General PG Form - 2021

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Project Grant Application Form

(Valid for applications submitted between 1 January and 30 June 2021)

1 This Application Form is applicable to Project Grant only. Applications for Cultural Exchange Grant
or Emerging Artists Grant Scheme should be made by using its own application form.
Application forms can be downloaded from the HKADC website (
2 Please read the booklet Information for Project Grant Applicants and the Project Grant
Assessment Guidelines of the relevant artform / Cultural Exchange Grant before you fill in
this Application Form. This will help you present your application more effectively to the HKADC.

3 The HKADC also introduces “Venue Subsidy Scheme” to subsidise artists/ arts groups in booking
venues for arts activities and rehearsals in Hong Kong. Please read carefully the “Application
Guidelines” for more information on eligibility and the scope of subsidy. Interested parties please fill
in the “Venue Subsidy Scheme” application form and submit the form together with this Application
Form in duplicate to the HKADC. Please submit one Application Form if applying for Project Grant

4 For submission in person, please deposit the application in the collection box located at the HKADC,
10/F, 1063 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong by 6p.m. on the closing date for application.
Submission by post will only be accepted if postmarked no later than the closing date.
5 For enquiries, please contact the HKADC at tel: 2827-8786.
Title of Project: (In English) Dance Out: The Musical     
(In Chinese)《志同》音樂劇     
Name of Applicant: (In English) Tiffany Leung    
(In Chinese) 梁愷琳    

Artform* (Please tick one box only)

☐ Dance ☐ Drama ☐ Film & Media Arts
☐ Cross/ Multi-Disciplinary Arts ☐ Music ☐ Visual Arts
☐ Xiqu ☐ Literary Arts

Project Type (Please tick the most appropriate box)

☐ Performance ☐ Publication ☐ Media Arts Production
☐ Exhibition ☐ Film Production ☐ Research/ Archiving/ Critique
☐ Audience Building – Arts Education ☐ Creative Writing/Translation Project
☐ Audience Building – Arts Promotion/Community Arts ☐ Playwriting
For visual arts projects, please indicate the category (You may tick one or more boxes)
☐ Chinese Painting and Calligraphy/ Seal-engraving ☐ Western Arts – 2D (Print-making/Cartoon)
☐ 3D (Ceramics/Sculpture/Glass) ☐ Photography
☐ Mixed Material ☐ Design/ Architecture ☐ Others (please specify:               )
For literary arts publication, please indicate the category (You may tick one or more boxes)
☐ Novel ☐ Poetry ☐ Prose
☐ Literature for Children / Teenagers ☐ Classical Literature
☐ Other Literary Works (including Biographical Literature, Reportage, Cross-genre Writing, etc.,
(please specify:                                         )

☐ Academic Research / Criticism

*Please note that the application will be assessed by examiners from the artform selected by the applicant.

For Official Use Only
Date Received Artform Processing Officer
Applicant Number File Number Supervising Officer

Project Grant Application Form
Confidential when completed
I Applicant Information (Paragraph 3 of Information for Applicants)
Applicant: Individual
1 English Name Chinese Name HKID Card No.
(as on ID card) (Miss/Ms/Mr/other title) (as on ID card) (Miss/Ms/Mr/other title) (Alphabet and first 4 digits)

Tiffany Leung       梁愷琳       Y3276    

Payee’s Name (If different from the above)

2 Residential Address (both in Chinese and English)
Flat G, 5/F, Block 2, On Ning Garden, Hang Hau
坑口安寧花園 2 座 5 樓 G 房     
Correspondence Address (if different) HK/KLN/N.T.

3 Telephone Fax
(Office) (Home) (Office) (Home)


4 Mobile Phone 5 E-mail Address


6 Current Employment 7 Employer

Performing arts teacher, voiceover artist       Freelance      

O Applicant: Organisation
8 English Name (as on registration document) Chinese Name (as on registration document)

Organisational Payee’s Name (If different from the above)

9 Official Address (both in Chinese and English) HK/KLN/N.T.

Correspondence Address (if different) HK/KLN/N.T.

