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Experiment No.

To study and manipulate Phase Modulation.

To study the PM using MATLAB.
Computer System with MATLAB software installed on it.

Phase modulation (PM) is a modulation pattern for conditioning communication signals for
transmission. It encodes a message signal as variations in the instantaneous phase of a carrier
wave. Phase modulation is one of the two principal forms of angle modulation, together with
frequency modulation.
As a result the term angle modulation is often use to describe both. Phase modulation, PM is
sometimes used for analogue transmission, but it has become the basis for modulation schemes
used for carrying data. Phase shift keying, PSK is widely used for data communication
Phase modulation is widely used for transmitting radio waves and is an integral part of many digital
transmission coding schemes that underlie a wide range of technologies like
WiFi, GSM and satellite television.
In phase modulation, the information is encoded as variations in the phase of the carrier
signal. In its generic form, a phase modulated signal expressed as an information-bearing
sinusoidal signal modulating another sinusoidal carrier signal is expressed as

where, represents the information-bearing modulating signal,

with the following parameters

– amplitude of the modulating sinusoidal signal

– frequency of the modulating sinusoidal signal
– phase offset of the modulating sinusoidal signal

The carrier signal has the following parameters

– amplitude of the carrier

– frequency of the carrier and
– phase offset of the carrier

Demodulating a phase modulated signal:

The phase modulated signal shown in equation ((1)), can be simply expressed as

Here, is the instantaneous phase that varies according to the information signal
A phase modulated signal of form can be demodulated by forming an analytic signal
by applying hilbert transform and then extracting the instantaneous phase..
We note that the instantaneous phase is is linear in
time, that is proportional to . This linear offset needs to be subtracted from the
instantaneous phase to obtain the information bearing modulated signal. If the carrier
frequency is known at the receiver, this can be done easily. If not, the carrier frequency
term needs to be estimated using a linear fit of the unwrapped instantaneous phase.
How PM is Different from Frequency Modulation?

Both PM and FM varies in the below characteristics:

 In PM, phase variation is linearly related to the modulating signal, while in FM frequency
variation is linearly related to the modulating signal.
 Noise immunity lies in between AM and FM for phase modulation, and in FM noise
exemption is more than that of PM.
 The signal-to-noise ratio is not much better than that of frequency modulation in PM, and
in FM signal-to-noise ratio is more.
 Mobile radio services mostly implement phase modulation, and FM is utilized for
commercial radio broadcastings.

How PM is Different from Amplitude Modulation?

Both PM and AM varies in the below characteristics:

 PM receivers have greater noise immunity than that of AM, AM receivers are very
susceptible to noise.
 In PM, there is the option to enhance noise immunity by enhancing the frequency deviation,
whereas in AM no such option exists.
 More requirement for bandwidth and it is based on modulation index, while in AM,
bandwidth is lesser to that of FM and PM.
 Both the transmitters and receivers of PM are complicated, whereas AM transmitters and
receivers are so streamlined to construct.
 PM modulators are so effective and utilize the whole power and in AM power is wasted as
because of sidebands transmission in DSB-SC technique.

1. Write down the code:
o Create message signal m(t)
o Modulating the carrier with the message signal
o Plotting the signals

2. Write down the code for Phase modulation in MATLAB.

3. Write down the code for simple Phase Demodulation using Hilbert transform.




Criteria Beginning (1) Developing (2) Accomplished (3) Exemplary (4)

Apply Student is unable to apply With instructor/ supervisor’s With instructor/ Student is able to apply all
Procedural described procedure to guidance, student is able to supervisor’s guidance, procedural knowledge to
5 Knowledge to perform activity despite apply some of the described student is able to apply all independently perform
perform an instructor/ supervisor’s procedure to partially described procedure to activity without instructor/
activity guidance. perform activity. fully perform activity. supervisor’s guidance.

Student is able to
Student is unable to Student is able to partially Student is able to effectively and
effectively document/ document/ communicate effectively document/ independently document/
10 communicate
communicate performed performed activities despite communicate performed communicate performed
activities despite guidance. guidance. activities with guidance. activities form without any

Psychomotor Domain Rubrics

Activity Name  EXPERIMENT No. 11
Group No. 
Student Roll No.

N C PL Domain +
o L O Taxonomy Criteria Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell)
. O
Apply Procedural Knowledge to perform an
1 4 1 P3
2 5 10 A3 Effectively reported the activity performed in lab

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