Licensure Examination For Teachers Sociology

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1. The adoption of scientific techniques to control and manipulate environment such as modem
methods for farming and fishing is called

A. social change

B. cultural change

C. technological change

D. discovery change

2. Heavily sanctioned folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral laws are

A. beliefs

B. mores

C. customs

D. tradition

3. What is that inevitable force in history which takes place from time to time?

A. change

B. progress

C. development

D. evolution
4. Nora Aunor became a legend in the showbusiness because of her talent, determination and hard
work. What role does this illustrate?

A. achieved role

B. ascribed role

C. hereditary role

D. temporary role

5. Pinning veil around the bride and the groom / exchange of rings, releasing of doves, etc. during
wedding ceremony show that culture

A. symbolic

B. historical

C. continuous

D. changeless

6. Aling Maria has taught her daughter how to prepare good and delicious desserts from local fruits
and vegetables. What cultural transmission process is this?

A. observation

B. acculturation

C. enculturation

D. indoctrination

7. Mr. Francisco was teaching something on mores, folkways, customs and beliefs in his Social Studies
class. What was his lesson about?

A. material culture

C. tangible culture

B. non-material culture

D. hereditary culture
8. It was the first day of school . Miss Dale Rosa prepared activities which will make her Grade III
children sing, play, talk, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the teacher

A. enculturation

B. indoctrination

C. socialization

D. acculturation

9. Mildred, an accountant, who now lives with a married man was disowned by her family and friends.
This punishment is a form of _____________.

A. isolation

B. ostracism

C. deportation

D. character assassination

10.When a certain culture is acceptable to one group and questionable to others, it shows that:

A. culture is borrowed

B. culture is varied

C. culture is a shared product

D. culture is relative

11. The teaching and learning of religion and values mostly make use of

A. enculturation

B. culturation

C. indoctrination

D. acculturation
12. Which of the following situations presents a value conflict?

A. The teacher pressures the student to get higher grades.

B. The teacher and his students have better class standing as their priorities.

C. The teacher and the administrator follow a set of criteria in giving grades

D. The teacher has students whose parents want their children to obtain higher grades than what they
are capable of getting.

13. Miss Santiago is a stickler for cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom. For this, she asks her
students to

A. do the same even when they're at home

B. remove their shoes in entering the classroom.

C. formulate norms and remind them often to follow these norms.

D. bring cleaning materials and clean the room before, during, and after classes

14. Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood is exemplified?

A. When Miss Aguas asked her Grade II students in what country they wish to live, most of them chose

B. The class was asked which brand of chocolate they would rather have, no one chose "chocnut."

C. There is a class program. The girls volunteered to do a "balagtasan'

D. The boys opted to make a choral rendition of the theme song of the movie "Titanic."

15. Which statement best indicates a balance between responsibility and authority? Miss Soriano has
just provided a group activity to her class. While the class is at it, she says...

A. You can talk as much as you want.

B. You are forbidden to talk with each other.

C. I'll send you out of the room if you so much create noise.

D. You can talk provided you finish the work on time and do not disturb the other group
16. Which of the following behaviors bespeaks of a professional teacher?

A. Speaks ill of the Filipino ways

B. Advocates the theme of nationhood

C. Imparts his personal beliefs and ideology

D. Seeks the cooperation of the parents for her own interests

17. Which situation shows a desirable relationship between teachers and other groups of people?

A. Mrs. Magsino, a newly-assigned principal to Barangay San Andres, calls on the barangay chairman.

B. The new teacher was requested to help the barangay council in a case involving one of his students.
He declined.

C. Mr. Tiglao feels that the barangay council is against his plans; so, he does not consult the council even
if there is a need for it.

D. The principal does her own way of campaigning for cleanliness in and outside the school; she never
gets involved with the same campaign of the barangay officials.

18. If you were Mrs. Norman, which action would you take to show a balance between balance and

A. Give them more free time during the camping period.

B. See to it that the older boy scouts take charge of the safety of the group

C. Let the boy scouts do the scheduled activities during the camping while he had a drinking spree with
the other scout masters.

D. Prepare structured activities that allow independent work among the boy scout groups and rate
them according to the agreed criteria.
19-20. Which two characteristics of eastern philosophies might have influenced Philippine education?

A. Focus on the individual.

B. The group is above self.

C. Knowledge comes about through meditation.

D. Man's way of life must be characterized by harmony.

21. Which situation shows that action is legal but not moral? Public official, entitled to specific
privileges from the government

A. Takes the most economical fare in going about his duties.

B. Does his job without getting favors from the client he serves.

C. Reverts back to the public coffers the 10% commission due him.

D. Buys the latest and the most expensive car model for his department.

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