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Emergency Freedom Alerts--6-28-21

Dr. Johnson's Main Website at: http://contendingfortruth.com/

Email: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Or: contendingfortruth@fastmail.fm
Free Gift: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News!

Table of Contents:
 1+ This is a very powerful prayer against
Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful
 UFO Disclosure and Agenda--What is Coming
 Calling Evil Good!!!--Huge George Floyd (The porn star, career criminal,
serial drug addict, who beat a pregnant woman and held a gun to her
stomach when robbing her) Statue Unveiled in Newark, NJ<<A place That
George Floyd had zero connection too!
 Canada Completely Bans Free Speech Overnight, Passes Bill at 1:30 AM
 Canadian Pastor Arrested on New Charges After ‘Underground Worship’
Following Church Building Seizure
 Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Yoking Up with Daystar Television
Network and The Self-Proclaimed “Holy Ghost Bartender” Heretic Rodney
Howard Browne
 Marcus Lamb(Wolf) and The Daystar Television Network Exposed<<Where
the Love of Money Rules!!!!
 +2+ Daystar’s Massive Effort to Get Their Viewers to Take the Covid Kill
Shot-Look at Their all-star Satanic “Minister” Lineup-- Kenneth Copeland,
T.D. Jakes (plus many black ministers), Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Rabbi Jason
Sobel, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Robert Jeffress, Paula White-Cain, United
States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Ben Carson, etc.
 Mike Adams SOURCE: Biden may be removed from power after failing 70%
vaccination goal by July 4th--globalists may accelerate plans for economic
and cyber TAKEDOWN of the USA--Americans Must Prepare For A Land
Invasion Of The United States
 WATER WARS about to go kinetic in America as farmers targeted by
"terrorist" state governments that are deliberately collapsing civilization
 Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin...They love the architect of
the Great Reset Klaus Schwab
 Florida Bill "Banning Vaccine Passports" Actually Allows State To "Use
Any Means Necessary to Vaccinate" Citizens—Governor Desantis
(DeSATANis) Strikes Again!!!!
 Alan Dershowitz Who Says all Should be force vaccinated if necessary
(Also Trump’s and Epstein’s Close Friend) Implicated In Unsealed
Ghislaine Maxwell Documents
 Alan Dershowitz On Sexual
Consent: ‘Reasonable People Can Disagree Over Whether It Should Be As
Low As 14’
 Alan Dershowitz: Sure I Got a
Massage at Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion from an Underage Girl, but I Kept My
Underwear On
 Guy Got the "Jab" - Then Gets Adverse Reaction, Goes to the Hospital, His
Bill is $58,182.69 and then says he would still take the 2nd kill shot!!
 STUDY: Pfizer vaccine causes catastrophic damage to every system of
your body

