Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex Implementation Guide

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Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex Implementation Guide

Sybase Business Intelligence

Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex Implementation
Sybase , Status: Draft

Document History
Template Version: 3.5, 13-Sep-98

Version Date Author Comment Authorization

1.0 12 Sept 2001 John Barton


Project: ASIQ
Document ID: IQMCookbook.doc
Status: Draft
Caveat: Sybase Business Intelligence
Version No: 1.0
Version Date: 12 Sept 2001

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Audience..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Distribution..........................................................................................................1
1.4 References............................................................................................................1
2. Installation Planning..................................................................................................3
2.1.1 Hardware and Software Assessment............................................................3
2.1.2 Create a sybase user account........................................................................3
2.1.3 Modify the environment for the sybase user account..................................3
3. Adaptive Server IQ-M Software Installation..........................................................4
3.1 Server Installation................................................................................................4
3.1.1 Release Bulletin...........................................................................................4
3.1.2 Installation and Configuration Guide...........................................................4
3.1.3 Install the Adaptive Server IQ from CD......................................................4
3.1.4 Download the latest software patches from the Sybase support site...........4
3.1.5 Have the UNIX SA create links to the agreed upon database devices........4
3.1.6 Start the Sybase Central Agent....................................................................5
3.2 Client Installation.................................................................................................5
3.3 Creating the Database..........................................................................................5
3.3.1 Using Sybase Central...................................................................................5
3.3.2 Set the Main and Temp memory for the ASIQ-M Server...........................7
3.3.3 Important ASIQ-M Database Options.........................................................7
4. Creating Database Objects........................................................................................9
4.1 Database Security.................................................................................................9
4.1.1 Database Level Security..............................................................................9
4.1.2 Creating Database Users and Groups..........................................................9
4.1.3 Create Tables.............................................................................................10
4.1.4 Index Creation............................................................................................11
4.1.5 Managing User Permissions......................................................................12
4.2 Loading Tables with Data..................................................................................12
5. Monitoring ASIQ-M................................................................................................13
5.1.1 Monitoring which USERS are Connected.................................................13
5.1.2 Monitoring Client Connections and SQL..................................................13
5.1.3 Using the IQ Message Log to Monitor Activity........................................13
5.1.4 Sybase Adaptive Server IQ Performance Monitor....................................14
5.1.5 UNIX IO STAT.........................................................................................15

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1. Introduction
The Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex Implementation Guide is a technical guide
to setting up and tuning Sun server systems with Sybase Adaptive Server IQ
Multiplex (ASIQ-M). It provides high-level overview information about Sun
Solaris and Sybase ASIQ-M technology followed by guidelines for installing,
configuring and monitoring the ASIQ-M Server.
This document does not go through all details of the Solaris and ASIQ-M
products. Sun and Sybase provide comprehensive documentation on their
respective products. Only the features and techniques relevant to the
configuration and tuning of the Solaris and Sybase Adaptive Server IQ
Multiplex are covered here. The reader is directed to the product manuals and
the reference list for more details.

1.1 Audience
The primary audiences of this document are systems engineers and other
technical staff who deal with configuration and performance issues of ASIQ
12.4.3 on Solaris Servers. This document will be useful to a wide variety of
technical people working with Sun and Sybase Data Warehousing products.

1.2 Scope
This document covers products announced by Sun Microsystems Inc. and
Sybase, Inc. as of August 2001. The specific versions of Solaris and Sybase
ASIQ discussed are Solaris 2.8 and Sybase Adaptive Server IQ-M 12.4.3
respectively. Though in general the discussion may be valid for previous or
subsequent releases of these products, please refer to the release notes of the
specific product release and to the product manuals for up to date information.

1.3 Distribution
This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or presented to other
parties without the prior written consent of Sybase Business Intelligence.

1.4 References
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.3 (Generic)
Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide
Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual
Introduction to Adaptive Server IQ
Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.3 (Platform Specific)
Adaptive Server IQ Release Bulletin for Sun Solaris
Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Feature Guide for Sun Solaris
Adaptive Server IQ Cover Letter for Sun Solaris 64bit EBF 2

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2. Installation Planning

2.1.1 Hardware and Software Assessment

Prior to installing Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex ASIQ-M a hardware and
software assessment should be done.
Server: SUN Enterprise 6800
Operating System: Solaris 2.8
Storage: Sun StorEdge™ T3 SAN
Memory: Total System Memory
CPU: 12 – 750 MHZ, The number of CPU’s within the Solaris Domain
Swap Space Configuration:
Database Server: Adaptive Server® IQ Multiplex 12.4.3 EBF 2

2.1.2 Create a sybase user account

 The sybase user on ALL nodes of a multiplex must have the same UID
and GID for file permission to work consistently and properly

2.1.3 Modify the environment for the sybase user account

 Environment Variables
 System Path
 Library Path

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3. Adaptive Server IQ-M Software Installation

3.1 Server Installation

3.1.1 Release Bulletin

Review the Release Bulletin for the platform that ASIQ will be installed on.