10 E-mail Address

11 Head of Organisation (Miss/Ms/Mr/other title) Post & Title Telephone/ Fax/ Email Address
Mobile Phone
Chinese Name English name            
HKID Card No.(Alphabet and first 4 digits)

12 Person-in-charge of the Project (Miss/Ms/Mr/other title) Post & Title Telephone/ Fax/ Email Address
Mobile Phone
Chinese Name English name            
HKID Card No.(Alphabet and first 4 digits)

13 Project Contact Person (Miss/Ms/Mr/other title) Post & Title Telephone/ Fax/ Email Address
Mobile Phone
Chinese Name English name            
HKID Card No.(Alphabet and first 4 digits)


Project Grant Application Form
Confidential when completed
14 Please use separate sheet to describe the aim, structure and establishment of your organisation, how many members it has, and key
activities it has previously organised (whether or not they were supported by the HKADC). Please attach a copy of the organisation's
official registration document, its constitution/ Articles of Association, and a list of its key members/ Board of Directors.
Past Activities’ Record
15 To save paper, applicants are encouraged to provide website addresses containing introduction or records of their past key activities
in place of printed documents, for the HKADC’s reference.

II Project Budget
● Usually the expenditure can be categorized into several main items, such as salary, production costs, marketing and
promotion expenses, etc. Please provide breakdown of each main expenditure item (e.g. salary, venue rental, sets,
costume, printing, transportation, etc.)
● Income can include donation or contribution from the applicant or its parent organisation. Please also give income
source and name(s) of the sponsor.

1 Estimated Expenditure Amount HK$

6 (Paragraphs 4.8 -4.10 of the Information for Applicants)

i Fee for Participating Personnel (please give breakdown)      i       

ii Production Costs (please give breakdown)       ii      

iii Venue Rental (please give breakdown of the venue rental expenses iii      
for rehearsals and performances, and list out rehearsal venues)     

iv Marketing & Promotion (please give breakdown)       iv       

v Costs for Overseas Guests (If there is any, please give breakdown)       v      

vi Others (please specify)      vi       

Estimated Total Expenditure Please round to the nearest hundred


1 Estimated Income Amount HK$

7 (Paragraphs 4.12 of the Information for Applicants)

i Box Office i   
(Average Ticket      X No. of Estimated      X No. of       )
Price $ Audiences Shows
ii Estimated ii     
(      Copi Estimated retail price       )
es; $
Remark: Please refer to Guidelines on Income and Expenditure of the relevant artform’s Project Grant
Assessment Guidelines when filling in the estimated sales income of publication.
iii Donation or Sponsorship (please specify)       iii  
iv Contribution from the applicant or its parent organization       iv     

v Others (please specify)       v     

Estimated Total Income Please round to the nearest hundred

1 Amount Sought *
(Estimated Total Expenditure - Estimated Total Income)
Please round to the nearest hundred

*The grant amount sought should not exceed the stipulated grant ceiling set by the Council.
Please refer to Project Grant Assessment Guidelines of the relevant artform for details.

Project Grant Application Form

Confidential when completed

III Project Information

19 Project Content (Please use no more than 1,000 words)

a Project Summary and the expected outcome of the project (e.g. artistic objectives, concept, synopsis,
content, preparation and implementation plans, timetable, details about treatment, special features and
original/adaptation elements, types of exhibits, etc.)

Artistic objectives, concept, synopsis, content, preparation and
implementation plans, timetable

In 1991, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong decriminalised homosexual

relationships: an important milestone in LGBTQ+ rights. To celebrate the 30 th
anniversary of this event, we will be producing a public performance of Dance
Out: The Musical. Written and composed by local artist Zonia Tsang, Dance
Out is a Cantonese musical set in 1990 about LegCo’s passage of the
Decriminalization Amendment. With this musical, we will nurture local
performing arts talents and collaborate with international theatre artists. The
ultimate goal of this project is to perform a fully-staged production of Dance
Out for local audiences.

The performance will take place at an approved theatre venue, and will include
ticketed entry for the public. The production will follow internationally
established theatre production procedures. These procedures involve best-
practice guidelines outlined by organizations such as the Actors’ Equity
Association in the USA, ensuring a high-quality and professional production.

The production process will officially begin in January 2022. Before the
official commencement of the project, key production leadership personnel
including, but not limited to, a production manager and a stage manager, will
be contacted and recruited. This will ensure a prompt and efficient start to the
rehearsal process. Once key leadership personnel are in place, the production
manager and stage directors will work together to recruit and hire production
designers, such as set, lighting, costumes and props designers. Additionally,
musicians and performers will be auditioned for suitable roles onstage and in
the orchestra.

From February to June 2022, the rehearsal process will be underway.

