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BIOLOGY Practice Book

Q.7 _______ have small sized ribosomes 70S

as, compared to ______ having 80S.
(The Cell)
A) Prokaryotes, eukaryotes
Q.1 Contrary to the animal cell, in plant cell
B) Protists, eukaryotes
nucleus is located in periphery due to
the large size of: C) Eukaryotes, prokaryotes
A) Nucleus itself C) Cell D) Eukaryotes, protists
B) Vacuole D) Plastids Q.8 Pick up that feature of prokaryotic cells
which is missing in eukaryotic cells:
Q.2 The plant cells differ from animal cells
in having: A) Presence of Extra chromosomal DNA
A) Chloroplast C) Ribosome B) Presence of cell wall
B) Mitochondria D) Nucleus C) Presence of ribosomes
Q.3 Both animal and plant cells are included D) Chromosomes submerged in cytoplasm
in: Q.9 Modern technology has revealed that
A) Prokaryotic category lipid bilayer is:
B) Unicellular category A) Sandwiched between two protein layers
C) Eukaryotic category B) Embedded in two protein layers
D) Coenocytic category C) Not sandwiched between two protein
Q.4 The biggest eukaryotic cell is:
D) Dispersed in two protein layers
A) Ostrich’s egg
Q.10 As allowing only selective substances to
B) Tortoise’s egg
pass through it, the plasma membrane
C) Human skin cell is also called as:
D) Turtle’s egg A) Cell membrane
Q.5 The differences between these two types B) Differentially permeable membrane
of cells are mainly based upon the
C) Cytoplasmic membrane
structure of their nuclei. The cells are:
D) Plasmalemma
A) Animal and plant cells
Q.11 The energy required for active transport
B) Bacterial and viral cells
of substances is provided by:
C) Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
A) Food C) Coenzymes
D) Muscle and nerve cells
B) Glucose D) ATP
Q.6 ________ cells generally lack many of
Q.12 In many animal cells, the cell membrane
the membrane bound structures found
helps to take in material by infoldings in
in ______ cells.
the form of vacuole. This type of intake
A) Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic is termed as:
B) Prokaryotic, Algal A) Pinocytosis C) Exocytosis
C) Fungal, Algal B) Phagocytosis D) Endocytosis
D) Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic
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Q.13 Cell membrane transmits nerve impulse B) Fungal cells D) Animals cells
from one part of the body to the other
Q.22 Chlorophyll is absent in:
A) Animal cells C) Protist cells
A) Muscle cells C) Nerve cells
B) Bone cells D) Epithelial cells B) Plant cells D) Prokaryotic cells

Q.14 The outer most boundary of a plant cell Q.23 Pick up the characteristic of a plant cell:
is: A) Nucleus lies at centre
A) Cell membrane C) Pellicle B) Possesses many small vacuoles
B) Cell wall D) Capsule C) Mitochondria are fewer
Q.15 DNA content is comparatively low in: D) Mitochondria are numerous
A) Prokaryotic cell C) Plant cell Q.24 Pick up a characteristic of plant cells:
B) Eukaryotic cell D) Animal cell A) Anastral spindle
Q.16 In which one of the following DNA B) Amphiastral spindle
content is not halved during cell
division: C) Centrioles are present
A) Eukaryotic cell C) Animal cell D) Plasmids are present
B) Prokaryotic cell D) Plant cell Q.25 Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate method
Q.17 In which one of the following cells, both
transcription and translation occurs in A) Animal cells C) Plant cells
B) Bacterial cells D) Protist cells
A) Fungal cells C) Moneran cells
Q.26 Pick up a characteristic of animal cell:
B) Protist cells D) Animal cells
A) Tissue fluid bathes the cells
Q.18 Thylakoids lie freely in cytoplasm in:
B) Tissue fluid is absent
A) Animal cells C) Plant cell
C) Glyoxisomes are rarely present
B) Eukaryotic cells D) Prokaryotic cells
D) Lysosomes are rare
Q.19 Sap vacuoles are mostly absent in:
Q.27 They do not burst when placed in
A) Eukaryotic cells C) Fungal cells hypotonic solution:
B) Prokaryotic cells D) Plant cells A) Animal cells C) Red blood cells
Q.20 There is no gametogenesis in: B) Plant cells D) Plant protoplasts
A) Protists C) Prokaryotes Q.28 Phospholipid molecules of plasma
B) Fungi D) Eukaryotes membrane are found in:
Q.21 Microtubules and microfilaments are A) Parallel arrangement
absent in:
B) Alternate arrangement
A) Bacterial cells C) Plant cells
C) Scattered arrangement
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D) Zigzag arrangement D) Neither outer nor inner

