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Dear Tricia,

I am writing to inform you that monthly performance assertment was finished and
I would really like to discuss it with you
It has unfortunately come to my attention that you have failed to reach your target
for the second consecutive month. It shows that the average time you spend with
a client is 6.2 minutes but all agents are required no more than 5 minutes to deal
with customer calling. I hope/expect you’ll be able to reduce/lower the calling
time over the next month.
In terms of absences, it’s regretful that you were recorded being off sick for three
days and late for work on four occasions. I would like to have a discussion with
you to figure out what are reasons for this. I suggest we will meet on Friday this
week after your final working shift. If you cannot manage to meet that time,
please let me know what time would be suitable.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,

Dear Tricia,
I am writing to inform you that the monthly performance assessment was finished
and I would really like to discuss it with you. Besides, there would be some
suggestions so that you can work more efficiently.
1. Unfortunately, for the second consecutive month, you have not succeeded in
reaching your target. The average time you spend with a client is 6.2 minutes.
Please pay attention that all agents are expected to deal with a customer’s
booking within 5 minutes.
2. An additional issue is absences. You were off sick three days this month, and
arrived late for work on four occasions. It’s easy to undertand that you might
have some private problems. If you need to discuss and find out some solutions
for this, please let me know. I hope to see your performance enhanced next
Best regards,
Dear Tricia
I am writing to discuss your monthly performance review and give you some
advice to help you work more efficiently.
Unfortunately, for the second consecutive month, you have not achieved your
target. Could you please pay attention to the time you spend with a client? The
average time you spend with a client is about 6.2 minutes. (compare to the
standard average time by an agent) Please try to deal with a customer's booking
within five minutes as you were noticed before.
Besides, your another issue is absence. You were off sick three days this month,
and arrived late for work on four occasions. It’s easy to undertand that you might
have some private problems. If you need to discuss and find out some solutions
for this, please let me know. I hope to see your performance enhanced next
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,

Dear Tricica,
According to the company’s monthly report, I regret to inform that you have failed
to reach your target for second consecutive month. Your performance is under
expectations in terms of both absences and time limit for customer’s booking.
As announced in the company’s regulations, time allowed to deal with a
customer’s booking is no more than five minutes. However, the average time you
spend with a client is 6.2 minutes.
In terms of absences, you were off sick three days and arrived late for work on
four occasions.
I hope that you will have a better work performance next month. If you have any
difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact me to ask for help and advice.
(giống nhóm Thương)
Best Regards,
Formal letter
I’m writing to inform you that the Metropolitian Chamber of Commerce is
organising a special event from 17 to 20 November on the subject of “Business
We would be delighted if you could attend and give a talk to the local business
community on a topic of your choice. We expect local businesspeople and
dignitaries to be present, including the Minister of Business and Innovation.
If you wish to participate in this prestigious event, I would be grateful if you could
confirm your attendance and the subject of your talk no later than 31 August.
Please find attached a speaker’s proposal form. Could you also let me know
whether you wish to come to the charity dinner that will be held on the last day of
the conference? Should you require any further details, please don’t hesitate to
contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Events manager, Metropolitian Chamber of commerce

Reply email
Thank you for your email. I writing to confirm that I would be delighted to give a
talk to the local business community at the conference in November.
Please find attched my completed speaker’s proposal form, as requested. I also
confirm that I would like to attend the charity dinner on the last day. I would be
grateful if you could also organise four nights accommodation for me
If you have any question about my talk, please do not hesitate to contact me
I look forward to meeting you at the conference
Email to chosen figure
Information of receiver
I am writing to thank you for your attending the charity dinner and supporting our
organization. Logistaid is happy to announce that the charity event took place
successfully and we were able to raise 10 million dollars. We are delighted inform
you that you have been chosen to promote Logistaid’s new educational
programme as our public figure.
Logistaid has planned a public meeting in local area to raise awareness of the
poor conditons of remote areas. We would like to create a public funding and
attract potential sponsors to help the areas affected by natural disasters in the
underprivileged countries of the world.
Logistaid would like to invite you to our forum meeting planned to be held on
february 25th, 2021 at Logistaid’s offices. The meeting will inform all partners of
the details of this program.
If you would like to attend, please confirm your attendance by replying to us in
writing no later than February 10th, 2021.
We look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards,
Truong Yen Nhi
Manager director of Logistaid

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