GUTIKA, Nisanta Lila (Beginning, Working Copy)

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Nisanta Lila 1

Çrí Çrí Gaura Govinda Jayate

Çrí Çrí Gaura Govinda Lílamrta Gutika

(Supreme Edition)
Çrí Çrí Añöa Kälína Nitya Líla

Nisanta Líla: Navadvípa Dhäm (6 dandas)

(3:36- 6:00 am)

Pranam to Çrí Navadvípa Nitya Líla:

çrí gauräìga mahäprabhoscaranayorya keshshesadibhih

sevagamhyataya svabhakta bihita sanneiryayalabhyate
tam tanmanasikim smrtim pratyatum bhavyasada satyamayih
naumi pratyahikam tadiya caritam çríman navadvípajam

“Even Lord Brahma, Çiva and Ananta Deva and others are not able to
achieve the loving devotional service of the lotus feet of Lord Gauräìga
Mahäprabhu. This very rarely obtainable loving devotional service is available
only to His eternal associates. Great devotees are constantly absorbed in
remembering this loving devotional service. Desiring that this manasi seva also
arises in my heart, I am offering pranam to Çríman Mahäprabhu’s Nitya Líla in
Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm.”

Çrí Navadvípa Añöa Kälína Líla Sutra:

ratrante sayanaothitah surasaritasnato vabhau yah prage

purvahne sagarairlasatupavane tairbhati madhyahneke
yah purvamaparahneke nijegrahesayana griheatanangane
Çríväsasya nisamukhe nisiväsan gaurah sa no raksatu

“He, Who gets up from His bed at the end of the night, Who in the
morning takes bath in Gangä, Who in the late morning and midday performs
2 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

various beautiful pastimes with His devotees in the forests, Who in the
afternoon wonders through the town, Who in the evening remains in His home,
Who in the late evening and night stays in Çríväsa Angana, may that
Nadiyanagara Gauräìga Mahäprabhu protect us all.”

Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm Nisanta Líla Sutra:

prage çríväsasya dvijakularavairniskutvare

srutidhvanprakhyaih sapadi gatanidrampulakitam
hare parsver nayanjairjalaih
samsiktanga var kanakagauram bhaja manah

“Him, Who at the end of the night in Çríväsa’s flower garden hears singing
of the birds and wakes up, His hears standing on end out of Prema. Him, Who,
while thinking: “I am that Rädhä, Who is laying next to Kåñëa in the Vraja
Nikunja.”, is bathing in His own tears. Oh my mind, please do the bhajan of
(remember) that Lord Gaurasundara, Whose divine body is of pure gold lustre.”

Navadvípa Dhäm: Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm Dhyan

Rejoicing and overflowing with supreme love for Lord Gauräìga ’s lotus
feet, river of the Suras, purifier of the fallen, Çrí Gangä Devi, comes from North,
surrounding and protecting Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm. Her main stream flows on the
Eastern side, and sub-flow on the Western, to meet on the South and continue
the flow. It looks like as if Mother Gangä is very carefully and affectionately
embracing Her newly born child, turtle-back shaped Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm, thus
flowing in complete bliss. Close to Her banks on both sides, where Her waters
are more shallow, there are blue, golden, red and white lotuses, as well as many
other water flowers. Bumble bees of many varieties of colours are blissfully
absorbed in drinking nectar of these flowers. In the waters of Çrí Gangä, swans,
cranes, ducks, cakraväka and all other varieties of water birds are playing.
Gentle breeze is creating waves on Her waters, which causes bumble bees and
water birds to move up and down along with the waves. The buzzing sound of
the bumble bees is like a lullaby sang by Mother Gangä to Her child, Çrí
Navadvípa Dhäm. On the ghats, there are vedis, mandapas and steps, decorated
with gems. Within the waters of Çrí Gangä, there are islands of varieties of
shapes, their beautiful sandy banks effulgent as camphor. Supremely purifying
Çrí Gangä is mixed with pollen of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s lotus feet, thus varieties
Nisanta Lila 3

of Her loving moods are manifesting in beautiful ways. Within Çrí Gangäji’s
divine supremely beautiful golden Kalpabhumi supremely illuminating, self-
manifested supreme abode of love, Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm is situated. This
supremely auspicious Dhäm is eternally overflowing with divine river of Çrí
Kåñëa premananda and is always being served by Çríman Mahäprabhu’s eternal
associates. Splendour of varieties of Kalpa vrksas, Kalpa latas and abundance of
their flowers and fruits is rendering this divine Dhäm incredibly beautiful.
Branches of these transcendentally opulent Kalpa vrksas of Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm
are made of emerald, tips of their branches of gold, their soft leaves of
Kuruvinda mani (??? colour), their flowers of diamond, filaments of their
flowers of coral and their fruits of cat’s eye. Sweet and filled with love calls of
countless kinds of land and water birds are stealing heart and soul. After Çrí
Gangä’s, next inner ring surrounding Çrí Navadvípa Dhäm are her effulgent
sandy banks that are putting to shame the Moon rays. Next is the lane of fine
grass with varieties of Kalpa vrksas embraced by varieties of Kalpa latas that are
bending towards Çrí Gangä, and thus looking as if offering pranamas to her.
Next is golden King’s road, decorated with jewels, that is connecting all four
main King’s roads. By the both sides of all the roads, there are bakul Kalpa
vrksas embraced by the Kalpa latas. Their tops are meeting and thus creating a
cooling canopy over the road. Pleasant fragrance of the bakul flowers that are
falling on the road is spreading around. Next are Ten seasonal forests. Next are
the four varnas (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras) residents’ houses and
variety of markets, permanent and temporary. Next are divine residences of
Lord Gauräìga’s brahmana associates that are equipped with all the needed
facilities. In every house, there are Deities of Yugal Sarkar Çrí Çrí RädhäMädhava
and all requirements for Their service. Filled with pure bhakti, devotees’ houses
are thus venues of Lord’s constant Mahämahotsava. Next is another ring of the
King’s road. Next is the fruit forest with all kinds of fruit Kalpa vrksas, bearing
fruits in every season. Next is the flower forest, with all varieties of fragrant
flower Kalpa vrksas that are ever fresh and available in all seasons. Next is the
banana forest, with all kinds of bananas. All these rings are of circular shape,
but the next one, the wall that is surrounding and protecting Çríman
Mahäprabhu’s abode is of square shape. This wall is very high and thick, made
of gold. Four main King’s roads, coming from Çrí Gangä from North, East,
South and West, are reaching the four gates of this Golden wall. These gates are
made of diamond and decorated with flower garlands, strings of pearls, jewelled
pots, cakras and flags. Inside of this protective wall, there is the jewelled abode
of Çríman Mahäprabhu, consisting of 30 areas. In it’s the centre, there is a
4 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

temple of Lord Näräyana made of divine precious stones and in front of it Kírtan
hall, Çrí Lakñmipriyä Devíjí and Çrí Viñëupriyä Devíjí’s inner quarters, kitchen,
Candraçälä, etc. Since the time immemorial, Çríman Mahäprabhu’s abode is thus
fulfilling five goals of life and giving all bliss to everyone.