Q.29 Following functions are performed by Q.36 Human naked eye cannot differentiate
cell membrane, EXCEPT: the two points which have:
A) Cell drinking C) Cell vomiting A) Distance of 1.0 mm between them
B) Cell eating D) Autolysis B) Distance of 2.0 mm between them
Q.30 Infolds or invaginations in cell C) Distance of 3.0 mm between them
membrane are used for following D) Distance of 2.0 m between them
functions, EXCEPT:
Q.37 Two points located at 2.0 m distance
A) Endocytosis from each other can be differentiated:
B) Phagocytosis A) By means of naked eye
C) Microvilli formation B) By means of compound microscope
D) Pinocytosis C) By means of magnifying lens
Q.31 Diffusion and osmosis are two types of: D) By means of dissecting microscope
A) Active transport Q.38 Two points which are 2 – 4 Angstrom
B) Passive transport apart can be differentiated by:
C) Uphill movement A) Human naked eye
D) Facilitated transport B) Compound microscope
Q.32 Which of the following function is not C) Electron microscope
performed by plasma membrane? D) Dissecting microscope
A) Ingestion Q.39 Two points which are 2 – 4 Angstrom
B) Secretion apart are illuminated for differentiation
C) Locomotion by:
D) Osmotic resistance A) Torch light
Q.33 Give an example of passive transport B) Beam of electrons
across plasma membrane: C) Ordinary sunlight
A) Plasmolysis and deplasmolysis D) Red light
B) Endocytosis and exocytosis Q.40 The object observed by electron
C) Reabsorption of Na+ from ascending microscope looks upto:
limb of loop of Henle A) 250000x greater than actual size
D) Reabsorption of water from urine B) 25000x greater than actual size
collecting duct C) 100000x greater than actual size
Q.34 A fluid droplet is ingested by plasma D) 10000x greater than actual size
membrane through:
Q.41 Electron microscope magnifies the
A) Phagocytosis C) Endocytosis object ______ greater than that of
B) Pinocytosis D) Exocytosis compound microscope:
Q.35 Which one of the following surfaces of A) 500x C) 125000x
plasma membrane is hydrophilic? B) 2500x D) 250000x
A) Outer
B) Inner
C) Both outer and inner

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Explanation: Chloroplast is a green

plastid. It is associated with
(Worksheet-5) photosynthesis. Animal cells, being
1 B 21 A heterotroph lack it. It occurs in plant cells
2 A 22 A and algal cells. See the figure given above
3 C 23 C for chloroplast.
4 A 24 A Q.3 Answer is “Eukaryotic Category”
5 C 25 C Explanation: Kingdom Animalia, plantae
6 D 26 A and Protista are included in eukaryotes.
7 A 27 B They have a definite membrane bound
8 D 28 A nucleus and membrane bound organelles
9 C 29 D in their cells. However, bacteria and
10 B 30 C cyanobacteria are prokaryotic groups.
11 D 31 B Both animal and plants are multicellular.
Aseptate fungi is coenocytic.
12 D 32 D
13 C 33 A Q.4 Answer is “Ostrich’s egg”
14 B 34 B Explanation: It is obvious from these
15 A 35 C figures related to Ostrich’s egg:
16 B 36 D Length – 15 cm
17 C 37 B Width – 13 cm
18 D 38 C Weight – 1.4 kg
19 B 39 B Q.5 Answer is “Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
20 C 40 A cells”
41 A Explanation: Prokaryotic cell lacks a
definite membrane bound nucleus, their
EXPLANATION non-discrete chromosome (DNA) is
Q.1 Answer is “Vacuole” directly suspended in the cytoplasm.
Explanation: Plant cell have a central, However, the eukaryotic cell have a
single, larger vacuole, which occupies definite membrane bound nucleus
almost 70% of the area of cell, pushing the consisting up of a double nuclear
nucleus, cytoplasm and cytoplasmic membrane which separates its
organelles towards periphery. nucleoplasm, discrete chromosomes and
nucleoli from cytoplasm.