3.1.2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Review the Installation and Configuration Guide for the platform that ASIQ
will be installed on.

3.1.3 Install the Adaptive Server IQ from CD

Unload and install the Adaptive Server IQ Software on the Server after
reviewing the Release Bulletin and Installation and Configuration Guide

3.1.4 Download the latest software patches from the Sybase support site
Download the latest Software Release (SWR) for the ASIQ-M Major Version
and Operating System that you are planning to run.
Uncompress the Software Release (SWR) and review the Cover Letter for the
Software Release check for information about upgrade procedures and any
additional operating systems patches.

3.1.5 Have the UNIX SA create links to the agreed upon database devices
 File system links are created using the ln command
 Links provide a level of abstraction from the device physical name; this
allows the database devices to be referenced in a consistent manner across
any number of Servers that will be used in a multiplex configuration
 Change the ownership and permissions of the underlying physical devices
so that the sybase user has read write access to the devices and all other
users can not access the devices Database devices

The user account used to start the ASIQ-M Server should have read, write
permissions for all database devices. In order for the database devices to be
presented consistently across multiple servers file systems links should be
created using the UNIX ln command.
chown sybase:sybase /dev/rdsk/c5t2d0s0
chmod 700 /dev/rdsk/c5t2d0s0
ln -s /dev/rdsk/c5t2d0s0 /mpx_shared/mpx_server/mpxdb_01

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3.1.6 Start the Sybase Central Agent

The Sybase Central Agent is a background process used to start, stop and
create multiplex servers. The Sybase Central GUI tool communicates with the
Sybase Central Agent on local or remote hosts. The agent must run under the
sybase user account on the system using the sybase environment. The Agent
logs informational messages to a log file which by default gets created in the
/tmp directory.
S99SybaseCentralAgent must start automatically on all nodes of the
multiplex. The UNIX Systems Administrator should add the startup to
the /etc/rc.3 directory, this insures that the Sybase Central Agent gets
started as a background process when the Server is rebooted.
 Modify the S99SybaseCentralAgent Environment
 The Agent must be started by the sybase UNIX user

3.2 Client Installation

If a Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 system is used to
administer the ASIQ-M Server then the Adaptive Server IQ Client
Components should be installed from the Client Components CD-ROM.
 Review the section of the Installation Manual that covers the
installation of Client Tools.
 Download the latest EBF for the ASIQ-M Client Components

3.3 Creating the Database

Sybase Central must be used to create a Multiplex Database

3.3.1 Using Sybase Central

The preferred method for running Sybase Central is on a Windows NT/2000
or UNIX Workstation; this typically works better than running it from an X-
Term Window on a PC. The Sybase Central Adaptive Server IQ Plug-in runs
within the Sybase Central it interacts with the Sybase Central Agent to create
the database and server. Using Sybase Central to Create the Server and Database

Within the Utilities folder of the ASIQ-M Plug-in there is a Database Wizard,
it is not necessary for a database server to be running to create a new database.
Launch the “Create Database” wizard from within the ASIQ-M Plug-in
 Specify the host name of the Server where the ASIQ-M Write Server
will run. The ASIQ Software must be installed and the Sybase Central
Agent must be running on that Server
 Select Multiplex as the database type

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 Specify the Multiplex Server Name; each ASIQ-M Server will have a
distinct name within the multiplex configuration
 Specify the path to the top level directory of the multiplex, the top
level directory is a shared directory which is accessible by all Servers
in the multiplex configuration
 Specify the path to the IQ Store (Main Store), use the link name for the
raw device where the ASIQ-M will store data. The size of the raw
device will be calculated automatically and cannot exceed 128 GB in
size, click the IQ Store is a Raw Device check box
 Specify the name of the database, the database name is consistent
across all the servers within the configuration
 The Database Page Size is the size that Data Pages are brought into IQ-
M Main Cache and written out to the IQ Main Store. The Page Size is
not modifiable after the database is created and changing the Page Size
requires rebuilding the Database and reloading it. The Page Size
should be selected based on the amount of memory available and the
size of the largest table.
 Specify the link name to the temporary dbspace, each multiplex server
within a multiplex configuration will have a separate temporary
dbspace. This device should be placed on a raw device and should be
separated from other database devices
 Accept the rest of the defaults:
Install base Java Classes
Install jConnect Meta-Information Support
Ignore trailing blanks in comparisons
Case sensitive for all Names and Values
Page Size for the new (catalog store) database – 4096 bytes
Collation Sequence of ISO_BINENG
Password: SQL
Review the summary information and then click the finish button. The
database and server will be created and with the initial configuration. If a
problem is encountered during the installation the Sybase Central Agent log
file should be reviewed to pinpoint the problem. Once the problem has been
identified re-run the “create database” wizard after making any necessary
corrections. Additional Database Storage