Çríväsa’s Flower Garden, Sayana Sobha Dhyan of Çríman Mahäprabhu

along with His associates, Awakening and service of Sadhaka däsa

In the Isana corner of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s abode, there is Çríväsa

Thakura’s house, the cause of all happiness. It is made of all varieties of
Cintamani gems, equipped with all kinds of facilities, and very wonderful. In
Çríväsa Thakura’s abode’s Isana corner, there is Flower Garden in which six
seasons constantly reside. In this Flower garden, decorated with variety of
Cintamani gems, there are tree Mahä Sayana Mandapas of the Three Prabhus:
Çríman Mahäprabhu, Çrí Nityananda Prabhu and Çrí Advaita Prabhu. In the
middle, there is Mahäprabhu’s Mahä Sayana Mandapa, made of gold coloured
Cintamani gems. On the four sides of the Mahä Mandapa, there are four doors
and eight windows, one window on each side of the doors, made of Indranila
gems (blue colour) and decorated with flower garlands and variety of gems.
From the outer side of the doors and windows, there are golden net doors and
windows. Floor is made of gold and decorated with gems inlaid designs. Walls
are decorated with variety of gems, whose effulgence is creating waves like
impressions. Golden domes of the Mahä Mandapa are decorated with golden
pots, cakras and flags. Surrounding Mahäprabhu’s Mahä Mandapa, there are
sleeping rooms of His associates, decorated with gems. Servants of these
associates are also sleeping there. Thus, on Eastern side, there are rooms of
Gadadhara Pandita, Çríväsa Thakura and other bhaktas. On Southern side of
Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Raya and other bhaktas. On Western side of
Murari Gupta, Narahari Sarkara and other bhaktas. And on Northern side, Çrí
Rupa and other Goswämis, along with their associates, are taking rest. On the
Southern side of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s Mahä Sayana Mandapa is Çrí Nityananda
Prabhu’s Mahä Sayana Mandapa, and on the Northern side, Çrí Advaita Prabhu’s
Mahä Sayana Mandapa. Their Mandapas are the same as Çríman Mahäprabhu’s,
but Çrí Nityananda Prabhu’s is made of Sun stone (light golden colour)
Cintamani gem and Çrí Advaita Prabhu’s of Moon stone (whitish colour)
Cintamani gem. The doors and windows of Their Mahä Sayana Mandapas are
the same as those in Mahäprabhu’s Mahä Sayana Mandapa. On four sides of
each of the Mandapas are stairs made of gold. First line of stairs is from the
Nisanta Lila 5

ground up to the veranda, and the next one from veranda up to Mahä Sayana
Mandapas. On the ground floor, surrounding Nityananda Prabhu’s Mahä Sayana
Mandapa, there are gems studded rooms of His associates. On the East is room
of Viracandra and others, on the South of Ramai Thakura and others, and on the
other sides of Uddharana Datta and others. Rooms of their servants are
surrounding their rooms. In this way, surrounding the Mandapa of Çrí Advaita
Prabhu, are rooms of His associates. On the East is Acyutananda and others, on
the West are Yadunandana Acarya and others, and on the other sides, other
associates are sleeping. Rooms of their servants are surrounding their rooms. All
the Mandapas are surrounded with Kalpa vrksas and Kalpa latas, on which birds
and bees are residing. Around mango Kalpa vrksas are malati Kalpa latas, and
on them are kokil couples. On kadamba Kalpa vrksas are yuthika Kalpa latas,
and couples of peacocks. On pomegranate Kalpa vrksas are madhavi Kalpa latas
and shukas & saris/ couples of parrots. On pilu Kalpa vrksas are malika Kalpa
latas, with couples of pigeons. On all these Kalpa latas are couples of bees, and
on the ground are couples of hens and roosters. Servants are sleeping at the
lotus feet of Their Gurus. Sadhaka däsa also sleeps at the lotus feet of his
Gurudeva, at his prostrated utariya (upper cloth).
At the end of the night, Sadhaka däsa is naturally waking up, while
blissfully calling his Iñöa Çrí Gauräìga Mahäprabhu’s Names: “Gaura, Gaura!
Gauräìga, Gauräìga!” Anxious if he woke up at the right time, he is turning
and looking around. While sitting up, he is stretching and yawning, then
putting on his utariya. As if still tired after awakening at the end of the night,
Malayan breeze, along with sandalwood fragrance, is moving slowly and taking
around the fragrance of the night flowers that are open under Moon light,
through Çríväsa Thakura’s flower garden, that is constantly served by all six
seasons simultaneously. Bees at Çrí Gangä’s banks are awakening by this
fragrance, starting to buzz and drink flowers’ honey. Hearing the buzzing of the
bees, birds are awaking and starting to sing. After awaking, Sadhaka däsa
washes his face and mouth. Then, he prepares golden jug with fresh according to
season fragrant water and golden basin, along with soft thin cloth for drying
hands and mouth. Massaging his Gurudeva’s lotus feet, he wakes Him up, and
helps Him to wash His face and mouth. In this way, he wakes up and serves
whole Guru varga and Goswämi varga. Getting the order of his Gurudeva and
following the Goswämis, he goes to prepare everything for ending of the night
service at the Three Prabhus Mandapas. First of all, he cleans Çríman
Mahäprabhu’s golden Mandapa. He brings fresh water from the jewelled well,
and after sweeping veranda and steps with golden broom, he splashes pure
6 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

water, mops it with golden broom, and then dries with dry cloth. In this way, he
cleans also Nityananda Prabhu’s Sun stone Mandapa and Advaita Prabhu’s
Moon stone Mandapa. Then, he puts silk floor mat/carpet and three jewelled
Simhäsanas for the Three Prabhus, on the Eastern veranda of Çríman
Mahäprabhu’s Mandapa. On the top of Simhäsanas, he puts soft cushions and
bolsters that are covered with soft, nicely designed silken cloth. Then, at the
jewelled well, he cleans golden jugs, basins and Arati paraphernalia with soft
earth, and brings them to the Eastern veranda of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s
Mandapa. Each of the three sets for washing the Three Prabhus faces and
mouths, he keeps on a separate golden table. Then, he picks flowers and Tulasi
in Six seasonal flower garden. On the Eastern veranda of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s
Mandapa, he makes flower garlands and Tulasi garlands for the Three Prabhus,
and keeps them in baskets on another gold table. Then, he prepares catuh sama
(in summer catuh sama is made of candan, kuìkum, kastürí and camphor that’s
cooling, and in winter of candan, kuìkum, kastürí and keçar that’s warming) for
the painting of the Three Prabhus tilak, etc. Grinding each of the items on the
jewelled grinding stone, he then keeps them each in a separate golden bowl,
placing them all on another golden table. Then, for the arati of the Three
Prabhus, he prepares ghee wicks, and along with incense, flowers and Tulasi,
and other paraphernalia, keeps on a big golden Arati tray on another golden
table. Karatala and mrdanga, he keeps on another golden table. Then, he
prepares flower petals for Puspa bristi of the Three Prabhus, and keeps them in a
basket on another golden table. At the end, he covers whole veranda of Çríman
Mahäprabhu’s Mahä Sayana Mandapa with soft flower petals.

Waking up of Çríman Mahäprabhu, arrival of Two Prabhus with all the

associates to Çríman Mahäprabhu’s Sayana Mandapa and having His Sayan
Sobha darsan

At this time, hearing buzzing of the bumble bees and singing of the birds,
Çríman Mahäprabhu wakes up. Upon feeling the fragrance of the flowers,
Çríman Mahäprabhu gets into Vraja Bhava, Rädhä Bhava. Being in Prema vesa,
while remembering Våndavana’s Yugala Sarkara’s Sweet Loving Pastimes,
Çríman Mahäprabhu releases gar-gar and hunkar sounds. Hearing deep, filled
with love hunkar sound of Çríman Mahäprabhu, Two Lords and all Their
associates wake up and come to veranda of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s Sayana
Mandapa. Guru varga and Goswämi varga are offering obeisances to the Two
Nisanta Lila 7

Lords and Their associates. At that time, they are all asking about each other’s
well being. Sadhaka däsa is paying obeisances to everyone. Then, from all four
side of the veranda, They are taking Sayana Sobha Darsan of Çríman
Mahäprabhu. Çrí Rupa and other Goswämis and Guru varga, are standing at
NW window. Sadhaka däsa, by his Guru’s mercy, with blissful heart also takes
Sayana Sobha Darsan of Çríman Mahäprabhu, standing on the left side of his
Çríman Mahäprabhu’s bed is made of various coloured Cintamani gems,
which according to the season, keep bed warm or cool. Soft bed mattress is
covered with fine, white silken cloth, and on the top of it there are soft flower
petals. There is a pillow under Çríman Mahäprabhu’s head, and more pillows on
both of His sides. Absorbed in Rädhä Bhava, Çríman Mahäprabhu is sleeping on
His right side, with His head towards the East, His right hand under His head,
thus facing North. Having darsan of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s beauty during His
sleep, moths like minds of His associates are attracted upon Him and not
desiring to go anywhere else. Çríman Mahäprabhu’s very long and strong arms
are destroying the pride of massive bolts (big wooden logs used to bolt the
doors). Golden Çrívatsa line and Brighu’s footprint are resting on His chest that’s
wider, stronger and more beautiful than golden gate, and also being decorated
with supremely purifying Yajna upavita that’s like a silver chain on the gate.
While Prema Asru are coming from Çríman Mahäprabhu’s eyes, His golden body
looks as an untold golden lotus steam with 3 lotus flowers, golden, red & blue,
upon it. His lotus face surrounded by His curly hair looks put in shame golden
lotus with swarms of bees playing around it. Pitambara dhoti and jewelled
ornaments are shining on Him. Effulgence emanating from His soft, golden
body is illuminating His whole Mahä Sayana Mandapa and causing that gems
that are representing fire in the lamps that forms of kulanganas in the walls of
His room are holding also look golden. On the four corners of His jewelled bed,
there are four golden pillars upon which a white silk canopy is resting,
decorated with swastika, lotus and other auspicious symbols, its trims made of
jewels and pearls. Ocean of Mahäbhava, Çrí Gaurasundara is decorated with
tears, hairs standing on end and other Añöa Sattvik Bhavas. He is again & again
raising His left lotus palm & lotus foot, as when, in Vraja Nikunja, Nayika Çrí
Rädhäraní is laying on left side of Divine Nayaka Çrí Kåñëa, embracing Him. He
is crying tears of love and telling some unclear words. Seeing Him, it cannot be
told if He is awake or dreaming.
8 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

