A846146 Zhu Zijian El

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Post-viewing questions


A846146 zhu zijian

1. In your own words, summarize the story of El here.

Francisco is rich, famous person in the city.But he and still have no wife.
After meeting Gloria , he is fall in love with this beautiful women and run
after her. Finally she agreed to marry him and become his wife. Francisco
is a dedicated husband, and love Gloria very much, but little by little his
abnormal passion starts to showing. Someday Gloria cannot stand
Francisco’s abnormal passion. She leave him and go with Rual.Frandsico
can’t understand and almost going crazy.At last he bacome to a Church.

2. Early on in the film, Gloria realizes (for the first time) that something is amiss in her
marriage to Don Francisco. When, where, and how does this realization occur?

When they take a trip on the trian. Francisco consider she think about Rual and take a quarrel
with her. But a few while he want she forgive his mistake. It’s very moody.

3. Who is Raul? What role does he play in this film?

He is friend of Francisco. Before Francisco meet Gloria Raul is the lover of Gloria. But when
Gloria hesitant and at last she choice Francisco Raul just give up. Raul is really love Gloria
and give her real happiness.

4. What is Don Francisco’s take on cultivated love versus love at first sight? Do you agree
with his sentiments? Why or why not?

I don’t agree with his sentiments.

He love Gloria very much but it’s too tighten for Gloria. She can’t breath anymore. Almost

5. Towards the beginning of the film, Don Francisco displays early warning signs of
mental illness (including, among other things, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Where
do we see these early indications?

He didn’t look Gloria face first he watch out her feet and fall in love with her.
He don’t believe his lawyer.
He pay attention any details. When he was very angry he also think about the painting which
it on the wall.

6. Gloria actively tries to bring outside help into her problematic marriage on a of couple
occasions. Who did she try to consult, and what was the result of each encounter?
A). Describe Don Francisco’s character.
B). Describe some of Don Francisco’s “unique” methods of making sure that his wife
She tells to her mother, Padre and Raul.
Her mother heard story from Francisco and Francisco is right because he love Gloira too
Padre aware of he is great man and a perfect example for others. Francisco is right.Gloira is
Rual aware Francisco is mad and tell Gloria just leave him.

7. In the film’s final scene, Don Francisco tells the friar that “time has proven my point”.
What did he mean by this?

From my point Francisco still feeling Gloria not honesty with him and she love the others all
the time. He can’t be aware of his problem.

8. In a variety of ways, El is eerily similar to Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. Paying attention

to the characters (and character development), plot, visuals, music, and parallelism of
the two films, describe those similarities here.

Vertigo is better visuals then EL.T he color for Vertigo is dreamlike. Maybe El just a little
early then Vertigo cause b&w. But also full of charm.
The music. They’re a lot of great sounds in Vertigo to set off the atmosphere. Beautiful
scenes with soft sounds just like a classic painting. And to characters also
have excellent describe.
Both of films tell us some psychological illness person story. They are
have many problem.

9. A). What are some common themes/motifs that arise in the films of Luis Bunuel (as
discussed in class), and where do we see those elements in El?

Luis Bunuel is a surrealist film director. He has made a total of 32 film,

most films has distinctive social significance, revealed the hypocrisy of
religion and bourgeois.
Early in the film there are some religion scenes. I can’t understand that
formalistic. Why kiss feet? And Gloria’s foot appear twice, first time meet
Francisco. Second time is when Francisco angry with Gloria, he sew
Gloria’s foot then Resume normal.
Gloria’s first lover is Raul,but when she meet Francisco she just leave Raul.
Because Francisco is richer and have great social status then Raul? I think
that point Embodies the character's hypocrisy. In the end Francisco come
to Church almost mid-mad he look the everybody laugh at him reflected
his inner hypocrisy.

B). Although difficult to classify as one of Bunuel’s surrealist pictures, El is not entirely
devoid of surrealism. Describe any surrealist aspects to the film or the mise-en-scene

In fact before El I didn’t watch any surrealism film. I was lookup some
surrealism film in the internet. 《 La Coquille et le Clergymar 》 that is the
One of the famous surrealism film in history.
the protagonist is a personality incompetent monks. He want a womam
who is another man’s lover. changing for missionaries, generals and
prison guard against him. Director of the protagonist's sexual psychology
are fully exploration, the use of a series had designed unreality sexual
fantasy world and the abnormal behavior, such as the hero broken glass
ball, or putting on a drag to heel coat in the streets. No plot, no film
character shaping, full of Floyd socialist subconscious fan crazy illusion
scene. Is considered the world's first surrealist film.

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