Q.2 Answer is “Chloroplast” Q.6 Answer is “Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic”

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Explanation: Prokaryotic cells (e.g. Q.9 Answer is “Not sandwiched between

bacteria), lack membrane bound two protein layers”
organelles, like mitochondria, chloroplast, Explanation: Modern technology,
Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endoplasmic particularly electron microscope enabled
reticulum etc; however, they contain non- us to improve our understanding about the
membranous organelles like ribosomes. ultrastructure of plasma membrane. It has
On the other hand, eukaryotic cells contain led to the proposal of “Fluid Mosaic
all types of organelles i.e. membraneless, Model”. According to this model protein
single membrane bound and double do not make any layer. There is a
membrane bound. phospholipid bilayer in which protein
Q.7 Answer is “Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic” molecules have been embedded in mosaic
Explanation: Prokaryotic ribosomes are manner. So, protein molecules never form
smaller in size with 70s (rate of any layer to sandwich the phospholipid
sedimentation). They come into being by bilayer.
fusion of two subunits i.e. a smaller
subunit with 30s and a longer subunit with
50s. On the other hand eukaryotic
ribosomes are larger in size with 80s, rate
of sedimentation. They come into being by
fusion of two subunits i.e. smaller subunit
with 40s rate of sedimentation and larger
subunit with 60s rate of sedimentation.

Q.10 Answer is “Differentially permeable

Explanation: As the plasma membrane
behave differentially or selectively i.e.
allowing the selective substance to cross it,
it is called as selectively or differentially
permeable membrane. In its selective or
Q.8 Answer is “Chromosomes submerged in differential behavior, it allows the larger
cytoplasm” hydrocarbon molecules to pass through it
Explanation: As prokaryotic cell lacks but stops smaller ionic or polar substances.
nuclear membrane; thus, its
chromosome/DNA is directly submerged
into the cytoplasm.

Q.11 Answer is “ATP”

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Explanation: ATP (adenosine Explanation: Prokaryotes typically have

triphosphate) is an energy currency of the one chromosomes. These cells can also
cell. Its second and third phosphate have smaller DNA structures called
represents the so called “high energy plasmids. The number of base pairs in
bonds”. prokaryotic chromosomes ranges from
Q.12 Answer is “Endocytosis” 160,000 to 12.2 million, depending upon
Explanation: Endocytosis is a sort of the species. Eukaryotes frequently have
active transport in which a cell transports multiple types of chromosomes with many
molecules (food) into the cell by engulfing more base pairs. For example humans have
them. The food is wrapped into a part of 23 pairs of chromosomes, containing
cell membrane in the form of vacuole, then about 2.9 billion base pairs in total.
it is ingested. If food being ingested in this
way is liquid the endocytosis will be called
as pinocytosis.

Q.16 Answer is “Prokaryotic cell”

Explanation: Prokaryotes are unicellular
organisms and lack mitotic cycle.
However, in eukaryotes in ‘M’ phase of
cell cycle amount of DNA is halved which
is doubled again in ‘S’ phase of cell cycle.
Q.13 Answer is “Nerve cells” Q.17 Answer is “Moneran cell”
Explanation: Nerve impulse travels Explanation: Moneran cells being
across the cell membrane of nerve cell as a prokaryotic lack nuclear membrane and
wave of electrochemical change. DNA is directly submerged in cytoplasm
Q.14 Answer is “Cell wall” so transcription also occurs in cytoplasm.
Explanation: the outermost boundary of
a plant cell is cell wall. Cell membrane
comes next to the cell wall. However, in
animal cells, cell membrane is the
outermost boundary as there is no cell

Q.18 Answer is “Prokaryotic cells”

