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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 7

I. Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:

 Understand what is collect data

 Know how to collect data
 Be able to answer the given questions

II. Subject matter

Topic : Collection of Data
Reference: Mathematics, The Easy Strategy
Author: Monina Macapagal Velayo
Pages 319-323
Materials: white cartolina, marker, whiteboard, whiteboard marker, eraser, powerpoint,
projector, construction paper

III. Procedure
A. Motivation

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

Good afternoon class
Good afternoon ma’am
So we will be having an activity
Where I need your participation okay?
Yes, ma’am
I want you to arrange the rumble letters to
find the words which is connected to our
topic for today. Do you understand?
Yes ma’am
First we have.....

What is the word?
Probability ,ma’am
Good, Next ....

Primary, ma’am
Yes, another...

Interview ma’am

Correct, next....

Random ma’am

That’s right, last one....

Yes, Thank you for your participation.
Okay ma’am
B. Lesson proper

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

That activity has a connection about
Our lesson for today and It is all about
collection of data, ma’am
Good, data are the individual pieces of
information. We have two sources
of data. Will you give me one?
Primary sources ma’am
What’s the other one?
Secondary source ma’am
Thank you, so when we say primary
source, where you can get the data yourself
personally .Primary source is called
primary data.
The next one is the secondary source where
the data were coming from magazines,
newspapers, journals and others.
Yes ma’am
So the next here is collection of data which
is the first step in statistical research.
We have methods in collecting data, will
you give those?
The interview method or direct method, the
questionnaire or indirect method, the
registration method and the experimental
method, ma’am
Very good, first is the interview method.
The interview is a one on one encounter
between the person asking the information.
It may be a personal interview or a
telephone interview. Understand?
Yes ma’am
It have advantages like answers may be
clarified and you would have better
understanding. If there’s advantages then
there are disadvantages like too costly and
can cover a limited number of individual.

Then, the questionnaire. It is a research

instrument consisting of a series of
question for the purpose of gathering
information. its advantages are it is more
objective, it is cheaper in terms of cost,
don’t require much effort. While the
disadvantages are the respondents may
forget important issues, respondents may
not be willing to answer the questions and
others .
Next is the registration method which
refers to recording of the occurrence of
vital events together with certain
descriptive concerning them .
Like the given from your book: number of
voters in the precinct in one barangay. We
are going to use the registration method for
us to collect data. Is it clear?
Yes ma’am
The last one is the experimental method.
From the word itself experimental or
experiment. Meaning to say you need to
experiment or observe to answer the data.
Again, what are the different methods of
collecting data?
The interview method or direct method, the
questionnaire or indirect method, the
registration method and the experimental
method, ma’am
Good, so let’s proceed with the last one, the
sampling techniques. Where we use
selection from the population to answer
surveys. Its advantages were the cost is
lower, collection of data is faster and can
assure homogeneity or improve the
accuracy of data. We have two kinds of
sampling technique, will you give it to me?
Ma’am, the probability sampling scheme
and the non-probability sampling
Correct, so when we say probability
sampling everyone in the member of the
population have the chance to be selected
as a member of a sample. It includes what?
Random sampling ma’am
Yes, when we say random sampling,
members are selected by a table of random
numbers or draw lots. What is the next
Systematic sampling ma’am
When we say systematic sampling, there is
a system to be followed. What’s the other
Stratified random sampling ma’am
It is where each group is divided into sub
group which is called strata. And what is
the last one?
Cluster sampling ma’am
Yes, it is used when the population is
relatively large. Groups are randomly
selected instead of individuals. So again,
what are the examples of probability
Random sampling, Systematic sampling,
Stratified random sampling, Cluster
sampling ma’am
Very good, the next one is non-probability
sampling where the members of a
population have no equal chance to be
selected like how I chose one of our
classmate. We have two examples like?
Quota sampling
In quota sampling, you used judgement to
select like you do you think can help you or
not. The next is?
Convenience sampling
Convenience sampling or opportunity
sampling. It is where population is selected
because they are readily available.
Yes ma’am

C. Generalization

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

Class, you’re going to give me the
correct answer, okay?
yes ma’am
What are the two sources of data?
Primary source and secondary source
what is the first step in statistical
Collection of data ma’am
Give me the methods in collecting data.
The interview method or direct method, the
questionnaire or indirect method, the
registration method and the experimental
method, ma’am
What are the two kinds of sampling
Ma’am, the probability sampling scheme and
the non-probability sampling
The sampling method where the
members of the population have no
equal chance to be selected
Non-probability sampling ma’am

D. Evaluation
Quiz : give the correct answer.

1.-2. )two sources of data

3.-6.)methods of collecting data

7.-8.) two kinds of sampling techniques

9. data coming from magazines, newspapers or journals

10. concerned with the selection of subset of individuals from population


1.-2.) Primary source and secondary source

3.-6.) The interview method or direct method, the questionnaire or indirect method, the
registration method and the experimental method

7.-8.) Probability sampling scheme and nonprobability sampling

9. secondary source

10. sampling techniques

IV. Assignment
Identify the following.
1. First major step in conducting research.
2. This method is used when population is very large.
3. This method used written questions.
4. Sampling technique where all has equal chance to be selected.
5. One-on-one encounter between the person asking and the person giving
the answer.


1. Collection of data
2. Cluster sampling
3. Questionnaire
4. Random sampling
5. Interview

Values integration
We must learn to communicate with others for us to collect data. Also we must treat other
people nicely so they would answer the questions properly.

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