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Develop Change Management Strategy

Overview of the Business

The Fast Track Courier business is an extremely reputed market participant that is concerned about
making the delivery assignments within the New South Wales region. It has been delivering consistent
performance within the marketplace for the past fifteen years. The major operations that the business
is concerned in embody, the shipment of parcels.

The team of the Fast Track is always dedicated to its services because it believes in manufacturing
the great for the customers.

Report on the changes of Fast track courier services

A brief analysis of the company's objectives to spot the required changes:

Change in goals:

Goal 1:

The main target of the organization is to accomplish the strategic goals and to maintain the
operational factors to make sure a stronger business scale for the firm. The organization has aims to
reinforce the market structure in additional locations to reach more individuals in a short interval.

But, to develop this, the organization must have a good understanding of the technology, competitors,
support from the staff. When a firm makes it’s base strong in terms of technology, then it makes a
tough competition to its competitors.

The advancement within the technological fields helps to induce a stronger value. Technology plays a
key role in any organization.

The hurdles are common to every sector, however, the approach to solve makes the difference. Some
try and resolve the matter by going deep into it, and few try to cut the cause. Therefore, technology
helps to trace the details and even helps in case of emergency, which is the best part of this

Goal 2:

Apart from tracking the records, the digital methods or approaches are helping the firm to collect the
crucial data or information regarding the policies and other procedures that help in maintaining the
systems perfectly. Policies are needed to be followed by every employee working for the organization.
The technology additionally helps to envision the utilization of resources and offers an accurate report
on this to the authorities.

a. Who:

The Company has planned to develop the utilization of technology, the GPS systems or the Personal
Digital Assistant (PDA) to reinforce the distribution systems of the organization. The organization
proposes to grow the business in additional metropolitan cities, which will, in turn, increase the share
of the organization within the marketplace by delivering products.

This can solely be achieved by the economical workforce furthermore like developed or advanced
technology. The company conjointly plans to expand its productivity reports by victimization the
correct personal digital assistant knowledge. The slow distribution systems of the corporate turn out
late delivery service to the users WHO will place a negative image on the others; therefore, the
developers of the firm are trying onerous to decrease the delivery system by creating some effective

b. How:

The lack in the training sessions results in some problems, so the organization is planning to change
the systems to bring back the trust from the employees as well as to encourage the staff to yield
higher merchandise for additional profit. The training programs are given to a group of people who are
in need of that as the changes are not always easy to be adopted by all.

The employees are categorized and put in a different organizational structure to scale down the
number of threats from the organization. In the end, it is an employee's responsibility to take the
training seriously and adapt to it, so that the organization can provide better productivity

c. When:

The organization always aims to build up the market share so to be preferred as the best choice by
the customers. To facilitate some products and to offer better facilities to the customers, the company
wants to change the delivery system. The company has always maintained a strong bond with the
employees, and many such workers are with the organization for a long time.

The link between the identified changes and firm strategic plan goals

Strategic goals A related change in goals

To develop the business in Goal 1 is about keeping up the

additional cities, particularly in the implementation of the GPS system
metropolitan areas because they track the supplies and
the deliveries in an efficient manner.
The firm aims to attain higher
productivity by improving the efficacy
of the GPS systems, which will
automatically enhance the scope in
the marketplace.

Plans to deliver medium and large It is true that to increase the scope of
size products within the delivery the market or to open some options
method to increase the market for delivering large size of products
share by 7.5%. always needs technological support.
To help the organization in a short
time, technology must be used, this
also increases productivity.

Managing the employees by using To improve the bond between the

the advanced versions of the workers and track the records of
technology. them needs the right installation of
technical tools, which will help to
mark the process and will locate the
location easily. The organization
needs to have a better version of the
GPS systems.

To develop the workplace effectively Workers continuously need some

and efficiently. motivation and easy services to
deliver the products on time. The
automated gate systems will help the
drivers to a great extent. The manual
labor will be reduced to a huge
extent, and they will feel active to
work for longer period.

Analysis of cost
a. What are the requirements?

After analyzing, the firm has planned to install new technical tools, to extend the numbers of trucks
and to alter the strategic implementation. When the changes are finished, it will require more amounts
of money, human resources, and tools.

Lifting up new automatic gates, change in the style of technological tools and using commercial trucks
will demand more cost from the organization. In addition to this, the firm has as well planned to
increase the share market rate to 7.5% as a result of which they are expecting more profits for the
organization. The organization has to spend more on fulfilling these requirements for the betterment of

b. Define the change of cost

Initially, the organization has planned to alter the policy of the truck drivers. The new policy has been
changed from sending 2 drivers per truck to one driver per truck. The firm made the changes to bring
benefits to the organization by increasing their comfortability.

The drivers are suggested to use one truck for one driver, and therefore the other drivers have to
drive the new truck they purchase. The organization has additionally planned to bump up the number
of trucks to increase productivity.

These novel trucks will facilitate the drivers to deliver within a short time to more areas, which will
result in a positive manner. To minimize the delivery time, increase pattern of delivery the company
has increased the number of trucks.