Any additional storage space for IQ Main Storage should be added through
Sybase Central, the dbspace must be added with the Write Server started in
Simplex Mode
 Stop the Write Server using the stop_server script found in the server

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 Start the Write Server in Simplex mode by running the start_simplex

script found in the server directory
 Connect to the Write Server with Sybase Central after starting the
ASIQ-M Server in Simplex Mode. Open the utilities folder and right
click on the Write Server then select properties in the drop down menu
 Select the dbspace tab and then step through the add dbspace wizard,
again use the file systems link when referencing additional devices
 If the database is built on File System instead of raw devices it is
necessary to set the Database Option 'Disk_Striping' to ‘on” this turns
IQ Stripping on for the database.

3.3.2 Set the Main and Temp memory for the ASIQ-M Server
The memory configuration can be adjusted by modifying the params.cfg file
 Temp is normally configured with 60 to 70% of available cache
 Main is normally configured with 30 to 40 % of available cache
 Main is configured by adding the -iqmc switch to the params.cfg file,
specify the main cache size in MB
 Temp is configured by adding the -iqtc switch to the params.cfg file,
specify temporary cache size in MB
 Restart the multiplex for the new memory configuration to take affect
 Launch dbisql or dbisqlc and run the sp_iqstatus command
 Review the memory configuration of the ASIQ-M Server; the new
memory configuration should be in effect
An example setting cache size in the params.cfg file, 4 GB main cache and 12
GB temporary cache:
-iqmc 4096
-iqtc 12288

3.3.3 Important ASIQ-M Database Options

Using Sybase Central right click on the database and select the Set Options
menu option, verify and change the following database options. The LOAD_MEMORY_MB Database Option

Modify load_memory_mb, this configures heap memory, which is used in
database loads and deletes. The default value of 0 allows up to 500 MB of
heap memory to be used this memory is in addition to the ASIQ-M Server

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In Adaptive Server IQ-M, disk striping places data in each dbspace file
segment in a round-robin fashion (e.g. the first database page written goes to
the first dbspace, the second page written goes to the next dbspace, and so on).
In this way data gets distributed over all of the disks, this is referred to as
Stripe on Stripe SoS.
 The default is OFF for UNIX systems if file systems are used for Main
and Temp Storage
 When disk striping is ON, incoming data is spread across all dbspaces
with space available
 When disk striping is OFF, dbspaces (disk segments) are filled up from
the front on the logical file, filling one disk segment at a time
 When disk striping is on, you cannot drop dbspaces with the DROP
DBSPACE command
 When possible, allocate all dbspaces when you create a database. If
you add dbspaces later, IQ stripes new data across both old and new
dbspaces. Striping may even out, or it may remain unbalanced,
depending on the type of updates you have. The number of pages that
are turned over due to versioning has a major impact on whether
striping is rebalanced.

The QUERY_TEMP_SPACE_LIMIT option constrains the use of temporary
dbspace by user queries on a per connection basis; the default value is 2000
MB. If Adaptive Server IQ-M estimates that a query will require a temporary
result space larger than the value of this option, it rejects the query with the
following message:
Query rejected because it exceeds total space resource limit
If The QUERY_TEMP_SPACE_LIMIT option is set to zero, there is no limit
and no queries will ever be rejected based on estimates of temporary dbspace

By default, all cursors are scrolling which causes Adaptive Server IQ-M to
create a buffer for temporary storage of results. Each row in the result set is
stored to allow for backward scrolling. Turning this option ON forces all
cursors to be non-scrolling, thereby saving on temporary storage requirements.
If scrolling cursors are never used changing this option will make a visible
improvement in query performance.

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4. Creating Database Objects

4.1 Database Security

Database Security is used to control what data is available to different classes
of users. Application Security combined with Database Security allows
different users to see different data.

