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EE 670 - Assignment #3 ye 89S ‘\ 1, Doppler Shift: Consider a 3G mobile in the 2GHz band moving at a velocity of 60mph and the underlying wireless channel is Rayleigh fading in nature. Let A(t) = a(t) + jy(t) be the channel estimate at time t, normalized to unit power. Employ the Jakes’ model as you deem appropriate to answer the questions below. _{a) What is the maximum Doppler frequency fz and the coherence time Te, _-oy What is the joint distribution f (w(0),y(0))?_ . -(€) What is the joint distribution f (h (0) ,h (0.5T.))? _-Ady What is the joint distribution f (2 (0) ,y (0), 2 (0.57) ,y (0.5T-))? _Soy Compute E {x (0) y (0) z (0.572) y {0.5Te)} and B {2? (0) c* ( _AAY Derive the LMMSE estimate of h(0.57.) in terms of h (0). yey > V 2. Practical wireless systems Consider a mobile moving a 90 Kmph in a 3G WCDMA system at 2GHz. (a) What is the chipping rate of WCDMA? (b) If the channel is estimated every 256 chips in the above system, is there a chance of a stale estimate? (c) Chips in WCDMA are organized in slots and frames as shown in Fig.1. The number of chips in a slot is 2560. If the channel is estimated every slot, is there a chance of a stale estimate? (d) 18 slots comprise a frame. If the channel is estimated every frame, is there a chance of « stale estimate? “877 veblole receives « 900MHsz transmission while travelling at a constant velocity.for 10 s. The average fade duration for a signal level 10 dB below the rms level is 1 ms. How far does the vehicle travel during the 40;interval? How many fades does the signal undergo at the rms aye 1 oe gid Figure 1: WCDMA Frame Structure threshold level during a 10 s interval? Assume that the local mean remains constant during travel. Consider a one-ring model where there are K scatterers located et angles 6; = 2ri/K, i = 0,1,...,K — 1, on a circle of radius 1 km around the receiver and the transmitter is 2 km away. (The angles are with respect to the line joining the transmitter and the receiver.) The transmit power is P. The power attenuation along path from the transmitter to a scatterer to the receiver is, Gil Ra where G is a constant and r and s are the distance from the transmitter to the scatterer and the distance from the scaiterer to the receiver respectively. Communication takes place at & carrier frequency fo = 1.9 GHz and the bandwidth is W Hz. You can assume that, at any time, the phases of each arriving path in the baseband representation of the channel are independent and uniformly distributed between 0 and 2m. (a) What are the key differences and similarities between this model and the Clarke’s model in the text? (b) Find approximate conditions on the bandwidth W for which one gets a flat feding channel. (c) Suppose the bandwidth is such that the channel is frequency se- lective. For large K, find approximately the amount of power in tap ( of the discrete-time baseband impulse response of the channel (i.e., compute the power delay profile). Make any simpli- fying assumptions but state them. (You can leave your answers in terms of integrals if you cannot evaluate them.) {d) Compute and sketch the power-delay profile as the bandwidth becomes very large (and K is large). 2 (e) Suppose now the receiver is moving at speed v towards the (fixed) tranmmitter. What is the Doppler spread of the tap [7 Argue heuristically from the physical considerations what the Doppler spectrum (i.e. power spectral density) of tap | is, for large 1 (£) We thave made the assumptions that the scatterers are all on @ ircle of radius 1km around the receiver and the paths arrive independent and uniform distributed phases at the receiver “fuiiithematically, are the two assumptions consistent? If not, do you think it matters, in terms of the validity of your answers to théiéarlier parts of this question? 