Construct A Questioning Tool

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Title: Construct a Questioning Tool

Performance Objective:
Given one an evidence plan of the competency assigned to you, you
should be able to construct a questioning tool following prescribed
format and requirements.
Supplies/Materials : TR and CBC, table of specifications

Equipment : PC, printer with ink

1. Review the evidence plan you prepared previously.
2. Classify the performance criteria by dimensions of
a. Task skills
b. Task Management skills
c. Contingency Management Skills
d. Job/Role and Environment Management Skills
3. Prepare interview questions for these performance
criteria as classified.
4. Prepare questions for:
a. verification of OHS
b. verification of knowledge of laws, rules and
regulations related to the competency you are
5. Write the questions in the prescribed template.
6. Prepare the suggested answers to the questions.
7. Evaluate own output using performance checklist
8. Show your work to your trainer for further
feedback and recording.

Assessment Method:
Portfolio Assessment, Questioning

Criteria YES NO
1. Are all questions related to the competency being
2. Are questions classified by dimensions of
3. Are questions constructed to verify particular
performance criteria of the competency?
4. Are questions stated in a level that trainees will
understand and clearly worded?
5. Do safety questions deal with the OHS for the
competency being assessed?
6. Are questions not leading?
7. Is there a suggested answer for each question?

Trainer: Rovie V. Ven

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