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B.Tech.(C.S.E.)- 6th Sem.

Paper: CSL-342
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Time allowed: 2hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: Attempt any four questions out of Eight. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain the stages of Object Modeling Techniques along with the advantages.

Q2) What is aggregation? Explain with the help of example

i) Aggregation versus Association
ii) Aggregation versus Generalization

Q3) Explain the concept of generalization along with example.

Q4) What is the relationship between object, Dynamic and Functional Models? Differentiate between them
with example.

Q5) What is state diagram? Explain one shot state diagram with the help of example and proper notations
to describe the process?

Q6) What is functional modeling? Explain the Data Flow Diagrams.

Q7) Distinguish between system and detailed design? What are the steps involved during the methodology of
both system and detailed design?

Q8) Explain implementation using a programming language and implementation outside a computer?

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