Parrot awakening Çríman Mahäprabhu, His getting up and absorption in

Vraja Bhava

In one corner of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s jewels decorated Sayana Mandapa,

there is a golden cage with a parrot that has been trained by Çríväsa Thakura.
This parrot is knower of Mahäprabhu’s Svarupa Tattva and Líla Tattva, and
now, on the indication of Svarupa Damodara, in a sweet voice it starts
awakening Nadiya Bihari Çrí Gaurasundara, telling: “He, Navadvípacandra ! He,
Sacinandana ! He, Prabhu Visvambhara ! All glories to You ! Night has ended
and morning is to come! Malayan breeze and fragrance of the flowers that are
open under Moon rays are attracting bumble bees that are now waking up and
buzzing. In fear of the morning, kokil is calling Rahu. (So that Rahu comes and
eats the Sun. Thus, night will stay forever, so there will be no separation of
black kokil and its black friend night. That’s why kokil is calling for Rahu.) He,
Mahäprabhu ! Sun is just to arise. So, please get up and go to Your home to take
rest. Just see, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Svarupa Damodara and all
Your other associates are on the veranda, waiting to have Your darsan. Quickly
get up and give them Your darsan ! And see, after taking bath in Gangä,
brahmanas are chanting Stutis, while going back to their homes. Eager to have
Your darsan, Mother Saci will soon enter Your room. Go to Your room before
She comes!”
Hearing the parrot, Çríman Mahäprabhu got up. He is sitting on the bed,
facing North, His lotus feet touching floor. While stretching, His palms turned
upwards, His fingers entwined, and cracking sound coming from His joints, He
is looking like a golden bow without a string. As He is yawning, effulgence is
coming from His teeth, and it looks like as if camphor lamp is doing arati of His
lotus face. While being absorbed in Rädhä Bhava, laughter, fear, distress and
other sancari bhavas appearing in His mind, and His Çrí Anga is decorated with
satvika bhavas. In sweet remembrance of the pastimes of the Personified Deities
of Vraja Nikunja, Yugala Sarkara Çrí Çrí RädhäMädhava, pearls like tears of love
are coming from His lotus eyes and it looks like Mandäkiní river flowing from
golden Sumeru mountain. His hairs are standing on end, thus His Çrí Anga
looking as beautiful as kadamba flowers. He is breathing deeply. Being tinted
with anuraga line, His eyes are reddish, appearing as beautiful as red lotuses.
While having darsan of Çríman Mahäprabhu’s Çrí Anga being decorated with all
these varieties of bhavas, Two Prabhus and other associates are overwhelmed
Nisanta Lila 9

with bliss. They all enter Mahäprabhu’s Mahä Sayana Mandapa and sit there.
Knowing Mahäprabhu’s mind, Svarup Damodar starts singing Nisanta Líla of
Rasikavara ÇríÇrí RädhäMädhava that are sleeping in about Vraja. Govinda,
Mädhava and Vasudeva Ghosha along with other devotees are playing karatalas,
mrdanga & other instruments in very sweet tones. Hearing Çrí Vraja Líla kirtan,
Çríman Mahäprabhu is getting absorbed in Vraja Bhava. Two Prabhus and all
the Bhaktas are also, by Mahäprabhu’s mercy, getting absorbed in Their Vraja
svarupas. Sadhaka däsa, by mercy of Çrí Gurudeva, is getting absorbed in his
own Manjari Svarupa and in Yugala Sarkara, ÇríÇrí RädhäMädhava’s Vraja
Nikunja seva.

Nisanta Líla: Vraja Dhäm (6 dandas)

(3:36- 6:00 am)

Pranam to Çrí Vraja Nitya Líla:

çrírädhäpranabandhoscarankamalayoh kesasesadyagamya
ya sadhya premseva brajacaritparairgardlaulaiklabhya
sa syat prapta yaya tam prathyatumduna manasimasya sevam
bhavyam ragadhvapanthairbrajamanucaritam naittikam tasya naumi

“Even Lord Brahma, Siva, Ananta Deva and others are not able to achieve
the loving devotional service to the lotus feet of Çrí Rädhä’s Prana Bhandu, Çrí
Kåñëa. This loving devotional service is achieved only by Vraja Líla Anuragi
Ragatmika devotees, because of their deep longing. Great devotees of Vraja
Raganuga path are constantly absorbed in remembering this loving devotional
service. Desiring that this manasi seva also arises in my heart, I am offering
pranam to Çrí Govinda’s Nitya Líla in Çrí Vraja Dhäm.

Çrí Vraja Añöa Kälína Líla Sutra:

kunjadgostham nisante pravisati kurute dohanannasanadyam

10 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

pratah sayamc Lílam viharati sakhibhih sangave carayan gah

madhyahne catha naktam vilasati vipine rädhäyaddhaparane
gostam yati pradose ramayati suhrido yah sa krsnoavatannah

“He, Who at the end of the night leaves Nikunja and goes to His home in
Nandisvarpura, Who in the morning and evening is engaged in Lílas of milking
cows and taking meals, Who in the late morning goes for herding of the cows
and plays with His cowherd friend, Who at midday and night is engaged in
various intimate loving pastimes with Çrímati Rädhäraní in the forest, Who in
the late evening is giving bliss to His associates. May this Çrí Kåñëa protect us

Çrí Vraja Dhäm Nisanta Líla Sutra:

ratrynte trast- vrnderit bahuvirvairbodhitau kirsari

paddhairhrdairhrdarapi sukhsayanaadutthitau tau sakhibhih
drstau hrstautadatvodit- ratiLalitäu kakkhtigih sasankau
RädhäKåñëausatrsnavapi nija- nija dhämnyaptatalpau smarami

(KSM) Afraid of the ending of the night, Vånda indicates to the birds to
start singing. Yugal Sarkar is hearing the birds, but not getting up. Each of
Them is afraid that if They get up, They will wake up the other One. Thus,
embracing each other, Their eyes remain closed, while They keep pretending to
sleep. After hearing pleasing and unpleasing attempts of the birds to wake Them
up, They get up. They are sitting on the bed, facing each other. While having
each others’ Darsan, Their desire for loving pastimes increases again. As old
monkey Kakkhati releases alerting sound, being afraid that Jatila is approaching,
each of Them takes separate secluded forest paths. Turning and looking back to
have each others’ Darsan, They are proceeding towards Their homes. In feelings
of separation, They are falling asleep, hoping that They will meet each other in
Their dreams. O mind, do the bhajan of (remember) these SarvesvariSarvesvara,
Yugala Sarkara, Çrí Çrí Rädhä Kåñëa.
Nisanta Lila