Performers will rehearse multiple times a week with the musical director and
stage directors, as well as various additional staff such as choreographers and
vocal coaches. The stage directors and production manager will meet on a bi-
weekly basis with the designers to arrive at a consensus regarding design. It
will also be during these meetings that production manager and designers will
more evaluate the amount of technical crew that must be hired to construct the
designs, as well as budget for and specify the necessary construction materials
that must be purchased in order to construct all the designs.

During the rehearsal phase, the marketing team will also work to promote the
show. Promotion for the show will take place over traditional channels such as

social media advertising, Urbtix advertising, as well as posters and flyers.
However, in order to attract audiences who will relate strongly to the message
of the play, the marketing team will also conduct outreach with local LGBTQ+
organizations, and collaborate with these organizations on awareness-raising
and audience-building events. These events will be designed to closely match
the artistic goals of the musical, and may include workshops and talkbacks with
the creative team. The marketing team will also seek additional non-
governmental sponsorships. Lastly, the marketing team will connect with local
media shows, such as radio, television and newspapers to secure interview
opportunities for the creative team, giving them a platform to promote the

This project will end with four ticketed, public performance at Kwai Tsing
Theatre Black Box Theatre in June 2022. In the two weeks leading up to the
performance dates, we will follow established theatre production procedures to
prepare for the performances: the production manager will oversee the
designers and technical crew for load-in, ensuring that equipment such as set,
costumes and lights are moved into the space efficiently. Designers such as the
lightning and sound designers will have the opportunity to set up any software
they require. Once all equipment is in place, both the production team and
performance team will gather for a weekend of technical rehearsals to ensure
that all cues are in place. In the week leading up to the performance, there will
be multiple dress rehearsals. We will conclude with four performances of the

Original story about the gay rights movement in Hong Kong

As an international city, Hong Kong has long been committed to eliminating
discrimination; for example, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau is
supporting the Hong Kong community through the Equal Opportunities (Sexual
Orientation) Funding Scheme. Yet we still do not have a unique and original
theatre piece acknowledging the milestones Hong Kong has achieved in terms
of the gay rights movement. As evidenced by the recent success of Hamilton on
Broadway, having an original story that acknowledges our progress as a city is
the best way to embrace our past and gather strength to move towards a better
future. With this original theatre piece about Hong Kong and the values that we
cherish, the Harmonics will increase public awareness of LGBTQ+ rights in
Hong Kong, and foster conversations and discussions locally and

Incorporating historical documentation and multimedia technology into

As part of our goal to highlight the unique history of LGBTQ+ rights in Hong
Kong, the phase one performance will incorporate a variety of archival
historical material, including, but not limited to, newsreels from 1990 and 1991
depicting the passage of the Decriminalization Amendment, as well as
recreated recordings of LegCo debates regarding the Amendment. These will
be incorporated into the phase one performances as a form of documentary
theatre using video and audio. By utilising multimedia and collaborating with a
mixed media designer, we will not only demonstrate how theatre can
effectively use 21st century modern technology, we will also bring historical
events from 1990 and 1991 to life in the most vivid way possible. This will not
only leave a lasting impression on audience members; it will also allow

audience members to experience these historical events in a way that is as
accurate and impactful as possible.

Utilising international musical theatre development models

In order to produce this musical successfully, we have utilised a musical
development model found on Broadway and West End, where prominent
musicals are completely written before funding and producers are involved.
This process takes many years to complete, but it means that the script and
music of Dance Out are complete and currently in their final developmental
stages. Our team believes that a quality theatre script requires a long period of
development, so that the work itself can be improved continuously before
rehearsal begins. The playwright-composer-lyricist started writing this piece in
early 2018, and the musical has gone through multiple drafts and readings.
While the process was long, it was very rewarding and will lead to a smoother
rehearsal and production process.

Project Grant Application Form
Confidential when completed
b Target group and promotion plan (e.g. distribution, sales and promotion strategies, including target readers of the
project, list of distribution of complimentary copies, channels of distribution, plan for screening, promotion strategy
such as launches, internet promotion, competitions, etc)

 In order to reach the widest possible audience, and generate sufficient publicity for
both the final; performances, we will be utilising a variety of local and international
marketing sources.