++ Group Prayer--List of Current Event Prayer Points

++For the Lord Jesus Christ to expose & destroy “The Great Reset” agenda
worldwide designed to bring in the New World Order
++For the Lord Jesus Christ to expose & destroy the Covid-19 agenda worldwide
with all of its big brother agendas like forced mask wearing, DNA defiling
vaccinations with microchips, contract tracing, COVID-19 digital passports & for
God’s judgment & destruction to be on the vaccine & medical cartels & that
Operation Warp Speed would be annihilated, exposed and destroyed!!!!
++ For the Lord to thwart any deep state false flag attacks in order to blame “anti-
vaxxers” and gun owners
++ Regarding the Body of Christ we pray for strength, endurance, courage, divine
providence & guidance, favor and the power to overcome all this wickedness that
is increasing by the day.
++For the eradication of CERN and all the other 30,000+ particle colliders
worldwide & the eradication of all D-Wave Quantum Computers, and for the
eradication of every wicked portal or doorway these devices (and all witchcraft
taking place in this universe) have opened & all dark matter they have created
would be destroyed and for the reversal of every Mandela effect they have
produced; and that every devil, demon, evil entity or fallen angel (that has entered
through these portals) be bound up and cast into the abyss, until which time they
then be cast into the Lake of Fire, and that no over evil entities can come to take
their place!!!!
++Against the wicked plans of this wicked current American political
administration & for the fear of God to be upon both the democrats and
republicans, and if they will NOT repent of their wickedness that God would
hedge up their ways with thorns and have them total confusion, and that they
would turn on each other and devour one another; and against every level of
government that has by hijacked by wickedness
++Against the Chinese plans for taking over America, Mexico & Canada
++Against groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa who are working with the
Chinese and George Soros to kill as many Christians and righteous people as
possible, and bring in anarchy and ultimately get UN Troops on the streets of
North America.
++Against any incoming asteroids or meteors that might hit the earth that they
would be diverted to outer space
++For Gods intervention regarding 2nd Amendment and disarmament/gun
confiscation situation developing in the US and elsewhere
++For Gods intervention regarding the coming food and water shortages & the
honey bee die-off worldwide
++Against all the UN troops already in America & elsewhere
++For Gods intervention regarding all the weather warfare to destroy crop yields
& create famine
++For Gods intervention regarding the wildfires caused by Directed Energy
Weapon attacks and all the wicked plans surrounding this to be destroyed
++For the Defense, Protection and Victory of all Christians worldwide (especially
the persecuted) & also all the Targeted Individuals (TI’s) Worldwide
++Against All Pandemics Plagues Worldwide
++Against the Exploding GMO Weaponized Tick & Mosquito Populations
++Against The Illegal Alien/Terrorist/Embedded Solider Caravans Coming up
through the US southern border--For Stoppage and Exposure of the Latin
American, Chinese, Russian and Muslim 5th Column Sleeper Cell Solders
imbedded in America
++Against (and for physical protection of our families and animals) from the 5G &
6G radiation & the Thousands of Satellites Being Launched Sending Intense
Microwave Radiation over Entire Earth. Specifically for God’s Judgment on the
companies of: SpaceX, OneWeb, TTelesat, AST & Science & Omnispace
++For All Christians to wake up and spread the gospel and push back against all
their freedoms being taken away
++ Against the 501c3 FEMA Clergy Responses Teams Being activated in America
to betray and destroy the Christians and that they would be exposed
++Against the slaughter of Christians worldwide
++For the eradication and exposure of all Pedovore, Pedo-Predator & all Child
Sex trafficking networks worldwide
++ For the destruction of all Adrenochrome harvesting complexes worldwide &
for the rescue of all the children imprisoned in these satanic torture centers
++Against LGBTQ movement and against the normalization of all child
molestation and sexualization of teens, children & babies--For the protection of
all infants, children, teenager and adults caught in all evil networks--For the
eradication of all adult and child pornography, bestiality pornography and snuff
film sources and businesses
++For the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade
++For the eradication of all abortion clinics & Planned Parenthood centers
worldwide & the stripping of all the powers of witchcraft from their owners and
++Against all the witchcraft being done worldwide to perpetuate and bring in
more evil, death and destruction,
++Against the ‘Internet Kill Switch’ implementation
++Against the plans & wickedness of high level politicians everywhere
++Against mandatory vaccinations being implemented and that the truth would
come out about them
++Against the wicked factions of Modern medicine, the pharmaceutical & vaccine
++For the masses to get saved and have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to
receive the truth
++Against The Full Implementation of Real ID in 2023
++Against the South African Genocide of Whites
++For God to neutralize & stop the Fukishima Nuclear Radiation Contamination &
Nuclear Radiation Reactors Breaking Down Worldwide
++Against the Big Brother Draconian Changes Taking Place Worldwide
++Against Further Vote Rigging in the
Elections everywhere
++ For Stoppage and Exposure of the
Muslim Invasion of Europe, America and
Canada--For the eradication worldwide of
all planned deep state & Muslim false
flag events everywhere
++For the eradication worldwide of all
Chemtrail programs, Nexrad Doppler
Ultrasound weather manipulation,
NASA’s Blastwave Accelerators
++Against all the wickedness being
perpetuated by Hollywood, Netflix,
Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, YouTube and all the tech
giants and the dominant streaming
content producers
++Against any non-human entities that
walk among, defile, exploit, murder or
infiltrate humanity
++Against the pop culture rock and rap
music industry
++Against the Vatican, Pope and
++Against the global banking cartels and
the 13 families of the Illuminati
++For all the Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra mind control victims, that they be
delivered, saved and protected from the Satanic Agenda that has been
implemented against them.
++Against the wicked factions of the public universities and public school
++Add to your personal prayers: For the Lord to deactivate, neutralize, destroy
and purge any and all Covid-19 vaccine spike proteins, nanobots, nanoparticles,
nanotech, microchips, implants, Hydrogel, wicked bacteria, viruses, candida,
prions and parasites in or on our bodies and to deactivate, neutralize, destroy
and purge any other wicked things the globalist elite may have gotten into our