Vraja Dhäm: Çrí Våndavan Govindäsathali Dhyan

(SKBG) The Supreme part of Çrí Våndavan is Govinda Sthali. From the
Northern side of Govinda Sthali, Çrí Yamuna’s flow is coming, its main stream
on the Eastern side and sub-stream on the Western side. These two streams, like
two arms of Çrí Yamuna are embracing Govinda Sthali, and joining on the South
to flow further. It looks like as if Mother Yamuna is very carefully and
affectionately embracing Her new born child, turtle-back shaped Govinda Sthali,
thus flowing in complete bliss. Or as deep and waste Viraja river/ Causal Ocean
surrounds and protects Vaikuntha, similarly Çrí Yamuna’s flow surrounds and
protects this rare, jewelled Royal treasury house, Supremely Secret Govinda
Sthali. (GL 21. 68-85) Govinda Sthali is up raised, circular, back of a turtle
shape, like an huge, thousand petaled lotus. In the centre of Govinda Sthali,
there is Yugala Kisora, Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa’s Mahä Yoga Pith Mani Mandir. It is
made of Kalpa Mani and is the form of bliss (Ananda Svarup). In the centre of
Yoga Pith Mani Mandir, there is octagonal platform. In its centre/ karnika, there
is Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa’s simhäsana. In four corners of this octagonal platform, as
four legs supporting the platform, there are four jewelled lions. Their effulgence
is like their wings. The lions are standing on their back feet that are slightly
bended as they are supporting the weight of the platform on their shoulders.
Their eyes are made of Manik mani (red colour), their body of Sun stone. Their
ears are up raised. Seeing them, it looks like they will at any moment fly up,
taking the platform to the sky. On simhäsana, there is a mattress and bolsters.
Effulgence of this golden lotus like simhäsana is illuminating whole centre/
karnika of the Yoga Pith platform. Surrounding Mahä Yoga Pith from the four
sides, there are four Kalpa vrksas. Vedis of these Kalpa vrksas are having steps
and their branches, foliage is meeting on the top, thus creating canopy over
Mahä Yoga Pith. On the Isana (North East) of this jewelled temple, there is
Parijata Kalpa vrksa (it’s capable to destroy phalanges of enemies). On Agni
(South East), there is Santana Kalpa vrksa (it’s giver of the supreme bliss). In
Nairit (SW) there is Haricandan Kalpa vrksa (it’s destroyer all the miseries). In
Vayu (NW) is Mandara Kalpa vrksa (it’s destroyer of all desires). These 4 Kalpa
vrksas are capable to gift 5 goals of life. Outside of these 4 Kalpa vrksa, from the
Isana corner, entwined with Madhavi Kalpa latas, there is Madhavi Mandapa. In
Agni corner, there is Malati Mandapa. In Nairit corner, there is Malika
12 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

Mandapa. In the Vayu corner, there is Golden Yuthi Mandapa. From the
ground, steps are leading to the top of the vedis, upon which the Mandapas are
situated. On the Nothern side of Mahä Yoga Pith Mani Mandir, surrounded with
4 verandas made of crystal and other white coloured jewels, there is Svetambuja
Kunja where surrounded by the Sakhis, Çrí Çrí Yugala Sarkara are playing Dice
game. Thus, all the facilities for Dice game are available there. On the Eastern
side, decorated with Blue Saffire, there is Nilambuja Kunja, where Çrí Çrí Yugala
Kisora are being dressed and decorated. Thus, all the paraphernalia for Their
dressing and decoration is kept/ stored here. On the Southern side, it’s shining
earth made of Ruby and other red coloured jewels, there is Arunambuja Kunja.
It is surrounded by dense foliage Kalpa vrksas that are entwined with blooming
Kalpa latas. Branches of these Kalpa vrksas are meeting at the top and thus
creating a temple like structure. where surrounded by the Sakhis, Yugala
Rasikavara Çrí Çrí RädhäMädhava’s are having Their Dining pastimes. Thus, all
the facilities for cooking and serving meals are available here. On the Western
side, decorated with gold, there is Hemambuja Kunja. In this divine Kunja,
there are all the facilities for sleeping. On all 4 sides of this jewelled decorated
veranda, Manjaris are taking rest. Sadhaka Manjari is sleeping here, on her
upper cloth, that’s prostrated at the lotus feet of her Guru Manjari. Surrounding
whole this area, there is a circle of varieties of kinds of golden bananas, that’s
like Golden Kesar of thousand petaled golden lotus like Govinda Sthali.
Surround it, there is circle of Añöa Mahä Kunjas of Parama Prestha Çrí Lalitä and
other Añöa Mahä Sakhis, starting with Çrí Lalitä Sakhi on the North.
Surrounding them, there are further circles, each with double number of Kunjas
than the previous one. Thus, circles of 16, 32, 64 up to countless number of
Sakhis’ Kunjas, each of them equipped with all the required facilities are very
beautifully situated here. In these Kunjas, Sakhis are taking rest along with their
däsíkas. Surrounding them, there is very tall & thick golden wall that’s
defeating the pride of the sun rays. On the four sides of this wall, there are four
big gates, decorated with flowers & jewels. At those gates, there are kunjas of
four dvara pallika/ door keeper sakhis: Murla, Vånda, Våndarika & Mena Devis.
Surrounding the golden wall, there is golden road called Hema sthali that is
inlaid with variety of coloured jewels mosaics, presenting scenes of human,
birds, animals & others’ intimate loving union. Surrounding Hema sthali, there
is a forest of many varieties of banana Kalpa vrksas. Surrounding it, there is a
golden, inlaid with jewels rajamarga/ king’s road. Surrounding it, there is a
flower forest, and surrounding it, a fruit forest. Surrounding it, there is again
rajamarga. (SKDBMG) Surrounding it, there are Ten seasonal forest, with spring
Nisanta Lila
forest on the East. Through its middle, eastern main rajamarga is leading. In
agni corner, there is summer forest. In the south, up to south main rajamarga,
there is rainy forest. On the other side of the south main rajamarga, from south
to nairit corner, there is autumn forest. In nairit corner, there is dewy season
forest. On the west, there is winter season forest, with western main rajamarga
leading through it’s middle. In vayu corner, there is spring & autumn mixed
seasonal forest. On the north, up to the northern main rajamarga, there is
summer & dewy mixed seasonal forest. On the other side of the northern main
rajamarga, up to the isana corner, there is rainy & winter mixed seasonal forest.
And, in isana corner, there is six seasonal forest. Surrounding ten seasonal
forests, there is betel nut forest. Surrounding it, there is another rajamarga.
Surrounding it, there is coconut forest. Surrounding it, there is another
rajamarga. Malati and other Kalpa latas campaka, asoka, kadamba, punanga &
bakula & other Kalpa vrksa lane, countless jewelled Kunjas, in which Yugal
Sarkar Çrí Çrí RädhäMädhava’s countless Lílas take place. All these Kunjas are
facilitated with all facilities, effulgent, Kalpa vrksa entwined with Kalpa latas,
decorated with jewels. Branches of these Kalpa vrksas are dowing down towards
Yamunja’s waters, as if touching them. From the Yoga Pith towards Yamuna, 4
main rajamargas are leading. At the ends of each of these four main rajamargas,
there are jewelled ghatas, with two jewelled mandapas, 2 jewelled vedis & 2
Kunjas at each ghat. On the both sides of these 4 main rajamargas, as well as
every rajamarga, there are lines of fully blooming bakul Kalpa vrksas. From the
ghatas, jewelled steps are leading towards Yamuna. In waters of Yamuna there
are white, yellow, red and blue lotuses, inside which bumble bees are sleeping
being intoxicated by the nectar of these lotus flowers. Moved by the Malayan
breeze that is gently blowing, waters of Yamuna are rising into waves, creating
“kal-kal” sound. The madhurmayi sight & sound of these waves is heart & mind
stealing. In mango Kalpa vrksas that are entwined with madhavi Kalpa latas,
variety of coloured pairs of kokil birds are sleeping. In pomegranate Kalpa
vrksas that are entwined with malati Kalpa latas, variety of coloured pairs of
parrots are sleeping. In kadamba Kalpa vrksas that are entwined with golden
yuthi Kalpa latas, variety of coloured pairs of peacocks are sleeping. In pilü
Kalpa vrksas that are entwined with navamallikä Kalpa latas, variety of coloured
pairs of pigeons are sleeping. In flowers of these Kalpa latas, pairs of variety of
coloured bumble bees are sleeping. On the ground, pairs of hens & roosters are
sleeping. In this way, birds and animals are sleeping at their particular sleeping
14 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