In terms of more conventional marketing strategy, we will use both online and print
media. Social media accounts that are specific to this show will be established on
platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, to increase audience engagement before
the show. Special attention will be paid to search engine optimization (SEO) when
using online platforms, to ensure the largest online engagement possible. We will also
be in contact with local and international events websites such as Timable, Art-News,
Time Out, Localiiz and Broadway World to promote the shows across a wide spectrum
of society. Additionally, we will promote our work through print media sources such
as: flyers and posters at the performance venue and through Urbtix brochures, local
arts magazines such as Art Venue, and by contacting local newspapers. We will also
be contacting local news media including radio stations for possible promotional

A significant part of our promotional strategy will also involve collaborating with
other LGBTQ-oriented organizations in Hong Kong. This may include advertising
each other’s events through social media, and tapping into the larger LGBTQ+
network in Hong Kong. This will not only help in increasing audience attendance
numbers, it will also establish solidarity among the local LGBTQ+ community, and
pave the way for future collaborations. For example, a possible partnership with the
Gay Games 2022 (as mentioned above) would fall under this category

We are also in the early stages of making plans to secure corporate sponsorships. To
this end, we will be reaching out to corporations that have previously sponsored
similar LGBTQ-related events in Hong Kong, such as corporations that have
sponsored the Hong Kong Pride Parade.

Raising awareness about LGBTQ+ rights issues and achievements in Hong Kong
One of the main goals of Dance Out is to cultivate conversations regarding LGBTQ+
rights in Hong Kong in a positive, productive manner. As an art form, musicals are
both highly entertaining and deeply moving; as such, Dance Out hopes to attract
support locally through its emotionally charged yet uplifting music. LGBTQ+Q+
issues have long been perceived as a taboo in Hong Kong due to social conventions.
By discussing this subject matter in a musical–a very audience-friendly art form–and
by focusing on a character who undergoes a profound, heart-warming journey of self-
discovery, Dance Out has the potential to break this taboo in Hong Kong society.

Promotion for Gay Games 2022

Hong Kong will host the Gay Games in 2022, which is an international sporting event
that expects to attract over 90,000 spectators and athletes from across the globe. As
part of their wider programming, the Gay Games is seeking artistic partners, and we
believe that Dance Out is the perfect platform through which the Harmonics can
partner with the Gay Games. At this time, we are exploring the specifics of this
partnership in greater detail, but potential partnership opportunities include
performances of songs from the musical at the athletes’ village, and mutually beneficial
awareness-raising activities for the phase three staged readings in June 2022.

Collaboration with prominent international artists

Dance Out is a project that fights for gay rights, a precious value that shared
universally. As part of our goal to bring a Hong Kong-based story to an international
audience, we plan to collaborate with international theatre artists on this project. For
example, we are currently in talks to collaborate with Lena Gabrielle (New York Times
Critics’ Pick conductor and orchestrator of Off-Broadway musical Emojiland) as the
orchestrator and vocal arranger of Dance Out. Collaboration is the key to a successful
theatre production. Cultural and technical exchanges between Hong Kong-based and
international artists will not only enhance the quality of the production, but will also
lead to more collaborations for future productions. In the long term, this will help to
uplift the quality of theatre in Hong Kong, and promote our status as an international
art hub.

Project Grant Application Form

Confidential when completed
IV Project Details
20 Performance/ Other Activity Details (if applicable)
Available Seating Expected Attendance
Length of
Capacity for Ticket Rate(%) and No. of
Date and Time Performance Venue
Sales of Venue per the Audiences per
(hours/mins) show show
a  24/6/2022  90 Kwai Tsing 150         33%, 50 (based on
7PM     minutes    Theatre, possible social
  Black Box distancing
Theatre  requirements)

b 25/6/2022 2PM  90 minutes    Kwai Tsing 150         33%, 50 (based on

     Theatre, possible social
Black Box distancing
Theatre  requirements)

c  25/6/2022 7PM  90 minutes   Kwai Tsing 150         33%, 50 (based on

     Theatre, possible social
Black Box distancing
Theatre  requirements)

d  26/6/2022 2PM  90 minutes   Kwai Tsing 150         33%, 50 (based on

       Theatre, possible social
Black Box distancing
Theatre  requirements)







21 Exhibition Details (if applicable)

a Exhibition       Y       M D to       Y M D

Move-in       Y       M D
Move-out       Y       M D
b Venue and its       m2
c Number of pieces
d       persons
Number of estimated audiences /beneficiaries:

Project Grant Application Form

Confidential when completed
22 Script / Publication Details (if applicable)
a Name of Script / Publication (English)      

b Name of Script / Publication (Chinese)      