4A@ 5. In this problein we derive the probability of bit error for DPSK in fast Rayleigh fading. By symmetry, the probability of error is the same for transmitting a zero bit or a one bit. Let us assume that over time Tj, a zero bit is transmitted, so the transmitted symbol at time kT), is the same as at time k- 1: s(k) = 9(k— 1). In fast fading the corresponding received symbols are 2(k — 1) = 9e-18(k ~ 1) + n(k~ 1) and 2(k) = g.s(k—1) +n(k), where g,—1 and g, are the fading channel + gains associated with transmissions over times (k — 1)T, and AT), (a) Show that the decision variable input to the phase compara- tor of Figure to extract the phase difference is 2(/-):"(k — i) = HGR —1 + 948K — Leh, + G1 8h_1Me + MN} ‘Assuming a reasonable SNR, the last term nynj_, of this ex- pression can be neglected. Neglecting this term and defining fiz = 6f_ ym and Fp; 17-1, We get @ new random vari- able 2 = gegt_, + 9eFit_, + gtx. Given that a zero bit was transmitted over time kT}, an error is made if z = R{z} < 0, 80 We must determine the distribution of z. The characteristic funetion for x is the 2-sided Laplace transform of the pdf of x: x(3) = f: px(z)e""dz = E [e~**] ‘The function will have a left plane pole p; and a right pl r ‘ay’ can be written as, : me lame ®x(s) =n Hl @) (¢— pi)(s = P2) ‘The left Plane pole p; corresponds to the pdf px(zx) for z > 0 andthe right plane pole corresponds to the pdf px(z) for x < 0. 3 (b) Show through partial fraction expansion that ®x(s) can be writ ten a, y 1 Pe i 9x() = Gp) =m). Ga Bi) = Pa) An error is made |f 2 = R{z} < 0, 80 we negd only consider the pdf px(z) for 2 < 0 corresponding to the secend term of Bac(@) in part b). (c) Show that the inverse Laplace transform of the second: term of ®x(s) from part b) is 2 <0, Papa x(a) z Pim (d) Use part c) to show that Fy = +p1/(p2 — m1). In 2 = R{z} = R{g.of_, + 9nAj_; + 9f-17%4} the channel gains 9 and g,—1 and the noises fiz and fix-1 are complex Gaussian random variables. Thus, the poles p, and py in px(z) are derived using the general quadratic form of complex Gaussian random variables as, 1 O° aT AIF BB) Oy See areal and 1 ”* BGT are "No for pc the correlation coefficient of the channel over the bit time Tt. (c) Find @ general expression for P, in fast Rayleigh fading using these values of py and pp in the P, expression'from part d). (f) Show that this reduces to the average probability of error’ F, = rip for a slowly fading channel thet does not decorrelate over a bit time. : © 6. Consider a communication system which uses BPSK signalling with average signal power of 100 Watts and the noise power at the receiver is 4 Watts. Can this system be used for transmission of data? Can it be used for voice? Now consider there is fading with an average SNR. 7 = 20dB. How does your answer to the above question change? Pecoumidée « cellular system at 900 MHz with a transmission rate of 64 Kbps and multipath fading. Explain which performance metric, average probability of error or outage probability, is more appropriate and why for user speeds of 1 mph, 10 mph and 100 mph. EE 670 - Matlab Assignment #3 1, Plot the bit error probability for DPSK in fast Rayleigh feding for 7 ranging from 0 to 60 dB and po = Jo(27BpT) with BpT = .01, .001, and .0001. For each value of BpT’, at approximately what value of % does the error floor dominate the error probability? EEGAO— ASSIGNMENT #08 G*) Nore ; SAGAR. S oll Nor 13!0HI29 Bronch + spam CEE Pepl) dol. Gun, fez 268 Ve 60 mph = @xXV6% F = 26-67m)s. ST rok Dopp funy As : Ke XK Abeax. 