Waking up of Sadhaka Manjari at the end of the night, and making

arrangements for variety of the sevas

(KB 1.4-6) Manjaris that have practice of naturally waking up at the time
for their sevas, have been, at the end of the day, after little while of sleep,
awaken by Nidra Devi. After awakening, Manjaris are thinking that they woke
up late, so they are anxiously looking in all directions to understand if they
woke up at the right time or not. As they recognize that Ananda Mahotsava
Pradankari Nagar Cakravarthi Çrí Kåñëa & Nagarimani Çrí Rädhäraní are still
sleeping, they sit up while starching and yawning and start asking each other:
“Oh, Sakhis! Did you wake up from your sleep after being tired from the great
vilasa with Braja Navayuvaraja?” After some time, their restless bumble bee like
eyes start relishing nectar like marks of Çrí Kåñëa’s nails on their lotus bud like
breasts. Or, because of tadatmiya with Çrí Rädhäraní’s Çrí Vigraha, nail
scratches, teeth bites, etc. that have decorated Isvarí Çrí Rädhäranís’ body during
Her vilasa with Priyattama Çrí Kåñëa, are naturally appearing also on manjaris
bodies. Thus, seeing these marks on each other bodies, Manjaris keep laughing
and joking with each. (KB 1/17, BSS 18) Malayan breeze is gently blowing for
the pleasure of Nikunja raja, Çrí Çrí Yugala Rasika. It looks like, as if this
Malayan gentle breeze has just how awoke from its sleep, thus is slowly, slowly
moving being still dizzy. This Malayan breeze is kissing Kalpa vrksa and Kalpa
lata flowers & taking their pollen. While moving around, it is giving pleasure to
all ten directions. This scented breeze is entering nostrils of & awaking the
bumble-bees that are sleeping in the blooming flowers, being intoxicated by its
sweet nectar. (SKDBMG) Birds and bumble-bees are awaken, and eager to
awake ÇríÇrí Yugal Kisora are now going to their particular places in
surrounding of Hemambuja Kunja, where they are quietly sitting in branches of
Kalpa vrksas and Kalpa latas, awaiting the signal of Vånda Devi to start their
While chanting her Isvarí Çrí Rädhäranís names: “Rädhä, Rädhä!”,
Sadhaka manjari has awakened. She then washes her face and mouth and dries
it with the cloth. After gathering and cleaning paraphernalia for washing face
and mouth of guru manjari, and bringing fragrant, according to season (in
winter warm, in summer cold) water from the jewelled well or Yamuna, she
keeps the golden jug, basin and soft, thin cloth at the golden cauki/ small table
Nisanta Lila
at guru manjari’s veranda. Lovingly pressing the lotus feet of guru manjari, she
wakes her up and washes her lotus hands & face. In this way, she completes
the seva of whole guru manjari varga and Çrí Rupa and other manjaris.
Afterwards, getting the blessings and instructions of guru manjari, following in
the footsteps of Çrí Rupa and other manjaris, Sadhaka manjari starts preparing
paraphernalia for the service of Prana Sarvasya Çrí Çrí RädhäMädhava. She starts
from cleaning veranda of Hemambuja Kunja by first sweeping it with golden
broom, then splashing pure water and moping it with golden broom, and then
drying it with cloth. Then, she cleans one set of golden jug & basin, Arati
paraphernalia and keeps it all at the golden tables on the Eastern veranda of
Hemambuja Kunja. Through the clean, thin cloth she filters flowers scented
water and keeps it in a golden jug. Then, she picks flowers and Tulasi and after
making flower and Tulasi garlands, she keeps them in baskets on another
golden table. On a jewelled grinding stone she then grinds catuh sama, keeping
each of the items in a separate golden bowl and placing them all on another
golden table. Then, she prepares ghee wicks, and along with incense, flowers
and Tulasi, and other paraphernalia, and keeps it on a big golden Arati tray on
another golden table. Then, she prepares flower petals for Puspa bristi, and
keeps them in a basket on another golden table. Whole veranda floor of
Hemambuja Kunja she covers with soft flower petals. Then, she prepares
tambula, filling both green and ripe, golden pan leaves with coconut, cloves,
kardamon, raisins, camphor, jewel dust, etc. Then, she makes juices from sweet
grapes, oranges, apples, pomegranates, ripe mangos and keeps them in separate
golden jugs. Along with it, she keeps glasses made of blue Safire, gold, crystal
and other jewels.

Sakhis and Manjaris Sayana Sobha Darsan of Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa and

(KB 1/11) At this time, naturally knowing the right time for seva, and
while hearing buzzing of the bumble-bees, Vånda Devi is waking up. She is
looking in all 4 directions, checking if she woke up at the right time. Then, she
indicates to the birds and bumble bees that now is the time to get ready for seva
of awakening Prana Natha Çrí Çrí Yugala Kisora. Bumble bees & birds are now
flying to Hemambuja Kunja, and while quietly sitting in the brachches of the
Kalpa vrksas & Kalpa latas, they are awaiting further indication of Vånda Devi
to start their seva. (SKDBMG) Vånda Devi is taking Lalitä and other Sakhis to
16 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

veranda of Hemambuja Kunja for Çrí Yugal Sayana Sobha Darsan. Sadhaka
Manjari is offering obeisances to all of them. All Sakhis and Manjaris, eager for
Yugal Sayana Sobha Darsan are peaking through the windows of Hemambuja
Kunja, relishing Yugal Sayana Madhuri. Manjaris are at the NW window.
Sadhakaa Manjari is standing on the left side of Guru Manjari, immersed in
ocean of Çrí Yugal’s Madhuri Darsanananda.
As ÇríÇrí RädhäMädhava are sleeping on Their divine bed, that’s covered
with soft (according to time) flower petals, Their transcendental effulgence is
enlightening whole sayana mandir. Çrí Kåñëa’s bodily effulgence is colouring the
north part of the sayana mandir in blue saffire colour, and Çrí Rädhäraní’s the
south side in the gold colour. This Blue & gold effulgence are meeting and
mixing into supremely beautiful emerald green effulgence. Tired by
transcendental cupid & rati’s vilas, They are embracing each other, and though
looking as if senseless, they are experiencing pleasure. In fatigue of the Rati-
rasa, Their dresses & ornaments are dishevelled. Çrí Rädhäraní’s head is on Çrí
Kåñëa’s left arm and Çrí Priyaji’s golden lotus stem like right arm is embracing
Çrí Kåñëa’s neck. Çrí Kåñëa’s right thigh is resting on Çrí Priyaji’s hips. Çrí Kåñëa’s
big blue Safire gate like chest is touching Çrí Priyaji’s chest. And, Çrí Kåñëa’s face
is touching, turned towards Çrí Priyaji’s face. From the four corners of the
jewelled bed, 4 golden pillars are supporting white silken canopy that’s putting
in shame the moon rays is resting, and that’s decorated with variety of jewels
and pearls, and wearing the symbols of swastika, etc. In the walls on all the four
sides of sayana mandir, there are golden statues of the kulanganas that are
holding lams, made of jewels. Being illuminated by Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa’s
effulgences, the buds representing fire in the lamps that are at the back of Çrí
Kåñëa, are looking blue, and those at the back of Çrí Rädhäraní are looking
golden. Inside walls of the sayana mandir are also decorated with pictures of
ÇríÇrí RädhäKåñëa’s purva rag, made of jewels. Whole sayana mandir is fragrant
with rose and must water. On the golden tables, surrounding jewelled bed, there
are fruit juices, sweets, tambul and fragrant drinking water in golden jugs, and
other items for service.
Sakhis & Manjaris restless fish like eyes are without stoppage blissfully
swimming in the ocean of the ÇríÇrí Yugal Kisore‘s incomparable beauty. Sakhis
& manjaris are starting with soft/ not loud Rasodgara (descriptions of
Madhurmayi Madhur, Srngar rasa) pastimes of Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa). One Sakhi is
saying: “Look, look Sakhi ! Çrí Yugal Rupa Madhuri (Beauty filled with Madhur,
Srngar Rasa) is like blue and golden jewels studded together.” Another Sakhi is
saying: “Sakhi, Blue and golden jewels are hard, but These two are very soft.
Nisanta Lila
Seeing Their beauty, I am thinking that untold blue masculine lotus and golden
female lotus are swaying together being moved by strong, powerful wind of
Cupid.“ Hearing this, some other Sakhi started saying: “Sakhi, male and female
lotuses are wilting at night, but Their faces are blooming during the night, too.
It seems to me as if new rainy cloud is wearing garland made of lightening.”
Hearing this, some other Sakhi said: “Sakhi, lightening is temporary, but my
Sakhi Rädhä is steady. It seems to me as if Syam Tamal tree is entwined with
golden creeper.” Other Sakhi says: “Sakhi, those are unmoving objects, but Çrí
Yugal are the ultimate personifications of Srngar rasa.” Other Sakhi said: “None
of us can give suitable comparison, as nothing this world can be compared with
Çrí Yugal. Only comparison for Them are Themselves personally.” Other Sakhi
said: “Sakhi, look how sweet smile is blooming on Çrí Rädhä’s face, while She is
sleeping on Priyatama Çrí Kåñëa’s lap! It looks as if Nidra Devi affected Her and
put Her to sleep just in the moment She was looking at mild smile on Çrí
Kåñëa’s moon like face, thus the same fine smile still keeps resting on Her face.”
(KB 2/1-5) Calling Lalitä Sakhi to pay attention,Visakha Sakhi is saying: “Look
Lalitä, even though They are wearing no ornaments, nothing is missing, because
They are ornaments of all ornaments. Look! Although Two of Them are
nirankus (without dress), They are at the same time nirankus (dressed in a very
nice dress). Or, They are dressed in Their blue and golden bodily effulgences.
Although being Bihari (without necklases), They are Atihari (wearing many
necklaces). Or, on the bodies of Çrí Yugala there are signs of Ananga’s loving
pastimes. Look, although being anangada (without armlets), They are anangada
(donors/ givers of transcendental Kama & Rati pastimes). Look, Sakhi !
Although Their eyes are niranjan (without anjana/ kajala), They are niranjan
(with nicely put anjana/ kajal). Or, during Their loving pastimes, anjana/ kajal
from Their eyes got smeared unto each other’s faces, thus Their faces became
nicely decorated with anjana/ kalaj. Or, though not being decorated with
anjana/ kajal, Their eyes are naturally beautiful, blackish. Look! Although They
are viraga (without lipstick), They are viraga (Their lips are decorated in a
special way). Or, Their lips are wearing signs of each other’s teeth bites and
drinking nectar of each other’s lips. Or, although not being decorated with lips
stick, Their lips are naturally beautiful, reddish. Their bed sheets are dishevelled
and thus indicating that powerful pastimes took place there during night.
Hearing Visakha’s words, Lalitä started laughing and said: “Last night, some
powerful pastime took place between topknot & brade. Because of that Ananga
pastime, topknot and brade are not tired and dishevelled, without decorations.
18 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