The addition of staff will demand or incur a value for the organization, which additionally attracts
expenses. Extra charges are required to increase the delivery options. To develop the rate of
productivity, the company is trying to set up new things, but special things cost more.
c. What are the risks?

The practices, operations, and policies that have a major impact on the strategic goals are under risk
for an organization. The risks are associated with the firm's investment along with the other things,
which are mentioned below:

Impact on people:

Most of the issues are related to the organization's strategic goals. Employees can only work properly
and give maximum productivity, only when they feel secure. Results can be achieved as planned.
Installation of the PDA systems in the trucks made the drivers feel that the organization doesn't trust
them. This policy

Also, the policy for the drivers that one driver is assigned to a particular truck instead of two had
impacted the truck drivers which resulted in the poor management process and led to bad working

Impact of the processes

For better performance of the drivers, the organization has planned to change the systems. The
organization has decided to install the PDA systems, due to the slow distribution process in delivery
systems, which are supposed to minimize the workloads and will deliver the products within a short
time. But, the drivers against this and they are thinking that the automatic gates, as well as the PDA
systems, are affecting the delivery process due to the involvement of the man-handled unloading and
loading services.

Impact of the Technology

By planning proper GPS systems as well as PDA systems within the firm, the organization has
planned to change the monitoring process. These devices provide better services in less time, by
increasing the security process and enhancing the productivity of the company.

But employees are against it because they thought that the organization has trust issues and hence,
they are planning to install the new devices to track them.

Impact of the structure

The General Manager of the organization is out of town for most of the time and the direct
communication with the workers is very low. Managers get the reports from other authorities regarding
the work and make the changes for the workers.

This led to the demotivation on the workers as they were helpless to share their views on the
implementation of the policies. For the workers, to work effectively, there is no such administration,
control or workforce.

d. What are the benefits of every change?

With the change comes the benefits to the organization. The firm has planned to improve the
technical tools like a change in the GPS system. GPS systems are useful in tracking the details of the
employees, the direction of the vehicles as well as other essential information about the company.

Lifestyle has become so easy and charming with the advancement in technology. Finding the details
regarding anything now is easy without wasting time. To avoid the unknown attacks and to maintain
the workplace in a definite pattern, advanced tools are used in the companies. It is vital to install the
devices like GPS and PDA systems within the firm, to maintain a secure workplace.

There are other positive impacts on the services due to the change in the systems, apart from the
technical tools. After implementing new truck services in the company, these changes are possible.
The delivery of the materials will increase, and the trucks will be able to carry some larger or medium
size materials when the number of trucks is more.

As the drivers get enough time to deliver the products when the number of trucks increased, the
workloads of the drivers will also decrease. As the driver will get sufficient time to communicate with
each other while delivering the services, there will be less restriction on the time factor.

The efficiency of the work will also increase as a result of which the company will enhance the scale
of productivity, with the rise in the trucks within the firm. As per the company's policy, the firm has
decided to appoint one driver in one truck due to the increase in the trucks. Pressure on the drivers
will be decreased this way. Employees will enjoy their work and feel motivated by the new changes.

e. Analyzing the benefits against the costs and risks

Change Cost Risk Benefit

Change in the Because of the As it is not

GPS system installation of the possible to
GPS systems, the maintain the
drivers feel that records in pen
the organization and paper, GPS
does not trust will give proper
them. information.

With the new

changes in the
GPS systems, a
clear idea about
the competitors in
the marketplace
will be attained.

Including more Cost may be while delivering The efficiency of

number of 6000000 the products to the work will also
trucks, the regional enhance, with the
locations within rise in the trucks.
the next three As they have
years, the enough options to
organization will transfer the
face certain products of any
issues. size within the
stipulated time
frame, the
delivery capacity
of the
organization will
also rise.

Driver policy May affect the Drivers are ready Much of the
change; One salary process to accept the tensions will be
driver per truck or wages change that the reduced by the
firm has planned change in the
to make. Drivers policy of drivers.
are unsatisfied
They can easily
with the services
use the resources
and with the
and can fulfill the
decision of the
requirements on

The issues
related to the
delivery process
will reduce to a
great extent.

injuries will also
decrease with the
implementation of
the new systems
within the

f. Categorized changes


As they are providing a huge number of options to change the present scenario, sometimes the
changes are highly feasible. The changes might be costly, but once the changes are done, then the
benefits will automatically come for the rest of the future.

i. Feasible changes

Changes are necessary for any organization. Changes must be accepted by the organization, but the
changes should be by the strategic goals of the firm. Both the internal as well as the external
environment of the organization must be changed. The company has to see all the possibilities that
are associated with it while redesigning the structure.
With the rise in time, the goal of the firm needs to be changed; the organization has to build strength
with others by implementing the new changes as well as accepting various procedures. Any of the
changes in hierarchy, characteristics, and goals of the organization within the firm will fall under the
structural changes. Therefore, it is necessary to watch the structural changes as the entire division of
the company depends on these categories.

ii. Maybe feasible:

Reviewing the processes that are implemented in the firm is very important. Checking the processes
frequently will ensure better productivity for the organization and will allow the company to run
smoothly. As there are several options to carry forward the process in an effective manner, the
services that are already established in the organization needs to change.

iii. Not feasible:

Changes made within the organization are employee oriented. Employees must adapt to the changes
to yield great productivity.