Details of Previous Publication of the proposed title of project (if applicable)

i) Please state the percentage of the contents that has been previously published in newspapers, magazines or

periodicals       %

Name of Periodicals:       Year      

ii) Please state the percentage of the contents that has been previously published in the form of an off-print,

collection or selection       %

Name of Publication:       Year      

d       (W)       (H)

Size of Publication (if applicable)

e Number of Words (if applicable)      

f Number of Pages (if applicable)      

g Number of Illustrations (if applicable)       B/W / Colour      

h Publisher (if applicable)      

i Distributor (if applicable)      

j Print-run (if applicable)      

k Distribution Volume (if applicable)      

l Date of Publication (if applicable)      

23 Film / Media Arts Production Details (if applicable)

a Project Implementation      Y      M      D       Y      M      D
Date:       to    
b Length of Film:       c Shooting / Filming      
d Shooting / Filming Media: DV ☐ HDV ☐ Film – 16mm/35mm ☐ Film – super 8 ☐
Others (please specify):      

e Number of estimated       persons


Project Grant Application Form
Confidential when completed
V Key Personnel Involved (Paragraphs 4.14 – 4.15 of the Information for Applicants)
Please list key personnel involved in the project and attach their curriculum vitae. (For literary arts publication,
please refer to item 2d of the Literary Arts Project Grant Assessment Guidelines)
*It will aid the assessment if written confirmation on the participation from key personnel is provided.

Name (as on ID card; please also Post &

Signature to
indicate stage/pen name, if applicable) Involvement
Qualifications/Experience Fee Confirm
in this

a  Zonia Tsang Lok Sze     8 years’ experience as a Playwright,    HKD   

playwright, composer and composer 10,000  
lyricist; produced off-off- and lyricist

b Tiffany Leung 8 years’ experience as an Producer     HKD      

actor, choreographer and     5,000   

c  TBD     Director                  

d TBD Musical director                       

e TBD Production manager                  

f TBD Stage manager                  








The total expected number of arts practitioners involved in this project (including artists; creative, production and
technical staff; and arts administrators, etc) is:    35        persons

Project Grant Application Form
Confidential when completed

a I have obtained,read and agreed to the booklet Information for Project Grant Applicants and the relevant
artform’s Project Grant Assessment Guidelines.

b I declare and guarantee that all information given in this application is correct and will not be amended
without the written approval of the HKADC.

c I declare and guarantee that neither the project set out in this application nor any part of it has been
included in other grant application(s) or collaboration proposal(s) to the HKADC or other organisation(s)
or sponsor(s). ☐ Yes ☐ No

If the answer to this is “No”, please indicate other sources of grant(s) or name(s) of the collaborating
organisation(s) (including those to be confirmed).

This project has been included an Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (Home Affairs
Bureau) grant application. Results are expected in June 2021.      

d I declare that, if the application is approved, I will engage the following venue and service providers which
are related to myself or other key personnel of the project: ☐ Yes ☐ No

If the answer to this is “Yes”, please list the name of the relevant project staff, the expense item and the
amount involved:


e I hereby list all current HKADC Member(s), Arts Advisor(s), Examiner(s) and staff who will be involved in
this application (if any):

f I have submitted the following supporting documents with this application:
☐ (If applicable) A copy of the organisation’s official registration document, constitution/ Articles of
Association, and a list of its key members/ Board of Directors (please refer to item 14 of this application
☐ Curriculum vitae of key personnel involved in the project
☐ Samples of work (6 copies of applicant’s past artwork(s), audio/ video recordings of previous
performances, story line of the play, play-script, photos/sketches of the exhibits, catalogues or media
reviews, etc.)
☐ The attached information/material (such as curriculum vitae or CD/DVD) does not contain personal
information of applicant and participating personnel, including Hong Kong Identity Card number, date of
birth, correspondence and residential address, contact number and email address.
☐ Price Quotations (rental of equipment, travel costs of overseas guests)
☐ Two identical copies are provided for the application of ‘Venue Subsidy Scheme’.

☐ Submitted the application under confidential cover and mark ‘Project Grant’ on the envelope.

Official Chop of the Organisation Signature

(if there is no official chop, please indicate) Applicant or Head of Organisation (For registered societies, the head of
organisation must sign the application form and the Grant Agreement on a
personal capacity to assume full responsibilities of the project)

Name in English
     Tiffany Leung

Position (if applicable) Date



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