On Çrí Rädhäraní’s body there are signs of teeth bites and on Çrí Kåñëa’s chest
there are nail scratches. Amongst these two Ananga pastimes warriors, who is
the winner?” Visakha told: “On Çrí Kåñëa’s chest there is impression of Sakhi Çrí
Rädhä’s Mahävar, and on His feet impression of kunkum from Her breasts. Both
of Them wearing signs of love of Ananga’s victory festival. (KB 1/10-14) Having
darsan of beauty of Çrí Yugala’s transcendental bodies, one Sakhi told to the
other: “Look, Sakhi! Kandarpa Mahäraja didn’t like dresses and ornaments that
Lalitä and other Sakhis put on Çrí Çrí Yugala Sarkara. He took it all off and
dressed & decorated Them with thousands & thousands of effulgent teeth bites
and nail scratches. He, Sakhi ! Being decorated with signs of the pastimes, how
lovely are Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa’s beautiful transcendental bodies? For the sake of
us Sakhis having this incomparably beautiful and sweet darsan, Kandarpa
Mahäraja has taken out Their dresses and ornaments, and dressed Them in
Their blue and golden effulgences. Doing this service, Kandarpa Mahäraja is
very satisfied. Look Sakhi! How beautiful it is as Çrí Çrí PriyaPriyatama are
tightly embracing each other. Although They are not wearing Their nilambar &
pitambar clothes, while embracing each other They are wearing blue & golden
clothes of Their own effulgences. Or, Çrí Kåñëa is wearing dress of His own blue
Safire effulgence and Çrí Rädhäraní wearing dress of Her own golden effulgence.
Or, as They are tightly embracing each other, Çrí Kåñëa is wearing pitambara of
Çrí Rädhäraní’s golden effulgence, as She is embracing Him, and Çrí Rädhäraní is
wearing nilambara of Çrí Kåñëa’s blue Safire effulgence, as He is embracing Her.
This is why Kandarpa Mahäraja thought that it would be mistake to again put
on Them other dresses & ornaments, as They are already wearing dresses &
ornaments of Their own effulgences. How amazing, Sakhi ! Is it that, today, our
Çrí Rädhä has given up Her shyness, being maddened by desire? Hay ! Aho !
Kandarpa Mahäraja has sent away the king of childhood age from the kingdom
of Çrí Rädhä’s body. Establishing his own king’ship over it, he made shyness his
own servant, giving her 3 places to reside & serve: Çrí Rädhä’s head, Her eyes &
chest. But, now he took shyness out of Nivriti Nikunja, this why it cannot be
seen here. Is it that shyness did some Mahä-apaRädhä against Kandarpa
Mahäraja, so that why he now took shyness out of kingdom of Çrí Rädhä’s
body? Or is it that as a result of great quantity of our auspicious deeds we
gained such a good fortune that our cakora birds like eyes can experience such
happiness, so that’s the reason why Kandarpa Mahäraja has sent shyness away
from kindgdom of Çrí Rädhä’s body?” Hearing her dear Sakhi’s words, another
Sakhi started laughing and said: “No, no, Sakhi! Seeing Kandarpa Mahäraja
entering, shyness folded her hands in respect and went out herself. But, at the
Nisanta Lila
time of awakening, shyness will come back again in a powerful manner & Sakhi
Çrí Rädhä will again become very shy. (KB 2/6) In this way, Sakhis are quietly
describing Yugala Rasika Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa’s vilasa madhuri and considering
their own good fortune, they are drowning in great ocean of bliss.

Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa giving up Their sleep and Vånda Devi indicating to
birds to start chirping

(GL 1/12) Birds that were sitting in the branches of Hemambuja Kunja
without making any sound, now upon Vånda Devi’s order start blissfully
chirping in order to wake up Çrí Çrí Yugala Kisora. (KB 1/24) At this time,
kadambas, karandäsa, ducks, swans, cranes and other water birds, and pairs of
kokil birds, pairs of parrots, pairs of peacocks, and all the other land and air
birds started chirping at the same time. Whole Govinda Sthali resounded with
their singing. (GL 1/14-20) Male bumble bees, being greedy for the honey of the
flowers, start buzzing upon fragrant lotus petals on the bed in Hemambuja
Kunja, as well as in blooming flowers of the creepers surrounding the Kunja.
Their buzzing represented the sound of auspicious conch of Kamadeva. Female
bumble bees that are maddened from drinking too much honey wine are
blooming in bliss, and their buzzing resounds as auspicious announcing jhajhas
(wompers). Flocks of male kokil birds are, like Kama Deva’s vina, singing in the
very sweet, loud, fifth tone, their voices resounding with repeated “Kuhu,
kuhu!” calls. Their wives, female kokil birds are sitting on the branches of
mango trees, and being maddened by Cupid, they are relishing soft, new mango
leaves, their clear throats, like Cupid’s wife’s vina, releasing indistinct sounds.
Pigeon, like Kamadeva’s King of the lions, is releasing sound that’s putting in
fear Gopis’ steadiness in following the dharma and deer of shyness, and their
inferior lion like man is making this King of lions angry, thus it is roaring, by
releasing it’s pigeon’s “Gutar-gun!” calls. Male & female peacocks, through their
“Ke-kä, ke-kä!” calls, are asking: “Who else but Kåñëa is able to destroy Çrí
Rädhä’s firm mountain of pride? And, who else but golden chain like Çrí Rädhä’s
is able to control Çrí Kåñëa’s elephant maddened by Cupid? It looks as if these
“Ke-kä, ke-kä!” inquiry calls of peacocks are their attempt to wake up Çrí Çrí
Yugal Sarkar. In the same way as brahmana boys, brahmacaris are distinctively
pronouncing short, long & repeated long syllables while chanting Vedic
20 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