7 Lk 2 Bea = 1B Hy = etensec Coleen, Te» C= ah 2 oe © Gwen, hUD= aye jy (neorG 2 + te > we NOs) 2 KOO EF © 8 OS) > HWE TZ #0) ost dTecbson waily he gatabiti of fe & ronal fayloh fons, Crone - T) fy (009,410) = + ztorve) © (sing Jats wrote, _ ep hilo) nest)j= to ("aa Ab) we AbS OST. = gL to (4 xt = toneldion minx = B e [hit] ¢ fro] [ned bree so) 1 eh [hohe (es Oh fine sto} a: |? ots fon © % aM” [more] = eLimtosconth obs S e (Mba) = wo0)=4 spt dsteibition of a towpltk nD Gus ans lm: fen a q. (2 anion" , [- 0.s2= 0 25 ide, (enl ~ ii 4 L_ | -0-&S Rh = p.carS [-088 \ The “ Rah . 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Canrel sank of qhe phase wh tte callin f The te ary galeas oe pe on the ofl and, hase vom vapidly as nS sa sala { Te ofa of dCa'§) s al The geatierer —_ pestlens ‘a a che | te yi scale path bss and in vavre' Sole Me at eur assumpiens ave rs Tal eae assuming aa qe yallers spond (km fiom the vecerver, udwe | the apgxiion rs qecurdle up 1 order of a's “Re ontomnes, oT He Gall Sale valiclaes “fe. vordom phate ossumpian. .- 13104129 MATLAB PROBLEM:1 SAGARS.... SNR_4B = 0:90; SNR = 10.4(SNR_AB/10); for c=0.013 BDTi=c; - Jol = 2*pi*BDT1; ROWel = besselj(0,Jo1); P_floorl = (1 - ROWe!)/2; BDT2 = c/10; Jo2 = 2*pi*BDT2; ROWe2 = besselj(0,Jo2); P_floor2 = (1 - ROWc2)/2; BDT3 = ¢/100; Jo3 = 2*pi*BDT3; ROWc3 = besselj(0,Jo3); P_floor3 = (1 - ROWc3)/2 end for t=I:length(SNR_dB) BERI(t) = (1/2)*((1 + (SNR(t)*(1 - ROWel)))/(1 + SNR(H)); BERQX(t) = (1/2)*((1 + (SNR(Q*(1 - ROWe2)))/(1 + SNR()); BER3(t) = €1/2)*((1 + (SNR(1)*(1 - ROWc3)))/(1 + SNR(®)); im—~ end figure semilogy(SNR_dB,BER1,'c.-’,' O semilogy(SNR_dB,BER2,'m+- semilogy(SNR_dB,BER3,'b—",'Li ie Width',2);hold on title(‘BIT ERROR PROBABILITY FOR DPSK IN FAST RAYLEIGH FADING’); xlabel(‘SNR in dB');ylabel(‘BIT ERROR PROBABILITY"); legend('BDT1=0.01','BDT2=0.001','BDT3=0.0001"); plot(SNR_dB,P_floort,'o-b',SNR_dB,P_floor2,'o-b',SNR_dB,P_flgor3,'0-b"); hold off e {IT ERROR PROBABILITY FOR DPSKIN FAST RAYLEIGH FADING % 7 T BIT ERROR PROBABIUTY CONCLUSION: 1. As BDT increases, the probability error and error floor are increased. 2. As BDT increases, the Bessel function decreases at a much faster rate. 3. As BDT increases, the error floor dominates the error probability at a much lower SNR. When BDT = 0:01, floor can be seen about SNR_dB = 40dB When BDT = 0:001, floor can be seen about SNR_dB = 60dB When BDT = 0:0001, floor can be seen between SNR_dB = 0 to 60 dB(Around 80dB) Asse Hos — ~ channd i : 4 “0 . { eet 5 : PF Gynbat —— fe | pot @O ft mf ® we hove mo %% w& in (Fama = gC (e (E-Home, = (heise i Tout = (Se i ae oa ek SHO é ocuS all % ee aa ews fe ry x, we fave qa.4 2 oe we es a oa 5 a8 6 ane DE = dO on Eb an Tepe Ut ° aCe 4 e405 4 2 6 (7 — a BHO — Pots OS K S-HOs Te owe 5 fo Dude © Gino do = 6) ay ~cCTN AL laele ; 4 afi ( we oy ccews) i pouuee day peje S = iS + ar a 2 ye) 4 ) 2K Fs) (C [s ep a ) ) 60 rd: 4 @. lL —de i i - Mee ppg SHA, f= fe. Xe = 5 (8 tos = % Sno dO = a, af f {de| 2 Suef 4 oF pout 39 af qn a % wv at , icc Be f) Lee i ON) ob ur cpstrean SG & —Ch)_— he ‘me eT Owe CMe) cd , He phates ove Gurelly spear once to ast fe 00. el Pel ps 6 omt dante oo net nt Ae or med) 3 rotilend f m a ole of radius ee al radi, Kew fos Cage of rs] A.) fam ap sien at HRY

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