4.1.1 Database Level Security

Database Security is used to manage permissions within the database server.
Database Users, Groups and Permissions are used to control access to data
within the database server. Each table within the database has an owner and
that owner grants permissions to other users. In most cases users are
associated with GROUPS and permissions are granted to the group. Users and
groups can be added using scripts or by using the wizards within Sybase
 The owner of a table cannot be changed
 If a USER is not a member of the group that owns the table that USER
can only reference the table by proceeding the table name with the
owner name

4.1.2 Creating Database Users and Groups

Users and Groups are used to manage which users have access to tables, views
within a database. Permissions are used to control which USERS can add or
modify data within the database. The Steps for adding a GROUP using Sybase Central:

 Use Sybase Central to connect with the ASIQ-M Write Server
 Under the Users & Groups folder launch the Add User or Group
 Select the Create Group Radio Button and type the group name,
remember names are case sensitive
 Click the User/Group is allowed to connect check box and then enter
the password for the user, next click finish and the user is created
 Double Click on the newly create user and select the Membership tab
click the Join group button and select the group that the user should
belong to then click apply
 Right click on the group and select properties, select the permission tab
and set the appropriate permissions for the group

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 Use Sybase Central to connect with the ASIQ-M Write Server
 Under the Users & Groups folder launch the Add User or Group
 Select the Create User Radio Button and type the user name, remember
names are case sensitive
 Click the User/Group is allowed to connect check box and then enter
the password for the group
 Click the Resource create a user that will own tables
 Grant the user resource so that the user can create objects
 Grant group to the user so that all users of the group can reference
object names owned by the user without specifying the owner of the
object Adding Groups using Scripts

The commands to add a USER and GROUP:

Create a USER called REPORT:

Grant the REPORT USER the ability to create objects:
Create a USER called SALESPERSON:
Make the USER a member of the REPORT group:

4.1.3 Create Tables

Base tables are sometimes called main or permanent tables, because they are
stored in the main IQ Store, and are a permanent part of the database, until you
drop them explicitly. Base tables and the data in them are accessible to all
users who have the appropriate permissions.
 The ASIQ-M Write Server must be running in Simplex mode to create
base tables
 Tables should be created using dbisql or dbisqlc
 Connect to the Write Server as the User that the tables should be
owned by
 Ownership of tables can not be transferred between owners, if tables
are created using the wrong USER they must be re-created and the data
must be re-loaded

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 Care must be taken when creating tables with isql because the default
connection settings are different when connecting through open client
 See the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide
CHAPTER 3 for detailed information about ASIQ-M tables
 The sp_iqtable stored procedure can be used to view information about
all tables or a specific table
 See the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual CHAPTER 13 for
detailed information about System Stored Procedures Add Cardinality Information to your Table Creation Scripts

IQ UNIQUE defines the cardinality of the column, and it is used to optimize
the indexes internally. The default value for this constraint is 0, which gives
IQ no information for optimizing the default index. You should specify the IQ
UNIQUE constraint if the expected distinct count (i.e. the number of unique
values) for the column is less than or equal to 65536. This allows Adaptive
Server IQ to optimize the storage of this column’s data.
 Construct and execute select count(distinct column_name) from
table_name statements to determine true column cardinality
 Determine if a column is unique
 If a column has less than 65536 unique values add IQ UNIQUE syntax to
the DDL for that table
 If any DDL changes are necessary then drop and recreate the table and
then reload the data

4.1.4 Index Creation

 An understanding of the distributions of data for a column are
normally necessary to select the correct index
 An understanding of which columns are used to join between tables is
necessary to select the correct indexes
 An understanding of how a column is used in queries is necessary to
select the correct indexes
 See the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide
CHAPTER 4 for detailed information about ASIQ-M indexes
 The sp_iqindex stored procedure can be used to view what indexes are
currently created on all tables or a specific table
 The sp_iqindexsize gives detailed information about a specific index
 See the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual CHAPTER 13 for
detailed information about System Stored Procedures

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4.1.5 Managing User Permissions

The GRANT statement is used to grant database permissions to individual

4.2 Loading Tables with Data Monitoring Loads

Keep track of the status of your load by watching output to the ASIQ-M
message log, the message log is normally named <database name>.iqmsg
tail –f <database name>.iqmsg Loading from Files

The ASIQ-M load table command is used to load the IQ database from flat
files. The load table command starts the bulk loader that is built into the
database server, the bulk loader is capable of loading data from fixed length
files and variable length delimited files.
 The data files should be local to the Server where ASIQ-M is running Loading from Database Servers

Load tables by connecting with other Adaptive Servers or Sybase
DirectConnect Gateways

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5. Monitoring ASIQ-M
There are several tools that are useful for monitoring the ASIQ-M Server and
resources at the operating system level. This section provides a high level
view of some of the different monitoring methods.

