Research Ethics in Social Sciences

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Research Ethics in Social Sciences

It is a set of rules. Research ethics deals with norms and values during research. It consists of
some moral and legal codes which is being applied during research for collection of data,
analysis of data, for interpretation of data and for publishing the results and outcomes. As
we have to collect data from different sources so we have to make sure that privacy of data
must be on its peak, avoiding research content from fraud and keeping them secure.
Ethics of social sciences are given below.
1) Confidentiality safety:
Confidentiality is very important for researcher while conducting research and during
the collection of data. It will create trust and interest so the people will give
attention and will provide the correct data. Researcher must guard the personal data
in order to get more advantage from public and must take special precautions to
avoid any misuse of personal data.
It is very significant to save the data of public or some institution like agencies
military confidential. When you will implement this ethic due to which trust develops
and the result of research become more accurate.

2) Social Responsibility:
Researcher must research for the welfare of society not only for his own career but
along with his/her career his primary focus must be related with well-being of
humanity. Researcher must be aware from the rules and regulation of his/her own
country so his/her research should not create any conflicts with country’s law and
must be keeping in a view a societal factor.
3) Transparency in research funding:
It should be clear that who is funding for research so that pressure on researcher
reduces. Funding should be made public. Transparency provide freedom to the

4) Limits on cultural recognition:

Researcher must be careful during the research on cultural factors and behaviors of
the people of that specific area/culture and should not break their human rights.
Researcher must be loyal and neutral to the culture, should respect that culture
without any discrimination. Researcher must be neutral he/she must stay away from
biasness. There should be no discrimination on the basis of gender, race etc.
5) Seeking Consent:
Consent seeking is very important in research involving people. Participants fully
informed and they must agree to participate without any pressure. It is legal and
acceptable when the participants know very well that whether to take part in
research. You have to share the required information to the participants so that they
must take part in research

1) "Ethics in Social Research ." Encyclopedia of Sociology. . Retrieved October 16, 2020 from
2) David, B., & Resnik, J. D. (2011). What is ethics in research & why is it important. National
Institute of Environmental Health Science Retrieved from http://www. niehs. nih.
3) Žukauskas, P., Vveinhardt, J., & Andriukaitienė, R. (2018). Research Ethics. Management
Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility, 141
4) Smith, D. (2003). Five principles for research ethics. Monitor on psychology, 34(1), 56.
5) Fouka, G., & Mantzorou, M. (2011). What are the major ethical issues in conducting
research? Is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing?. Health
science journal, 5(1), 3.
6) Sekaran,U.,& Bougie,R.(2016).Research Methods for Business: A skill-building approach (7 th
ed.,) Chichester, United Kingdom. John Willey and sons.
7) Norwe-gian national research ethics committees. (2019). Forskningsetikk. Retrieved 14
October, 2020, from

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