Father God in the name of Jesus Christ we nullify, dismantle, cancel and forcefully
oppose all satanic operations, maneuvers, manipulations, subversions, strategies,
tactics, plots, plans and ploys, which are designed to hinder, prevent, frustrate, foil,
deny or delay God’s original plans and purposes, from their quick, swift and speedy
manifestation taking place in their correct time and season. (Daniel 7:25) We rebuke
and dismantle all satanic alliances and confederations worldwide. Let every evil
covert and clandestine effort and endeavor fail. Cause the news media to be
caught in their lying and manipulation so that only the truth is manifested.
(Nehemiah 4:7-8; Esther 3:1-9:32; Job 5:12-14; Psalm 83:5; 2 Chronicles 20:35) 2. We
decree that every satanic strategy of inhibition, prohibition and limitation placed upon
the Body of Christ (by the dark side) shall not prevail. We declare all invisible and
visible walls of opposition; restriction and delay will be exposed and destroyed.
(Colossians 1:16; Joshua 6:1) Oh God confound the devices and evil plans of the
enemy that they have crafted, so that their hands are not able to perform their evil
enterprise. Save those that can be saved O’ Lord, but those that cannot be saved;
overtake them in their own crafty and devious ways; let them fall into their own pits
that they have dug for the righteous, let the Fire of God devour them, let them
turn on and consume one another and have them in total confusion & derision.
(Psalm 35:4; 50:3, 55:9; 70:2; 83:17; John 8:32). We loose the hosts of heaven to
war against the hosts of darkness and bring an end to all deceptive, secret and
destructive measures designed destroy all of God’s creation and defile the world.
According to 1 John 3:8 for this reason, was the Son of God made manifest, that He
would destroy the works of the enemy. (John 2:15-17; Acts 16:16-19) We overrule all
strategies, tactics and curses of the enemy by the power of the Name of Jesus Christ
and His shed Blood. (1 Timothy 1:18-20) We overthrow spoken words,
enchantments, divinations, spells, hexes, vexes, curses, witchcraft prayers and
every idle word spoken contrary to God’s original plans and purposes according
to Isaiah 54:17. We reverse the curses associated with all these ceremonies, rituals,
utterances and their plans to bring about a chaotic bloody revolution in America & to
usher in Martial Law and the New World Order. We decree and declare that: Their
plans shall be uncovered and shall not prevail; & their plans shall be frustrated and
unable to achieve any impact; & their threatening’s and violent verbal dealings are
returned to them one hundredfold.
FATHER, WE HUMBLY ASK YOU TO: Reveal every hidden agenda, plan and cover-up
in the secret shadow government regarding their attempts to manipulate end time
events which would lead to the destruction of Your Christians & the innocent. (Isaiah
44:25; 2 Timothy 3:8) Send divine, powerful angelic forces against their diabolical plans
to frustrate and expose them, so that they will be dismantled. Dispatch legions of
warring angels (and any other kinds of angel’s necessary) to enforce Your perfect
will on the United States of America and on all the earth. (Joshua 5:13-14; Psalm
103:20-22; Colossians 2:14, 15; Ezekiel 9:9-11) Release your divine strategies and
revelations upon any righteous person in government worldwide. Fill them with Your
Holy Spirit and cause Your divine wisdom to come upon them. (James 1:5) Cause
them to be a holy trumpet shedding light upon the dark hidden secrets of the wicked.
Send a spirit of confusion amongst the camp of the enemy. Let their tongues be divided
& when they communicate let it be incoherent and misunderstood. (1 Samuel 10:27)
Arrest those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial (and all other wicked
spirits) and cause them to be caught in their own lies and conspiracies. Let them
not be able to resist the Spirit of Truth or gain any ground in the natural or
spiritual realm. Cause every evil spirit that is released from their diabolical
assignments to be cast into the abyss, until which time they be cast into the lake
(Psalm 110:1; 1 Kings 19:1-5; 21:1-16) Please cause these prayers and all future
prayers to take on the characteristics of divine projectiles in the realm of the spirit, so
that they hit the bull’s eye. (Psalm 57:4) Let the laws that govern this prayer and all
spiritual warfare strategies and tactics, be binding by the Word, the Blood and by the