mantras, all roosters together are loudly calling “Ku, Kuu, Kuu-Kuu!”
(KB 1/20-22) In this way, while shaking wings and rising up throat, one main
rooster was 4, 5 times loudly repeating its calls. This announcement of the
approaching morning caused great distress to Çrí Rädhä, waking Her up. As
rooster disturbed Her happiness while having Çrí Kåñëa’s Çrí Anga Sanga, getting
angry She cursed the rooster, saying: “You sinful roosters! Go to Yamapura hell,
right away! There you can keep repeating these distressful calls! There is no
place for such heart breaking lamentations, here in blissful (filled with great,
endless happiness) Våndavan! Thus, it will be auspicious that you die & go to
hell!” Saying this, Premamayi Çrí Rädhä, feeling anxiety because of the soon
approaching morning & still bit dizzy, turned to the other side, while resting on
Priyatama’s lap. Not hearing roosters anymore, She thought that because of Her
curse, they must have left to hell, and thus also Her anxiety regarding the soon
approach of the morning has gone. As Her mind regained tranquillity, She
embraced Prana Priyatama around His neck & fell asleep, again. (KB 1/23) After
little while, roosters and other birds started repeating their calls, and waking up
again, Çrí Rädhäraní started saying: “Sorry! Let Me experience some more
moments of happiness of sleep.” (GL 1/21) Still feeling sleepy after being
awoken by the birds, for some time both of Them are not revealing to each
other that They woke up, being worried that if They do, the other One will
wake up, too. Thus keeping Their eyes closed, They are pretending to sleep.

Manjubhasini sari’s Madhura-rasamayi warning, meant to wake up Çrí

Çrí RädhäKåñëa

(GL 1/22-24) Great expert in Çrí Çrí RädhäKåñëa’s Líla Vihar, Çrí
Rädhäraní’s dear female pet parrot named Manjubhasini, witness of all night
pastimes while sitting in its effulgent golden cage in Sayana Kunja, now at the
end of night, understanding indication of Vånda Devi, starts waking up Çrí
Kåñëa, first: “Oh Gokulabandho! Oh Rasasindu! All glories to You! Wake up,
now! Give up Your Moon like white bed and wake up Your tired lover Çrí
Rädhä. Oh Vrajanatha ! Look at the Sun that has no mercy upon Tarunis
(Gopis). It is rising upon Eastern mountain so quickly. Give up banks of
Yamuna and go to Your home. (KB 1/29, 30) Oh Supreme Kandarpa Vilasa
Pandita! Oh Gopijana Locanamrta (Nectar for Gopies’ eyes!) Oh Elephant that’s
swimming in waves of love of Pranapriya! Attracted by Your beauty, all the
worlds are calling You Rasasindu! Being absorbed in drinking the nectar of the
lotus lips of Pranapriyatama, You are sleeping, which is only natural not
Nisanta Lila
unnatural. But, the one that, in order to fulfil Your desires for loving pastimes,
was kñaëdä (giver of time) during night, now became kñaëdä (destroyer of the
time). Thus, quickly go back to Your home. (KB 1/31) Oh Lord! Give up sleep,
release the tight embrace of Preyasi, and go quickly back to Your home. Look,
morning has come. Be clever to conclude Your secret pastimes now, otherwise
everyone will get to know.” Now, Manjubhasini starts speaking to Çrí
Rädhäraní: “He Kamalamukhi (Lotus mouth one)! Being exhausted from the
vilasa, You are relishing sleep at the end of the night. Oh Sakhi! Look there how
the eastern wife that, similarly as Candravali when getting angry not being able
to tolerate Your happiness, is becoming red. Oh Kamaläkñi (Lotus eyed one)!
Oh Sakhi! The night has ended, the morning has come, Sun will arise soon, give
up your cooling bed, decorated with new/ fresh flower petals. (GL 1/36) Oh
Sakhi Radhe! Give up sleep, alert Your Priyatama, give up nikunja bed, give up
tiredness and go back to Your home. Intelligent person knows what’s to be done
at appropriate time. Thus, don’t give chance to people to blame You. (KK 1/3)
Oh Candravadane (Moon faced one)! Experiencing happiness of having
Vrajendranandana’s association, You are resting on His lap without anxiety,
being absorbed in deep sleep. Don’t stay more in this Kunja that’s filled with
intoxicated bumblebees. Are you not afraid of the chastisement of Your

Vicakñana suka’s Madhura-rasamayi warning to Çrí Kåñëa

(GL 1/27, KK 1/19- 22, 24, 27) Male parrot of the name Vicakñana that is
famous for his peaceful nature is deeply attached to Çrí Kåñëa and is present in
Hemambuja Kunja. In order to awake Çrí Kåñëa, he now starts his soft,
Madhura-rasamayi speech: “Oh Guëa Sindhu! Preyasi Pranabandhu! Oh giver of
the day light to the lotus flower like Vraja! Oh Sumeru mountain of 64 arts! All
glories to You. He Natha! What are You thinking of while sleeping at the end of
the night? You like nikunja bed so much that You don’t want to get up though
it’s time to do so? Look! Honey intoxicated youthful bumblebees are giving up
their sleep, leaving night flowers forest and going to day lotuses forest. Is there
anyone in this world who is so ignorant to still remain sleeping when the night
is ending? Look there at kumuda (night flower) and lotus flower forests. At the
same time, on one side kumuda is feeling sad upon leaving of its dearest Moon,
and on the other side lotuses are blissfully blooming upon arrival of their
dearest Sun. On one side separation from the dearest and on the other side
22 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

meeting with the dearest. How comes that such opposite moods are happening?
On one side great anxiety and on the other side completely blissful state. The
only cause for uprising of such opposite moods is time. Oh Vraja Dukha Näsak a
(Destroyer of sorrow of Vraja)! Oh Bhuvana Bandho (Friend of the three
worlds)! Oh Sat Guëa Räja Sindho (Kings Ocean of all the best qualities)!
Although nikunja bed is personification of bliss, still You should get up and go
to Your home. May all auspiciousness be with You. Oh Çyamäsundara! Look
how, respecting the rules of the time, Your pet peacock Tuëòavika is separating
from it’s wife, Çrí Rädhäraní’s pet peahen Tuëòikä, and sweetly calling “Ke-kä,
ke-kä” it is coming here to get Your darsan. Oh! Now, Tuëòikä Çrí Rädhäraní’s
pet peahen is also coming here to wake You up. Knowing the right time for his
service, shall any intelligent person give up that time? Oh Subhaga (Supremely
opulent one)! All glories to You! Humble obeisances to You! Look how the
rooster, seeing that You are still sleeping is getting afraid that as morning is
approaching everyone will get to know, is quickly, quickly calling while eagerly
rushing here to get Your darsan. Oh! Person that has knowledge about right
time for his action doesn’t waste time. (GL 1/30-32) Oh, Kamalanayana (Lotus
eyed one)! Look there! Eastern wife, becoming angry upon return of her
husband Suryadeva that has spent whole night with her rival, Western wife, is
now having red eyes. Or, her husband Suryadeva is coming back from the
foreign countries and bringing wealth, so to welcome him Eastern wife is
wearing red sky as her red sari and out of shyness, she is covering her head with
ghuìghaö. Because, for the chaste lady to loose her shyness it’s more dangerous
than death. Or, give up Kunja bed and fo to Your home. Oh, Kamalanayana!
Lotus flowers are opening now upon Sun rise, but why are Your lotus eyes still
remaining closed? Oh Kåñëa! Look here how being afraid of Suryadeva night
lady lover is taking her friends naksatras and running away to her husband
Candradeva. Take Your Priyatama Çrí Rädhäraní and go to the Yamuna banks.
Oh Kåñëa! Look there how Suryadeva is rising upon Eastern mountain. Female
cakravaka bird is with one of it’s eyes seeing red net of the sun rays on the East
and with the other eye it’s husband male cakravaka that has gone far away
following the Moon (It’s described in the sastra that pairs of cakravaka birds,
known to be Moon lovers, remain separated during night and then meet again
during day.) Blind owl being afraid of the craw is hiding in the tree hole. Or,
You should quickly give up Your sleep and go home.”
Nisanta Lila
Suksmadhi sarika’s Madhura-rasamayi warning to Çrí Rädhäraní

