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Detailed Lesson Plan in


During the learning engagement the Grade VI pupils will be able to:
 describe the different seasons in the Philippines S6ES-IVc-3;
 express through drawing and role play the appropriate activities to do in each
season in the Philippines S6ES-IVc-4; and
 appreciate the importance of considering appropriate activities to do in each
season in the Philippines.


A. Topic : Seasons of the Philippines
B. Materials : Laptop, Multimedia Presentation, Manila Paper, Pentelpen
C. Reference : Into the Future: Science and Health pg. 228-231, Youtube
D. Values : Cooperation, Positive and Non-violent Discipline

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
 Opening Prayer
Let us all stand. Prayer leader you Our Father……
lead the prayer.

 Greetings and Attendance

Good Morning children! Good Morning Teacher Jess!

Before you take your seats, kindly

pick up pieces of papers and Pupils will pick up those pieces of papers
arrange your chairs. and arrange their respective chair.)

Who is absent this morning? None Teacher.

Very good! Perfect attendance for

this morning.

 Unlocking of Difficulties
Weather – refers to the condition
of a place in a short period of time.

Climate - is an average condition

of a place over long period of time.

Seasons – a period of the

characterized by or associated
with a particular activity.

Tropical – characteristic of a
region or climate with
temperatures high enough to
support year-round plant growth
given sufficient moistures.

B. Developmental Activities
 Motivation

Ask the students to stand up, (The pupils will stand up and perform the
make 4 straight lines, arms motivational game that will lighten their
forward, and listen to the teacher’s mood and increase their eagerness to
instruction. learn more about the topic.)
Sunny: Flash (open close hands)
your hands to the person in front of
Windy: Slide all your fingers
slowly to the back of the person in
front of you.
Rainy: Slide all your fingers in fast
mode to the back of the person in
front of you.
Stormy: Hit the back of your
classmates slowly with your

 Discussion Proper
(Their answer will vary depending on the
Now, I want you all to look outside. weather that they observed outside.)
“What can you say about the
weather today? Is it the same with
the weather yesterday?”

Okay, thank you for your answers.

Today, we are going to learn about
the Seasons in the Philippines.
Okay Teacher Jess!
I will show you some pictures and
you will share your observation
about each picture. Okay?

So here it is, the first picture is.

The first picture is situated at the beach. It
is a sunny day and the people are
enjoying it. We can have observed from
their faces that they are having so much
fun playing in the dirty white sand and in
the clear blue waters. The child also is
making a sand castle and he looks so

The second picture is.

The second picture is a rainy day. It
shows a family that still happy even on
rainy days. They also enjoyed the
presence of the rain Teacher Jess
Very Good Children! So, I have here
A video presentation to further

(Make sure that the pupils will listen

carefully and engage themselves into the

discuss the Seasons in the

Philippines. But before we start to
play the video, let me remind you
our rules when we are watching.

 Application

Now, I will divide the class into 4

groups. Each group will do (They will do the count-off then group
different tasks. (Do the count-off, themselves and form a small circle.)
then each group will form a small
circle. Do not forget to remind
them the rules in group activity.)

And here is the rubric that serves

as my guide on giving you scores.

Group 1 – Study the two (2)

pictures. List down the activities
that you can do in each of the
mentioned season. Write your
answer in a manila paper. The pupils will collaboratively do their
assigned tasks.
Group 2 – Using the given manila
paper, pencil, and a marker, draw
one (1) situation during sunny
days. Explain it to your
Group 3 – Dramatized for 1-2
minutes one (1) thing we can do
during rainy days.
Group 4 – List the advantages
and disadvantages of having dry
and wet season.

 Generalization

What have you learned from our

discussion today?

What is the difference between

weather and climate?
I learned from our discussion today about
the two seasons that we have in the
Philippines, the dry season and the wet

What is a season?
A weather refers to the condition of a
place in a short period of time. While
Is the Philippines considered as a climate is an average condition of a place
tropical country? For what reasons?
over long period of time.
Seasons is a period of the characterized
by or associated with a particular activity.
Why it is important that we should
know the different season that we
have in our country?
Yes, Teacher, the Philippines is
considered as a tropical country because
of its location.

It is important that we should know the

different seasons that we have in our
country for it affect our activities. And for
us also to be knowledgeable with the
global warming that affects our climate
and not to contribute more for the earth’s

INSTRUCTIONS: Write TRUE if the given statement is correct and write FALSE if it is
wrong. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.
TRUE 1. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place over a
short period of time.
FALSE 2. Climate refers to the weather pattern, using statistical data, of a place
over a long enough period to yield meaningful averages.
FALSE 3. Water gives the earth light, heat and power.
FALSE 4. Sunshine comes from oceans, seas, rivers and lake.
TRUE 5. Air surrounds us just as water surrounds the fish the live in it.

INSTRUCTIONS: Search in the internet or in any science books the elements of a
weather and climate. Write your answers in your science notebook.

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