Beloved Holy Savior, Lord Jesus, you are the sacrifice, the Lamb that was slain
before the foundation of the earth, seated at the right hand of the Father. We
honor your sacrifice on the cross, your resurrection and transfiguration
volunteered for our salvation. We worship you, exalt you and magnify your name
above every name. You are sovereign, supreme over all. You are worthy. You
alone are worthy. We pledge our faith and love to serve you alone, forever. We
claim your Word: James 4:7: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the
devil, and he will flee from you.” 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God hath not given us the
spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” We come in the
authority given to us in Christ Jesus. We cover ourselves with the Blood of the
Lamb. We place a hedge of warring angels with flaming swords of fire around us
and our families continuously. We put on the whole armor of God. We lift our
shields of faith to interlock, standing foot to foot and shoulder to shoulder–a
solid wall that cannot be breached or penetrated. We resist and renounce Satan,
the god of this earth. We rise to war in the Spirit against witchcraft, occult
maneuvers and devices sent against Your Will and the Body of Christ. We ask
you to dispatch legions of your warring angels in full battle array, fiery swords
drawn to enforce our petitions and intercessory prayers. Rout your enemy on all
fronts. Turn their hatred, anger, accusations, conflict, arrogance and wicked
schemes upon themselves so that they become caught in their own snares and
fall into the pits that they intended for others. We nullify, dismantle, cancel and
oppose every satanic operation, scheme, maneuver and strategy. Cause secret plans,
agenda and motivation of the enemy to be revealed for everyone to see. We decree
and declare that what these evil people meant for evil, you will turn it around and use it
for the good of your people. We close every evil portal that has been opened. We break
every curse, hex, spell, vex, enchantment, decree spoken or unspoken sent against the
Body of Christ and your intercessors by every witch, warlock, Satanist, sorcerer, voodoo
priest, shaman, soothsayer, medium, coven and every minion of the devil working
iniquity; and send it back upon their own heads seven fold that they may repent and turn
from their evil ways. Lord Jesus, reveal your love to them. Show them the truth about
who they are serving, and their eternal destination if they continue in their present path.
Open their minds, eyes and ears to receive supernatural insight and knowledge to
understand the truth of the Gospel. Bring them to salvation. We seal this prayer by the
Blood of the Lamb and in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more
Father, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we plead the precious uncorruptable
blood of Jesus over the Body of Christ, the innocent, ourselves, our families and
everything that belongs to us. We ask for giant warrior Angels (or whatever kinds
of angels are necessary) to be loosed from Heaven to surround and protect us.
As your war club and weapons of war we break down, undamn, and blow up all
walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, and the like
that are attacking us; and by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ we break their
power & all their curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, psychic prayers,
psychic thought, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all mind control, jinxes,
potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, physic power,
psychic warfare, prayer chains, and everything else being sent our way or our
family members way, to the Body of Christ & the innocent; and we return it and
the demons, devils, evil entities and fallen angels to the senders right now!,
SEVENFOLD, and we BIND it to them by the blood of Jesus Christ!
Father, we pray that these lost souls will find the light of your Son Jesus.. Their
own snares and traps have now been set against themselves.. In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth we now loose them from all mind control of Satan!..
Father we also ask that you Bind the Holy Spirit to their hearts as a guide to your
Son Jesus.. So that they may be set free from the bondages of Satan.
In Jesus name we pray…Amen

++ In 1981 William Casey (CIA Director) Told the Newly Elected President Ronald

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give
thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines:
Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a
sense of guilt.
Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard
against surprise or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices."
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the
Son of man.
Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Psalm 101:3: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them
that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 11:5: The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth
violence his soul hateth.
1 Cor 15:33: Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Lexicon Strong's G3657--Outline of Biblical Usage of the Word:
“Communications”: companionship, communion
“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen
on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Samuel Adams
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years.
These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to
spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from
liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to
complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from
dependency back to bondage.” Alexander Fraser Tytler
+1+ This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more
Father, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we plead the precious uncorruptable
blood of Jesus over the Body of Christ, the innocent, ourselves, our families and
everything that belongs to us. We ask for giant warrior Angels (or whatever kinds
of angels are necessary) to be loosed from Heaven to surround and protect us.
As your war club and weapons of war we break down, undamn, and blow up all
walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, and the like
that are attacking us; and by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ we break their
power & all their curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, psychic prayers,
psychic thought, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all mind control, jinxes,
potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, physic power,
psychic warfare, prayer chains, and everything else being sent our way or our
family members way, to the Body of Christ & the innocent; and we return it and
the demons, devils, evil entities and fallen angels to the senders right now!,
SEVENFOLD, and we BIND it to them by the blood of Jesus Christ!
Father, we pray that these lost souls will find the light of your Son Jesus.. Their
own snares and traps have now been set against themselves.. In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth we now loose them from all mind control of Satan!..
Father we also ask that you Bind the Holy Spirit to their hearts as a guide to your
Son Jesus.. So that they may be set free from the bondages of Satan.
In Jesus name we pray…Amen

UFO Disclosure and Agenda--What is Coming

Play to 14:38: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGTBbIyx1cM&t=594s


Play: https://youtu.be/MQNhQocDYVE

Calling Evil Good!!!--Huge George Floyd (The porn star, career criminal, serial
drug addict, who beat a pregnant woman and held a gun to her stomach when
robbing her) Statue Unveiled in Newark, NJ<<A place That George Floyd had zero
connection too!
Play: https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=60cbd06931a12f140b2158aa

Canada Completely Bans Free Speech Overnight, Passes Bill at 1:30 AM

Play to 8:50: https://rumble.com/viwogh-breaking-now-canada-completely-bans-

Canadian Pastor Arrested on New Charges After ‘Underground Worship’

Following Church Building Seizure
June 15, 2021 (RebelNews) —
Pastor Tim Stephens was arrested
on Monday afternoon on new
charges, after Fairview Baptist
Church gathered for underground
worship for the second week in a
row since their church was
effectively seized by Alberta Health
Services last Saturday.
Alberta authorities were forced to
drop other charges against Pastor Tim last month, after discovering that Alberta
Health Services never served Pastor Stephens with the court order he was
accused of having violated, a requirement under the order. That effectively ended
the case against Pastor Tim, but he will now be facing another legal battle.
Over the weekend, an ever-growing crowd gathered at the undisclosed location
and shared the word, sang songs of praise and heard Pastor Tim preach.
As worship progressed, a police helicopter discovered the gathered
BREAKING: Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested On New Charges
FULL STORY: https://t.co/mJUy79i2jU
FULL VIDEO COMING SOON at https://t.co/w9zAH1MOnX
— Adam Soos ⳩ (@ATSoos) June 14, 2021