Risks associated with the change’s requirements:

Change Risk Barrier

Implementation of the Few workers might not Experts might

GPS be willing to accept the sometimes not be
change. New GPS available to train on the
system results might new devices to the
not be accepted by the employees. Employees
old employees. It might are initially not ready to
take much time to train accept the change, as
the employees they don’t want
regarding the new someone to track them
services, even if the using the GPS
workers are accepting systems.
the changes, which will
again require much

New automatic gates While loading and During the setup time,
unloading, drivers face the professional
problems. To set up workers might face
the structure, it needs certain difficulties.
a huge amount of They face issues while
money. transferring from place
to place, as new
drivers are unaware of
the facts.

One driver is assigned Chances of losing the The toughest things in

to one truck. old employees are every organization are
more this way. When to motivate the staff to
they are alone, drivers accept the change.
will be unable to
release the pressure.

c. Strategies for the mitigation

To reduce the overall impact of the risk that is probably occurring in the organization, the mitigation
strategies are required. It is always vital to develop a high-level of mitigation strategy; otherwise, the
effects will be more like increasing staffing or reducing the shape. The processes that help in
developing the actions to enhance the opportunities as well as to reduce the chances of threats are
called risk mitigation strategies.

Assume: Assume a particular risk, and make some deliberate decisions to accept it without involving
or engaging the special efforts to control it.

Avoid: program constraints must be adjusted to reduce the risk. Program adjustments can be
accommodated by changing the funds, technical requirements or schedule.

Control: Implement the actions properly.

Transfer: Organization redesigning regarding accountability, responsibility, and authority.

Watch/monitor: Monitor the surroundings to see the effects of changes or impact of changes.

Change management plan

The change management system is adopted in the organization due to poor performances of the
employees as well as managers.

a. Determine: It is necessary to determine what are the changes are required for the firm, from where
the resources will come, how to implement the changes and what it will do for the target audience.

b. Brainstorm the ideas: After determining the factors, collect various ideas from various resources
to reach a particular solution. Brainstorming helps in evaluating as well as analyzing the possible
ways to get out of the problems

c. Decide the path to proceed: After brainstorming the ideas, decide the path to carry forward the
process which will bring profits for the firm.

d. Write the necessary steps to follow: Step by step follow the procedure to avoid any unnecessary
burdens while changing the system of the company.

e. Set the time: Maintaining the time is the crucial part of it would take much time to reach the goal.
f. Reflect the changes: The changes that are implemented in the firm should be beneficial for
everyone who is working for the organization. Managers must make sure about changes in each

g. Identify risks: Risks should be identified within the time frame, else will be too difficult to manage
them later.

h. Put the idea on paper: Write the strategies on the paper for better understanding and to maintain
the document work.

What are the components of the plan?

a. Stakeholder management

I. Role of the main stakeholder: The top-level managers are coming under this category, and
they are responsible for the entire change of the firm.
II. Level of commitment: The commitment should be there at each level to avoid the risks.
III. Problems: The main problems are linked with the drivers as well as with the stakeholders. To
avoid the risks of losing the connection with the stakeholders in the future, the firm needs to
take certain steps.
IV. Engagement for information (communication) - letting people know what will happen.
Engagement for consideration (consultation) - letting people know what could happen and
what scope would be for their comment
Engagement for improvement (consultation) - seeking customers and service users views
specifically to bring about an improvement in services
Engagement for involvement (involvement) - involving people in the development of service
standards and delivery.

b. Communication plan

I. Audience: The drivers and stakeholders are the targets

II. Message: The information about the changes should reach everyone so that one of the
workers will not face any issues while using it.
III. When this communication will occur: The flow of communication should be maintained
with the stakeholders during the changes, otherwise the firm may face some loses.
IV. How to do this: Communication can be done through meetings or personal discussion.
V. Who is responsible: Leaders are there in each group to pass the message.

c. Education/training plan

I. The drivers and stakeholders

II. Use of new technology.
III. Training will occur after the implementation of technology
IV. Training will be delivered in the classroom and on the job as well.
V. Leaders are there in each group to pass the message.

Measuring success
a. The success rates are always analyzed for future perspectives.

b. Reached agreement for reporting protocols with managers

I. Top level managers
II. Leaders of each group
III. Leaders of each group

c. How to maintain success report:

I. The format of the report: Every firm has a reporting method to maintain the changes that will
occur in the firm.
II. When-Monthly or yearly basis.
III. Several copies are maintained.

List of resources
a. The firm needs experts to implement the changes.

b. The requirement of Training materials like books, pen, and papers.

c. Motivational speakers.

d. Bonus arrangement.

e. Advanced devices to handle the changes.

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