Explanation: As there are no plastids
(e.g. chloroplasts) so thylakoids are freely
scattered in cytoplasm of cyanobacterial
prokaryotic cells.
Q.15 Answer is “Prokaryotic cell” Q.19 Answer is “Prokaryotic cells”
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Explanation: Most of the bacteria lack Explanation: In plant cells, cytokinesis

sap vacuole (a membrane bound occurs in centrifugal way i.e. starts from
organelle), except three genera of the centre of the cell and is accomplished
filamentous sulphur bacteria, the towards periphery. Microtubules of
Thioploca, Beggiatoa and Thiomargarita. spindle are reorganized in the centre of the
Gas vacuoles are present in some species cell in the form of phragmoplast. In
of cyanobacteria between phragmoplast cell plate formation
Q.20 Answer is “Prokaryotes” starts by the fusion of golgi vesicles, which
Explanation: As prokaryotes lack ultimately divides the cell into two halves.
traditional sexual reproduction, so there is Animals cell Plant cell
no gametogenesis. However, they get the
benefit of sexual reproduction
(recombination) through conjugation,
transduction and transformation.
Q.21 Answer is “Bacterial cell”
Explanation: Bacterial cell being
prokaryotic have their own cytoskeletal
fabric such as FtsZ, MreB, CreS etc.
However they lack microtubules and
microfilaments of eukaryotes.
Q.22 Answer is “Animal cells”
Explanation: Kingdom “Animalia” and
“Fungi” being exclusively heterotrophic
lack chlorophyll. However, the rest of the Q.26 Answer is “Tissue fluid bathes the cells”
three kingdoms are either partly (Protista
Explanation: Tissue fluid or lymph is a
and Monera) or completely (Plantae)
characteristic of animal cells. It is absent in
autotrophic and have chlorophyll for
plants. Rest of the three choices carry
characteristics of animal cells.
Q.23 Answer is “Mitochondria are fewer”
Q.27 Answer is “Plant cells”
Explanation: As plant cells are
comparatively less active than animal Explanation: Due to the presence of cell
cells, they need less energy and afford wall as an outer rigid boundary plant cells
fewer mitochondria. do not burst and resist osmotic pressure or
Q.24 Answer is “Anastral spindle” turgor pressure
Explanation: Plant cells lack centrioles Q.28 Answer is “Parallel arrangement”
and make spindle without asters. Explanation: Molecules of phospholipids
are arranged in two parallel layers in all
cellular membranes.

Q.25 Answer is “Plant cell”

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Q.33 Answer is “Plasmolysis & deplasmolysis”

Explanation: Plasmolysis & deplasmolysis
always occur according to concentration
gradient i.e. passive transport.
Q.34 Answer is “Pinocytosis”
Explanation: Ingestion of a liquid through
cell membrane is called pinocytosis. It is
also called as cell drinking.
Q.29 Answer is “Autolysis” Q.35 Answer is “Both outer and inner”
Explanation: Autolysis is performed by Explanation: Because both outer and
lysosomes, however cell drinking inner surfaces consist of heads of
(pinocytosis), cell eating (phagocytosis) phospholipid molecules.
and cell vomiting (exocytosis) are
Q.36 Answer is “Distance of 2.0 m between
performed by cell membrane.
Q.30 Answer is “Microvilli formation”
Explanation: Microvilli are outfolds or
Sr. Source of
outvaginations of epithelial cells of villi of Resolution
# visualization
ileum of small intestine. They enhance the
absorptive surface area. 1) Human naked eye 1.0 mm
2) Compound 2.0 m
3) Electron 2–4
microscope Angstrom
Q.37 Answer is “By means of compound
Explanation: See explanation of Q # 36.
Q.38 Answer is “Electron microscope”
Explanation: See explanation of Q # 36.
Q.31 Answer is “Passive transport” Q.39 Answer is “Beam of electrons”
Explanation: Active transport or uphill Explanation:
movement is always against concentration
gradient whereas facilitated transport may Compound Electron
be active as well as passive. However microscope microscope
diffusion and osmosis occurs according to Source of Ordinary light Beam of
concentration gradient. These are types of illumination electrons
passive transport. Millions of Thousands of
Q.32 Answer is “Osmotic resistance” Cost
Rupees rupees
Explanation: Osmotic resistance is the Size Handy Huge
function of cell wall, however cell
Falls in line of Does not fall in
membrane is involved in locomotion Object
vision line of vision
through pseudopodia formation, ingestion
(endocytosis) and secretion (exocytosis). Magnification 10000 times 250,000

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Q.40 Answer is “250000x greater than actual

Explanation: See explanation of Q # 39.
Q.41 Answer is “500x”
Explanation: See explanation of Q # 39.

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