From: Duane-Janet
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2021 8:34 AM
To: Scott A Johnson; Scott Johnson
Subject: Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Yoking Up with Daystar Television
Network and The Self-Proclaimed “Holy Ghost Bartender” Heretic Rodney
Howard Browne
Hi Scott have you seen this? Remember this heretic devil?
God bless you both! Duane.
Play: “Canada Day” is a Go…however, it will be in Tampa, Florida with thousand
of Churches joining us! - YouTube
Marcus Lamb(Wolf) and The Daystar Television Network Exposed<<Where the
Love of Money Rules!!!!
The Daystar Television Network (commonly referred to as Daystar Television,
often shortened to Daystar) is an American evangelical Christian-based religious
television network owned by the Word of God Fellowship, founded by Marcus
Lamb in 1993. The Network is based around Prosperity Theology.
Marcus Lamb (born October 7, 1957) is an American televangelist, prosperity
theology, minister and Christian broadcaster. He is the co-founder, president, and
CEO of the Daystar Television Network, the second-largest Christian television
network in the world. The estimated value of the network is $230 million.[1]
++ Joni and Marcus Lamb appeared on their popular Christian television show
and dropped a bombshell. Marcus had cheated on his wife Joni and someone
was trying to blackmail the preacher for 7.5 million dollars. (2010, Dec. 1)
Play to 2:18: https://youtu.be/jPU2D0wU5Iw
Marcus Lamb Compromises Again!!
On January 21, 2008, I posted a blog regarding comments Marcus and Joni Lamb
had made at a meeting of so-called Christian leaders held at the Charisma
Magazine headquarters. I questioned the Lambs integrity then, and was reluctant
to label the Lambs as hypocrites. Last night I watched Daystar, airing a repeat of
a past Share-a-Thon featuring “Prophetess” Juanita Bynum whooping and
hollering and raising money for Daystar.
In light of the “prophetesses” appearance last night, this statement makes
Marcus Lamb a hypocrite:
“We must have personal revival. Marcus Lamb, founder of the Daystar Television
Network, fought back tears as he lamented how far leaders have fallen in this day
of Christian superstar scandals. “When was the last time we fasted?” he asked.
“When was the last time we studied the Word just to hear from God?” Lamb
believes “an alarm was sounded in 2007” that is calling each of us back to the
simplicity of devotion to Jesus.
Keep in mind that Lamb made the above statement (most likely during the
ongoing affair he was having) & after his Fall Share-a-Thon when he had Bynum,
Paula White and Jamaal Harrison Bryant appearing in re-runs raising money.
Each of these three has had major personal public scandals in the past year and
each of these three has either been divorced or in the process of getting one at
the time of their appearance on Daystar’s Share-a-Thon.
So, what does the tear filled “Little Lamb of God” pull two months later? He
shows re-runs of Juanita Bynum prancing around in a white robe begging for
money for his network. Does this look like lament to you? Does this look like a
man whose fasted and prayed over his choices as to who he should be using to
raise money for a “Christian” network?
Marcus Lamb is a hypocrite ladies and gentlemen. His network hosts more
heretics then can be imagined. Lamb can’t and shouldn’t be trusted as he has
clearly demonstrated the survival of his “Christian” network means more to him
then demonstrating Christian integrity.
+2+ Daystar’s Massive Effort to Get Their Viewers to Take the Covid Kill Shot-
Look at Their all-star Satanic “Minister” Lineup
From Daystar: COVID-19 Crisis
What does God’s story say about the future of humanity? As chaos and
confusion grip people around the globe, where can you turn to find answers?
COVID-19 Crisis is a specially produced series of programs designed to give you
a biblical perspective on the pandemic currently impacting the world. Filled with
prophetic insight and practical wisdom to help you overcome every fear, these
life-changing discussions led by Marcus and Joni Lamb will strengthen your
faith, no matter what you’re facing!
Exclusively on Daystar, the five-part COVID-19 (this already happened in April)
Crisis Series featuring the leading voices in ministry, these powerful programs
will transform your understanding of global events through hope-filled messages
from special guests like: Kenneth Copeland, T.D. Jakes (plus many black
ministers), Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Joel Osteen, John Hagee,
Robert Jeffress, Paula White-Cain, Secretary Ben Carson
Scott Johnson: Yes, Rodney Howard Brown (who refers to himself as the ‘Holy
Ghost Bartender’) has been on Alex Jones many times. I talked about him some
‘Lord Maitreya’ the Antichrist?-Part 5
By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 9, 2007
These teachings are a continuation of last weeks teachings on ‘Devil Betraya’
with a special emphasis on Reinhart Bonnke the official ‘Christian’ Pied Piper of
Maitreya who can also be credited for much of the impartation (by laying of
hands) of the ‘Unholy Laughter Movement’/’Third Wave’ propagated through the
‘Toronto Revival’, ‘Brownsville Revival’, etc., at the hands of reprobates like
Rodney Howard Brown (who refers to himself as the ‘Holy Ghost Bartender’),
Cindy Jacobs, etc. On June 8th, 1988 Reinhard Bonnke was the
Charismatic/Pentecostal evangelist in Uhuru Park in Nairobi Kenya who
prophesied on a Thursday, three days before Maitreya’s documented appearance
in a Muslim Village in Nairobi, ‘…that supposedly God had, on Thursday,
informed [Reinhard Bonnke] that they [the Nairobi citizens] would experience the
presence of Jesus and great miracles on Saturday…'(June 11th, 1988) Thus,
Bonnke was the on-site prophet of the Maitreya. Reinhart Bonnke made this on-
the-scene prophecy, and it was dated, AND it came true as on 11 June 1988, a
Maitreya suddenly appeared before 6000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, gathered to
witness healing prayers at ‘The Church of Bethlehem’ who instantly recognized
the tall, white-robed figure as ‘Jesus Christ, (Note: The editor of the Swahili
edition of the Kenya Times, veteran journalist Job Mutungi, witnessed the event
and took pictures.) See: shareintl.org/background/miracles/MI_nairobi.htm We
will also look at the admitted Pentecostal history of Reinhart Bonnke which
proves that he is godfather of the ‘Unholy Laughter Movement’

