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Notice for M.Tech Students

 The first semester evaluation of the M.Tech Dissertations will be held on 18th January
2021 between 10:30 AM and 1 PM.
 The presentation time for each student will be of maximum 25 min (20 min presentation and
5 min of question / answers). The presentation should comprise of not more than 16 slides.
Presentation ppt’s should be prepared on the IITR template and should be numbered.
 The overall broad line of the presentation should include:
1. Outline of Presentation
2. Introduction
3. Literature Survey (including justification of problem)
4. Plan of work / Methodology
5. Experimental Procedure (if any)
6. Preliminary Results & Discussion (if any)
7. Summary
8. References
 Students should submit a seminar report at the time of the presentation. The report should
be of around 20 pages, which should include:
a) Title page
b) Contents
c) Abstract
d) Introduction
e) Literature review (including justification of problem)
f) Plan of work / Methodology
g) Experimental Procedure (if any)
h) Results and discussion (if any)
i) Summary
j) References
 Students should get their reports corrected from their respective supervisors prior to the
presentation and should e-mail the soft copy (PDF) to the committee members at least two
days prior to the presentation.
 The report should be prepared as per the “Guidelines for Dissertation Report
Preparation” while the references at the end of the report and ppt should be as per the
“Styling of References” indicated on the next page.
Guidelines for Dissertation Report Preparation

 The report should be typed in Times New Roman font with 12 font size, line spacing should be 1.5
 Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text. Avoid using abbreviations
in the title
 Table captions should be written above the tables while the figure captions should be written below
the figure
 When referring to the figure use “Fig.” followed by the figure number. Fig. is also used in the
 Number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in
[3], not as “Ref. [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] states that …”
 Avoid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the text.
 Numbering of pages should be carried out with the number “1” appearing on the first page of the
introduction and the last on the reference page. The same should reflect in the contents.

Styling of References

1. A journal reference should be readily available on subscription and included in most library
collections. Use journal abbreviations as given in the current listing of Chemical Abstracts
Example: Author: Title, Journal, year, ser., vol., pp.
R.M. Horn and Robert O. Ritchie: Nanostructured Materials, Metall. Trans. A, 1978, vol. 9A, pp. 1039-

2. References to books should include the title and pages within the book.
Example: Author: Book, edition, publisher, place, date, pages.
George E. Dieter: Mechanical Metallurgy, 2 nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY, 1976, pp.

3. A “private communication” or “unpublished research” may be referenced when required to give

proper credit. The citation must include the affiliation and location of the person involved, as well as the
year. Papers presented at meetings but not published fall under this category.
Example: J.J. Doe: AAA Company, Washington, DC, unpublished research, 2004.

4. References from websites should be sited as follows

Example: Author (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Retrieved from URL,
Satalkar, B. (2010, July 15), Reactive Sintering, Retrieved from

5. “In Press” references must include the name of the journal. Balance of reference should be supplied
when available. This may be done on the proofs.

6. References must be numbered throughout the manuscript and presented in consecutive numerical order
on reference page.

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