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Business Marketing Final Exam


I. Definition. Define the following terms in your own understanding. (5 pts each)
1. Advertising- is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal
message to promote or sell a product, service or idea.
2. Personal selling - Personal selling occurs when a sales representative meets with a potential client
for the purpose of transacting a sale. Many sales representatives rely on a sequential sales process
that typically includes nine steps. Some sales representatives develop scripts for all or part of the
sales process.
3. Sales promotion- Sales promotion is a short-term incentive to initiate trial or purchase. ... Sales
promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to provide added value or
incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to stimulate
immediate sales.
4. Public relations- Public relations is the practice of understanding the purpose of an organization
and its relationships within society. It is the planned and sustained activity of engagement between
these two parties to influence behavior change, and build mutual understanding and trust.
5. Direct marketing- Direct marketing is a promotional method that involves presenting information
about your company, product, or service to your target customer without the use of an advertising
middleman. It is a targeted form of marketing that presents information of potential interest to a
consumer that has been determined to be a likely buyer.

II. Essay. Explain it in your OWN words and in your OWN understanding.

1. Is budgeting essential in promotion?

- Marketing enables you to grow your business by reaching out to your target audience, promoting
new and existing products/services, and expanding your client base. You can spend efficiently on
numerous channels provided you have a marketing budget and strategy.

2. Among the available promotion strategies, what do you think is the most effective way to capture
the attention of your target market? Explain.
- Using social media as a promotional tactic is the pinnacle of direct marketing. Every day, millions
of individuals use social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, making it easier for
businesses to connect with consumers on a personal level.
3. Give an example of an existing advertisement that entices you as a consumer to purchase their
product. Why is that so?
- The product I chose is the Safeguard Floral Pink with Aloe soap because I've been using this since I
was 16 years old and now it has proved to me its effectiveness. So as a consumer it is significant to
research first before buying products especially for my skin. People of the society get attracted by the
advertisement or product on television and they believe much on the reality of television than the
actual. And when the products are unknown to the people. Advertisements on television tends to
increase the number of consumers.
4. In recent years, various innovations have been made in the field of marketing. As a future
entrepreneur, how are you going to compete in today’s new trend in marketing? Cite an example.
- During this pandemic, business is on the rise. People are being quarantined at home in order to
reduce the danger of contracting the corona virus. Now, businesses are a trend since they provide a
super easy and secure way to shop through online marketing. You simply need to scroll down on
social media or shopping apps, then place an order, and the merchandise will be delivered to you
immediately. You don't have to go get anything because they deliver it to your home.

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