Mike Adams SOURCE: Biden may be removed from power after failing 70%
vaccination goal by July 4th--globalists may accelerate plans for economic and
cyber TAKEDOWN of the USA--Americans Must Prepare For A Land Invasion Of
The United States
Learn more in today’s detailed Situation Update podcast:
Play from 2:14 to 26:53:

WATER WARS about to go kinetic in America as farmers targeted by "terrorist"

state governments that are deliberately collapsing civilization
As Mac Slavo writes at SHTFplan.com, “Farmers in the United States have
reached a breaking point.” The governments of California and Oregon are
deliberately depriving farmers access to the critical water resources they need to
grow crops, even when those resources are readily available.
The problem isn’t “drought,” it turns out. That’s just the cover story to push a
climate crisis that will eventually be invoked to justify “climate lockdowns.” The
real problem is corrupt government.
In California, the corrupt, criminal government is emptying fresh water into the
ocean, draining reservoirs that were nearly full just two to three years ago. And in
Oregon, the government is refusing to release water from Upper Klamath Lake,
depriving downstream farmers of water they own via long-established water
These water restriction tactics are being deliberately weaponized as part of an
engineered plan to destroy the U.S. food supply and bankrupt food producers.
The water exists to irrigate crops, but that water is being withheld on purpose.
The destruction of farming is all part of the larger plan to destroy America and
usher in global tyranny
The farmers who depend on this water are seeing their livelihoods (and families)
destroyed by these acts of government-sponsored terrorism against America’s
food producers, so some farmers have decided to take matters into their own
“The farmers are now in such a dire situation and with a food supply already on a
razor’s edge of disaster, they say they will release the water themselves,” reports
SHTFplan.com. From that story:
“If [the Feds] don’t budge… I think we’re just going to end up taking it,” Nielsen
“I’m planning on getting DC’s attention,” another outraged farmer, Grant Knoll
told Jefferson Public Radio this month. “We’re going to turn on the water and
have a standoff.”
The water wars, in other words, may be about to go kinetic.
Left-wing governments have become the terrorists, and they’re targeting
humanity with multiple vectors of genocide
This attack on farmers — and hence, food production in America — are part of a
multi-layered strategy to achieve global depopulation via planned extermination.
The vectors of this attack, all promoted by Marxist government entities, include:
 Economic destitution achieved through “covid lockdowns.”
 Injections of the public with biological weapons spike proteins under the
guise of “mass vaccination.”
 Attacks on the food and water supply to create food scarcity and famine.
 Economic collapse via hyperinflation, money printing and the collapse of
the global debt pyramid (“global reset”).
 Psychological terrorism via the controlled media that assaults the psyche
of Americans each day with an endless flood of fear and lies.
 Big Tech assaults on the freedom to speak, working in collusion with
communist China to obfuscate the origins of the coronavirus bioweapon.
 Assaults on the culture via Critical Race Theory, indoctrination and the
pushing of race-based hatred in the hopes of starting a race war in
The ultimate goal, of course, is the extermination of 85 – 90% of the current
human population. I do not believe they will succeed in reaching those numbers,
but there’s no doubt in my mind they will manage to mass murder at least a
billion human beings in just the next few years. This will no doubt include tens of
millions of Americans.

Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin.........

