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Teamwork Value Rubric

Level of Competence
Criteria Score
1 – Unacceptable 2 – Satisfactory 3 – Very Good 4 – Outstanding
Shares ideas but does not Offers new suggestions to Helps the team move forward by
1. Contributes to team Offers alternative solutions or courses of
advance the work of the advance the work of the articulating the merits of alternative ideas 2
meetings action that build on the idea of others.
group. group. or proposals.

Completes all assigned tasks by

Completes all assigned Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; work accomplished is thorough,
2. Individual
Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; work deadline; work accomplished is thorough, comprehensive, and advances the
contributions outside of 4
tasks by deadline. accomplished advances comprehensive, and advances the project. Proactively helps other team
team meetings
the project. project. members complete their assigned tasks
to a similar level of excellence.

Supports a constructive Supports a constructive

Supports a constructive team climate by Supports a constructive team climate by
team climate by doing any team climate by doing any
doing any three of the following: doing all of the following:
one of the following: two of the following:
n Treats team members n Treats team members
n Treats team members respectfully n Treats team members respectfully
respectfully by being respectfully by being
by being polite and constructive in by being polite and constructive in
polite and constructive polite and constructive
communication. communication.
in communication. in communication.
n Uses positive vocal or n Uses positive vocal or
written tone, facial written tone, facial
n Uses positive vocal or written tone, n Uses positive vocal or written tone,
expressions, and/or expressions, and/or
facial expressions, and/or body facial expressions, and/or body
body language to body language to
language to convey a positive attitude language to convey a positive attitude
3. Fosters constructive convey a positive convey a positive
about the team and its work. about the team and its work. 1
team climate attitude about the team attitude about the team
and its work. and its work.
n Motivates teammates n Motivates teammates
by expressing by expressing n Motivates teammates by expressing n Motivates teammates by expressing
confidence about the confidence about the confidence about the importance of confidence about the importance of
importance of the task importance of the task the task and the team’s ability to the task and the team’s ability to
and the team’s ability to and the team’s ability to accomplish it. accomplish it.
accomplish it. accomplish it.
n Provides assistance n Provides assistance
n Provides assistance and/or n Provides assistance and/or
and/or encouragement and/or encouragement
encouragement to team members. encouragement to team members.
to team members. to team members.

RUBRIC SCORE {[(2+4+1)/3] + 1} x 20 *3 refers to the # of criteria, 1 and 20 are constants 66.6667
PERCENTAGE SCORE Computed as Rubric Score divided by 100 *100 is a constant 66.67%
TRANSMUTATION EQUIVALENT Computed as Percentage Score multiplied by -4 plus 5 *-4 and 5 are constants 2.3
COMPANY NAME/PRODUCT________________________________ Subject & Class Schedule: _______________

NAMES OF MEMBERS (arrange it alphabetically, LASTNAME, FN initial, e.g. TAN, F.)

Contributes to team meetings
Individual contributions outside of
team meetings
Fosters constructive team climate
Total 0 0 0 0 0

Average 20 20 20 20 20
1 – Unacceptable
2 – Satisfactory
3 – Very Good
4 – Outstanding

Please rate your team members on the relative contribution made in preparation of your FINAL REQUIREMENT.
Compute the score to obtain a grade based on each performance of the member. BE SURE NOT TO GIVE UNIFORM RATINGS…

Sample computation: ={[(2+4+1)/3] + 1} x 20


nitial, e.g. TAN, F.)



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