Cults On Campus

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BEWARE OF RECRUITERS If you feel that you or a friend or family

member has been subjected to mind

control or cult recruitment, you may

BEWARE of people who are excessively contact:
Office of Student Affairs
BEWARE of people with invitations to free 103 Central Square
meals and retreats 736-5144

through guilt
people who recruit you
*If possible, please provide the name(s) of the
recruiter(s), and the organization on campus
For ongoing help contact:
BEWARE of people who want your name
and phone number but won't give you York Counselling and Development Centre
theirs 145 Behavioural Sciences Building
Not all cults are religious groups. York Inter-Faith Council
There are also political, social,
psychological and financial groups
103 Central Square What to be aware of,
that are considered cults. What these What to do
groups have in common are the RECOMMENDED READING:
characteristics of mind control.
Combatting Cult Mind Control,
KEEP IN MIND: Steve Hassan; Park Street Press, 1990
Cults deliberately keep their true nature Cults (What Parents Should Know), Joan
hidden Carol Ross and Michael D. Langone;
Trust your instincts about a group. If you are
Carol Publishing
uncomfortable at any stage, get out!
RECOMMENDED VIEWING: “It is possible, given total control of a person's
Everyone is vulnerable during certain 'low' environment, to turn his/her mind in a very
periods in his/her life. Don't feel embar- “What Is A Cult: And How Does It Work?” short time. Coercive persuasion-brainwashing-
rassed at having been involved. can be achieved by removing the recruit from
GET HELP! "Cults: Saying NO Under Pressure” normal routines and beliefs into a controlled
You as a consumer have a right to have "Surrender" -Margaret Singer, Ph.D., University of California
your questions answered. You have a right Psychologist
to make choices · AII of these are available through the
Office of Student Affairs
Any legitimate group will be more than This pamphlet was produced by the
happy to tell you about the beliefs of the Office of Student Affairs
group York University
May 1998
what is a cult? CHARACTERISTICS OF
Cults are groups that deceptively recruit
members by using mental, emotional, physical
and financial means to control the actions of AND MIND CONTROL
their adherents. They can best be described
ISOLATION-you are physically
as elitist, high demand organizations that
require members to follow the teachings of • a cult is usually characterized by a separated from your social seeing
their leaders, without question. leader who claims a special
relationship with God, or special PEER GROUP PRESSURE-doubt and
WHO IS MOST VULNERABLE? knowledge and power resistance are suppressed by exploiting
your need to 'belong'
Those who are: • the leaders demand absolute
obedience and are the sole judges of LOVE BOMBING-a sense of family and
⇒ recovering from personal trauma members' faith/commitment belonging is contrived through hugging,
(e.g. death or illness of someone kissing and frequent telephone calls and
close) • members are exploited by and are pre- attention
occupied with recruiting, fundraising
⇒ average or above average and worship to the exclusion of the rest GUILT-cult beliefs are reinforced by
intelligence of their lives exaggerating the sins of your former life
⇒ idealistic and/or intellectually curious • members put the goals of the cult FEAR-loyalty to the group is maintained
ahead of personal concerns, family through warnings of serious spiritual or
⇒ in a state of transition (relationship,
interests and career goals physical repercussions for not
job, school)
conforming to the group
WHY WOULD ANYONE GET • cults utilize techniques designed to
INVOLVED? effect ego-destruction, thought reform RECIPROCITY-guilt is reinforced in the
and dependence on the cult new recruit. "How can I be having such
• they are recruited while they are in a negative feelings about the group when
vulnerable period of their lives • recruiters are guarded and vague they've been so 'nice' to me?"
about the beliefs and goals of the
• they are impressed with the group until the recruit is hooked FATIGUE-disorientation and vulnerabil-
friendliness of the recruiter ity are enhanced by withholding
• recruits may display symptoms of adequate rest and sleep
• they fail to trust their first instincts and extreme tension and stress, lack of
doubts about the group sleep and proper diet REMOVAL OF PRIVACY-your ability to
make decisions is diminished by
• they are deceived and have been • cults teach hate and fear of the world: preventing you from being alone
systematically entrapped by the group only their particular group has the

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