledge
*Sa TLE lumabas ang Ohms Law sa electricity.
*sa plumbing naman-Which pipe is used through which rainwater passes from the root
down to the ground. Answer po is DOWNSPOUT
*End product ng citric acid?
*Negative effect of extended family~ FAVORITISM.
*Bicameralism~~ Jones Law
*Ang _____ay ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping IKA at
*"She is a lovely rose" is an example of~~metaphor
*Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the US~~would have
*"She is a lovely rose" is an example of~~metaphor
*Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the US~~would have
*___________ is an example of a non pathogenic microorganism~~ Probiotics as
*First labor union in the Philippines~~~Union Obrera Demokratika
*The only remnant after world war II~~Philippine Independent Church
1. Fr. Pedro Pelaez- Secularization Movement.
2. Limited- Mother Financial Problem.
3. Polka- NOT a folk dance from Mexico.
4. Bodabil- A play NOT from the Spanish Era.
5. Acta de Tejeros- Rejected Aguinaldo as President.
6. Folklore- The Philosophy of oir folks during Pre-hispanic Era.
7. Katalinuhan- Basal o Di-Koncreto.
8. Spanish Surnames- by Narciso Claveria.
9. Leeches:Anticoagulation - Segmented:Worm
10. Biotechnology*
11. Teaching is like... Simile is not in the choices but METAPHOR* is there.
12. Rebirth- Rennaisance
13. Bitterness- Rancor
14. Oxygen- Waste product of photosynthesis.
15. Tissue- Group of cells.
16. Spencer- Survival of the Fittest.
17. Pagsang-ayon- Kasalungat ng pagtugol.
18. In Vitro Fertilization - Test tube babies.
19. Kuwit- Paghihiwalay ng mga sunod-sunod na pangungusap.
20. Pangungusap- Salita o grupo ng mga salit
21. P3,200- Manufactured bed P4,000 less 20%.
22. 20 Times - How many times digit 7 appears between 1-100.
23. Lupang Hinirang- Pamagat ng Nat'l Anthem ng Pilipinas.
24. Balagtasan- Uri ng pagtatanghal na binubuo ng paligsahan ng dalawang makata.
25. Elements*
26. Oxygen- These are compounds EXCEPT.
27. K-III - Anong grade tinuturo ang mother tongue.
28. Chat room-Science Subject.
29. Learning is an active process - What is violated when Teacher Ivon just lectures while
students listen.
30. Pancreas- Organ who secretes insulin.
31. Multi-grade class- Combining 2-3 grade level
32. K-12- Kindergarten is compulsory before proceed to grade 1.
33. 45,46- Consecutive number whose sum is 91.
34. Developmental Portfolio- Penmanship skills of the students in the biggining, middle,
and after the school year.
35. Persiflage- Praise glowingly.
36. Indefatigable- Tireless.
37. Working- The father finally found the time to rest after_____the whole day.
38. Irrelevant- Impertinent
39. I, II ( I-trial and error, II-stimulus response) - Behaviorism anchored with the theories
related to.
40. 5x3x2x2x2- Prime factor of 120.
41. I, II, III ( I-Participative Learning, II- Constructive planning, III- innovative Planning) -
Formulation of teachers professional development plan.
42. Diksyunaryo- Kahulugan ng mga salita.
43. Routine*
44. Operant Conditioning- Skinner
45. Authentic Assessment- Real-life.
46- Developmental Portfolio- Display the drawings of the childrens.
47. Below 75- Did not meet expectation.
48. Pagkatakot- Gabi na ngunit bakit wala pa siya.
49. Brigada Eskwela- Bayanihan in School.
50. Drive- MotivationMarch 2018
51. Pre-conventional( Mutual Benefit) - reward, star, stamp.
52. Post-conventional(Common Good) - A taxi driver returned the baggage left by the
53. Blood Compact- Legazpi and Rajah Sikatuna in Bohol.
54. Sounds- Phonology
55. Socialization- Participafing and functioning members of the society by figting into
organize way of living.
56. Drawing- Visual/Spatial.
57. Heirarchy of Biology Taxonomy - Has 8 levels.
58. Spiral Curriculum- K-12
59. Essentialism- Basic/Essential.
60. "Ganyan lang talaga"- Teacher Mediocrity.
61. Punishment- A quiz NOT as.
62. Should match with the objectives- Criterion reference.
63. Professional Licensed- Signed by the PRC.
64. CPU - brain of the computer.
65. Sa kanyang ama (Padre Damaso) - Saan namana ni Maria Clara ang kanyang pagka
66. Resource Provider- Role of the teachers play when they help their colleagues by
sharing instructional resources.
67. Deductive- From Generalization to Specific.
68. Motivation- Part of lesson developme t is concerned with mood setting.
69. Field Trip - Stimulate more senses.
70. Visual Imagery- Graphic Organizer.
71. Tax reform for Acceleration and INclusion-TRAIN Law means....
72. Archipelago - Philippines is an...
73. Has - Population in the Philippines_____increase tremendously.
74. Conservation- about Mother Earth.
75. Stress the positive aspects of culture- IP ( Indigenous People)
76. Spreadsheet - Performs computation.
77. Biosphere - Air, Water, and Land.
78. Philippine Qualifications Framework- What does PQF means.
79. Reforestation - Solution due to increasing global warming.
80. Long and Dictated - NOT characteristics in giving assignments.
81. Bread Provider- NOT the role of a Mother during Pre-Hispanic Era.
82. 45 units - CPD units need for teachers to renew the license BEFORE
NOW 15 units only (March, 2019)

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