Play: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zzFh7DPqDuS8/

Florida Bill "Banning Vaccine Passports" Actually Allows State To "Use Any
Means Necessary to Vaccinate" Citizens
Florida Senate Bill 2006, passed by the Florida legislature and signed into law by
Governor Ron DeSantis on May 3rd of this year, which banned vaccine passports
statewide in a much-touted triumph of the state government over its own power.
According to a press release from the governor’s office, DeSantis is quoted as
saying on the day of the bill signing in St. Petersburg: “In Florida, your personal
choice regarding vaccinations will be protected and no business or government
entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision.”
But is that really true? Characterizing the legislature and governor’s portrayal of
the vaunted bill as a vaccine passport ban (and subsequent ubiquitous media
commentary universally accepting as true this supposed reality thus elevating
and legitimizing the claim) as simply misleading would be almost as deceptive as
the bill is itself: the legislation represent an outright bait and switch on the
reliably conservative population, combined with incessant, widespread deception
masking the bill’s actual utilization.
SB 2006, by its own wording, provides that the state “may use any means
necessary to vaccinate or treat” coronavirus-positive Florida residents against
their will. The clearly broad-ranging loophole is well-hidden by legislators,
appearing at the very bottom of the 10,000-word document on line 1111 in a truly
chilling twist of fate.
Play to 11:02: https://youtu.be/nWqyb0otLuQ?t=20
Aimee: -----Original Message-----
From: Aimee
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: COLUMN: Florida Bill Banning Vaccine Passports Contains Hidden
Clarification on the bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0aB95x9-Kk
From what Kris Anne said it was already law for at least a decade. (set previously
by Republicans) If he didn't sign it, it would still be the law in existence in
Legislatures need to write up a bill to remove it. Not DeSantis--he does not have
the power to remove it. It was inside a bill he signed and already there and
legislators did not remove it. (Their job not his--that is the point)
Not really defending him. The message that has gone viral is not being reported
on correctly. It feeds the notion that the Gov. can make Laws. Then Gov.'s start
to believe they have more power than they do because people are through the
media and their response feeding the King/Tyrant incorrect message.
"the people seem to think we Governors are so powerful, heck maybe we are and
should just run with it"---an exaggeration but I think point made.
People now think he made the law based on how it seems to be circulating.
Scott Johnson’s Response: Aimee: Ok the thing is Desantis (while he is not the
author of it) did sign this bill into law on 5/3/21:
4/30/2021 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor -SJ 1291
• Approved by Governor
• Chapter No. 2021-8
I don’t see how Desantis is innocent here. I listened to the link you forwarded me
and I still don’t see it. Her defense of Desantis is that the ability to force vaccinate
in Fl has been on the books for over 10 years. OK I accept that, but this bill that
Desantis signed doubles down on the forced vaccination aspect, why wouldn’t he
fight remove that part if he was really fighting for Floridians rights to decline the
kill shot, as this was a perfect opportunity to do that? Why wouldn’t he at least
not sign the bill because of this section (even if it has been law for over 10 years),
as that would draw a huge amount of attention to this horrific law and Floridians
would be get behind Desantis enmass if he took a stand on this and get that
draconian portion thrown out. Desantis acts like he is fighting for liberty and
justice, while he has the highest Covid Kill Shot rate of any state by far (in large
part due to his efforts) and most of them are the masses of elderly that live there,
that will be some of the first to die. Therefore I view him like the biggest mass
murdering governor in all the 50 states as he will most likely have the most blood
on his hands of any governor.
Desantis is doing exactly what Trump did in his first two years in office, as he is
doing some seemingly apparent good; co-mingled with a lot of bad, that gets zero
press from the conservative news outlets.
I have exposed him in the two teachings below:
Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-19-21-Part 3
Table of Contents:
 …Shocking Listener Comment on the Door to Door Vaccinations Going on
in Florida
 FL Vaccine Nazi’s Going Door to Door–Hiring Immediately: COVID-19
Response Team Staffer $18-20 per hour Therapia Staffing is hiring COVID-
19 Response Team Staffers to support Florida’s vaccine rollout program.
Job Description: Staffers will be responsible for conducting vaccination
scheduling and outreach to underrepresented communities. The purpose
of this operation is to make sure ALL Floridians are vaccinated equitably.
 Comment: Selling your soul for $18.00 – $20.00 per hour!! Hope it’s worth
it!!!! Also: Orange County FL firefighters go door-to-door to administer
COVID-19 vaccines to homebound residents in underserved areas Yes I
keep hearing how wonderful FL governors Desantis is, but FL has by far
the highest vaccination rate of any state (particularly the elderly) who are
the most vulnerable to the kill shot. Thank you Governor Desantis, white
hot hellfire awaits you!!!!!
 Desantis Pushing More Kill Shots!!!
Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-30-20-Part 3
 Supposed Good Guy Republican FL Governor Desantis Eagerly Awaiting
the Mass Vaccination of Floridians—Regeneron Drug Cocktail Antibodies
Approved by FDA for Florida!
 Regeneron Exposed

