St. Paul University Surigao St. Paul University System 8400 Surigao City, Philippines

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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
Name: Eder, Quennie Rose M. Date: April 12, 2020
Yr&Section: BEED-201 Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

A. State how Technology is inevitably and significantly essential to the modern World of education,
particularly to your future Profession.

Technology, if used properly, will give teachers more time by encouraging

students to teach differently. Teachers should do less to spend more time coaching
pupils, either grouply or independently, on how modern technologies can be used to
make their own discoveries. Teachers must be technology-driven persons in real world
education. I'll use educational technology very importantly to enhance learning in my
future career, since it supports the purpose of teaching in many beneficial ways. It offers
students a different perspective of school and even home studying. Learning and
enjoyment can be accomplished at once by educational technologies. Teachers should
be able to carefully use technologies to disseminate knowledge such as freely accessible
web channels. For instance, technology helps students to research subjects, share ideas
and learn specific skills. Technology allows for such flexibility in learning that it is
enabling our students to work in a more collaborative manner. Technology is a key
building block in facilitating collaborative learning.
B. Explain your learnings insights from the 6 modules of this course (6parts). It is important
that you cite at least one topic/lesson tackled per module that is most significant to you as
you finish your course and pursue your future profession;

Part I – Introduction to technology in and for education

I am convinced that technology is a key weapon to be used today and in the
future. The key objective is to improve how teachers and students collect, view, analyze
and communicate information by integrating the technologies into classrooms. This will
democratize classroom knowledge and help distinguish education, particularly for
students with specific requirements. Education technology refers to external inventions
like computers, the Internet, etc. This innovations can be incorporated into a learning
atmosphere to help achieve any educational aim. Education technology improves as
institutes prefer to use laptops, mobile phones and iPads to provide a dual-way scenario
of the learning process rather than the older way teachers communicate with students.

Part II- Theories and Principles of Teaching and instructional design

I have learned in this module that instructional design is cost effective, because it
ensures that students learn effectively through the creation of quality learning materials which
take account of students' strengths and weaknesses. In this area, people develop lesson plans
that include pupils, so their expectations can be more achievable.
Part III- Technology Integration Models
Through this module, I found out that technology will increase teacher-student ties. If
teachers incorporate technologies successfully into topic fields, teachers become consultants,
content experts and coaches. Technology helps improve meaningfulness and pleasure in
teaching and learning. Growing findings indicated that incorporation of technology into the
curriculum enhances performance and results for students. Teachers who consider computers
as instruments to solve problems change their method of teaching. The need of today's
students to have the abilities of the 21st century is another explanation for technological
Part IV- ICT policies and Safety Issues
I have learned that ICT is useful and beneficial through this lesson. It is an application of
state-of-art technology to exchange knowledge and to grow science through technology among
people in all fields. As one of the ICT roles helps educators learn, educators and managers are
good at improving their skills and transferring it to individuals. In addition, work can be
performed more efficiently in the area of study by ICT. As professor or tutor, he will improve
content and the teaching method by developing the subject's elements to make it easier for
students to receive the material.
Part V – IPR laws and DPA laws
Today, we students in our country need to understand the law. After discussing this
module, I learned that IPRs were classified as concepts, creations, and creative expressions to
which the public is willing to grant property status. To allow them to benefit from their artistic
efforts or prestige, IPR gives the inventors or owners of that property some exclusive Rights.
There are many forms of rights of intellectual property, such as patents, copyright, marks, etc.
Patent is acknowledgment of an invention that meets global innovation, non-obviousness and
commercial application requirements. In the meantime, privacy concerns how a piece of data—
or information—should be processed depending on its relative significance. For example, in the
course of introducing yourself, you probably wouldn't want to share your name with a stranger,
but you wouldn't share other details until you know him. Open a new bank account, though,
and perhaps outside your name you will be asked to share an enormous amount of personal
Part VI- ICT Integration Across Content Areas
In this module, ICT and conventional training materials were addressed in order to
improve education and learning. My perspectives into this module is that modern technology
has modified and transformed emerging pedagogical methods and helped to build new
pedagogical paradigms that are growing in the field of higher education such that education
technology has had a huge effect on promoting quality learning. When it comes to ingenuity in
the learning process, it expands and develops opportunities for learning.

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