(GL 1/33-36) This female parrot isreceiver of Çrí Rädhäraní’s love & is
maddened by pure love for Her, trained by Vrnda, learned all knowledge by
heart, is wearing it as jewelled necklaces around it’s neck, now starts speaking
in order to wake up Çrí Rädhäraní. Mistabhasini (Sweelyt speaking one) and
with heart standing on end out of Prema for Çrí Rädhäraní. Sarika (female
parrot) named ‘Suksmadhi’, begins dance of her speech on the stage of her
tongue, saying: “Oh, Sri Krsna preyasi, Çrí Rädhike! Quickly go to Your home
before the public starts coming & going by all the Vraja roads. Oh, Sumukhi!
Look how the Sun is quickly raising upon the Eastern mountain, or give up the
sleep & go to your home. (KK 1/4-11) Is it all right to sleep in Kunja forgetting
the family rules? Oh Radhe! Give up intoxication of Your loving pastimes and
quickly get up. Look, night has ended. Now, think of returning to Your home,
so that You don’t create hardships for your relatives. Oh, Vilasini! Following
Your lotus feet, East directions has accepted the dark red colour. At the end of
it’s separation from her dearest husband, female cakravaka bird is now
experiencing happiness in his association. Look there how Moon, who is so
much desiring but failing to have the darsan of Your lotus like face, now wants
to give up it’s body. It has reached the top of the Western mountain and is ready
to jump from there. Who can save/ protect it now? Oh, Sudante! (one that have
beautiful teeth) Maddened by playing in the lap of kumudini (night lotuses/
lilies) flowers, bumblebees are now getting restless and are going towards
blooming kamalini (day lotuses). The time is now the cause of distress of the
kumudini & happiness of kamalini. Oh Sumukhi, those Sakhis that yesterday
during Pradosha time brought You to the darkness of the KeliKunja, these dear
Sakhis of Yours are now mildly, sweetly smiling in Supreme bliss and leaving
Their own nikunjas and coming to meet You. Oh Sumukhi, give up the sleep,
open Your eyes & see the moon faces of these Sakhis. Look!! During Your
Intimate loving pastimes Your decorations fell off, Your make-up got smeared
off & Your body got extremely “pressed”/(mardit) & tired. This is why Your
Sakhis are approaching now, ready to serve You. As the morning is
approaching, only very few stars are remaining in the sky, flowers of the
saphalika/harsimha tree are falling to the ground & Your flower garlands are
scattered around. All three of you- the sky, the saphalika tree & You, were in
the same condition in the evening & are in the same condition, now, as the
moring is approaching. In the evening, all tree of you were nicely decorated,
24 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

and now, with approach of the morning, all three of you became bereft of your
decorations: sky of it’s starts, saphalika/ harsimha tree of it’s flowers & You of
Your flower garlands. Although all three of you were in the same condition in
the evening & now with approach of the morning, the beauty of the sky &
saphalika/harsimha tree without their starts & flowers has been diminished, but
Your beauty has only been increased. The same way as pearls from Your broken
pearl necklace has been scattered around, also different constellations of the
stars have disappeared from the night sky, just few being still present. With
approach of the morning, Arundati star got up. But, feeling extremely shy upon
seeing You still laying in bed by Krsna’s side, she is hiding her face in the lap of
her husband Vasista Muni, there within the assembly of Seven Rishes
constalation. Oh, Candramukhi, beautiful doe Rangini that You brought up is
coming to You. Please bless her, by bestowing Your merciful sidelong glance
upon her. Expressing Your affection towards her, reciprocate to her love. Oh,
Sri Krsna Kante! Nature of doe is unsteadiness, but she is coming to You from
far away, thinking Your reddish lotus feet to be relishable new, soft, reddish leaf
sprouts. And, as Your Sakhis are approaching, now, they are chasing her away.
Oh, Sasimukhi! She is always eager for Your remnants, and is in bliss when
drinking Your caranamrta. But, You don’t even look at her, which makes her
very sad. Please glance upon her & revive her, again. Oh, Radhe! Look there!
Endlessly playful Sri Hari is looking at her sincere love-filled eyes, then at Your
doe like eyes, comparing them.

Daksa suka’s Vatsalya-rasamayi warning to Krsna

(GL 1. 41-44) Being present in Hemambuja Kunja during whole night,

Daksa suka is witness of night loving pastimes that take place there. He is
teacher of hundreds & hundreds thousands of parrots. He is very learned &
great expert in writing & singing about Krsna Lila. As he experiences bliss of
Krsnaprema, his feathers are standing on end. Thus, he is flapping his wings, as
he starts awakening Krsna: “Oh, Dasis! Child Krsna is sleeping, being very tired
from frolicking in the forests. Thus, churn the yogurt quietly! Oh, Krsna!
Quickly get up & go to Your room, before Moher Yasoda starts thus addressing
the Dasis, prior to entering Your room to wake You up. Oh, Govinda! Eager to
have Your darsan, Klindi & other of Your cows are standing with theirears
uprisen, their eyes searching for You, they are not even giving milk to their
calves. Please, grant them Your darsan. after completing her morning duties,
Nisanta Lila
Purnamasi Devi, along with Your Mother, comes to Your sleeping room to have
Your darsan. Quickly go back to Your room before they reach there. (KK 1.23)
Oh, Syamasundara! Your Mother is having no doubt that at the end of the night
You are blissfully sleeping in Your room. Now, as it’s time for You to wake up,
she will personally come to Your room. It seems that Vatsalya Prema is sending
her to wake You up. You know what is to be done at what appropriate time, You
are Destroyer of distress, Friend of Vraja Bhumi & Ocean of All Good Qualities.
Although, this Nikunja bad is personification of Bliss, give it up & go back to
Your room. Be blessed & get up. (KB 1.32) Oh, Brajajanananda! Oh,Cit Dugdha
Singh Sudhakara! Oh, Deva! Oh, Brajesvari Punyalata ke Kusum! Go back to
Your room & give happiness to Your friends. If Nanda Maharaja, whose mind is
very attached to You, will now come here, it will be very dangerous/
precarious.” (KK 1.28 & 29) In this way, Sri Radharani woke up, her happiness
of sleep being interrupted by parrots’ endlessly nectarious, ears pleasing speech.
Then, being still dizzy & sleepy, Sri Krsna woke up. Both woke up at the same
time, opened Their eyes & started casting wonderful restless glances towards
each other. Due to still feeling sleepy, Their eyes kept closing. This created
obstacle in having each others darsan & thus distress for both of Them, while
They endeavoured to keep Their eyes open. (GL 1/ 45, 51) Hearing Daksa’s
vatsalya-rasamayi awakening, Syamasundar immediately woke up. Aiming to go
back to His home & He started freeing Himself from the embrace of the Love of
His Life, Sri Radharani, but instantly He became overwhelmed with feelings of
imminent separation. He then took Sri Radharani on His lap & as cakora bird
looks at the Moon with it’s thirsty eyes, He started drinking the beauty of Her
Sri Anga with His lotus eyes.

Awakening of SriSri RadhaKrsna and Their relishing of each others

beauty; Carrying dresses & jewellery, Manjaris enter the Kunja and after
understanding Sri Yugal’s desire for further intimate loving pastimes/ games,
they leave the Kunja

(KB 1/36-38) Oh! It’s not possible to describe the beauty of Sri Yugal at
this time. Resounding of Their jewelled ankle bells, bangles (thin & thick ones),
etc. jewellery is mind-stealing. Beauty of Their blue & golden Sri Angas is
increasing/ ever-increasing. Their flower garlands are entwined with Their curly
hair. Jewel necklaces & flower garlands are decorating Their chests. Their
makara earrings are entangled with Their ring-earrings, thus hanging up-side-
down, their glimmer adding to the glow of Their lotus faces. As Their clothes &
26 Sri Sri Gaura Govinda Lilamrta Gutika (Supreme Edition)

jewellery is scattered around, They are searching for them with Their lotus
palms, while sitting on the bed, still feeling sleepy & struggling to keep Their
eyes open.

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