Alan Dershowitz (Trump’s and Epstein’s Close Friend) Implicated In Unsealed

Ghislaine Maxwell Documents
Dershowitz was mentioned, along with Bill Clinton and others in a set of unsealed
documents that were part of now-settled civil litigation against Maxwell. She
appealed the decision of the judge to unseal them, but to no avail.
Maxwell was Epstein’s right hand person, and the documents, along with
testimony from many others over the past few years, show that Maxwell sexually
abused children and also directed victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre to be sexually
abused by others, using her and many others as sex slaves.
The NY Post explains:
The emeritus Harvard Law
professor Alan Dershowitz
was accused of having sex
with then-minor “Jane Doe
#3” — identified in court
documents as Virginia
Roberts Giuffre — and
witnessing Jeffrey Epstein
and others sexually
abusing girls and young
The allegations, lodged in
a 2014 court filing, reemerged in more than 600 pages unsealed Thursday night in
Giuffre’s 2015 defamation case against.
In 1997, Dershowitz wrote the following: “Reasonable People Can Disagree Over
Whether It Should Be As Low As 14.” You can find that article and read more
about that here & Alan Dershowitz On Sexual Consent: ‘Reasonable People Can
Disagree Over Whether It Should Be As Low As 14’
A related report states: Why Epstein would want dirt on powerful people, other
than for his own personal gain, is a mystery. We can only
conclude that he was gathering dirt on behalf of some
other party, likely the Mossad and/or for Israel’s desk at
the CIA. Investigators into the Epstein child-sex scandal
turned up a contact book that contained the names and
contact information for many prominent people, some of
which included New York lawyer Alan Dershowitz, Donald
Trump, liquor baron Edgar Bronfman, and former U.S.
President William Jefferson Clinton. Virginia Roberts
claims she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz six
<< “Dershowitz makinga Kabbalist-masonic pose.”
Alan Dershowitz: Sure I Got a Massage at Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion, but I Kept
My Underwear On
Welp, welcome to the slippery sleazy slope that comes with billionaire Jeffrey
Epstein’s recent arrest for child sex trafficking. Internet sleuths have uncovered a
2015 video of Harvard attorney and Trump’s and Epstein’s friend, Alan
Dershowitz, who worked to get Epstein a sweetheart deal in a 2008 plea
agreement, admitting to getting a massage at Epstein’s mansion.
During an interview with Miami news station WPLG regarding Britain’s Prince
Andrew (another friend of Epstein) and his alleged sexual involvement with an
underaged girl who was allegedly kept as a sex slave by Epstein, Dershowitz not
only bashed the accuser, calling her an “admitted prostitute and a serial liar” but
claimed that the then-teen was not victimized and in fact “made her own
decisions in life.”

Guy Got the "Jab" - Then Gets Adverse Reaction, Goes to the Hospital, His Bill is
$58,182.69 and then says he would still take the 2nd kill shot!!
This is what lack of informed consent looks like. The government and corporate
mainstream media lied to this person about the safety and effectiveness of this
vaccine and are actively covering up and censoring adverse reactions to it and
order to sucker more uninformed people into taking it.
No doubt insurance will weasel their way out of paying it by using the excuse that
is experimental and emergency use only and hasn't been officially approved for
public consumption by the FDA and manufacturers have been absolved of all
legal liability for death and disability caused by it.
Never mind that people are being bullied, peer pressured and lied to by the
government and the corporate mainstream media about its safety and
effectiveness leading people to think it is officially approved, when it is not
because they are confused by the term emergency use only.
People think just because the public can get the shot and employers are
pressuring and even threatening their employees with job loss if they don't take
it, that somehow it's safe to take and has been officially approved for wide use
when it is not.
They have really pulled the wool over the eyes of the public and duped them into
taking it. It is shameful what is going on and illegal and immoral and violates the
Nuremberg code of coerced and forced vaccinations and medical
experimentation. The general public are moving like lambs to the slaughter.
Worst of all, this same guy actually went on to say he'll take the second shot
So the guy took an experimental mRNA shot which hurt him very badly with
myocarditis. It cost upwards of $58000 for the injury it cost him and then he says
he's going to take the second dose?????
So much of the time it's an ego thing, these Vax sheeple don't want to admit they
made a huge mistake of their own volition; so they have to justify it to themselves
in order to not feel stupid or played.
STUDY: Pfizer vaccine causes catastrophic damage to every system of your body
An Israeli organization made up of health experts has published a report outlining
how the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection from Pfizer causes damage to
nearly every system in the human body.
The Israeli People Committee (IPC) says that Pfizer’s Chinese Virus jab is causing
catastrophic damage to people’s bodies – so much so, in fact, that there are more
people dying from it in Israel than there are people in all of Europe who are dying
from the AstraZeneca jab.
According to IPC, “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many
people” as the Pfizer vaccine has. The group published a full report detailing its
eye-opening findings.

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