5.1.1 Monitoring which USERS are Connected

The sp_iqconnection procedure shows information about connections,
including which users are using temporary dbspace, which users are keeping
versions alive, what the connections are doing inside IQ, connection status,
database version status and other information.
 See the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual CHAPTER 13 for
detailed information about System Stored Procedures

5.1.2 Monitoring Client Connections and SQL

The –zo and –zr server startup switches can be added to the params.cfg file,
they allow all SQL and Connection information to be logged to a text file, this
is helpful for debugging SQL and Connection problems.
 The –zo switch redirects request-level logging information to a file
separate from the regular log file.
 The -zr SQL switch logs detailed information about connections and
-zo /home/sybase/sqllog.txt
-zr sql

5.1.3 Using the IQ Message Log to Monitor Activity

One method to monitor ASIQ-M during the loading of data is to monitor the
IQ message log. This can be accomplished using the UNIX tail command.
tail –f <database name>.iqmsg
Sample of output in the IQ Message Log: Page 226 - Administration and
Performance Guide.
Interpreting notification messages
By default, Adaptive Server IQ displays information about your database
during insert and load operations. The statistics in these messages indicate
when you need to perform maintenance and optimization tasks, such as adding
more dbspaces. The messages also report on the progress of the load. This
section explains each notification message. At the start of the insert is a
description of the operation, such as this one:
In table ’partsupp’, the full width insert of 5 columns will begin at
record 1.
2001-02-27 13:03:47 0000000002 Insert Started:
2001-02-27 13:03:47 0000000002 partsupp
2001-02-27 13:03:48 0000000002 [20270]:

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=n*** File: /remote/rip/tpcd_data/scale_1/partsupp.tbl

Each time it inserts the number of records specified in the NOTIFY load
option, Adaptive Server IQ sends a message like this:

2001-02-27 13:03:49 0000000002 [20897]: 100000 Records, 2 Seconds

Mem: 469mb/M470
Main Blks: U63137/6%, Buffers: U12578/L7
Temporary Blks: U273/0%, Buffers: U1987/L1960
Main I: L331224/P22 O: D25967/P7805 C:D0
Temporary I: L25240/P8 O: D4749/P0 C:D0

The first line shows how many rows Adaptive Server IQ has read since the last
notification message, and the number of seconds taken reading them. Even if
Adaptive Server IQ reads the same number of messages each time, the amount
of time will vary depending on the data read (for example, how many data
conversions are required). Reported time intervals smaller than 1 second are
usually reported as “0 Secs”.

5.1.4 Sybase Adaptive Server IQ Performance Monitor

SAMPLE REPORT from output file created by IQ UTILITIES
Options string for Main cache: "-summary -interval 2"

This information was split into two sections to make it more readable:
Active Main Cache
Users Finds HR% Reads/Writes GDirty Pin% Dirty% InUse%
2 24873652 99.9 194118/282041 60 0.1 6.7 100.0
2 0 0.0 0/0 0 0.1 6.7 100.0
2 0 0.0 0/0 0 0.1 6.7 100.0
2 0 0.0 0/0 0 0.1 6.7 100.0
2 1204 100.0 0/0 0 0.1 6.8 100.0
2 0 0.0 0/0 0 0.1 6.8 100.0
2 0 0.0 0/0 0 0.1 6.8 100.0

Temp Cache
Finds HR% Reads/Writes GDirty Pin% Dirty% InUse%
1377806 100.0 0/1248 0 0.0 0.9 1.0
0 0.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0
0 0.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0
0 0.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0
2 100.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0
0 0.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0

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0 0.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0

0 0.0 0/0 0 0.0 0.9 1.0


$ iostat 2
tty md0 md1 md2 md10 cpu
tin tout kps tps serv kps tps serv kps tps serv kps tps serv us sy wt id
0 20 2 0 18 1 0 16 1 0 16 1 0 259 1 1 0 99
0 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 99
0 496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 98
0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
0 510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 98
0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 99 UNIX VMSTAT

$ vmstat 2
procs memory page disk faults cpu
r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr m0 m1 m2 m1 in sy cs us sy id
0 0 0 14610088 21488552 24 14 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3845 194 78 1 1 99
0 0 0 4556864 15229216 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3969 225 205 0 1 99
0 0 0 4556512 15228440 42 329 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5478 5698 1687 1 1 98
0 0 0 4556160 15227656 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6937 10555 3143 1 3 97
0 0 0 4556160 15227464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3978 260 151 0 0 100
0 0 0 4556160 15227272 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4010 467 223 2 1 97
0 0 0 4556160 15227024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4041 256 250 0 2 98

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